II if Prince kuptit Loily News Friday, January 22, 1954 Winners of Little Leaaue Basehall yienans or Burns at ch Dinner ... ,,r i he First Presby- --un Championship . - , Feted by League Heads The ma 2 nit tide of fJMIe League Association's annual ! whn i ,..!.. .. League baseball and the resDon- IU LllUUbC W siblllty of a Prince Rupert lurch banquet in the le.ion Hall. cdve befoVta leaves " ZvahT held 10 honor viewing last yeas oroe-5M?Jard "Z? Wlnncrs of rcss Mr WilUamson said it w! TZZX1 1'V'" Lhe of this city who forlel , .,t bard last nigni RECORD SALE nurns dinner, aw league, should affiliation with the International association be granted, was stressed last night at the Prince Rupert Little . viti. uouc u 1 1 l.l if IT" ngraniii nrtM anu elders. Challenge of hundreds of v alwut 175 people, in 'U lull. , uf Hi'' liiie,fls and (1 so)11.s and toasts ,., pruKram, lor wliieh PERSONALS The Rt. Rev. H n Watt jS , ., Him, rruM Bishop of Caledonia, left last A Wright was t-nair- IMbertson piped In 4 carried by Captain viwd. and Jack Frijw .nidicss to .the haggis, .leal pros ram Included W. D .Smith, singing Robbie Burns," Mrs. inrr "o Whistle and night aboard the George for Vancouver where he will attend a meeting of the House of Bishops (all bishops of the ecclesiastical province of , British Columbia), a meetlnz of the by league officials and an outline of the first year's progress given by former president Art Williamson. Mr. Williamson extended congratulations to the Hawks and their coach Maurice Scott. Hawks beat out the Moose in the playoffs in two straight games. Also congratulated were the second-place Moose and their coach Doug Wood. Official Little League baseball Is a big thing, Mr. Williamson told the boys. "It doesn't mean just Prince Rupert, or even British Columbia or Canada," he said,, "it takes in the United States, Honolulu, Panama, Cuba and Costa Rica." "If you win your city playoffs, and your coach and the Little League executive think you are good enough you might be sent to Prince George, to Vancouver or even California," he said. "Some future Prince Rupert Little Leairue tram Anglican Theological Collegj and other sessions. He alio Ye Me Lad, and T.u plans to visit . Kltlmat before returning home In about two "Coni- .rcirope siiiRlng weeks' time. h the Rye." ij-s piaying unorganized but enthusiastic baseball on empty lots, front lawns and school grounds resulted in a meeting being held of parents and Interested citizens late In June Officers were elected and despite a complete lack of funds the group went ahead. Within a matter of days, he said, 200 boys had registered end six teams, each with a manager and coach were formed Willi a 15-game schedule drawn jp. Volunteer work parties improved Algoma Park and with donations of lumber, materials, time and effort the boys began piay July 8. Attendance at each game averaged well over 100 and a gate of more than $20 was realized per game. Gate receipts and donations by local firms and Individuals covered initial purchase of equipment. At the end of the season the league had a balance of close to $300, Mr Williamson said. Serving the boys and attending the banquet were newly-re-elected secretary-treasurer Jack Martin; Alec Slater, Maurice Scott. John Rosedale, Benn-Wlndle, Johnny Weston and Frank Hicks. ' Mrs. Alex Half and hr W M lavior Kitve. :tal Mamory" address Conrad toasted the h Mrs N. Moorehouse Jack Mi'Rae propos-st "to lloimie Scot- daughter, Miss Delia Halg, also left last night aboard the Prince George to Join Mr. Haig In Vancouver, from where thpv will ENDS SATURDAY HUGE SELECTION AT HALF PRICE HUNDREDS OF NEW TITLES HAVE BEEN ADDED! O CLASSICAL O SEAAI CLASSICAL O POPULAR O WESTERN - 45 s - 78 s - L P.'s - See You at McRAE'S HALF-PRICE RECORD SALE! LAURIAN ROSS . travel to Kelowna.: Mr. Halg, lemon harvesting lormer manager of the Unemployment Insurance ' Commission here, has been transferred to Kelowna, where he will start his duties Monday.-. ; - Mr. C. J.! ijeeth ' ; VlljoKoti-v Oversize Lemons Grown In Home, Make Good Pies might even end up at William ;-port, Pennsylvania playing In the Little League World Series." . To do this, Mr. Williamson stressed that the boys must be gOOd enough, learn hnnr tn Kr.. Tip was piano uecom-the event, which uulh the whole com-'Sweet. Afton;" on" and "Auld Lang ur as served by ,f the Presbyterian v.i'h Mrs. W. White , liliam Bremner con- have and to obey their coaches. Addressing the 13 and 14-year-old boys who played last LHI Kilt mtIII 4-..1..i-1 . , I Apartments, afco his gone soutfo on a two-week .combined busU t.ess and holiday .trip to Vancouver. -, - ..." .. . . ; Several officials of the Canadian Fishing Company travelled south last night aboard the George. T.; K. Milne, . director, and C. E. Salter mini f j-,.- wuv mu uc juragiuie mis year due to the 8-12 year-age limit, he said formation of Pony league would be up to thei. "You will have a tough time," he said, "It Will be a renotitinn Social to The Dally New VANCOUVER. Grow mushrooms In your basement? Raise frogs In the cellar? Then here's a new one for you . . , grow giant, economy-size lemons on your windowsill. That's what Laurtun Ross, of this city, and her husband Donald did, and after about three years they began harvesting a small crop of oversize fruit, each weighing i n average of a pound und a half. . Mr. -.'ess is a cook In the Canadian Pacific Railway's illii-IliK car service, and trjivi.lt w., ciders cause before he scrambled off tc parlay one lemon Into th'ec pics, he passed on his own pecial recipe for lemon pie filling. Mr, Ross said that, under ordinary circumstances, he would take for Ingredients two lemons. 34 cup of sugar, one egg, and cornstarch or custard powder for thickening the mlxure. He would juice the lemons, und In one cup of water he r.oud place juice and skins and bring to a boil. In another receptacle l.e would place the sugar and egg with some cold water, and he Oceanslde Canneries here, re tn,t dr of last year when bov Dlavinu Saturday, (l'J) turned south after a brief business trip here, as did T. Van Snelienbere. in ch rr"f fit pnn. baseball finally pestered their fathers and other men into the formation of the Little League. TO r.FT urntm - X .., Irallllllllllll struction and maintenance. irele taking salt-, i at CJordon & U8) l '.Medals will be nresentpd tn , Harold H. Thorn, manager of Atlin FisherlpH - ornl unrmnn ,air ciiiiiinui-s, with J .ty .S MM 7 li5-'5cf-i. I I I I n. us. till Saturday. I the members of the Hawks team when thev arrive. Mum-ii-r would stir until the mixture be- ChrLstensen ikn ni runi.n tween Vancouver and Winnipeg. The Rule's planted a lemon .r ;r in an olti llower Dot nhr.nr 1U M.-itae's Came even. Hp WftlllH 1-nmnvailrkhi.Hae ir . Scott will be in charge of their QistriDuiion. Ronnie Brydges, ' hi.-t .und n.uice Fri- years ago. -and althouah - . . ... , . ... . ( ltf ,lm ouHukte wnere the lemon skins from the boll- I they will attend ' the Interna-lng pot and add the second tlonal Halibuti Commission mixture, and thicken with fh?i meeting next week. prefers) custard powder, ol- j . though cornstarch could be , Fred Riley of the Powell River , , Company was another passen- He . , SUEttCSlS tWO rtJI 1'h 'n!1!,.. i j i-. . Whist. 8 o'clock; neither will admit to a "green Mu it- by Mike Co- thumb," they tended the plant r.c nvi.'uiw. '18' j carefully, until it became neces-, sary to transfer. It to a larger s-rs U.-a! U F.A.W.U. j planter. ' . , Annual Meeting J.m. 24. at 7:30; After about three warn, ilm tate0' tr,rtar, ing south aftea brief buX4 Mi tropole Hall and their labors uhiih ccrs-l'.ial agree- high 1 191 l-were nt'KllL'ible biri fruit- a Mimnle nf the latut .v.ti. ST. JOHN V AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION Wednesday, Jan. 27 8 p.m. CITY HALL Terrace Church of England Holds Annual Vestry Meeting mm . ' ......... .iU(,, WillviA al Kuntmi ru-h- Mr. Ross exhibited here recent-.il wit!ti m.bc ly, 'consisted of six out-size .iy. Jn 'S3, at (00 It mons, one of which he salt! M'-tmpole Hall to would make filling for three pf.-e'i amendments : Die. ry Krruhttoris '-in i Ana. Tins is lm-"U. . Ill) Kir. Kbss is a ctxJk wlio 1;no-v.-his onions, but he knows his It mon pies. too. apparently, be- TERRACE Church officers! who came as a missionary In for 1954 were appointed at the j 1873 to MetlakatJa and establish-, annual meeting of St. MnUhew's : ed .the fir-Nt, mission , to the REDUCED IN . PRICE Now you con buy luxury carpets at money-saving prices. EVERYTHING'S RIGHT WITH WUNDA WEVE COLOR . . . TEXTURE . . . PRICE I Anglican church here with Rev. i Hiudas ai Massctt. tir -- ..n ... .... ...!.. i Soup Kales As Best Buy "They're Washable" Now Only $Q.95 Yard 0vm --,-. If you would like a 1 I a Aa I Guarai.tcrjd not shrink nn BtSTOF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT ORDERS MuuiAiiun Just call us we'll be glad to bring "samples to your home and give a cost estimate of your requirements. , ivi. ty. vuiiiieu in nie enair. ; C. Dale was chosen ret)r'f j warden fhdF R. M.'Cory people "i : warden. 'Others named were; i lay representative. C. J. Norrlng-jton: substitute, R.. M. Cory; vestry clerk. Mrs. C. Newhbuser; j sidesmen. W. Taylor. Don Colll-l son. D. MacDougiUl, C. Raabe. L. Pruden, F. Stewart, L. Fitz-j-rRld. W. Matthews, Mrs: W. 'Ross Thompson and Ms; O. J Hnnilin; women's auxiliary representative, Miss E. Head. : : ; Mr. O'Connell thanked church members for their faithful ser-vlce during recent difficult years, and said they were now ; - tnrr the results of their faithfulness. ., ! He noted that- Don Colllson, new sidesman, Ls a grandson of Horton Stars On Ford Theatre K.dwiird Everett Horton will b- matter how manjr times they are washed. That's your assurance when you bur; Harvey-Woods Kroy wool hose. They're reinforced throughout with nylon to give extra long wear. See our wonderful new range. Hand some colours; distinctive patterns and plains. la naif hose and anklets. T. M. Ket d. Phone 200 ' Broadway Cafe laaaLHsHaiaHHskrisBV You Name It We Ship It! Complete shipping service eommrrciul or household for Iwal or world-wide deliveries. I.OC.U. OR 1.0NO HSTAMK MOVING i .RTAfiK And STORAfiK Piione 9 I.TI. LINDSAY'S "Leave it to Undsnys" r r i '. yx wis ) YOU NEED FEWEI THIK6S HERE... KR0Y WOOL H0?E Waffs &Nicker$on Men's Wear i th homm-ker who buys fanned tonM for nav erf .r""31' "'" ad In the New Year. a"eo,,dr.V, . "M " "h1 ri'xonMm prtc UI it en DINING PLEASURE lirard as a movie prtduc-r In , "On an Island With You." the Ford Theatre program at '8:30 tonight on CFPR. Horton plays the role of Oliver I'Uekley, a Hollywood producer. und Polly Bergeu Is cast In the j feminine lend aj acttress Rosa- Und Reynolds. WKENYC3 HAVE THIS... I Cam I W rnmM k . 1. chowder - k ? !uncn- to teamir.- ' war.. , Rrl"''d ch"cs "liclet. Cold niM? in 'i'rri ,om ais. ami .rr n. SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS , une-grupe "'"'' '"K" tiw are I hZ 8""p "'PP'". There's this mi'?h ro be 'aid for Burns' Niell.! We never heard of one that failed. And hoot, mon, how soon? j Commodore Cafe MiEn.(DnniEms .njiiiPi iirio. , l"m M- Mil i. mo bwl; trnn onion in pan. four in souns; blend well, atlr la the water Simmer a few minutes to blend flavor. Add beat to tba onp mixture Just befoia aerfin and heat all logetaer. Make 4 eilnga SOVF SCOOPS Combine Spaghetti With Drtea Beef: Plan supper around cans of Pp.heui on the nlcht when your family aeema "hollow to the toe " With the epashetti. mil dried beef nd Rreen besna That's elegant eatlnf Flrat cook 2iunres of sliced dried beef in I tablespoon .horteit-m-c In a skillet, cook slightly. Jusl until edata curl Stir in I ean of apashettl in tomato sauce, add I cup drained cooked green beans (unsaltedl snd I imihi U'ne. AUTOMATIC DRYER Vru need fewer clothes with a Bendix Dryer be TWO .re r. hr""d " cr. 5a B"e' Soup cause clothes dry fa.iter. Clothes itst longer too, because Bendi-t is the only Dryer with safe low ter. pcrature dryinj;. """'a rup, "'fi.lpn.Prt . Ktal.t , I . ' " ''"'or. x.un FOR t yean eld S years old 4 years old 3 year old YE Arislocral Anniversary ViKOonl Mekhers Special Reserve GIN London Club London Dry COME IN NOW! IAST TERM5! LIBER A I AUOWANCESI r-Meishiia .au Hfat well This ' iili t "I in a "o al,r " "d hrowi, "Utnino k Only ni.,a I nervines, you'll probablr aul lu doubla IL ONE SALE OF LADIES $3200 $17.00 Down Monthly mm on melctiers ANGLICAN CHURCH SHOES - Large selection of styles, colors ond sizes. All ot populor prices.' BE SURE TO SHOP EARLY FASHION FOOTWEAR nir Young People '""'"I "l Hie Parish ll. 7 l m. JJRDAY, JANUARY 23rd ' ''K'Tl Itts AND CAAIES "THE STORE THAT SERVICE BUILT" AAcRAE BROS LIMITED V Phone 6 or 36 this advertisement is not published or displayed by Mie Liquor Control Board or by the Govemm-snt of British Columbia. '