TODAY TO SATURDAY I Slory Sensitively Toltf! Tender h I tom..Ji b tocjjstl Jg. Gen. Eisenhower Completes First Year As President Free of Personal Abuse ' By JAVrS MARLOW i cut of bed one morning this j I ever come to let myself in for j i WASHINGTON When ! week and looked in the mirror, I this?" i Fresldent Eisenhower hopped j he may have thought: "How did I He had moved into the White ( ".House one-year ago. na u jmu been a tough, grinding year. I !The face which gazed back oti ! him in the mirror looked a little j North Pacific Fisheries Meet ciprot. A Maaogl atAVHI IHSAIil FPV SHORT Sl'WKCTS older. Not much. Just a utile. I Shows at 7-9:10 Sot. Mat 2 p.m. "Impact Of Tragedy" ' Much Ado About Nothing -J Today and Saturday KVKNINC.S MATINKK 8ATIRUAY But if he wondered why he had been willing to carry on his back that mountain called the presidency. It was probably a thought that lasted only an instant. He was still as jaunty as ever, working harder and longer hours, perhaps, than any he had endured since those days on the eve of the invasion of Nor-many, 10 years ago. He seemed. Judging from the Scheduled Soon OTTAWA (CP) Stewart Bates, e'eputy fisheries minister, will hedd a nine-man Canadian delegation to the i.rst meeting of the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission to be held in Washington Feb. 1. The commission has been set un bv Japan, the United States M-G-M' GIGANTIC ADVENTURE I THRILLS IN TECHNICOLOR I ,r) i-onnHa tn i-nntrn f sliinn i au ck grin ne couia proauce, uu mOTHERSM r I 654 WERE VALIANT t . tpat stwiniii iiMr m.'VJimtMr vevw . -w-. - .-v.... .. . eff the northwestern ,-Jiore of j be enjoying his Job. He was North Am nm j still enormously popular. And he amazingly free from in anixununglne delegation.; the external affairs department ., Phonal lOl'GHfcMNG ''. ATTITl .-,.-today Dfi said the Washington , He was wuser no doubt than meeUng will consider organiza-! research and he had been hat day a year tion, fish program A ROM N TRAFFIC POLICEMAN looks over the room full of seasonal gifts he and his fellow officers have received this year. In accordance with an old custom, traffic cops are deluged with presents from motorists, who deposit them on traffic islands on each Epiphany Day (January 6.. Cakes, candy, bottles of wine, and other items are collected, then distributed to members of the force throughout the city. KS GRANGER BLYTH ,hunn nf, ' l -Wong mmUm wl?h Mr Bates, other 'ice. He doesn't claim political Canadian members of the com- j mastery now. His handling of Congress this n, ,m w 11 attend They are: '"lolV . f. anrt r o. year will Illustrate his 'political the Prince Kupert Uclv f , Friday, January 22, 1954 TOTEM puis "THIS IS LIVING" "AQUA CHAMPS" CARTOON 8S psi rjoitsi paid let empties. Plcm luvt than, raady when the driver calls. Early Birds REGINA (CP) Flfleen-ytar-old Sandra West has been first in line for bicycle licences here lack of It. Last : Haser both 'of Vancouver, and development, or MMOl'H lHY.-.RS THHla James Camen n ot t-enaer nui-i "", i Inn ai.trlisamans nol publnnrd or displayed by (he Lie)uo Contiol Board or by the Government 1 British Columbia 7 ! bor, B.C I Willi Ulc mwuicirvci a. outsit critics said he was more anxious to be liked than to lead. for the last three years. This yidr her Msler. Sue, obtained he s-"::ii lkenrs issued. And her grandmother was tlic first applicant or a dog licence. BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE His friends gave another ex U.F.A.W.U. DANCE 5 WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE Try Daily News Classif ied By EASCEY BLACKWOOD in the planation: He was using 1953 to net his program ready for 1954. so there was no reason in 1953 to antagonize legislators whose help he might otherwise get for his program this year. Toward the end of his first year, Eisenhower gave signs of q tviirrVtiriinff nttitnrip whirh He Talks, but Doesn't I'lay, Expert Game The reason Mr. New is usually a kibitzer is that MEN'S, WOMEN'S, GIRLS' BOYS' and DRAPERY, Etc. DANCE may be an indication of theig sounds like au expert but doesn't play like. onu. mood he'll use In 1954. . j q game put when ! Legion Auditorium on FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 Dancing 10-2 Admission $1.00 Music by the ROCKY MOUNTAIN BOYS he is in there, he doesn't recognize the need for plays which are exceptions to the general rules. Clearance Sale Now On All Departments Korean Finds 'I Studying s! Tougher Here Elks Home South dealer Both sides vulnerable N. prlh ( lr. rliinepin' ) S- 5 3 H-A J 8 3 D Q 10 2 C W 4 2 Wt K-( 1 ! VANCOUVER (CP) Kun Pak. 127-year-old South Korean Navy . l..r.. ta .,.nK n,,rrKnr Friday, Jan. 22 For example, he knows some- ,-thing about hold-up plays---1 cucking the first lead of a suit i to gain some kind of an advantage. In this particular; hand, duckins the first lead was a distinct disadvantage. Mr. Masters' opening lead was the six of hearts nd Mr. N?i( lost no time playing the trey from the board. If the lead were from a holding headed by king-10 or quren-10, Mr. Dale would ' win the first heart trick but then dummy's remaining hearts would botllc up the suit vevy i veieraii, iiuuA ji. iriui is iuug.ivi : WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE ;rvrni.uii.i""i"M.'iiiuinmivnn.a l always Insist on.. - inula j 7 t 4 (Mr. MiitsT) (Mr. 8 10 9 2 S-K HJ 10 7 5 H -K QUICFREZ 10 p.m. 2 a.m. $1 .00 per person I A 6 D 8 7 3 C J 10 8 7 5 tC 8 8 ! stuoying at me university oi British Columbia than at Seoul i University. ! Kun recently arrived here to ; study for his master's degree In political science. His entry into lanada was sponsored by Bill Boss, Canadian Press correspond South . (Mr. Sw) 8 A J 4 Color Hormony Refrigerators Unescorted ladies admitted free until 11 o'clock. r See the color ... see it' fj s !n D K J 9 5 4 :at . r O A-K 9- " The bidding: MUSIC BY C THE WESTERNAIRESf j satisfactorily. ; j Good reasoning, hut not ap-; ent now stationed in Moscow, and Reginald Bbwering of Vtc- features ... see the vain' I . . you'll be convince: I that there's a nl I mm CaUSt torli1, . . ! lion. What about the other S6uth Wtit 1 D Pass 2 li Pu.6 2 NT Pttss j yEVERYONlEl 1 it 2 D 3 NT two nours a aay was coiisiu c.iilK') f?npelficolv. what, about your kitchen for 8c I Alt puis Modern Quicfrcz. 9 cu. ft. Model frozen green peas ; CIVIC CENTRE SCHOOL OF DANCING - ered hard study at Seoul Unlver- the spade suit? Mr. Dale won ity." said Kun Who won n degree ! ,hc nrst trick wltn the king 0f In philosophy there before being nearl.s and promptly shifted to drafted into the Korean Navy. ft low spacie. From there on Mr. "They expect much work V-tre. ncw had no chance for his con- The professors are hard drivers, tiaet. j but that's what I need." ' ' ' j His ace of spiuje8 was knocked j Hhouh he speaks English out while Mr. Masters still had surprisingly well, the language, the ace of diamonds for an $269.00 ' a ; Vj , .sr., ' : 1; tJC5?.fi.t j Mr. B. TAFT INSTRUCTOR Is worrying him somewhat. 1 1 entrv and the defenders too,c GORDON & ANDERSON 1 It's WOOL for warm and durable TAP, BALLET and BALLROOM Phone 107 or 231 Phone 46 three spades, a neart ana a tiamond. . ; Correct play in this case wss to win . the first trick w'th the see of hearts and shift to .1 diamond, continuing that suit until the ace was knocked out. At that point it would be ex don't always understand what my professors are saying." Kun says' there is great need for young politicians in his coun'ry. "Syngman Rhee is an excellent practical-politician, but he now is 78 and there must be someone to continue when he dies." CAKPETS B GENERAL ELECTRIC FOR LIVINGROOM and BEDROOM AXMINSTER MATS, $8.95 and $10.95 27 x 51 Inches $9-25 APPLIANCES tremely unlikely" that the de-lenders could run off four heart j tricks which they would have to do to beat the hand. When considering holding up: In a suit, it pays to check your! whole hand to make sure that i 11 switch to a new suit will not prove more embarrassing than i the play of the suit opened. ;j Trapper Dies At Burns Lake Spr-rlul to TI10 Dully News ' BURNS LAKE An elderly I trapper. Ralph Carter, died in i the Loval Hospital here. 1 Formerly of Binta Lake, he cume to Burns Lake from Chilll- : wack where he was in the elec- , trical supply business. i There arc no known relatives. ' :f ., v FAMOUS SMYRNAS ' Keversible, 25 x 18 inches ... FOR HALLWAYS SISAL RUNNER IRONS Conoda Packers presents TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA pop coitveri n NAN MERRIMAN MEZZO-SOMANO tonijht CFPR - 7:30 F-80 FEATHERWEIGHT $2-60 easy cleaniiiR, 28" wldci Hard wearing, IVr Yard F-90 DRY or STEAM $24 9S . ROILING WATER AIL WOOL AXMINSTER $A.75 Iteautii'ul floral patterns. 27" wide. Per Yd. KETTLES j no time $1450 VVKNalY NAMKU 1 Tlie ox of the far north ! Is not an ox, but a member of the sheep family. ci rsrso oni icucdc O FOR ENTRANCES' TWIN BRUSH-Makej floor$$ A A .50 shininq and briqht sT MATS 18x27 inches TOASTERS T-19 OVEN TYPE $9 5 T-12 STANDARD , $9-95 T-22 TWO-SLICE $14.50 T-30 AUTOMATIC $29 50 CLEANERS y TANK TYPE VACUUM, ly.JV with attachments .. .... MM . RADIOS ! MANTEL For Kitchen MANTEL For Bedroom $29 5 '"MANTEL For Living Room . $49 95 $250 Tonsil wearing. Each FOR LIVING ROOMS LAMPS Polir-if frnm mntriilnr nrhpn nnrl bains INFRA-RED $1 INFRA-RED RUBY $3 95 ALL WOOL WILTONS $nQ.50 Short, close pile. Large srleetinn. I rora I afcsj M BRITISH AXMINSTERS c70 cn Soft pile. Ageless patterns. M 4 JJ l1-' x9'; 9' x 10','; !)' x 12'. From . MORASHEEH COTTON CARPETING SUN LAMPS $12.25 i A growing family needs plenty of fresh milk. The best way to obtain this milk is to phone 18 for home del i v e r y of that farm-fresh Northland Dairy Milk r - NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. jluhber backed. Wilton weave. Nil f4'vr Square Yard I I 7J I Besner Block,. Northland Dairy A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. Phone 210 J STEWART, B.C. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. For Over a Quarter of a Century Phone 18 Limited NORTHERN I'KOUL'CK FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS "A Good Place to Buy -308 Third Avenue Phone 775 ? f .