land (CP, The civil defence j TV0 ponlc, Cl zlr' ' r" school established at this cast . .. . . Friday, January 22. !9:4 with withThe the federally onerated CivH f- W n the coal mine in TIKVtY Bermuda Bermuda n was fiP first static .i..ij 4 nefee College at Arnprior j o be w rturea retired6 toTn" e'ff' T:nIn Australia " rts ) rge,. w,u to an Ont. .V estate In Der? 22: mo o .rf - . eui 1. June 21 and spring Sept. 22. ' en route t Amer.a. BL0NDIE Polished Off! By CHIC YOUNG ah.tmaisa '' FLOt irie, V.-'l I vr ' t hCW DSDTKrV LOCK 1 '( I LL CA T THrtvl CUT j .. .. . I HfD WE THS SHOES) BErORt; YOU , -y nr.PE to m , " A " -r 1 Sn'rlFD FPOtA 'i i ( SHiNED THtM? ) r") ,V ,.-1 OFF yZJ ; -IHE PORCH DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS v- Jv "(T it -' 1 rrr ' 1 1 aa iti; m MS ' ' ' . "'( - (JP v'l-'. Classified Rates wr-rwm "THE DAILY NEWS" RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR to publication. CIRCULATION" l.rtton: minimum jiurge w w-ni. (Subject to Change) TODAY ilt. lth Notice, Funeral 3364 3077 LAST YEAR . whtmt irtnounrementi, $2.00. .i.i DisDiRT double prtcs. KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED No Refunds By ZANE GRr 11 Blf8l.NF.S8 PERSONALS tt FOR SALE MISC. HK1K lhAT, ni"K and saw fil- PHILCO reiriB.TuuTlTT" ('mined ads Inserted Incorrectly aonrriEr'F rrri:uiy e"jr W " i -Ji4-1 1 fop. Me ccn(.:nei tmaT wrung - ulcsilon of uch error 1 rce1d UtAvft. T-ru.TjAT) ...r-.'i' nf P.M. li'UII i;::i 1.1 7 Ml 7 if, 1 :M :.Ui n mo 10:0.1 10:10 10:15 i i r,'. .. -aMj m .In 2 hour ol on t insertion. Hiiper HrreHHiir Kf.i.P llnrriftle Khow t'uiiiirtu hi nrk CHC Nr ws CI1C Ni'ws remndiip Torolilo Kyrnplmry "" Concert . ' t inrrt Tlnnlri' , John I'U.ilPT 'BC N , , . " Cfi! News . ' C:iji:icllnn .Short Ht.nrie Pitracl-. nf ci-,..ii..; rMfeArezMawne...! V i.v I " "'S 1 , U"""K room ciiuirs; roomy innj'-ifi wain l tienrrfifn tli THE ELECTRICIAN T). Ouvatt ' j -size hri ? i ii t ih 'ANT AD f r I 10:;t0 I ll:IH. REPLIES House wiring und electrical repairs. 149 9th A-. West. Hume Red 16.1. .381 WORLD'S FINEST CLE.ANBrZ KLECTROLUX. Phone Blue J78 for Parts Sales Service c) WILFORD Plwfrlr-nl TUni-li. snrini? and new felt mattress; Zenith electric washing m-rhlne; Super-Clipper lawn-mower with rubber I reads- pictures with modern frames; boy books and records; Harden tools, Iruit jars. etc. HaiKain prices. Black 216 502 6th Ave K . t. e are holding replies the following News boxes: tors boueht. inM ':viiiHn4 ' CASH FOR ttntllirr llifuirl 1 MllMr I ill tlllluilll ' hlf ' ; I , ' . SA'ltlllOAV f ' Mii-lml k CJiC Nru-s: Weather vlii.i :tl l (i, k Morning ,.,,S f'BC News ' ' ' line's bill (S.uKl hilj :mU Enf;ort!.s Mil-li:il l lok I A M 7:.H. 7:30 ;:.-, repaired.. . at),Bcrap- "PPer, brass, batteries,1 ! j 1 All crilnru icn I - 352 865 878 885 - LI'L ABNER x tit m mi 338 i. 4 4. I "-'-i'r-re-o'i... M.I mm 8:10 S:15 S::iil By AL CAPP THE VARIETY STORE. .23.' 34 WANTED MISCEI.LANEOl'S : Replies must be WlLKOKD Elect ricnl Wnrku ; USED suitcase nnri colled for in person steamer 705 any Dealer for Ekollte Sounders, i . trunk. Phone Blue 9:00 9'ln tlf-nc.t " COMiMi LVEN1S ' ) MuMi, Owl. (l :& H.u l:,vlc. 36 ItOOMs FOR RENT DREKSMAKINO af.ri Hons. Phone Red 224. AcV-? nA C,iE y TfC'- ) I AM "HERE'S THE HtS Dn.VlMC?) ygfcv 1S raHLr gQT 1- A. ol the U.KA.W.U. Dance,) 22. u-pion Auditorium. i Tu:n r..t..i 1 . ! V "Km nousckeep- 2 I T.8 room' Purate or to- INVISIBLE repairs ln 727 Fraser St. tion Auxiliary card party. I:imi t:l.-, 10:30 10:40 11:00 - " ' Kcuier. reasonable. Green 609. i ana u. iu OKUKR Avon Products, call i22p iiirad Guide and Brownie I Red 504. ( , , ,., ,....7T": ..Tr-. l. Bake Hale and Novelties. ' u.o.siiea Jhjnt noitse- j p.m JIM MAOAZlNiu, uofeioe. Mdiet kr''5jn,? r'T1, Moek fr'-m rime MeBe Prrlitfl M mk1.hI W.ld Church News cm: News; Wmthr ' MetrofjollLari 0jera Die Flledermaus: Johann Strausa Bullet Club' CHC News ' ' Week-end LlsteriilMj y Sports Ci,lletfi . , . ' . Armtlnle chru", " Now I A.-k you ! salmrinn Irmv nigra, hed Hlver Bi--, ' The Rhythm Pals .. ' 1J m B.C. HU..,C News BUiid. 727. (e) 1 18m ad 8lnt School, Feb. fl, 5pm ilted Cluin h W A Valentine Keb II at Mrs. L. M. nc's, 945 Borden St. Hottle collectoi ectoi BEER 626. , Green t LA"OK a Lr t. T t . " 18n; i housekeeping room, rea- HZ. sonable. Phone Green 727. 3:00 aio 3:30 a At, 4:00 i.00 6:16 5:30 IOR chimney cleaninu and odd 19) I WL. Card Party, Feb. juuh, pnone ureen i73. i42pi 11. (3!) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES 1 CARS' Hfth Porlii' r.t ..T Bv STAN DRAKE COMFORTABLE sleeping room I ',33? 6th . Ave. East, or phone Black 010. . .2U i LIGHT housekeeping room. 701 j 5th Ave. West. i20pi ! peaiSH the TiT FPV Ti.wp Do;! an:C CTr iacu: mc nadian Union W A. Valen- I - Dan.e Feb. 12, Legion "EARLY everybody uses &9. '"r:;1"'- ; ! I milt WANTED-M i E THCUS TW4T a mm HE CC.'-SS OVER TO The JDneS HOjiE? VOUSE NOT eXACTLV THE ',' jV E9-UP-Ki9TVPEuE itheran Valentine Tea, Feo. SMOULO BE 4: lNi you BJT YOU l'.l?2 ONLV TRYIN f ' 1 TO HELP. SURE .' " 'V--i' FAWOUi L4ST VT",' 7 WOS05 WELL, . -s ' J JA A I I c ceiifp e: ics rr mav a i CifT I'RrE SHIUIt r-at-f S7 ROOMS AND HO A It O ' 1 R6TKJCTI0N IN UKfeei, LIKE DUSTY MIGHT COKS1PEP VOUR 1 i' SiSTee...6uTPo.T ciraTENCE a SEVERE pbin IN HER :;(". : Easy Choir t WINNlPEO(CP After38'; years as cnief messenger of the 1 main branch oo the Bank ol i Nova Scotia her. 70-year-old T I Dcmpsey has retired. The bank ' presented him with a lounge chair at celebrations attended' by present and retired bank' off i- 1 cials. . . EVE OCCUR TO TOU - MAKE UP TO $15.00 IN A DAY! vCee Valentine Dance, Feb, I You too can turn full und souie By inv.taiion rnly. Tickets i time into cash, many making Juiy s Burlier 3hop. j more oft the side than In repe- soumd vou-ee ROOM and bourd In private home for working mun. Reei H0- - . .211 II:' f I 90TTIW5 WTO 7 7", So9aPY else 5 t.nS W,n.n P.T.A. Tea and martei " w wll 1-BEDROOM .use. 312 V-r ''- LiFE... LET 'E. ry-L,-' vos:itout, 6un 20pi East, Mi,K . " kit Cfirries hum. anrt....n ..ft "vr' IWfUfcbLVfcS. , till wool fabrics new low prices jj" ... THAT 5 Ihedral Sprint! Sale, April ' . 37l ? liUAIcs 1 OK hEXT -complete Instructions a no easy way to get a demonstra- iTZ TWO-nnvr i .. r..i 1 u 1 1 ftti.sheo i. VX.?0JM. 1 Y. Hon' suit make n-llln . rineh TWEY'LL CLDi' ruts(AL .. Sample oaiiipic kits Kits limited-wii.e iimueu wine at ill . . Phnnn Phone 'r'A'' Blue 891 . N0 dr,nk G FORCE DAWES AUCTIONEER ' Phone Black 846 and Red 12. BLONDIE Business as Usual! " ,., VINO for Vancouver by cor! on,'e 'vln8 your aKe and pies- ---- - - . l21' n, nday Jan. 25. Ruom forPnt' occupation. First . come j CLEAN 2-room apartment und ixpenses. Phone! llrs' served. Dept. 5, Douuhis sinnle housekeeping room No 18r lailorinK Co., P.O. Box 3!.H. : drinkers. 221 5th East. . U9di Ta?" ii 'T - - - Montreal. . Jl 5.22.20 1 : At. i Alr.iholics Alinnv-I L' Box 313. cjli i EXPERIENCED EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. bookkeeper. 25- 25-, .m m Kl'ITES Rl'ITEs FOR FOR RENT RENT By CHIC YOUNG ( MERC THATS IT W V. nrt miiinr I NO SUPPER ) i1 ( WE Ai-'t O COOKING r . -r Afct . , . . ,c-v-V . . l MUST E fvEAD ) I THAT VyftOG- i r -1l 1 RlSl.VK.Ss" PhKSONALS . w years oia, lor pennanent i , jr. . rrrr r - position. Apply Personnel Su-1 A u 1 MtI?T of business , (tlrl on iwrvlsor. ' Columbia Cellulose,! ,m'r"L b,asl's- I)ho,le Green l Mill Division. .20. ! i8,4- 9 " 6 1 !M SITrATIONS m'rwemato ! S"ITE- ?hnn' 29 rf !, V i Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER . and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday . at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN ART MURRAY iff, C A" . f "S-" pounds ; gfe iSale Bulletin WILL look after cl.ildr-n dur- 1 "OMIS FOR SALE Iiik day. Call at US9 loth Ave. ' ' 1 vy7-V .Tt-tvc" Bast between 5and 6 m. HHp, jWartime rrCJV8irway to , C . - 1-. KITKCTIVE NOW Slacks on our .i a laiKe loom in attic, nen- n ht II.DLNti aUTFRlAI S f'-L 1-21 WEDNESDAY Midnlehl Comfort and Service ' ns of excellent sweaters ' sate nt, .For reservations write nt PHILI'OTT." EVITT & "CO." LTD. Phone 651 or 652 Inquire about our budset plun for your home investment No down payment. tlOO to $2,000. 6 to 24 ino.s. to pay. 1 34 view windows, full size basement 7S-lt. celling i, cement foundation, Karaite in basement. Low-down puyment. Price $4900. II. (J. Heljferson Ltd. Real Estate und Insurance 216 6th Street Phone 96 Or F. Wilson, Black 197, eves. .191 cl! CltyortVpotomca. I Prince Rupert. B O. ( KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED Bv ZANE GREY WHOI.KSAI.E PRICES SPORT SHIRTS rom$ .95 to $3.95 exoHif-nt (foods left over 'm Christmas. 'i7 Utit ii3 -fN-HUH.KMalM):. jSt fSr WUc'eSNT SOUND LIKE THENBH L- I 6e--rf 4rf HfCUAV Ji : DOOiTTIC ''i SMALL 4 Wartime, furnished. Full cement basement. Uond location. Phone Blue 394. 2ai WINTER JACKETS (OA Houses to Buy VII heavv uir.- i........ Your Heating IJollars Clo rnrlHer With McLood Uivcr Hard Coal LUMP ;on - BTOKKIt '-.': C(xi RHvlnltlra: l.lKiilte In dm M ... l..'i0Toii Dlplomut KKir-Tnn lots I.HOOTnn Alhfit & McCafiVry Ltd. Phones 116-117-58 BUSINESS And WE HAVE several cash buyers " ! j.m neus subject to 25'' DISCOUNT lor nouses uu to si'iod.i m. -. ", Hl--"--'ier.'Vii- PROFESSIONAL mediate inspection. H. C. Helxerson Ltd. Real Estate und Insurance ?16 6lh St. , Phone 06 Or F. Wilson, Black 197. Eves. 1 22 1 t-'e- A OH.., I 1 f. es! ! i i r. if 1 1 .1.' r're Your l)oii,ir "as More Sense" (18) Yur cor rubric OPTOMETRIST KEITH H, TUCKER 210 Fourth Street. Phon212. FOR your fuel requirements: OH 'Rhell" Stove and Furnace. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Oas-"Paclfic" Propane. PIIILPOTT, EVITT Si CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 - (31 29A SEWING MACfllNES PPER-SERVICE 111 AB" By AL CAPK enjoying V NO, Blast J I Ibut.siR.VOU Y TauErf-BuTTI P YOU J That baby "i I Kvoung N. hOP to YOURSELF. A ITV-I"M CAM AFFORD NOTHING , CHUCKLED.) IT AMUSES MAN-ARE J ( KlSSA Pi (3 ) s sir? jrri eonED.r ) amythingin does sir.'.', - me. J you efah y Sp' -i i -?rS. THE VYOPXCtX AMUSE ME- )l C r-1 SINCERE) ? HAiN'T- ) JL" 1' TOAMUSE. If TJ ) ab2'-tV f e L5 the opportun- JALES- Repairs Rentals. Blnger Sewing Centre. Phone 884. (c) ;e - rve your for I HAVE been transferred here-from Edmonton vtnd want to i buy a five- or six-room house.! Can make a substantial pay-' ment. Hoy 889, Dailv Nws. il'Si i 42 WANTED TO IUST TRAILER to sleep four for two ' weeks. Apply Box 890, Dollv i News. (21-nci ; 43 MSTfA'GS ifiNTED ! ATTENTION Owners: We have several buyers for (food four-! room houses. No waiting when you list with Jim Georiteson at Armstrong Agencies Ltd.' Phones 342 Eves. Red 958 j CAPLING. TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smlthers Every Tuesday and Friday. For conneetlot.s Phone 63J 32 FOR S iUiMlSC. phone 386 or coll 'ZTr ?nd 2nd January Clearance COATS AND . BUNNY BAGS "e.fne Service is znJ to None. : - tf Investors Syndicate of Canada Ltd. and Investors Mutual ol Canada Ltd. T. M. CHRISTIE Ph. S84 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prince Rupert Terrace and Kltlmat 1 46 BUSINESS OPPORTCNITIES 13 tO V? Off- lies tL 'omatic clothes! (lies n thut bankhe, Hoiseke."- . Curries THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DRAKE "Tops in Opportunity" Cafe and bukery for sale. Going concern. Monthly turnover five thousand. Good locution. Rnuonnuhltf n-liC f.. mil,.). ,.. lifetime al, 01 AP """ions i-i.ii.t . rvi at THE STORK SHOPPE 214. Sixth St. Oreen 184 (19) th We" Pnne Red feiBE I KNOW ' MT SHE DOESN'T KNOW I I BUSTV, HONEY I OUT OF ,, I FT1 I I A5TAWOW0FA 11 MY WAY. I7Vr -Li I ... .. i iui ifu.v iv null;, Terin npnunlnlili P.mlti In V r that jllycu'SE YOU THE WAY E 00, MOW COULD ' ...... u . ' I" " w . . . . ' VV. ,U, Box 261, Burns Lake. B.C. (19) if i ctcuihg for tue happilv- WPUNS...THATS "V.VV-V SCRIPT HERE V WU.'.' Tfi'a7l I,---I icator ' 1 "oubt EVEfc-A?TE ROUTINE RTH6 SHE? IF YOU WANT A . CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS CRIS-CRAFT speed boat wlth!47 AUTOMOBILES :lls-'d Htuh u . netals. LI- WuSES UT PUSTY CUE l(3MT or ttlthniit. mnirtr Ph.nn B-f3" "essure. Air. WAVE THE NASTY IDEA THAT YOU V6 days. ( 20 1' 1949 MONARCH sedan. Phone1 SOT YOue HCOS OUT FOR THE H Sr Sum5. BC. Bjw 572, Ter- USED 3-plece chesterfield suite, ! - J'ee" , lll! ! gooa conaiuon. aa.t)u. sppiv i aubiim n-iu. iozy oin cast. i Prince Rupert Upholstery, 2nd Phone Black 2176. .23 Ave. West 1 1 1 1 i : .. . .... MtV.'ftr K-V1WU1 POT-BURNER oil range, guaranteed three months. Phone Oreen 2187. (19) OSLO, (CP) A shipment of j 1,600 live mutation mink was re- j cently flown from the United ; scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 p.o. Box 374 - B . -L OIL heaterr $40.30. 668 7th East. I States to Norway to be used for tl8) breeding purposes. J mm rim: f