OTTAWA DIARY By M Prince .-Rupert Daily Ntwi 'Ultrv on v; As I See It Wednesday, February 17. 10:4 by ; iiat Moi V ' alxml the mantle of succession to l'liii.e Minister HI Lament draped itlxml til.' Mniulrteis of Moo. Julin I'lck-ersgill. Secretary or Slate, when his us nilsi il liimi that .if civil M-rvunl to Cabinet Mm- breach. The Hccrrlary of Hiate did so, ami his replies to tin. panel of news men who Inlerru-t..ilcd him made luli ly important political listening. The news men pulled no punches in their . barrage of questions. 'Ihey cjeult hliihlly ka Independent dally newgpsper d -voted to th upbuilding of Print RuLf1 and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulation! Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. Published by The Prlnre Rupert IXnlv New. Limited. 4. f. MAOOR. President tt. O. PERRY. Vice-Prealdnt I 1 ' Nl iH ''"'''Wwnre, Wi.Ulfl hf ,. tl more Subscription Rates: with the lieqm ntly alleged sag ; l.'.ler Isn't true. I Yiui are entitled to disbelieve in on no lesser authority than - y mull Per month, 76c: fwr year, as 00. 'r ! i V- I !lt ' ? V ' I 'V.4 ' - gestmn unii me iaci mill Mr. ,nt In inn1 lutnorizeo. aa second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottaira ickeispill was the -rsonal se- that of Mr. Ptckeistflll himvlf. Affairs Minister he lacl.,.,1 , J'1 Beat the. Crippler " vlHir . He said as much the other ninlit when pinch-hitting i a local radio program, The Secretary of Sl-ite, whose i prouiolion to cabiurt rank lrom aslly wmld t4 """" ii Jim, "we liishly lUiillly. leu'ioii of the Prime Minister as a Cabinet colleague made hiui the 'sfrown Prince" of the Liixr-M Party Mr. Pii ker still dis-claiinetl any such status. The reporters then asked him direct-ly if lie had any expectation or thought of possibly being, the next Prime Minister of Canada. The Secretary of KlaU-'.s reply again was n straight and emphatic negative. personal .assistant to the I'riine Minister pleased ahnn.t everyone in the Capital with the exception of nmrhlne politicians of the Liberal Parly, is the sort of all-round Individual In whom experienced people on Parliament Kill turn when they are in difli- i BKMgt.W.t.r;i.ltnrlA . There was no vlouhtimr Hie IS NOT A LW AYS TEMPtl , Who Lives on $10 TIIEltE are over 700,000 Canadians 'drawing old age security pensions. At times I think they must all be Writing to me, because numbers of older people w rite me a b o u t their trials and tribulations. In a way, this Is like' sending coals to Newcastle, because I am entirely, in agreement with the arguments made by the writers though 1 am delighted to get the letters. Many of them give facts and figures to that a person cannot live cn I ha forty dollars per month, which is the basic old age grant all across Canada. But it has occurred to me cullies. Consequently, when the si nee ri IV lrom win. n uie hecre. Ottawa Press Club suddenly lury of Slate spuko. And the foiiiui Itself without t:!ent fr ' ." ii.r.M-mert circles on Purlin-:l radio broaden. L which was'ment Hill don't expect seriously in ... :., hour i.wav. it. annealed that he will take over the I.ib- if and when io Plckeisedl to sleii into the eral Chieftainship "THIS. WEEK and next the Kinsmen Club is ask-I ing us to help in its fit'hts against tho proat crippler, jjolio. This is a disease which we all fear. Not only are its effects often terrible, but so far we have found no protection against it. It may choose an isolated victim or it may sweep through a community, killing and maiming at will. Many who do not die are 'left in a condition which is barely more than a living death. Their limbs become meaningless attachments, and their world a metal cylinder. Others more lucky may still have to go through life at a painful pace, strapped in a framework of braces. Rut thanks to financial assistance such as that provided by the Kinsmen's B.C. Polio Fund, these Victims are spared much suffering through better care. This money also helps to promote the research which we expect will one day discover the -secret of preventing the disease. The Kinsmen's appeal offers a chance now to lelp others and to protect ourselves by speeding discovery of that secret. 10. Hon. St. Umrent decides to call It a day. But they always quality anything they say on the - iniect with the rider that a great deal will deend upon the Pm ii.l ny ri S 1 ' IKU. . then 1ul4tU w tivt ufwsm.Ma ,t,t No' 'li(y"it)(ltt Mild Weather Prolongs Floods i TORONTO ft" ConUnumf? HRKi.-fiKV. David .Sariidff. chairman of the Ixiurd of RCA, taps out a message iisIiik power troni an evjei Inn nlal IH'A atomic battery, which for the first time converts atomic energy into small but usable quantities of electrity. Current from the atomic battery, which is inside the plastic box, operates a transistor tone-producing device i telephone ear piece). circumstances under which the selection is inhcle In other words, as muttt'ts mna weamcr c t , Flnttnce Minisier .,U1,H to prolong the flood Is ejected ,s th( ,awU(f that for every old person wh'j troubles of a score of southern i Two Frenchmen Descend Into Ocean was unable to .get by on the s forty dollars grant i $50.00 with Ontario communities. Creeks and rivers rose after unseasonably mild weather Mon- day followed Tuesday by rain and sleet. Fifteen families are evacuated from their homes on the south branch of the Thames river In south-central London. In the pelting rain and sleet storm, described as the worst in three years, rescue workers removed more than 35 families from threatened homes In Churchvillc and Meadovale. Deeper Than Man Has Gone Before DAKAR, West Africa ( Rcutersi .bathyscaphe 30.000 feet under Two Frenchmen who wont the Pacific, where forms of life deeper under the ocean this week : unknown to man may be sighted 'han man has ever been said to-' in the sunless ocean bed. This is day that they met a 10-foot farther under sea level than "sharky-like" monster more 2'J,002-foot Mount Everest is than 2U2 miles down on the floor above the sea. of the Atlantic. What does the ocean bed look Excited by their success the like, 13,287 feet below? What do :t J the B.C. supplement), there must be dozens, or scores, or even hundreds of people who are managing somehow. What I would like to heir from readers is this: Is it true or not true that an older person in Canada simply cannot live on fifty dollars, much less on forty dollars, per month? SO, Mr. Senior Citizen, or Mrs. Senior Citizen, if you are living on less than fifty dollars per month, would you- please write and tell me how you do it? Do not be afraid that I will use your name in the paper, without your consent. But anyway, put in all the details. Most of the letters I get from people who are trying to eke out an existence on the old age security in places like Vancou ive mean 1 1 "Slimy sand," said Wlllm. ! The two explorers lunched in their yellow steel sphere in temperatures ' just above freezing, hungry after the 3'2' hours of descent. ; On the sea floor they alternated between looking out from their porthole and checking the explorers said they now hope to plunge nearly seven miles under the Pacific to the lowest spot on the world's surface. Naval commander Pierre Willm, 27, said he saw the grotesque creature when he peered through his thick porthole, with eoweiful searchlmhts probing the ink-black mystery land. 3anks and Mortgages to the Bank Act, to permit chartered AMENDMENT banks to lend money on new housing, will mean these established institution's will have opportunity to contribute more widely to the welfare of the Canadian people. They can be expected to jonduct their new services with the same efficiency they have conducted existing ones. , Canadian banks are conservative institutions. r r S (PllDW "An Independen' many delicate Instruments In the In their plunge to the ocean cramped cabin. v f ii r ver show that the rent eats up most of the money. I see that o distinguished doctor in Mont Insurance (y LISTENING ENJOYMENT! floor Willm and Cmdr. Oeorge llouot, 40, penetrated more than MOVl:i) AHOliNI) -half a mile deeper than Swiss! "We '-started the motors and Prof. Ruguste Piccard's record i moved around a little." Willm dive In the Mediterranean last ! said. year. I "But the water got troubled, so j Houot said he and Willm now we shut her down ngain." hope to take their weird-looking i The sphere was pulled down r real says that vast numbers of people, who are over seventy, are dying of slow starvation because they cannot buy. or will not buy. the proper food, i But .surely there is another AvahI a Mava! . by heavy weights stuck to the ii p j cabin by electromagnets. When t ; lr""y decided they had had en n side to this argument, surrly iw- , iezrr 5 .'j J ' ' - ' ' - ! i r ':- 1 1 the fact that we already have ough. Willm pressed a button to cut the current hi the magnets well over 700,000 people dra S oC ETTERBOX-: ing old age security is proo dropping the weights into the that they are alive I think HgClll Ii lllVK than a ... Salesman?" i 111 (ocean bed. r Above the sphere was a huge ; ..cigar-shaped tank' filled with . i-ji.'oline. which is more buoyant lo Mr ' ,.,,... ... The Kdiior, Tlie Daily News: I would like to reply lrom my letters, alive and kick- : ing I am not trying to lease anybody, nor treat In a frivolous, way such a serious and impor Payne's letter of a few j jT-iiiJii .nil wiiiri, vYiiro in.- weights weiiji i.shcd, the tank 1 ll.ivt- I ,u i u I'll iu ... . .. I .,'0, .i,hC. I ,. I""1''' " That has been partly because of the limitations imposed upon them by the Bank Act. They have not entered into certain fields in which United States banks have been active. And this, of course, is a major veason for their stability and safety. THei government's own statistics explain why the hanks now are to be given the privilege of making mortgage loans. Up to date the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, has financed 2:50,000 housing units, and also has built 42,000 houses for veterans, on its own. - This certainly suggests the private lending system was unequal to the task which confronted it. One reason for this failure is, of course, clear. High building costs aggravated the problem of financing construction. Even, though bank mortgage loans wi'.l be underwritten by the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, and the loans insured against loss, if the banks avail themselves of their new opportunities it should mean a great deal more private money, and less public money, going into housing The financing of housing, nd other developments, by priyiatHther thnrv 'iHific $rK4!l sjiehing to be encouraged. The government is recognizing that by the amendment to the Bank Act. Windsor Star. He in an independent iMtn tant matter. But it doe:; occur to me that there must be a considerable number of people who depend entirely on the old age .security grant who 'do manage somehow or other. Perhaps if Ihey let us know about it we will be able to pass the good word along to others, even pend 6 YOU'LL APPRECIATE man. , THESE before. ! Mr. Payne seems to have the idea lhat I blame the people who came to this country, I don't. I know a good many of them and 1 can't, see thai there is mm It dill, reiice between them and .!.. They are looking for a belter uv of lite. Are they finding U? Take the father of the girl who made a doll for t.'lu i.iliiia.,. lie could have done the same in hi, iiome laud. I don't think that Mr. Pavh', Became lie is" not limited toff one oinpany, he tan aelert tk-polii ie ami l oinpanie ibt 1"" mil your requiremr nln, tlapttu. ing the time that we are able to! convince th? government that I the presei.t forty dollars ir.onth- ly grant should Increased j substantially. j WHEN you read back the old debutes which took ljlace when thes; present ol age. security sysEem is? Mi&tetL'you.- foake an interesting discovery. Neither this government, nor any previous government, has so tkuls Model V-707, 3'SPP VlCJK0M" radra-phonoyroph 7 tubt Radio for Stondurd ond Short Wuv broadcast World's finffil automatic 3 ipwd ritcord changer V Enrluwve "Golden Thropt" tont i tuxtitioui modern cabtttet ( $299-50 AHeost $40.00 Trade-in Allowance McRAE BROS. LTD. Phones 6 or 36 "The .Store That Service Built" . , !. caeli poliry to your lf1 nectln. ' A fi vaii luiv iriAiirfllKf 1047 hrysler Windsor Door .Sedan $975 1950 Plvnmutli 4 lloor St .lull. All new Ufe-s-$1450 '" 1949 l ord Tudor. . Very good shape $ 95 I Altt.K SELECTION OF OLDER CARS TO PICK EKOM SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE of the imleprmknt initiW'j agent has just hepun. ( -.- . HI REFLECTS and REMINISCES Ray far come out four-square for the principle of old age pensions sufficient to pay the ful! living costs of older people. The present grants were frankly intended to supplement other resources. Hence the argiunent that one usually gets from senior citizens, who realize the pitiful inadequacy of the pres- If he lakes the trouble to ..o arnjutdjs.. can, dispute the fVcl, thalioiiie of' them are talcing th.' Jobs that Canadian men would be flad- to have.- - - - Mr, Payne writes of hin-small. I admit I am, where Canadians are concerned, if thai is bplng small. As for "throwing bullets" wr were told that someone els slartcd the throwing. I know liat it is very unpleasant to hear them whistling by, especially if the ground is hard when you start to dij hi. I've never had a barber in the family, but we had one blacksmith. I respect both trades, My family are juf t ordinary Canadians. One side of the family was Just plain English from London's east side. The other was United Empire Loyalist Dutch from New York State. GEORGE F. JOIINSOM. .yon M4.p44,nM,i,:,,r"-'f offorfl year 'round persons' f rvl" her "Liz." As for the duke he was called "Phil." Each easy to spell, as well as remember. I fin scale, uoeg not come iu Louis St. Laurent is about to spend the next Jew days in .and around Pakistan and If harmony in and around India does not develop within a reasonable time, it should not be the fault of Canada' P.M. w lien you - V0 i In your interest serving fi.i.1 a !: FLY . . . the instiratu- n von grips with the intent of the legislation. My short experience In Parliament has made me more than ever convinced that sooner or later we will have to adopt that principle. But I find very few people around this Parliament who really believe that there will be any really substantial Increase in old age pensions and so forth, until the government thinks it possible to reduce the expenditures on armaments. would represent matters. , Penny Wise and Flora Kyle are back home after vacationing in near roval style and they look the part that is, happy and hearty. Resuming their newspaper duties, they will be that much more eapable and valuable. Anyone can see a lot, roaming over Mexico and South America. Some Vancouver newspaper readers are already suggesting that other staff members be sent trailing more stories. The world is wide. Fnrs worth many thousands and thousands of perfectly good dollars burned In Montreal recently. But this isn't November. It's next door to March and April. , with HIGH POINT Highest point in Quebec's upper town, the crest of Cape Diamond, is 333 feet above the St. Lawrence river. And remember, yon g"n ii indeocndeni'""- henefil of your " ELLIS iff anre afient'ii or broker NOW Ol'T OF STYLE at no extra eof-t. BRITAIN AND SALMON . This Is real news at last. British Columbia has sold a huge quantity of salmon to Great Britain, and this will be first class business for both. The Frailer has long been a traditional market. And besides who doesn't like salmon, 1 RECORDS P3 (? AIR LIN Housing shortage, did you say? Of course, but it does not apply away down here In the State of Maine for the Btotesbury mansion Is, after many years, being pulled down. It was here the owner entertained his summer THE tNSimNTE ACIJ,lMgl to Coffee in Prince Rupert is not costing 15cent8, or possibly more, but it's a fact elsewhere. There's a reason, of course, doubtless In Brazil. .... POPULAR MUSIC BY POPULAR ARTISTS New Long-Play Selections Albums and Accessories All at KETCHIKAN guests at Bar Harbor. There wert 80 rooms, marble fireplaces, 28 gold-plated bathtubs, 62 telephone lines and a . miniature power station. Loot for tkit lymbol brfuft you iuy inavrant HOLIDAY TIME! Londoners are rocked as well as chocked at the news from Melbourne and Sydney. Hard boiled correspondents are sparing nothing and nobody. In fact "the rude public actually tried to touch the Queen and called with connections to SEATTLE, WHITEHORSE and all ALASKA Phone 266 Office Opp. Post Office RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC INDIAN NAME Nlptgon 1 a It ln Ontario's thunder bay district was named from an Indian word meaning "deep clear water." 313 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 644