tv , 4 iiiCfc Kupfc. o ai.y i.i. Wednesday, Fetirnr. ry 17. I!i.) 1 m -Sff: . I J . -I J I. 11 ' T1-"'- . lJJIJ.IIIULIJ.JWJUlBBgBBaa-l.IX .flslli!i&i fT 3LACKWGOD on BRIDGE Dy EASLEY BLACKWOOD ' .to - Clin ''ie V:n, CHOP S'JEY . . . ...CHOW AEl N Open 6 p.m. 3:30 o.m. to Hollyvood Cafe I (VoDcrution Necessary In Hiddiny; As In I 'lay V.-.. u LIU jri y ADLINE FORCLASy iED Pffi13 J 1 Lack of partnership co-operation in the bidding ' carries severe penalties, as is well illustrated in to-I day's hand. The deal was played in a team-of-foiu- Today's Stocks (I'ourmy d. U. Jli4fti fjt. Md.i H' 0 l II VAM OI VI II American Standard Li Hraloriie 3.IHI Cartoon Gold i ... . ,'m Con -ress m Cloliiii Babine 04 Giant Mascot 42 Indian Mine.s ,04 Pciul Oreille 3.70 I'ioneir 1 8.) Premier Border 04 "a Privateer 03 Hei-vis McDonald 1.25 Sheep Crick lakl .. M Slbak Premier .m 1 j Vanamiu m "t Spud Valley (ic, " Silver Standard 53 Western Uranium .4.i Sil-Van 071;, Dorreen 117 Kiel!;, ',,.) Oils A. P. Consolidated 35 Cen I nil Lertti - 1 '1 contest. or Outsit'- Orders Fbnne U3 .1 1 li 1 1 1 , j THE DAILY NEWS 43 LISTINGS WANTLD "ilsT YOIJlf HOUSE WITH 11. 0. H(lg('lOtt I Ad, Koiilli (t(-:ili-r. Nf-itlifr side vulnerable Niirlh (Mr. I1.1U) H J 7 II- A J l K .1 il 8 7 3 2 : 11 9 Siilli (Mr. Mii-let-s) K Q II II i 2 II .') 2 II (I f. K l II 4 Issificd Kites ijf 4 SO pm. priTlom Jdtloll. rcnu per word per In-,inliniim ;lirK 60 eente mi ioni, Oarde of 'imiiIi Notice, Pimeral ji,irriate and fciiiaeemenl "CIRCULATION" j MLss Brash's opi itini; bid was iweak but sh was swayed by her j holdiiiK of nine cards In the j major .suits. Mr. Dale overcalli tl I two diamonds and Mr. Ch im-ipion, with i-veiv ..' ..l., doubled. j Here Mr. Master., siv v, ' d ex-'cellent partner.-.hip c.o-opi ration. !He passed. His partner lnd not j rtrkod him to Lid. la LU. ;,!.. ; Dale's failure to make a take "and prepare to move' Hluek or F. Wilson. Phone 06 197 even. TODAY YEAR AGO . 3440 3066 mi-titi: ii 4. di'"le prtee. N.i Hefunda Wi-.l (MKs ISnMi) - A K 5 4 II K II U 4 a 11 III C J JO a KADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR (Mr. (Iiiiiiiiiluii) s -10 II - Q 10 7 n I) - A Lt 5 4 C A K 7 5 1 rilrrrk Iiiot acit responsibility lu arts Inserted Ineolrertlf iriuii ciasslfliatlon iinleaa I i,l such errors la received J. um of fin t Insertion. (Subject In Change) li Jl SINRSS Pr llSONAl.S , 39 HOMES FOR RKNT THE ELECTRICIAN D. Ouyatt. FULLY furnished rderntwo House wirirm and electrical bedroom, Graham Ave repair. HO Oth Ave. West. Ih: $85.00 per month. T. Norton 1('(' " '!2i Ynunps, Real Estate and Insur- WII.rY.Hu" EleTtrl.-al ' wlZu,u- Vtmne , ' Dealer for Ekolile Sound- 1- r- I I 1 v. V The liKlrl 111;;: Mlililll West North 1'ii :s IS 2 U I'.'is I'ass Pass iii.i v ir it WKONKSIMY ' P.M. ix r y 1 -t I ' II :IMI out double strongly stit!i;e.sli-.l that he would not welcome a bid from Mr. Masters. HORRIBLE PASS Miss Brash's pass was horrible find showed a complete lack of co-operation. She should hav: bid two hearts, t hereby lellinr; her partner that .she held a second suit and that she had a very poor hand for defendin; mi ad flltpftl'f Ker,lial' mllf.v HiirHtte show littrocliu-Uon lo W-rtnf:luy SMTKS I'Ofc KENT (38) 1 .11 ' a w ma w t . m. u am m m -mm n w . v ' ' Nielli , . ( HO N ws SAW filitiK All types of saws.i 2-HOOM aijailinent. 600 st Precision Saw Filing, 21S 1st West. Apply 221 5th Ave. East. West. . (4U I . ,41i lEPLIEb holding replies 1 following News ner. He therefore und rled his queen of hearts and Mr. Dale won with the jack and discarded his Jack of spades cn dummy's e!ul:s, making on extra trick. . , In the other room the first round of bidding was the same. But th; South player elected to "save" his partner from the two diamond double by bitiding two spades. This lack of co-operation was disastrous. West and North passed and East bid two no trump. South passed and West then bid three hearts with East raised to four. Five-odd FOR chimney ueaninR and odd THREE-room unfurnished suite jobs, pjione Green 173. 42p.' H. O. Helgerson Ltd. Phone W I L FO R D Electrical Works', -l2l dealer for Ekolite Sounders. jTWO-room furnished suite for (62il sinele man. Phone 543. Call CARS? Bob Pa'rker "of t0uSe ! 630 6ih.Av! 65 '883 893 898 ! against two diamonds, j Mr. Champion opened th ten j of spades, and Miss Brash won j with the kinR and returned h"r lone diamond. Mr. Dale put up i the king and it' lost to the nee. i Mr. Champion then led the six ' of hearts, and the king fell to the ace in the closed hand, j Now Mr. Dale led the seven of j diamonds, Mr. Champion duck-; cd, a spade was discarded from H-..UI . Ah 7:00 7:16 '7:30 -'0 10:00 10:10 10:30 1 1 :M IttlMt A M. 7:00 .:7t 7:30 j ":.! 8:00 8:10 8:16 8 46 0:00 9: IS H::iM 9:o 10:00 10:15 lies must be Mercury iV2 Okalta 1 80 Royay Candaain 10'i TORONTO Athona .)D Aumaiiue ,.; .1 j t Consol. Discovery 2.00 Bevcourt 21 ' Buffalo Canadian -.. .22 Con. Smelters ; ' 22.25 ' Conwest ..; .'.- .: 3.80 Donalda .54 Elorina : .28'2 East Sullivan 3.90 Giant Yellowknife 8.35 God's Lake .83 Harrlcana 39 Heva Gold Ma Duvex .19 Joliet Quebec 38 Little Long Lac 1.08 Lynx 08' 2 : Masen Re Lake 1.75 McKenzie Re Lake .... ' .30 MacLeod Cockshutt 1.40 Moneta 44 Negus ' .10'i Noranda fil. 00 Louvicourt 13 Pickle Crow 1.05 Petrol Oil & Oas 53 1 '2 New Senator 13"2 Sherritt Gordon 4 00 Steep Rock 7.10 Silver Miller 98 Sweet Grass Oils 28 Golden Manltou 1.41 Can Chem. & cellulose 7.75 Landover Oils 09'2 Rix Athabasca' 1.38 Nesbitt Labine 1.75 Boreal 2.25 NEARLY everybo'.v uses 0't 1451 ' TWO-ROOM furnished. Private Bath. Phone Red 984. (56) ! SUITE for rent, furniture for i sale. Phone Qreen 848. (431 H for in person 16 "' LOST TIhi JvcilimM i Ml uWiik.4 at diipUyul bv lat Lqiil CeMral 8o.r4 t by tl Govctiwncnl at I'ttliti CalunAn. t'llSG KVK.NTS BUNCH ,of keys Wednesday I was made when West took the 40 HOMES FOR SALE Hi Rumrnaije Sale afc night., Finder please return . 16 Ixdly News. (41pi and MLss Brash also diamond linesse. and got rid or I dummy FeD. 20 Next. " rie lust uiuy a iieail aiiu dropped a a smail smatl spaue Spade. Help Wtd. .Male female NARCISSUS will be ' came the eicht of diamonds and club. BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL ordf irder r oi of business ior fori Mr. Champion won with the 'ammm EXCLUSIVE Here Is a home you will be proud to own. Six rooms, living room, dinlne room, master bedroom, beautiful cabinet kitchen and bathroom on main floor. - r monthly meeting of AI'PLICATIONf3 , for the position .,. club. Sunday, Febru- ' Museum Curator and Exe OBO Ne ws Itoiiiirtnp C'BC Sympliony Orh. Opera CBf! News Hecltal fiourulii of AMa UftUher Hrpttrl Aniilie I.I-Ih1hk? -Hi;ii-o(T THUliSriAY 11 C. FKhrrmon''; UroaclriiKt Xll-ll III I l4M k CBC Ni'w: Wrather Mil-lrul I'liHk .Mrnln llevutiitfift i:B: News: Weallicr here's Hilt (iotMl Breakfast Club Laura Limited BMC Nrwn anU County. Aunt Lucy l ump Hhul Ma) Time hlirnul Mornlnif Vltt The Happy Gnni; 'llie Ueulall Kliuw Your ciood Neiiht)or Klridergarlpn oi the Air I'arnnlliiii l.iileHnin llorn X Vftiw Ttw Himmi UBt! News CBC Showrn. B.C. Farm Broatlrart InlerUirte . KefonI iitr Vmii Keiitril Allium B.C. Srhool BroadraRt 'lranfi-Canatla Mulinec Brave Voyao llMllH It Hit Parade As Tune. tlo Iiy Camp Wtltiertieha Talking to Teens Hlix k Hal Inns M'ltW ltiLernailoiial 'i,iuty. CBC Nr: Weather Father Knows Best cutive Secretary of the Prinee Rupert Tourist Bureau. At first 10:46 GFOROK : AUCTIONEER Plione Black 846 ant' Red it Ri Bake Sale ,ot Cor two bedrooms upstairs. Concret ; 1 1 -no foundation basement, hot air I n -i6 furnace. Close to McBrlde 8t.,!li::i Price $8500. easy terms ar- this will be approximately half-time employment. Applicants should state experience, qualifi- Anderson's, Feb. 20. ; OPTOMETRIST I'ian Rummane Sulo, paUnn. and remnnraiiin v queen. Another spade went 011 from, the board and Miss Brash played a low heart. ! l .N DI RI.FADS QUEEN Mr. Champion returned his last trump and Mr. Dale won and led a club. Mr. Champion went in with the ace and saw that he wasn't Roing to beat the hand unless he could put his partner In to cash a spade win- ranRed (, 6th Si reel. KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 peeled. Address applications to Museum Board, Box 487, Prince Rupert, B.C. - ' (42) ti Situations Wanted Female ( Prayei, Cathedral, March 3, cveninK. (471 H. G. Helgorison Ud. Real Estate and Insurance 216 6lh Street - Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Blacl. 197 eves. . (40) PM. I-.:M IJI5 12:35 13:30 12:fS ' l:IMl I ::! S:0O 8:a0 3:15 3:31 8:46 . x nlal Clinic Bake lion ti M:de rsor.'s. EXPERIENCED short order cook. , Apply Box 901, Daily News. - (41p) CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithers Again We Say Why Pay Refit '. When $1200 catih.i balance a: rent, will give you Immediate possession of this four - room iw A. RummaRR Sale, Fred E, Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 !rd Ave. W ; Phwlie Green 900 Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 632 BABY Sitter available any evening. Phone Red 2182. 1401 36 B r I i .iTIm jM"vr V. K I A I.S Nijrway Masquerade, i bunt?alow. Completely furnished i 1 including fridge, carpets, etc. All I ' in spotless condition. Price only j 4:15 4 SO 4:46 .1 :tm 5:16 S:'iO 5:30 Riiiumace Sale, Ik -j- riULPOTT. EVITT & CO. LTD. Mno- exclusive llstlnR. j phone 65i or 6i2 ( - H. G. Helgerson Lil. j inquire-about our budKet plan ' Ro(l, Fs,ate and Insuranre. for your rM.m Improvement. No- 218 6th st. - Phone 96. cown payment $100 U 2,(MK) 6i or F Wilson, Black 197 eves, i to 24 months to pay. 55n (4d i' llfj'l u""'1 I I wm N0 ' I CIIHNOt I ic and Drama rn-lival Secretary, Fire Investura Bynutcate of Cnrtfttla LUl. ixn'l tnv,f slum Mutttnl of Canada Ltrl. T. M. CHRI2TIE Ph. 34 315 Third Avenue W. for Prince Rup trt. Ti-rrace and Kitlmat MOVE WITH ANYWHERE WE CARE f No entries accepted J) i 15 1 64 I Jidt's Tea, Ctttlutlli: t7 I I 1.1. 5; r Luxury Stcomer Prince George SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Port Each Thursday ' at ll:li p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MidniKhl iicli 17. I A Jill I'.' T A Tea ulid 3 BEDROOM house, on one floor. Harbor view. Box 900, j Daily News. . (41p) j 5-ROOM house, bathroom and ! basement. Partlv furnished. Near Conrad School. Phone Blue 2!)8. ' (42) IK. You can entrust your Hurst furniture' pieces to us with confidence i 11 t li ci r sa 1 r-and-sound delivery. PACKING 0) CRATING SHIPPING For Your Fuel Requirements:, oil" Stove and Ftirna-nr. Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Oas -Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTr, EVITT & CO. LTD. Plione 651 prf52 , (551 IF YOU WANT A , CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK R !it of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS Art i Vi n!na r.ii i v, .1 I. B t HI, f Comfort and Service Si Mt n.ri. High Sclioiil, liMli 31. Afternoon c: April 1. ,iii.iii KpruiR Sale Ap- ff Fa.shifill Show, 8:00 I 1 Canadian Leeloil. NEWLY decorated wartime 4. Stairway to attic. 1439 81 h Ave. E;ust. (40p) LOCAL Olt LONG DISTANCE DINING PLEASURE SEWING M WHINES 29A Kor re.-tervntlons write 01 I rnll City or Dt-not Offlne. MOVING LINDSAY'S SALES Repairs, Rjiitals. Kinder 42 WANTED TO KENT 1 Prince Riipcrt. B C. Sewing lentle. Phone 864. in BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe ,c' HOUSE or apartment. Young scott McLaren CUi.RTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block, 60-'! 3rd A-,e. V. Prince Rupert; B.C. ' Phone 347 P.O. Box S7I Cartage ami Storage. Limited I couple, two children, rreier-ahly unfurnished. Phone Black 821. (45pl Kill KALE MISC. 32 Phone 60 "f'ave II to Lindsay's" ! f J Tea. home "of Mrs. ;il vvn-n, April 22. I W A. HummaRe Kale, I J45i ' ',"';" !"'"' Z... ji t',i' 5 I"I"'J,'S r'liion Sliuwi I - SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe 2 ROOM furnished suite. Green 814, Miss Eckstein. 141) LEGAL NOTICE By CHIC YOUNG BLONDIE He's Strictly A Thrcc-Minute Egg! FRIDGE, washer, rock gas range, Hollywood bed, corner cabinet, .child's table and chair set, vanity table and bench, sleeping, bag, other miscellaneous articles. 1627 Atlin. or Black v1 3 n v '4 i iii' t' 1 :. if. A" t. .1 m 1 1 1 ?::? '.it ( STOPACk'IW.3 r. Easter : Teal , ( OSVVOCD, 8' "i! liters I fiOV. fl i f DeARI 4M.V'v,. i SiYrif : op iMistHiv irttjAl'Pl.V '. 'EVEBV TiME I 4 A fSSViilS- I A POS'TiVE M . '( (C fj; O: t L LITTLE LITTLE BIT! BITTY ZENITH kitchen oil ramie, pot ..burner. Phone Black 879. (41p) TO I. l:SK I.AVK In Land Bocnrdlni! Distrlrt of Prince Hunert unci situate to the East and KoiiU) ot l.ot (1, Block 31. District ." if tNSW-t-VJ- : ; . tH-v...c til' Z' !iar, April 14. f the Moose- Spring ol Mrs. Fred Ave. West, April 15. iconic. C5?EC S S .7cW I I "a, I f 5! I I 1 jxx; WALNUT dining table, chairs; 7- T.mnsUe of Masset. Map and liiilfet In uond eonilition I Ba -r4 svfAC Phone Red 685. I40p) April (37) S1 Spiity Sa -I BABY buggy. $25.00. Apply Black 037. . (431 1 i.TV Mary Daffodil Tea, TAKE NOTICE thut Nelson llros. Ushcries Limited, of 325 Howe Street, Vancouver. British ColUmnla, pecupution body cormrate enfrag-ed in the ilshiny Industry, intends to npply Mr a leiise of the following dcKcrihrti lutids: Commencing nt a post ptrnted at the north east corner of l-ot 6 IS I nek 21, District Lot 7. Tuwnslle of Musset. M;ip 0-W; thence easterly Cat!. i. Q up p .ifil j Civic .Til Uni' iy 6 C y 1 fil WANTED MISCELLANEOUS Show, Sprint; ) May l. CASH FOR I L, M . li. 1 ' IW.A. bprinK Bazaar rujitttors. Phone 543-CuIi 630 . 6th Ave. West. c) "long the north boundary of sulci t- . Mi By AL CAPk LI'L ARNER s S 0 r i n a U i,nn- . -. - . Lot G produced tor a distance of 100 TROM.ER Or Rili-nottcr tyjW feet; thence Hoitherly for a distance boat. HOUIld but ok if minor of 200 feet; thence westerly for ft Y" WONDER WHICH ONE HE'O. Hrff j TKUt.'.'-TI-U.i INS TAN I" Ht ??-buV l-' AtE?-ww A IN IO MINUTED, -yOUN6VOKUM repairs necessary. Write or leave ; distance of 120 feet more or Ms: EATIIS PULLS THu 1 Rl&OtK ON I -MV tX-BOV FKIhNL-LW Hlj, r I Dt iv; u c ;wac,t .v OOCJCJ j thenco northerly for u distance of 80 nhone number. Bex 898 Daily PROMISED ft -5Vr J? BRIDE, THE RICHEST GIRL II THAT-5tPNT.'.'- WATER GAG AT THE WEDPING.' r- (41) News. P!5TOL'-HE.'LL BE TO PAV - ew - ' 1 Mt wtJKLLJ r-- , ' I jr r v r-vi , I Li I KA rf BEVOND HELP.v- 35 BOATS AND ENGINES iv, i us, t r o & 10 ,COO- reel more or less In a line with the westerly boundary of said Lot 6 produced and containing oue acre more or less, for the purpose of watr frontage for a shipyard. NELSON BROS. FIKiremES LTP. By ''Win. Tocher' Authorized Affent. Datnd February 3rd. iJ54. TO On Tuesday eve-t"ary 16, 1954 in the pert General Hospital, 'J'W'i, beloved wife Dominato, 132 8th Survived by her hus-wo sons, Gerald and rmieral arrangements jounced later at) I I'ERSONALS The Canadian Army ' Offers You Outstanding Opportunities (or Trades Training You may be eligible lor one of ' the many valuable fckill& and trades offered by the Canadian Army. The Army can make you a master of the trade in which you are .elected experience U an asset bur it you can meet the requirements the Army will fully train you in one of its modern Army schools across Canada. . Here are just a few trades in which there are immediate openings: Accounting Clerks Electricians Radio Station Operators Telecommunication Mechanics Surveyors Doctor's and Dentist's Assistants Technical Assistants There is real future for you in the Army with the trades training, high rales of pay, pension -plans, free medical and dental . care, annual leaves and trovel. To be eligible tor this training, you must have Grade 10 education or equivalent, be 1 to 40 years of ago, and be physically fit. for full information, write or visit the Canadian Army recruiting centre nearest your home. No. II Personnel Depot, 421)1 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. Telephone ( Merry 3111. Sent Canada and Yourself in the Army FOR SALE by Tender Seiner packer Co-operator No. 3. Tenders In writing submitted by March 1st, 1954 at 2195 Commissioner Street, Vancouver 6. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Further information apply Fishermen's Co-op at above address or 10 Huron St., Victoria, B.C. (43) I Alcoholics lgox343. Anony. (5g) jjs personals" 32 FT. Troller "Fisher I." Ace Chrysler engine. Phono Blue 724. (461 By STAN DRAKE THE HEART OF JULIET JONES Kurk ...v. VJ k Itltr Rnr) Kni (20m) 25 H.P. Johnson & Phone Red 800. Speedboat. (44p) L.nU 1,uvllea. Eddie'8 r mi 3G KOOMS FOR KENT IN Hi: 1ST ATE OF tl IX AMUR MelNTVKl:. IIKT IM II TAKE NOTICE that all creditors or others having clAima against the estate of Alexander Mclntyre, late of Prince Rupert, B.C., who died at Prince Kupt rt, B.C., on the 11th day of September, are required to send the same, properly verified, to the undersigned at the address mentioned below on or before the 1st day of April. AD. 1954. after which date the estate will be distributed to those entitled by law, having regard only to those clalma of which notice shall then have been . received. AND ALSO TAKE NOTICE that all persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay their Indebtedness to the underpinned forthwith. DATED at Prince . Rupert, B.C., this lOtu day of February. AD. 1854. W. N. POOLE. Esq., ahlpf. s. and rnii i ' BEDROOM, single Phone Green 155. double. (42p) t afTHE VAR r"; (41) ' 'I h I '1 JULIE' E COWES EVE ) WE SHALL V.ELC0AI6 HOME. BJSy.' X H pafs ' ...WONOESKIL, I SUPPCSES ' Vim now-pullins opiJ now be how wis it-c-lamccous? iTu5 just womjerpjl;... li r TUX)' r---'y ZeGAlED ...Exciting? , PlEASE GO AWAY ANPj : ' t'if, , NY -iV wlW THE DETAILS OP Vr--" a LEAVE ME ALONE.' r xil-'.-r-Le :J ;!JfTKU'ONPROUi WEEK ENP- ,' ' ' .' ii --VTJrt i. . XI T ' fl I llW.'fr HER LIFE.' I I li-ff'tX '?" -ZJ''CJp A a mm : 2 ROOMS furnished, with range. 522 Fulton St., Apt. 3. (42p) SrNGLE sleeping room. 801 Borden St. . (41) ?,' n-J-I'ma'ic oil heat-Phone P flth West. Letour-SnV'',Xn Tl0M Blue 37 ROOM. AND BOARD ROOM and board for working Burl'iun and Solicitors, 4 Wallace Block, P.O. Boi 336, Prince Rupert, B.C. Solicitor for Melvln McKay Htcphens. Administrator. . (Feb. 17, 34, Mar. 3, 10) i l J wd.00 man In private home. Phone Red 140. (43) ROOM and board for two gentlemen. Phone Blue 851.- I42p) noreltle. Kddle'. ft,. Lei