! 10 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, December 10, 19b3 Private TV Stations in East To Link With CBC Next Year THURSDAY TO SATURDAY BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE Wallace's Dept. Store a A A A A A A A A A A 7 Ntw Peak of AoventurT in the Entertainment Stti IP OTTAWA (CP) A micro-wave hours of programs weekly from television network will link pn- the CBC free of charge. The T3 By EASLEY BLACKWOOD VJAYUE 2 "vately-owned television stations London station, Lt'L-lV, went j-; u,ImiH,n onH nn the air lute last month unri iiaiiiiiiuii - - - Am IVILUlirnci , DiHnn Ont and Quebec City now is carrying about 15'2 net-, hours of CBC programs a week. ; The Sudbury, Ont.. station, i Swith the CBC television 2 work during 1954. CKSO-TV, the other private t rknlniAt POP nnniir'i I Muzzy Sometimes Comes Up With a Good Play Mr. Muzzy is not always the goat. Now and then he makes a good play. Whether he realizes he is making it or not is of little importance. He still gets - ' c m urn nnu; ntiPHinnir rime announced that the , , : : . A manager UtT1MlU liiiuua miuio Hum mi' has 5 publicly-owned corporation accepted a joint tender by Can- iadian National Telegraphs and. These programs on kinescope. Canadian Pacific Telegraphs to films and recordings of shov.? provide network facilities. Th ! produced for television are sent , 1...1U mLm-'tn the nrivate stations now hv credit on the score-sheet. NEWS FOOL COVERAGE Shows at 7 .00 and 9:10 p.m. In today's deal Mr. Heinsite Ac Small 5C.'" TL ".r'": nun. Diane or automobile. With led the five of hearts against wonders to Eve. 7- p,m, J Mat- Sal- i VII TOTEM Snow linking CBC television sta-the micro-wave extension they Stions at Montreal, Ottawa and will be moved on the micro-Toronto jwave network to stations within i The extension from Toronto its range. The temporary lacitl-tnwnrds Windsor and from ; ties extending the network to the spade slam. Mr. Muzzy ruffed on the board and picked up the outstanding trumps in two leads. Then he led the king and a small t.lub. At this point did he wriuule and squirm, stare at the FATHER BRIDE ?.ide North dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Ml Brash) 8 K 10 8 K None D A Q J & C A J i Wmt Kt (Mr. Hrlunlte) (Mr. Dulr) H II 7 a 4 V H 10 9 0 6 4 2 H A Q J 8 7 3 r9 3 D K 10 8 3 C Q 7 3 C 10 Him III . (Mr. Miutv) 8 A Q J 8 3 H K D 7 8 4 C K 8 6 2 The bidding: A Montreal to Quebec City will : London from Toiuntu aie t.-to be ready befoie it new in Nffflvr . m 5 brine five of the 14 private tele- : peciea 1 Ika Adn.il TV4" ceiling, ponder over the laws of symmetry or any profound stuff charm tiny cherubs and please their parents too! DRESSES BABYALLS SWEATERS ROMPERS BLANKETS GLOVES GOWNS BOOTIES VESTS BIBS SHAWLS PANTIES Visit Wallace's BABY DEPARTMENT like that? The answer, of course 5 vision stations now under con : Christmas. Ihe permanent ex- fstruction into closer contact i tension will follow within a few Swith the CBC's national pro-; months. - gram service. I The Hamilton station is ex- 1 The Drivate stations are re-1 pectcd to be broadcasting by IRACTSIMMONSWRIGHI is no. Without the slightest hes itation he played the Jack of clubs from dummy. Squired under government policy February and the Kitchener sta-to carry a minimum of lO'Vtion two or thiee months later. When this held, all he had to n lose was one diamond trick and West 1" ' Pass ! North Eaat South 1 C 1 H IS 3 H 4 H 5C the slam rolled home.' Mr. Heinsite let out a wall PHILISHAVE EXTRA MILK CHRISTMAS You might at least have given little thought to playing for 6 S All pass j ; I I return? A diamond would r6 into dummy's ace-queen ani Muzzy could discard a diamond the drop of the queen of clubs, he said "After all, there were MEANS MERRY CHRISTMAS 5. UM ,,nlu f , ,11 1" r.lnViu nnlftunriina . iiij . ...... vutubu. I j..m.., V nlt.V. Tf T en . What if Dale had held the dou-: " bletun queen-10?" To Make Those Holiday Goodies Everybody Loves lurnea a ueuri, nc cuum u-card a diamond from his hand while ruffing in dummy and said Mr. He didn't though EVERY DAY Muay. "A brilliant and logical point," said Mr. Heinsite sarcastically. But Mr. Dale came to Mr. again his other bad diamond i would go on the fifth club. The , point it, he couldn't afford to go up with the ace of clubs and take a chance of losing a club j to you. In that case he'd be bound to lose a club and a dla- j Muzzy's defence. "The finesse of To put that yum-yum flavor Into all your holiday cookery ... you'll want plenty of milk and cream. i he jack of clubs was the only ;mht play," he pointed out. "It mikln't Insp Ofter vnu followpd $29.75 AT WALLACE Only S3 down, S3 Month sVl,. -uit to the second club. Hein- iiriond." , . i ite. there was lust one club i "Exactly what I was going to I Mr. Muzzy , iinrthp miopn say." commented BROS. LTD. ' The Store That Service Built" McRAE Phone 6 or 36 Of Course "SuDuose 1 had held that card sagely. . nd won with it. What would Phone 18 FOR HOME DELIVERY NORTHLAND DAIRY LIMITED NORTHERN PRODUCE FOR NORTHERN CONSUMERS France Pledged Co-Operation By Two Powers PARIS ( Reuters i Premier Lanlel said that Sir Winston THIS WEEK'S TOP 8 used car HITS Churchill and President Elsen WM TT DnK3fB53EElB hower Indicated in Bermuda that co-operation of their forces ! with the European army will be You'll appreciate thi "MANY TIMES" over '48 Plymouth $18V ! "not only close but lasting. In a telephone interview wltn the newspaper Aurore. he said: 0 "YOU YOU YOU" Can't miss this wonderful buy '51 Stude Pickup $131.:.. "RAGS TO RICHES" You get that rich feelim? when you drive this '53 Dodge Tudor S2313 "In my view, talks will nave a, is I ma s : to be continued on these points "V.YA CON DIOS" ??? Oh well ... '51 PI; ! with our allies." r Lanlel was still in Bermuda. mouth Tudor SltUJ , recovering from the Ulnes3 which prevented him from at WW "I SEE THE MOON" . tending the Big Three "OH" what a, buy '50 Aiisli.a He told Aurore that the com You'll be far sighted If you buy this '47 Ford Sedan SWi'i. Sedan it'- TOM & JERRY BATTER 85c CRANBERRY SAUCE 222 lUi.,.. 26c munique "underlined that the ; European Defence. Community is an Integral part of the Atlantic community." This won't : "RICOCHET 47 Chev Sedar "HEY JOE" Don't miss this '51 Chrv. Sedan Delivery .. $1725. CANNED FRUITS Pedrs "We were agreed that If the J112-.1 25c danger of aggression appears to FRUIT COCKTAIL Bartlett, Fancy, Royal City, 15-oz. if have diminished, this is due to the growth of our forces. It was ; very Important that we should be In agreement on this point." BOB PARKER LIMITED The Home of Friendly Service FORD - MONARCH lJE YI.Ul RITZ BISCUITS 21c Donrkioc He said he was satisfied wltn decisions taken regarding the Sliced or halves, Fancy war in Indo-Chlna. Royal City, 15-oz 29c TAVERNE APPETIZERS Pkt. He said Foreign Minister Bl-dault had conferred with him 1 before and after each meeting he was unable to attend, "so Pineapple Tidbits, Typhone, 20-oz 41c PICKLES Sweet Mixed' Libby's, 16-oz. 29c 37c that we defined the French po sition together." Strawberries Choice, Aylmcr, 15-oz. 33c OLIVES Ripe' Libby's' Family sire, 16-or. CANNED VEGETABLES ATTENTION FISHERMEN AND BOAT OWNERS EKOLITE has done it again! This time a 60-FATHOM DEPTH INDICATOR 48c OLIVES Sfuffcd' Manianilla, 8-oz. PEAS, No. 3, Fancy, Malkin's, 15-oz 2 for 41C U.S. Visitors Want Better Meals in B.C. ! VANCOUVER (CP) B.C.' tour-1 1st Industry was taken to task by ! a provincial cabinet minister ' "for not providing first-class fa-i cilitles" to U.S. visitors. NIBLET CORN, 14-oz 2 for 47C 36c WINES Non-alcoholic, "Ye Olde Pal," quarts WHOLE BEETS, Oakleaf, Fancy, Baby, 20-oz. 22c 42c 45c MIXED NUTS De Martini, one pound cello MUSHROOMS, Money s, Gold Label, Choice, 10-oz. TOMATOES, Oakleaf, Choice, 2i.Vs Public Works Minister P. A. Oaglardl warned delegates to the $19 5 oo 25c for only Auto Courts and Resorts Association convention they have to step up the standard of their SARDINES Kin9 scar' crss pck 2. for 49c 'JT Our aim is to supply you with quality groceries meals and accommodation if they at a reasonable price . . . giving you friendly, are to equalize U.S. tourist spend courteous service. ing In Canada with what Canadians spend In thatj country. 53c SHRIMPS My-T-Good HEALTH DRINKS "In 1949 U.S. visitors spent $99,000,000 more here than we did in theirs," he declared. "In 1952 our U.S. tourists spent $66,000,000 less in this country than we did in theirs." 33c OYSTERS Smoked, Muskatcer for the HOLIDAY SEASON Less 10 discount on oil orders before December 31, 1953 With a deposit of $17.50 and the balance of $KS.O0 on delivery, you can assure yourself of a Sounder before the start of the next fishing season. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL Wilford Electrical Works COW BAY Dealer in Prince Rupert District for EKOLITE BLENDED JUICE, Cypress Garden, 20-oz. 2 for q While admitting B.C.' needs CHEESE ROLLS 57c more and better roads, he em JLEMON JUICE, Real Gold, 5-oz 2 for 25C phasized the poor roads are third on the list of tourists' com TOMATO JUICE, Malkin's, 48-oz 3jC 37c CHEEZ-WHIZ 8-oz. plaints . . . They complain about the meals and they complain about the accommodation we GINGER ALE Part-T-Time, non-returnable btl. for 3 J QQ have to offer." RAIN OR SHINE Your Independent Food Stores Jap Oranges, Nuts, Greeting Cards, Christmas Gift Wrappings and all Christmas Supplies are on sale at your INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES & deliver your goods to your door. THESE SPECIALS GOOD DECEMBER 11, 12, 14 and 15 A SPECIAL GIFT For Men or Boys i WILLIAMS GROCERY LYONS FINE FOODS Phones 250 Red 465 RUPERT BUTCHERS AND GROCERS LTD. Phone 21 MIDWAY GROCERY Phone 659 SKEENA GROCERY Phone 581 or 582 I 1 I 1 Phone 656 15-JEWEL WATERPROOF WATCHES Fully Guaranteed. ONLY DNDHIPlIMIDISOT f GEO. COOK Jeweller's TCDDAre DDiurp RUPERT ttT