'Mr f tM i ! Z . ! " -..; 'i j '- - u U ,"',1 : OMORROW'S TIDES .he Mdar. December omi.u""J 11, ........ 1953 4 -AA lO I foi.fr P " 16:25 19 8 feet .' "JORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER V Delivery 10:32 8.6 feet 23:04 4.5 feet Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLII, No. 287 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1953 ' PRICE FIVE CENTS Phoiia 81 Mr UrrfctACt 4 tobel Prize presentation J, BALVAKD ROSSELAND n nn n r?n ypo o o (fi) 7 uuijej Kill iioui mjiimv; j. V u E3 W (CP) Commu- ' ) .. , ., .-r . 1 Is : ; m , -- t-Sf 5 ' , I- : ; demonstrators, shout-j "This is no. p e a c e I jidate," today inter- Korean Electors To Rule On Transfer, Levies ttd the formal cert-; ' " " mt-Awmmmmmmmmmimimm m. . m $01' i i : awarding the 15)53 Talks del peace price to Gen. Voting was extremely light in today's civic elec M WK HAROLD W IIALKN GEORGE E. HILLS fire C. Marshall. ' - i i ft- . . ; I t t , k tion and by 1 p.m. only 425 Prince Rupert electors had cast ballots. Total of eligible voters is 2,979. sunned audience at the SaiTfisily festival watched j demonstrators showered ! jirihall leaflet upon ; TWO EXPERIENCED MEN face electors tofiay in mayoralty content, Mayor Harold 8. 'Whalen nd George E. Hills. Mayor Whulen has served as mayor for two years and' prior to that was an alderman for three years. Mr. Hills served as alderman on the council for six years. He also served for a year as CCF MLA for Prince Rupert in the 1952 Legislature. At 1 p.m. two years ago dur- Stalled Dean Awaits Red Answer lng the civic election which in eluded a mayoralty contest, 522 liersons had voted. judlente had come to ; Wine waiu vo muiwiuu in aun oi tne i i.uuu.uuu,- j y , . - By GEORGE McARTHlR PANMUNJCM (AP) North Coast Area Warned Of Approaching Gale Today A However, shortly before press time, despite rain and windy weather, voters started arriving in larger numbers. The sound of the siren atcp the Besner Block filtered hourly through the rain-sodden air beckoning voters to cast ballots before the 8 p.m. closing. Today's election is for a Allied and Communist pup o( about 20 young j L,aHiats, wno sneaxeu uuo ueapite u chuck at The north coast area, still and dock-side installations ress today toward setting licking its wounds after an 80-i Prince Rupert harbor. j ititance, uouia in um-'lOis is no peace canai- I 2 a. J. (DOM) DOMINATO JOE SCOTT 73 . Ninr-aii-iiuui (5i: wuippeu till!; n luauru uaic wna jjimncu T"i. n rrttna nii area orPa Tuesday luesaay night, niRht. today todav was was i : Irom irom its its mooring mooring and ana driven ariveni"f i"lJ a " jvun.au ycai-t Mi3ua., B ... nwipniurn f r.wtiim tn nisWrt 55 irhmi hnsrH Tnid..,. Li were heiUeu wuh t"e warned of another lmDendlne 1 anround in KHimat harbor at! tawnna Mnd TTnitorl St-jtpc I r. . t , . jij .,.J.j j mayor and four aldermen. i For mayor the candidates are Mayor Harold S. Whalen and George E. Hills. Four vacancies are to be filled ,nJLd to" the wUerleThe weatherman w.mert th. ! TuesSv ntaht. "Se barTe .,d! ! envoy Arthur H. Dean i nominations closed last Thursday. They will serve for two years. : .f' . - " i quttiy overpoweieu int aistnet to batten down the i pea us lines ana was anven iour a,.j,0fi up Pefa if thevi oy au- ipecwtors. ' iiucu uption came as hatches in preparation for 50-I miles. j " j mllc-an-hour winds expected to j The Prince George rode out! were, ready to break Oil develop by midnight. the worst of the storm, secure)., m,.j : m ; n tylWa I lRe idlKh. Ti.esdjiy niKht s storm ground- , at Ocean Falls. She arrived here ) P1 tliminary ed n b.ire at Klllmat hi lH i.n at 4:30 D m. vestcrdav. i The Reds retorted with a lontf ' Northwest Mourns Death Of Pioneer Will Robinson Lii j.nn, pieaiUent ui tin piall ituuei CimlmlUtc, on the city council. Seeking reelection are Aldermen Mike Krueger, John Currie, H. F. Glassey. Contesting them are Norman Bellis, James W. Pruskv, T. H. Elliott, Philip Lyons, J. H. Mair, Walter B. Smith and August Wallin. Voters are also expressing cpinions on four refcrendums: tir;ide, then acknowledged that i A m re.uy me oiucidi -.- the Prince George for several j In Prince Rupert seven or at hours on her northbound trip, j tight vessels tied up at the newjthe , I npRotlatlons in) j were Luroii. n goiu uicuai an,. A tUUlC blUUUKIlUUb O till" i Ci. 1 , VCUltCT ICiHl CLtltC 111 III, fin piiw inoiiey we.e uiau , rnd daninged several vessels floats east of the ""r1" JU.' " 'we.t today mourned the death at and becoming manager of that government f I to Marshall. , firm in 1941. tirydock were damaged. One, owned by Atiin Fisheries, re Terrace yesterday of Will A few miles from the SCf.ne h.wi,h iii-!n. veteran realtor and magis ' '' itfl muu.iauof Louis tic ' portedly was seriously damaged j " " l " ".a'" fa'led " , rl'Vh ?, h h t' and long time resident of and another was torn loow ! ""f forlhe, eigh,h; th;? district. i ,iuit Was piuacin vu at-: me iSsi pcuce pi n.e oil ue- , m or. niireu otnnawi, Addition of a special two-mill levy to the city tax rates for new municipal buildings. Transfer' of the Roosevelt Park trust fund: He wiis appointed coroner at Terrace in 1933 and in 1938 took over the stipendiary magistrate's post from Mr. Kenney. He was also appointed judge of the Juv- Arriving first in Prince Rupert from its moorings and driven i a ' i ashore The n-w flot esraned : Kle South Korean War POtr k-l Airimii juiikic uucivi, iha in 1919, he had been in the dLst- lRe .... i r,v.: i with rinmaffP hot t.hR nrnvinrl!,! nv. ! w!l chose to stay rict ever since. Mr. Robinson had ; enile court ' at that time, and A special one-mill levy for -JUUiian, puituoopnor kitu i. au.auu.j. ; eminent dock sustained some ! Communists. y 5 - x-brfVAjy j uiafii ill iui KTCiai iiiuiiLiio jjn.4iciu at fciiicc isuaiLiuiia until tile ; ucvciupilicilt Ui nigouia ram;. p other lour 19o3 prizes , Hit lortune lelt by Mired 1 : mvtnior oi itnuiiut.c, aa"ia8e- t0 nis death at his nome- time of hls death- I A special one-miU levy to h k Ktt-rinwn strikes staaed e up mi aown siriKes siagea; ' Pleasure boats at the Yacht cieethorpes. Lincoln- A member of the board of trade assist in operation of the Civic Club were shaken up ami some) its Inception In Centre. were badly .wrapedalpiig, ttB;' tu.u . w I .to Canada In 1909. residing Terraee, he was elected president Checking names off the vot- M tt laneritctt .lawr-to-" u umnuc cc L oock. tne wortnern t,ros. ,a.i- . F(n,rs hup talked with in various Alberta points andHor-9I. but was forced to re- ers' Ust at two- ttibler in the thoim to gllcan mission boat, was lKen; R,,,,th Knrn , riu, takine up residence hi Edmonton ! sign that post in June due to ill j Civic Centre gymnasium were it mollies II;, i . fair winstOiij JV' J , U:raturc, ui j .; Jllil lor llU; from her berth and faced into health. He was also clerks Mrs. James 7g . Th tnp jn 1912 after making a trip home an activejpoll Thomp the wind at the end of th member of the Canadian Legion. son, Mrs. Basil Prockter. Mrs. b Albert Llpmunn oi Har United Nations command is ex-, to England where he was mar to protect It. Imversity ana Lir. nuns Besides his wife, Ida, he is survived by a son, Allan, near Nel AIM. GtOKtifi m tasiir -- Outspoken critic of city council who has served as an alderman for 22 years is Aid. George B. . Casey seeking' re-election.-Chairman of Pioneer's home ; committee he has served underj 10 different mayors. t: p?cted to call for the 22 Am- led. ericans and one Briton who! He joined the Canadian army .; ,.,i iiw i ho t?Ac in the .snrinir of 1 9 1 fi and served son, B.C., a daughter, Mrs. Doris j6 Kreon oi hliglunu s '; Univcrsliy for uieui-. ' : wllitnan ur. 'i nu i.er- . Ut..lxJ IsrphyKics. and Weil Um-i P 1. hohfiuh iSiaudiuger j McCarthy Would Scrap '48 Order Dean told Communist diplo- overseas lor four years. Wh:ie,'"n . mdo, a mats he would do everything . he was in the services, his .wife ! sister, Mrs. Mary Garlick at Ed-rossible to carry out the Ber- 'stayed with her people hi Eng-i monton, Alta., and four grand-murta conference call for a, land. :.r t,. , , children-.,-. ; . -' '' i . Korean ' peace' parlev. But there. They returned, to Canada ltii Funeral service, will, be( held would be no retreat from his in-' 1S19, making their home here, Saturday at 2 p.m. .from St. Mat-slstence that Russia attend the; where Mr. Robinson was employ.! tne s Anglican church, Terrace, conference as a full participant. led by the Canadian Fish and Burial will be at Kalum cemetery WCfcurehlll went to Stock- f Id acefpt the prUe tor !'' '"I if- i 1 Torjborn Jurstad and Mrs. Albert Phillipson. This 'election marks the third year that city clerk Bill Long has served as returning officer rnd the third year' that MLs Audrey(. Wrathall has been deputy returning .officer. , , . Already' elected ' by- acclamation were Parks commissioners Robert L. Eby. Charlie Balagno and Duncan McRae. Mr. Eby and Mr. Balagno ran for re-electior. and Mr. McRae was a new candidate, succeeding Bob Armstrong, who did not run. Also unopposed In seeking return to the school board were Trustees A. J. (Dom) Domlnato and Joe Scott. 'uband. who leaves tonight after the Big Three WASHINGTON I API Sena The spokesman for 17 UN Cold Storage Co., eventually De!"'1" vmmuiuu region guaru tor Joseph McCarthy said todny ; countries which fought in Korea coming foreman in tne coia "uiiui nu eouxiuiiis ui . j Last Post. u is. riaicuious mr oiih.ihis i.i ; sald Tuesday he would wait onlyistorage plant, the Elsenhower administration!,, rp!lsr,nahle time for the Com-! In 1928. thev moved to Ter ernment Judies Taku to keep loyalty investigations j munists to come to terms. He race where he was employed at secret in obedience to a 1948 se-; set no tlme limlt various projects, soon joining the 4 v ' M f "f Jim Prusky Tries Again James W. Prusky, 51-year- n i w i ruwci 'WA (CP) Resources Min-"Se said in the Com- Storemen Find it Pays To Advertise in Paper j-'list the government now WEATHER North Coast Region: ;ing the Taku river as a Gale site for a huge power Went In the Yukon. curny oraer issuea Dy iormer President Truman. McCarthy spoke out as his Senate investigations sub-committee -continued public hearings to determine whether theie has been Soviet radar spying in the Army Signal Corps laboratories at Ft. Monmouth. N.J. The Wisconsin senator asserted "some place somebody is tying someone's hands." And he said he Is confident President Eisenhower will halt this secrecy if the army brings it to his attention. . Later the day's chief witness. f", he Informed Howard r C-Vancouver Quadra I "ould be difficult for him Ithla time whether there NEW YORK (CP) New York stores knew all along that It pays to advertise in newspapers. But It took the newspaper strike to show how much it pays by showing how much it costs. The 11-day strike that ended Tuesday night stopped old president of the Community Ratepayers' Association, has taken an active interest in civic affairs for many years. A machinist by trade, Mr. Prusky has worked at the Prlnce Rupert drydock for 15 yearsi He Is secretary of the Marine and Boiler Makers Union Local 2. He has taken part in three' election campaigns, was successful in 1951 and was def sated las year. While on the city council he served on the finance and board of works committees. f port open to ocean SINCE THE FRONT PAGE has many male faces, here, by way of contrast, Is Mrs. Virginia Hawkensen of Colebrook, New Hampshire. Virginia won the Mrs. New Hampshire title and represented her home state in the "Mrs. America" contest at A.shbury Park, N.J. Mother of a nine-month girl, the shapely housewife matched her beauty and homemaklng talents against the rest of the) nation In an effort to win some of the $10,000 awards. warning issued. Increasing cloudiness this morning with rain beginning early this afternoon. Variable cloudiness with scattered showers Thursday. Little change in temperature. Wind southwest 20 becoming southeast 40 early this afternoon, shifting to westerly 40 after midnight and increasing slowly thereafter. , Low tonight and high Friday at Port taardy. Sandspit and Prince Rupert, 36 and 44. a time they should have soared. One merchant said: "Customers want to be led, and without newspaper ads we just can't lead them. They aren't getting above street floor." With the strike announcement. moFt of the big stores quickly bought television time. One store showed on television adds ' that would have appeared in Monday's papers. ii the Taku river site Reeled. The port project under study. Aaron H. Coleman, radar engin-j" publication of six major New y Minister St. Laurent ALD. JOHN CIRRIE Oldest active alderman in Canada, 83-year-old John Currie is seeking his sixth term. A cattleman, cobbler and finally a contractor iie served as a school board trustee In 1914 after city's first election. . "fOreen that no negotiate been instituted for 'ton of any Alaska territory eer, denied any espionage was .York dailies, radically dis-lnvolved in his possession of some : rupted reading and advertls-40 secret or other documents ' lng habits of millions, and found at his apartment in 1946. j caused retail sales to drop at wr site or seaport. V V 773r: (11 iV-V 'H' 1 ( I l. mrfl : j : i '.rK I f ' "4 y I I l UAi LIU Q. OLi tr ZJLla Z '-- R 1 fl - 5 c -m r 1 m 1 I rMlCHAEL KRI EGKR fcof the finance com- i - Mm PHILIP G. LYONS One of founders of Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce, Philip G. Lyons has been active in city organizations since he came here in 1929. He joined the 102nd Battery as gunner and was discharged as captain in 1P45 Forty-five-year-old grocery store proprietor 1s running it! (tlderinttti first, t'me " and board of imutee. chairman this Kg "0ld Mike Krueger WALTER J. SMITH Prince Rupert-born clothing store manager, Walter J. Smith Is taking first fling at civic politics. A lieutenant in Royal Canadian Navy reserve, Mr. Smith served with RCN from 1939 to 1945 on convoy duty In Atlantic and Pacific. He has been active in Chamber of nomwtce and Red Cross THOMAS H. ELLIOTT Taking part in his second election campaign is Thomas H. Elliott, B.C. Packers' timekeeper. Mr. Elliott was successful In being elected to the first council after the commissioner left In 1943, but gave up his aklenuaiiic seat due to technt-,lltie! Cohoeriiiug land dlltt,. JOHN H. MAIR Auto court owner John H. Malr is taking part in his second aldcrmanlc race. A resident of Prince Rupert for 28 years he first ran for a council seat in 1936 and was defeated. Fifty-three years old, Mr. Mair was a baggagemaster for the CNR tor lo years before going into hustness foi -himself NORMAN BELLIS Running for the third time In an aldermanic race, Norman Bellls came to Prince Rupert 14 years' ago from Queen Charlotte Islands. He was unsuccessful candidate In 1943 and 1945. Formerly a general store man, Mr. Bellis is now asAistaut general manager of (lit local Fishermen Uu-Op. ALD. HERBERT F. GLASSEY Central and Northern B.C. pioneer H. F. Glassey came to district In' 1904 from Cariboo. Presently a notary public and stipendiary magistrate, he has served as government agent, gold commissioner and ration administrator during last war. He has been an alderman three times. Al GI ST S. AVALLIN A resident of Prince Rupert for 15 years, 56-year-old president of Local 1735, of the International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Mr. Wallin is making fourth attempt for seat on city council. He ran in 1947. 1948 and 1!49. He was president of Trades and Labor Po'irictl fur seven years. v"-v-"""- rtment Bt manager PrlllCe JUmiH ' !t f! V ik "she.'men's Co-Op., he 1 C, ,,''Ct uVrt plKnt- He u hs first elects ri