y "mmmmmmmm u. .11111 1 MIFy Prince Rupert Doily News Curling Results Thursday, December 10, 1953 . (.- ! I Columbia OlluloM trophy comprt.j viuu iu vnc rrinc Ruprt lMlr j 1U? .-.. F : iKV- i pSpN- tv ' i " A curling club re u follows: Afternoon Moor la iv.wi... 4 Old Time Greats Parade "Stud" Before Youngsters at Calgary CALGARY (CP) The clock was played a return engagement be-turned back for 60 minutes last lore a crowd ol more than 5,000 night as the old-timers of hockey appreciative youngsters and rem- iniscent oldsters. Wllklni 9, Lewli 8; Thorn U ' r., r,r- l ridge . evening Andernon 20. McBroof 5; Baieman 10, McKenele 5; Crossltl 6. Johnson ; McUod 5. Wuiso n? Ramsay 7, Turner ; 8chumn Bhler 13. Draw for tomorrow altMaoo if Moore va. Wllkinn. hnru.. . 5 s 5 You can write your own score. The scoreboard had it 8-6 but the press box made it 7-7. Wakley, Thom vs. Hulllston. Grant & Newton Maintain Pace In Ten-Pin Loop s Eig guns were the middle-period old-timers Gusty Gusta-son, Roy Ferguson and Billy Hudson who counted two goals each. Lome Carr counted one goal and assisted on two to match the Wednesday night saw Grant & Newton led by George Morgan "'-""; " who added assist to Hudson an still setfi-.- tho nn-e in the mr-iVs ten pin bowling league as they nis total- svvenr four points from the Mitch Petchet, Les Thirwel, Art RCMP. Morgan set a new high Giroux, Ken Hunter, Joe Mc-single game with his first game Goldrick, Dave (Sweeney) 1 .im-V-'ig 1 --f mm i of the evening, scoring a nice Schriner and Eddie Wiseman i CCST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOB TAKE OUT ORDEBS Phon 200 Broadway Cale OUTSIDE HIS HARLEM, NEW YORK CITY, store Roy Campan-ella of the Brooklyn Dodgers Is congratulated by a hast of his fans after being named the National League's "Most Valuable Player of the Year." This Is the second time for the Dodger catcher, who also won the designation In 1951 244 and then rounded out the scored singletons. Assists were evening by taking the rest of the credited to George Boothman, individual honors by taking the Alex Luft, Cully Wilson, Bill Mc-hleh three eame total with 573. Dowell, Tommy Anderson, Tony City Transfer refused to lose Desmarais, Blliy Creighton, Wise-ground to the league leaders and man and Schriner. took four points from .the Moose j Cully Wilson, old-timer Cal- TERRY SAttCHCK of Detroit Red Wings puts his glove to his face where blood Is already starting to trickle after being hit by puck (top c intre) fired by Harry Watson of Toronto Maple Leafs in National Hockey League game at Toronto. Leafs won 3-0. Left to right: George Armstrong, Gord Howe and referee Bill Chad wick. and also set a new high three gary Tiger star, belied his 62 VANCOUVER CP Harry Har- 'r.u", w"Z,' 'c srl" :.U1 "'c "J: greaves was elected president of You'll discover that we are more than expert painters. Like all good craftsmen, we are also Interested In the beauty we can create. No matter the color combination or shade vou BE 'X I ii Z rfaTf i , C . i the Society of Notaries Public of nesday night. showed why he was rated he old wuh Columbla Wednesday at In the other game, the Elks , smoothie of the National Hock- ne assocUtlon.s 28th annual took three of four points from , ey League as he went in on goal Beneral meeting the Imperial Oil. Along with to score one of the closing tallies. ' z. Probe Slated Into 41-Penalty Brawl Between Maple Leafs and Canadiens By The canuciian Press 1 i JkTy want, you can depend on Us. m Morgan's good game, six others Sam Timmins kicked them out went to the 200 mark with Sim-l as he did for the junior Calgary ..4-An .nl.in 004 ri,i.ta Oil TanqHIani halr In tViA 10.900 It it was was a a rhubarb rhubarb, to to say say the the i , Wings Wings and and the the fifth-place fifth-place Ne New Rudderharn 208i Watson 202, Little Ernie Anderson gave a National Hockev Leaeue Presi-; least. Bv the time Udvari had I York Rangers iought to a 3-3 Fred E. Dowdie OPTOMETRIST New address: 303 3rd Ave. W. , Phone Green 960 Cash or Terms to Suit SPENCE & MATUIK GENERAL PAINTING CONTRACTORS Night Calls: Blue 881 , Day Calls: 101 Dominato 201, and Parkhouse brief flash of the old-time stlck-with an even 200. Jim Currie of handling technique that made Imperial Oil is still leading the ' him a star among Tiger players league in average with a 181: 'of yesteryear. dent Clarence Campbell said this finished his work in the third deadlock at New York, morning he will launch a full period only eight players were j The Toronto game, fairly quiet scale investigation into what on the ice and the benches were ! for the first two periods, broke some say was the roughest game empty. Conn Smythe, Leaf man- j wide open in the third when the wewwwwej in National Hockey League his- aging director, said it was the ! Leafs' Ron Stewart and Mont-1 tory. 1 "war of 1812. reals buq Macfherson started trading blows. Montreal Canadiens and Tor- The big blowup, which surpas- it was maynem after that. onto Maple Leals, the two "feud- sed the 25 penalties given to De-ineest" clubs in the business, troit Red Wings and the Leafs Tom Johnson of Montreal mov- kicked up such a penalty ruckus Oct. 12, 1952, came at 18:12 olied in-to separate them and Wednesday night that league the third period after Leafs had j Stewart slugged Johnson on the officials are already in i huddle taken a 3-0 lead. Thirty-one cnin. players rushed from the to take some action. penalties were assessed In that , benches and sticks and gloves went flying. At one time, Harry Watson tackled three Montreal players. Bob Solineer of the Leafs and A record 41 penalties, give or period alone, including four take a few, were handed out by majors and 21 10-minute mis-referee Frank Udvari as the conducts and automatic $25 third-place Leafs blanked the fines. league-leading Canadiens 3-0 in In the only other game Wed-Toronto. nesday night, second-place Red rry . 1 I Canadiens' Bert Olmstead start- I ed punching. MacPherson then k ..off - switched to Toronto centre Eric Nesterenko. Paul Masnick of Montreal and Toronto defence-man Fern Flaman slugged it out. The sellout crowd of 13,426 was going wild. Udvari.was fran KenWatsorfs 1 3-pc. Blonde BEDROOM SUITE With Radio Headboard. Reg.. $158.50 $29.50 1 Octagonal COFFEE TABLE Mohog ony, Reg. $58.95 tic. Nobody could tell who was j hitting whom. I However, Udvari got things squared away and ordered both coaches to clear their benches. I After giving four penalties in I the first period and stx In the : second, he threw the book in the , third. $29.50 1 Octagonal COFFEE TABLE , g. $58.95 $105.65 $97.65 $36.35 $43.30 u $9.95 Ebony, 1 Blonde Bedroom VANITY SUITE . 3-pc. Reg. $146.50 t 1 Blonde CHIFFONIER Reg. $54.40 1 Blonde CHEST OF DRAWERS Reg. $64.95 i 2 LAUNDRY HAMPERS ; Reg. $14.95 : GUARDS INVITE TROUBLE $26.25! $52.50 1 Large Oblong COFFEE TABLED i r-..ii ali... rncccc tadi c LVIvari ordered major penal-1 ties for fighting to MacPherson, I defenceman Tom Johnson of ARTICLE No. 8 with what spoils you have, in- niiirHitTfT oarlu in thw (jfjnio ctprl rtf (Tnina nff.pr more Ynu $11.50 ; ! Montreal. WesWerkn . and Stew tantamount to an admission ; foolishly believe you are making I Jllldll UUIUIIU VUIl Lt IRDUL Ebony,. rr3 34.95 that vnn arp rx tisfiflri wii.li vour Dosition lmoreEnable bvittl" "'b "6". Each team had only four play fe: $26.25! 1 Large Oblong COFFEE TABLE tU&i i'rJTill ALU- rnCCCC TADI C MoKoaony ; what you have and want to guarding that shot rock. But I protect it. You are as much as fear greatly that you are in-telling the opposing skip that'dulging in some wishful think-he is a better player than youjing. arei You are trying to retreat First of all, guarding U one -:- ' 1 . -t' ,, .$12.50, ? fv .- T f -fi't IFF 15 ers on the ice. Toronto had de-fencemen Hugh Bolton and Tim ; Horton, centre Ted Kennedy and , goalkeeper Harry Lumley. Mont- j real went with rightwinger Bert ', Olmstead. defenceman B u t c h j Bouchard, centre Johnny McCor-mck and netminder Oerry Mc- i Neil. j Raid Smythe: I "I don't want to say much. All j I want to know is when the Canadiens will be back here." j I The Leafs took a 1-0 lead on I jUldll UUIUIIU LvTI Lt I APLL Rtg. $34.95 l'STEPTABLE"--Mk,,:R.',.i;zsoVr'.:.rL':...: 1 3-pc. Plastic VANITY SET Reg. $54.40 - $21.25 j $22.20 if -H of the most difficult stints in curling. A good guard must be perfect in weight as .well as in direction. If it is too long it has only a nuisance value, for a lon? guard on normal ice is no guard at all. If it is too short, it provides a chance for a "double" take-out. If it is wide or nar- I 1 i "S v I'iwwiw an, awi!i.jii i $8.15 2 CHROME CHAIRS Grey and Red. Reg. $17.50 iow, it is a wasted rock. $7,751 2 CHROME CHAIRS A good guard is no more than "I",B""' six or eight feet in front of the;0' tne first period. Kennedy and in i leftwinger Sid . Smith tallied in shot rock, and is directly Red. Reg. $15.50 1 Combination CONSOLE RADIO . Reg. $299.50 3 SERVIS WASHERS Reg.' $219.50 1 SERVIS WASHER Reg. $197.50 1 CEDAR CHEST, Walnut Reg. $72.50 line or slightly to the side cov- tne second. 2 CHROME STEP STOOLS Reg. $21.95 I ering the turn with the greatest pull. In other words, an accu rate guard requires hair-line j precision in direction, and the Reg. $27.50 i finger-tip weight control that will place it as accurately as if 1 CEDAR CHEST HASSOCK 1 LID HASSOCK r.,. U., 4 1 ; you picked the stone up. car ried it and placed it on the spot SPECIAL ON Steel Oil Tanks 110 Gal. Tank $ 55.00 275 Gal. Tank $ 75.00 375 Gal. Tank $ 90.00 . 550 Gal. Tank $110.00 8 Prov. Tax Extra All tanks made of 12-gauge steel Industrial Welainq 1 CEDAR CHEST, Walnut Reg. $89.50 . equired. Let the other skip try V J 1 guarding. Then when he doesn't t "I 1 PILLOW HASSOCK get his guard Just right, you Reg. $13.95 can slip quietly back to his shot $224.50 $164.65 $148.15 $54.35 $66.15 $48.20 $29.60. $22.45 $63.15 $10.75 $22.45 1 GIRL'S BICYCLE Reg. $62.95 2 HASSOCKS Reg. $10.95 rock, roll a little . . . and Is he in hot water! Let him do the guarding. You keep to the offensive by drawing another into $13.75 $9.98 $6.98 $5.48 ' $4.98 $2.65 $6.15 $6.48 Green 8KI 225 First Avenue I HASSOCK B.S.A. .22 Col. RIFLE Reg. $39.45 BRASS FIRE SCREEN contention until his guard Reg. $9.95 drive him to desperation shots i that selaom pay off. Mrs. John Dralnie Puts on Blue Bonnet Finds it Best! A word of caution, though. There are exceptions to every I rule. Guards have a definite place in this game of games. No RCAF Student, Instructor Die in Crash ! two situations are exactly alike, so if you'll bear with me, in the 1 HASSOCK r,9.$5.25 I FOLDING CHAIR Reg. $12.25 ....:!. 1 FOLDING ROCKER Reg. $12.95 . 2 MUSICAL WINDOWS Reg. $12.95 i c0. cmruj niiukicDc Reg. $29.95 1 OIL SPACE HEATER Reg. $85.00 2 AUTOMATIC IRONS Reg. $14.50 2 POP-UP TOASTERS Reg. $29.95 nrx 'ssue HI try to give you PENHOLD. Aita. (CP) An RCAF o. .i". !.. - ideas cn when to guard, instructor and a student pilot, , th meanUme don.t iml. were killed Wednesday when ,ate tnf &u , watched last rhui ho iir Iroinino n nnp rrQh , . . . $6.48 v...... "j-," v.....4.P, .v. v.. i nitj'ht. whn was in nnims in i arrears and. believe it or not, ed while on a routine training ftiitht near InnLsfail. about 65 $3.75 I JWI JLLIVII UMI!LrO Req. $7.50 he was still trying to lock the parage after the car had been stolen. milts north of Calgary. j The RCAF identified the vie- ! tmis as FO Ernest Dyre Holmes of Red Deer, Alta., and Fit. Cadet jv-hiain McNeil Campbell, 13, of Calgary. Next article . , . "When to Guard" SPECIAL Takp your rue from Mrs. John Drainisl I FOLD-AWAY SOFA BED $19900 Only 12 Days 'Til Xmas J 4 WAYS TO BUY AT g 1 LADY ARVIN CHROME Dark Green Frieze, Reg. $259.50 S11R.80 SET, 5-pc. Reg. $148.50 llw ' "1 Isirn Murray" of radio fame, and wife of the well-known ai'tor. Compar Df.luxi Burs Bonnbt Mrnann with any spread at onv prios. Like thid lpadinn Canadian lady, you'U find Dklitxb Bi,ir Bonnet's fresh, swet flavor always rat top billing. You'll love its year-round nutritional value and you'U love its economy. It's so handy to use, too. Fch gohien-yellow quarter pound is individually wrapped in pure aluminum foil with an inner parchment lining keeps its delicious flavor in and ice-box odors out) Buy Dr. lou Bi.ua Bonnet and Enjoy all "THE STORE OF FRIENDLY CREDIT" g FURNITURE and APPLIANCE STORE 31 2 Third Ave. Wesr Phone 460, PRINCE RUPERT ( 1 LADY ARVIN CHROME SRQ60 TABLE. Reg. $74.50 M M I Use Our Layaway Charge It CASH Budget Plan . ; . r . : . : three Havor, Nutrition, Economy! Plon 3T.ii: