Princ Ruper? Daily New Friday, Augi t 14, 1953 MARY KELLY'S HEAR! STILL GOING STRONG Odds Against.Runners-Up Angels Get Flag Fever; Bears Supplant Capilanos Burke Tops Rifle Shoot COliOES, N Y. AP When Mary Kelly was 22. & hull hffarf. tmilhlo anri rnt i... . Catching Yanks, Brooks VUIU l long U)ll( U Kelly celebrated her 99th birthday yesterday. She hm ou!, three brothers and three sisters. SOUTH MARCH, Ont. O1 A Spokane, meanwhile, added I place spots. The schedules and fly BEN FHLEGAR Ihe 49 -year-old lieutenant-colonel both standings are against another half-game to its first- It looks as if It's going to cost from Lansing, Ont.. yesterday of them. ' place margin by bouncing Trl-City 4-1 at Spokane. more to commute between the, .. ,mo 11,. v.nkoot hv was named winner of the Helmer Local Girl Hurt In Accident Calgary whipped Edmonton 10-4 in the league's only other Word has been received that presence 'until the w, Miss Margaret Johanson of 328 wheel passed over h. ' game ; world series ball parks this fall ! "J' "mes and tne two clubs Service Aggregate Challenge Tro-;-but only because they've rais-j fjve phy at the 85th annual Domln-ed " othpr Qm more the subway f are in New York , Miiwaukee ls'71 behind ion of Canada Rifle Association After seven nickel series and prize meet, Brooklvn w, QUr game3 three dime classics ' the fare ; against the Dodgers. Lt.-Col. Desmond Burke, rated went to 10 cents in ta-iisi, ! up bom contendprs tnjS means Canada's no. 1 sharshootcr, past- Ihic voir e hio- crmu; annnsirfi kpl By The Canadian Presa It is 15 games behind Hollywood,, the Pacific Coast League leader, but Stan Hack's Los Angeles baseball club appears to je seized by pennant fever. The Angels have won six straight games. They have just knocked over Seattle four straight and dealt a disastrous jlow to whatever pennant hopes the Rainiers may have been en-i( rtninlng. It took , the Angels 10 innings to win the fourth Wenatchoe and Lcwlston were ! Fnllrth Avenue East, Prince Ru- backing his car t. ' not scheduled and a landslide j suffCrcd a bruised back cabin to get to the road in the Cascade Mountains of,nnd shock last week-end when 1 time. Washington state gave Salem car driven by Alfred Rivett, "token" 'lhey nave t0 Lrely, on ne'P irom ed the best combined score in to be a affair Tokens recced cat I when" ltet?el ! 0 "V sho ana viciuna uurji- 0r prince nuperi, Dicuru ' m m . . night off. Salem was slated to overy her while she lay asleep VJfeCK OnlD TfT ntvn at. Virtiria i .......... l ulro Wathlvn ...... were mised to 15 cents last, v-,i,c ,hinH Wash-! this week the Sherwood, Borden wKv - - 111 me rium w. -J" - FullWheatCor: tneton 6-1 Thursday night af- and Sir Arthur Currie matches. one last night, 9-8. but the big puto court. Miss JuhaiMon, who was stay ter Chicago had turned back The latter match is held In con- i booming bat of Les Peden did third-place Cleveland 7-3 in a ,., im .iih the Queen's Oolrt i ihe job. LAST NIGHT'S FIGHTS By The Associated Prrsa The Greek vessel , ; ing with her mother at the lake .n t : -J i:Wl II II 1 r ...1.. t , - tn month. Barring miracles, the participants will be New York Yankees, for the fifth straight year, and Brooklyn Dougcis, for tha second time in a row. Chicago White Sox and Mil while-on holidays, was taken to .vinca mis aiU'rnni(J lU-IIlIIJIlg Udyngut rilUOUIHCi. Medal ' nunvwmm uiu,jh:va nnukiici w iwT.mii - up 1 2e r'?weii. . -.i t ,y the Smithcrs ambu- m? Hmmrt 4rfl tons a: Brooklyn came from five runs Sacramento. 4-3. but held on to " r.irdrd a score of 240 of a behind for the second straight . , 7;.,,rl, fits nine-game bulge over Seat- rtnit bn,u.L nitlirr. Wur. V . . . . .V,n..t .1.- game to edge New yoi-k oianis - Oullette ..,,,, ... of "Windsor. ,,,, r., Ont..' ; U aid "o""1" o.. iv. wUv .w..,, ..... iancc Hnu released juesany. wir. kmcih me rnnre s lis. 188" j, Detroit, 5. Rivett who was also staying at grain elevator. The sh, Reno, Nev. Edgardo Jose R- 1he salnt. BUto court with his formerly the Creenhia h morn 91(1 f.umivinn Aripntina. ., ... r..l.nn rliiiii,il Irt ... ... . . 1 Milwaukee Portland l'at the league's waukee Braves continue 10 p.,8.g m 0 nnings, up game, nut mosi prooaoiy wasn't scheduled. best pitcher, Al Oettel of Oak " tr " ramllV. D O Iioi we " huii-m- ...uri. ... nU ejmkit. vain, fig:iu hi urn uieir seeona- and St. J. W. MacNeill of Vancouver, tied for second place with 242s. Col. Burke has been 10 times land, by a 7-4 score, and swep. outpointed Andy Walker. 197. iJ(in and was not aware of her Vancouver harlw. in other action Philadelphia Athletics nipped Boston Red the four game series. San Francisco. fnnrlnn f!nnn fiih I Sox 1-0 and St. Louis Brown: S in Diego's good southpaw, j New To Set Schedule AHL Bosses MATINEE SATURDi 2 p.m. j TODAY and SATURDAY 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. squeezed by Detroit Tigers 1-0 8 shooting member of Canada's Mem0 Luna, gave up three runs Brown. 156, Hartford, knocked j in 11 innings in the American Bisley team and has qualified on t0 San franclsco in the first out Paul Cashman. 155, Middle- Iaeue Cincinnati Redlegs wal- eight other occasions. innine. then Ditched scoreless town. 4. I Gtsstt NEW YORK i API The Amen- i0ped . Chicago Cubs 10-2 and In 1924,. Col. Burke became the ball the rest of the way as the! on Wednesday In New York 1 can Hockey League's board of Pittsburgh Pirates shaded Phil- ' first Canadian ever to bring back Padres beat the Seals, 4-3. lOll Turner, 151 Philadel- eovcrrors win give us nnai ap- 6dePhia Phillies 4-3 in the Na- the coveted Kings Prize from YAKIMA THIRD 'nhla. knocked out Ramon Fuen- WALLACE'S SI EN'S SHOP A STORE FOR MEN Naturally the women, too, recognize Wallace's Men's Shop excellent taste and selection in men's wear . . . You'll like the pleasant surroundings, too. Wallace's Dept. Store proval to the 1953-54 schedule ; tional. I Bisley. i In the Western International tes, 151. Los Angeles, 5. Pidc;c:j K cSohiTAI league only 24 hours after theyj New York Oil Turner. 151'i. moved into position to threaten ' Philadelphia, knocked out Ra-Salem's ranking as No. 2 team, -mon Fnentes, 151, Los An-the Vancouver Capilanos Friday i gelcs, 5. and complete otner arrangemencs for the campaign at a meeting in Hershey, Pa., Monday. The league will operate with six clubs this season. They are, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Hershey, 3uffalo, Providence and Syra- Commercials Bobble Chance To Gain on League Leaders tound themselves in lourtn Also "DF.SKRT LIGHT? SPARKY FIRKFLr TOTEM A Famous P:yr Theatr place looking up at the equally ambitious Yakima Bears. REMEMBER WHEN The Shamrock V nosecLlts way The switch came Thursday League-leading Gordon and out, leaving Morgan stranded. ' ht when the cans, who took ! into the mouth of the Thames at Two great stars in the one ureal love story of Alriti SUSAN HAYVARD - ROBERT MITC1JUM ' White Witch Docto Andersons took advantage of An error by Commercial s our straight games from 6a- New London, Conn., 23 years ago eight Commercial errors and shortstop saw Dunbar safe in the Iem earUer in the week, bowed I today for what proved Sir spanked the second-place Hotel- bottom of the fourth. He advanc- 5.2 to the Bears tn tne ouener ! Thomas Upton s last challenge men 7-3 in a Prince Rupert Sen- ed when Christensen grounded of a stand at Van-1 for the -America's' Cup. United ior baseball league fixture at out and came home on Hartwig's .ouver . Trie win pushed Yakima i States yatchsmen successfully Roosevelt Park last night. ; j triple.. Harley Lewis was safe on ! out ln front of the Caps by I defended the trophy. Sir Thomas With his confidence under- ; an error that scored Hartwig. He ,hree percentage points. died a year later, mined as his team-mates con- , advanced when Sid Scherk sac- . CITY TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue and McBride Street In Color by Technicolor TODAY TO SATURDaJ BLACKWOOD on CAPIT01 Also Cartoon - News ' Bermuda" EVENINGS 7-9:0 Saturday Matinees tinually bobbled the ball. Com-: rificed and came home on Don mercial's ace pitcher Gordon Scherk's single. Cameron was combed for ten hits j Two errors, a single and a fly while G & A s Freddy Christen- i Dan with none out saw O tc A's sen held down Commercials to fifth rUn come in in the bottom three safeties. ! 0f the fifth. . ' The win practically cinched commercials tallica in the top G & As chances of ending up of the sixth after Bruce Sirn-! the season on top of the league. undsen singled, but Christensen ! Commercials have three games kept them scoreless and hitless left to play, one against Esquires the remainder of the game. ! and two against Gordon and An- o & A added two more runs in j derson. If they win all three tne bottom of the sixth on three A FAMOL' S FLAVtRS THEATf. 2-4:25 I a By EASLEY BUvCKWOOD if r" i Going Places TartntT Usual Victim of False-Card Plays A survey of prominent bridge players indicates Go by air and arrive sooner, fi-elmg fresh they would only tic the leaders. njtg and one error. G & A have won 16 games and commercials 000 201 0-3 3 8 lost 8, the Hotolmen have won 13 o & A 100 312 x-7 10 3 and lost 6. and rested. Flying time from Prince Rupert that out of every five times you false-card on the ; defence, partner's reaction is as follows:. In one case he will beam and say, "Clever work, partner, nice One Canadian Left in Meet goin A bunt, an error, a stolen base followed by a single by Sid Srherk saw G k A open the scoring in the bottom of the first inning and then Christensen and Cameron pitched scoreless ball until the top of the fourth. A G-A error, with one down, j In the other lour cases he 1 Ty I w (TN mm mMrnrf ' i, will say. "What's-a-miitler, have jo : VANCOUVER 2Vi hrs. 44.85 PttlNCE GEORGE 5V4 hrs. 27.90 HONOLULU 132 hrs. 212 85 TORONTO 13J4hrs. 189.70 'via Vancouver v a -Kdnionton Lit the Canadian Pacifin Airlines ageht hlp you plan your entire trip. He will gladly make all arrangements, provide complete through ticket service no matter where you want to go. Phone 75 for information and reservations. LONDON Canada's case for, y(,u lost your mind?" IP me iup Oi me luuim. put uu Wrtln-e nn.n tniirnnmpnt where partners of This advertisement is not published or displayed by thM the (;ovprnment of British t-ffw Pavlikis who stole second and today rested with Control Hoarrt-or by iy l!)-year-old niade no comment at all. Tliev i miiiply left the game and went ww brought home by Minor Sim- Mrlrlplie ste.wart 3 South dealer Both skies vulnerable Nnrlll 8-7 H A 10 a s OA (lit M r-t l.Kf (Mr. (Mr. Mill:.)) 10 4 3 fc 0 2 4 H Q JI32 ' d k. i in io j c - y h V J 10 M 3 - hmilli (MIm Krili) ti A K J 8 8 5 II - K 1 1-A 10 4 C- 8 J The bld'llug: unusen s single. oiiiiunu?t:M wem, tc second on another error and came home on a well-hit triple by Herb Morgan. Christensen struck out Scott, Cameron flicd Ca& adlwi (Pacific be sure to get w f i 1)1 AIRLINES Only home-bred left from a ; u, t,nc movies or .something, big Canadian field that teed off j Yes, false-carding' pays off ln the week-long championship sometimes but usually, the piny-last. Monday, Miss Stewart ad- , er you confuse most is your vanced to the semi-finals Thurs- partner, not declarer. Sec what i tiay w ith a 2 and 1 victory over ( happened on this hand as a defending champion Edean An- result of Mr. Muzzy's cuteness. derson of IMena. Montana. The Mr Ab lfd the SPVen of uiH, other semi-final spots are filled mon(js ancj Mr. Muzzy promptly by Americans. j played the queen. From thut Marlene started the quarter- , point on Mr Ab,.! Wiis certain final round with 24-tfear-old thc jack of diamonds was in Parbora Davies of Vancouver, . ihe cosrd hand the only other Canadian left in Miss BraKn won the flrst trick th ninning. but the West Coast wth tne ace of (inmonds. She nn 1VV IS 0 JU North at; s H Bust Pake Pati. South Wrst 1 8 PJ 2 S Pluu 4 5 All pas ,girl was no match for 20-year- deciaotl against going to dummy down thc king of (llamonds- : ' - '38 riymnulli $$5Q old. Pat Lesser of Seattle, wash . i for a truinp and laid ; dropping Mr. Muiizy s Jack and who sent her to the sidelines , down the ace kin(? and another setting up Miss Brash's 10 for with a decisive 7 and 6 triumph, i d houinz for a 3-3 break, her game-going trick. in tne semi-nnais inaay n, m Mr Abel won the thll.d KpHde Marlene against the Seattle bru- w)th the I0 and Mr Muzy had nette while Grace Lenczyk of tQ make a aiscard, He wanted Newlngton. uonn., meeis uaroara signa ln hearU but dl(n't Romack of Sacramento, Calif.. fpel hke ne ,.oukl spale tne nlrle in the other bracket. So ne piayed the trey, planning Marlene, British Oln and ,n ni,.v .hp fillr. Bt hi fir... to complete the v ananian v. lose i-nuiii)ioii,'jia a r.pnortunlty it vTiv Ji "l fi Vl "I k Cl I 52 X'o'l'-haker Champion j 'JI' I?'VW'; VTroAaSifi K.S 5-passehKer Coupe, I mju' M'" """.-J'ja air-conditioned... $2275 1 ''-ljj 50 Auslin Scd:"1 $1050 w.V, i, k mn(nn minis) SUPERIOR AUTO ' bte!SfaiSm SERVICE LTD. wmmmm mm iniijrn niHwo. i iiiiem-an i, ech,o i who celebrated her 20th birthday , m; Ab(, was now busy tryl1, on Thursday, won the qualifying to count thc dianlond sult. He modal round with an even-par tricks and had two sure trump 77 on Monday and since then has knew hc could wln at Iettst one coasted to easy victories. j diamond. Maybe Miss Brash had the jack of diamonds alone at Women Deferred? this point and, if he didn't take i "THE COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE TO SE SNAKE LAKE, Sask. (CP) The it, she might discard it on one "omen folk of this northern of dummy's long suits. Not very AUGUST FURNITURE SPECIAL THE VANCOUVER Saskatchewan village are up in good reasoning, perhaps, but if . arms. Seems the men volun- Mr. Muzzy had played correctly' "ered almost to a man to work at trick one, none of it would j - r for a railway at the Manitoba have been necessary, jit of Churchill. i in any case, Mr. Abel laid i IU1 CHESTERFIELD SUITES !5-pre. Covered in Frieze mmmi Mm THRILLS CHILLS BOOTS for Boys and Youths ...for Play and School! $189 50 CHESTER-BED SUITES Nuron Double Sole . Rubber Heels fc Water-proofed c -fa Hard Toe Cap TRICK AM) FANCY MOTORCYCI.K RIDING ROLLING OF ("s MOTORCYCLKS AM) CARS CRASHING THROUGH FLAMING BARRIERS , 'tlOOO To Anyone Who Can Duplicate Feats Performed SATURDAY, AUG. 15, 7:30 Pi ' " At ROOSEVELT PARK ADMISSION- Adults $1.00 Children 35 Alternate Date (In Case of Rain) Monday, Aug. 17 -pee. Colors: Rust, Green, Beige, Taupe. $179.50 Boys' sixes $.95 I, 2, 3. 4 and 5 0, WATCH OUR WINDOW DISPLAY Youths' $1,95 11, 12 and 13 T.9VV A. MacKENZlE FURNITURE LTD. 8PONSORED BY THE FASHION FOOTWEAR KINSMEN CLUB OF PRINCE RUPjI For Over a Quarter of a Century" Phone 775 "A Good Place to Buy . . 327 Third Avenue