NHL Teams Ready For Big Week-end UCLA Blanks Wisconsin, Southern Methodist Wins Gentle men . By The Canadian Prs The National Hockey League dishes up a full helping this Thanksgiving week-end, but Montreal or Detroit could wind Leaf captain Ted Kennedy is . to receive the J. P. Bickell Memorial Cup in a pre-game ceremony at Maple Leaf Gardens to- night. He earned the trophy as the Leaf player who contributed most to the team last year. Stampeders and Canucks Chalk up WHL Victories NEW YORK (APi UCLA, one i other in the third. going into the week-end. Toronto Maple Leats play their first game toniuht. opening the season at hon to the Black Hawks. Tt.e Hawks have never lost an opener in Toronto since the 1931-32 season. The Leafs have won only seven in the same nf tim nawm on the Pacific i In Dallas, Southern Mehn coast if not the power had an- ! dist, two-point loser to Georgia ! up nunSr' They were well fed when the FOR other scalp dangling on us oea lecn msi weeK, coasted to a 20-7 u on iv one victorv over MiKsniiri lid was removed Thursday. luimv uui i . - - -- - .. i , i i. wa i -j r LONDON CP The slimmest period The Rangers, tail-end finishers ; member of Ftnchley tire .station to gain. Houston opened its Missouri UCLA whipped Wisconsin in a Valley Conference schedule with ninint. ii-itArcoi'ttnnnl flush FYidaV a K.IQ trinnmh T i league's history, but they face each other across the table to- in the NHL last season, get a I had to strip down wnen Javtd """"' ' '" -...h.. ciroii. nih. Th -hrinl favors - touch-, "c st..CUu.c cnanee 10 iry lor wien umm tawi,....,Hm.u.u.c 13-0 scoring one , right ,mi hllrt frfl, ... . downin the first period and an- j t0S J?" tZZZ JHZ ' "."-JZ I thL8 seas." wh".n bathroomoX hU hom. The fire- ; uie nra ciiiivr iiicm uuv, meel tne BiaCK nawKS in in- man fqnet-.eu iinuumi wuni don Kerr and Andy Bathgate were the Vancouver scorers. and Pat. I.undy, Sid Finney and Fiank Ashworth sco.id for the losers. About 4.000 fans, out for Victoria's home opener, saw the Cougars lose ns Max McNab :coied twice for the winners and Bob Love and Pierre Brilliant got the others. Eddie Dorohoy led Victoria with two and Andy Hebenton 7 , . ' urangeBowI the Canadiens could catch up : ca0 Sunday night. ' bars to free the youngster, rival in 1951 and 'Gator BowraMi Snndav nicht when they ! - Trail Suspends Four Players Apparently it's an old custom opponent the next year, 39-13. neip tHe Bruins initiate the 1 Michigan State goes after its season in Boston. 27th straight triumph against i The Red Wings beat New York Texas Christian today while ! Rangers Thursday and the Cana- j Georgia Tech, which hasn't been! riens shut out. Chicago Black i beaten in 29 games, tackles Tu- Hawks to move into a first-place lane- t tie in the young league standings got the single. H pay's hectic moments came ' in Penticton to get the Pentic- in the second period when he was bndychecked right into the ton section of the Okanagan Senior Hockey League off on the i right foot by defeating Kam- FOR THOSE CIVIC CENTRE DANCING CLASSES. r. By Tlie Canadian Prt'ss An embattled coach and a brilHunt goalie found themselves targets for some heavy artillery in losing causes Fri-djy nipht In the Western Hock-ey League wars. Calgary Stampeders' net-minder Bill Brennan pushed tint flying rubber with every-tiinf he had. inrluding his chin, as Stampeders dropped a nar-nw 4-S decision to Vancouver Canucks in Vancouver. And playing coach Billy Reay of Victoria Cougars found him-iflf fending off flyms sticks VjKht in the lap of the enemy rs Cougars lost by the same 4-3 margin to New Westminster Iloyals In Victoria. Before 4.500 fans. Brennan stopped 34 shots to 10 stopped by Vancouver's Lorne (Gomp) Worsley. but his team still was no match for the highflying Canucks, who won their third itraij-iht game. Stampeders scored early but was iit a 1-1 tie at the end of the first period, cut short when Brennan required four stitches after stopping a flying puck Willi his chin. Vancouver was New Westminster players box. PHILIPS RADIO... One of the resting players loops Elks in the first game. Smoll $9-75 pr. Misses $2-95 pr. In any event. Penticton took no chances with tradjtion Fri- must have done something unpleasant for Reay came up M swinging at Alex Shibicky, day night as they defeated tlks 3-1 in Penticton. coach of the P.oy;.ls. Cougar defenepman Ross Lowe come to the aid of his coach, engaging Shibicky in a stu-k-swiiving duel with Reay in the middle. For his pains. Lowe got the only penalty assessed for the tussle. Z Bands including Marine, Short Wave, Broadcast. 3-Speed Record Changer Twin t" Speakers, acoustically matched Available in Bluiule, Oak, Walnut or Mahogany. only 229 95 I f ' mmwi -i-TT-nrii "ipf A - '4 4 4 .mix I, iiluminr rj JACKETS Fall Purses., New selection of styles and Colors From $J95 In the OSHL's companion loop, the Western International Hockey League. Nelson Maple Leafs shut out Trail Smoke Eaters 3-0 in an exhibition game. In Trail, the Smoke Eaters, possibly weakened by the ' suspension of four players who re- Pumps... with Cuban heel in black and brown F""8.75 HALF PRIcf ahead 3-2 by the end of the second period. FASHION FOOTWFAR McRAE BROS. LIMITED "The Store that Service Built" Phone 6 or 3G CLOTHING STI Don Smith, Larry Popein, Cor (i.13 Third Avruur . . . . . Jused to sign contracts in a RememD6r When i salary dispute, couldn't keep up , ! to Maple Leafs. iLNt! Frank Turi Louis Secco Bb Kromm and Gordie Sinclair are vnrk Yankees to a 2-1 victory pv"r Touis Cardinals 10 ! the four suspended by Smoke years ago today to give the ! Eaters. Yanks a 3-1 weald series lead. Smokie president Gino Lerose Russo held the Cards to seven ! said the suspensions on the four hits, doubled and scored th'j I have been submitted to the B.C. winning run on George Stein-, Amateur Hockey Association back s long fly. Yankees won j and will prevent the players that 1943 series by four games : from skating in any organized to one. Canadian hockey. Eagles Seek First Triumph NEW YORK I AP) Philadelphia Eagles, who generally were - 1 A FAMOUS SERVICE TO - EUROPE HOUAND-AMERICA LINE'S "extra touch" is evident ' everywhere: Holland-famed immaculate shipkeeping; centuries-seasoned heritage ol seamanship; warm hospitality; congentol fellowship; friendly. NIEUW AMSTERDAM, mighty flagship ot the not-lond-Amenco Line fleet, bringi new grociousness to lite onoot. Seven passenger decks, two indoor courteous service; Confinenfal Cuisine. swimming pools, ocres of "room to roam, thtnqs to do. Cinema, shops, night picked to stir up things in the ! National Football League this j fall, tangle with the alt-con- i quering Cleveland Browns to-: ni'-'ht in a make-or-break game. I The league's 34th season is only two weeks old and the best ; the Fugles have done in two ' game:.: is a 21-21 tie with Wash- j iiigtuii. In their other start they i dropped a 31-21 decision to the : S:n Francisco 49ers. ! By contrast the Browns top the eastern conference w-ith two ; victories, scored at the expense; j of Green Bay and Chicago Cardinals. ' The remainder of the league sees action Sunday. Baltimore plays the Bears at Chicago. The Cardinals will be at Pittsburgh. Lo Angeles' Rams and the Packers tangle at Milwaukee. New York's winiess Giants hope to get their defence clicking Against the Redskins at Washington and the 49ers and the Lions clash at Detroit in a game between the unbeaten le'Kjers of the western conference. The Rams will be after their 10th straight over the winiess Packers. club, gymnasium, solanu sumptuous luxury. RYKOAM and MAASDAM, new twin thrifttiners. Smart, . . " ',4. ""r1-1! -' 'v - it. Si- ' . .-Ml CV"" W.L "id: , set' u vi; X.i ' " i . . .. i- f V- .a, " ""I t v - .... .:'y . ' I vS.i ' ' 'i, ."' V !! V -. .. . ' ; . .. it, : r A' V , 4 -at. .i.'VTA' sleek, modern, they introduce o new concept in tourist trov-el - virtual run-of-ship privileges, and oir-condilioned cor.lort throughout. Here budgsr.priced ocean travel attains superb perfection ! KZkyJ - -Jim A -.h n . Regular soilings Irom New York 10 SOUTHAMPTON. IE HAVRE-ROTTERDAM by famous NIEUW AMSTERDAM, VEENDAM, MAASDAM and RYNDAM . . . Direct to ROTTERDAM by all-first-closl motor-twins WESTERDAM and NOORDAM. Frequent stopi ot Cobh, Ireland. SEE YOUR TRAVEL AGENT YOU, too, can stand out among the citizens of this citj as a member of the R.C.N. (Reserve) team! By getting m Two oriona!y conduttetl CHRISTMAS SAILINGS to SMthampttin, I How, trettirdam by MAASDAM Klirv. 25 from Halifax Nm. ?3 frem New York), ft Y MO AM Dc. U from Now York (also ttoos ot Cobh, Inland) uniform NOW you can get in a full winter's regular span time training in time to qualify to "go places" next sumnul .i ? $ " i f. - : ::f ! ij, si TV MONTREAL TOROW'iO WINNIPiO VANCOUVER "It's gotx LAST NIGHT'S HGHTS Itv Tlir Assui.-luti.-il Pn-.iii NEW YORK, St. Nicholas Aienu Willie Troy, 158:l4. Wash- 5fll Burrard St., Vancouver 1, B.C., PA. iiil to be on a wll-run ship" By joining the R.C.N. (R), you actually join Canada's Navy as a Reservist! IN THE R.C.N, (Reserve) . . . you w ill be using j our spare time to gain valiub skills and knowledge-which can help in your civilu i .- t . . Kd' DIRECT TO ROTTLRDAM for o littla a $150 4. f OROOTE BERB- 0M ? - i L " ' ' i en modern Nslhttilandi Government we.itli. Good lood, i.oman'.hiD, cieanlin.fi. Cabin berth llbO. Dormilorv HM. DIBtCTOBATE-GFNERAL OF SHIPPING Minitrie yon V.rVe.f pn WaLrilOOl . lh Hoqu HOllAND AMLR1CA tINf, Aacnli. in itton, stopped Terry Moore, UO'i, Baltimore. 7. PHILADELPHIA Eddie Oiosa, 147, Philadelphia, out pointed .Joey lilshop, 143'-,, Philadelphia, 3. ' MELBOURNE, Australia Tat I'yrd knocked otit. Frank Joha- vii tt f'ltrp '.W ilCtlVC 315! mi .11 i VI tl IlII I 1 1 III I. I fill L. WW 1W Vi"v - f rhe seas. shouU r. j. : t - . M , IU V"' f I ' ' ' ' ' ' ''".. i i tne need arise. oij, 13,. for British Empire lifrht-'' wnvht championship. . . . t "m. ' ii ... -Mr w - -,y . i if IN JOINING THE R.C.N. (R) NOW . . . Going Places I'YLINGDALES, Eivrland CP Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Bodkin of vrii will s' tr uttnA oni 1 li'm'hle to po on a w Go by air and arrive sooner, feeling fresh and rested. Flying time from Prince Rupert Burlington. Ont., were guests vihtn Mary Staveloy was mairied-here to Frank Molvneux. The! Canadians were foster-parents) of the bride during her four years ;o: week salt-water cruise next summer gaining p"ltK experience at sea. I'nn will rrft fircf r ice rn In in cr Clt full naval r in panada as a wartime evacuee VANCOUVER 3'2 hrs. PRINCE GEORGE 5' 4 hrs. HONOLULU 13'2 hrs. TORONTO 133ihrs. ft tti-rs ltn- rr.AA.I t' tiswt-P l'fil'IflCC 212.85 ' -l I," X -, i; I 189.70 ' X 'i, . ' I I ship community respect. "via Vancouver " via Edmonton Let the Canadian Pacific Airlines agent halp you plan your entire trip. He will gladly make all arrangements, provide complete through ticket service no matter v.iwre you want to go. Phone 795 .for Information and reservations. Look what you get -; with- m ' Coleman OIL HEATER! 5 i x . ' rrh v I i ' ' i . : J f ; -. i . 5 : . . ; K' : Canada's Navy has a job to do in defence of freedom of the seas. It needs a strong Reserve in the , Naval Divisions from coast to coast. Gamdian (Pacific jr i t i i i ll KLINES Find out how you can serve Canada, receiv li in -' $84.50 srwialkt fraininn and parn pyfm income in 111 ' 1 I 1.';: , M ' i I Bmall in size Naval Reserve. Enquire al . . . mll In price giant in performance! Pro- .C.S. CHATHAM i!Mx& , i H.M duces 32,000 BTUs of heat per hour. A really fine loom heater , a dandy auxiliary heater I See ! tliis shadowed mahogany beauty lor yourself. You'U be amazed . at its low price its high power I Cm In mm4 Inspect thf fcaatvr i V A Comfort cwfi m a Mavy (Reservj 1 McHriile Street I'lu.ne 311 i - ' ' si f, "IHi; t'OMFLEl'E IRAVtL SERV1CI'