iioaid Uiicfs Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, October 10, 1953 Handicrafts Underway 7 . ... t. '..,, ele aining Wall To Be Built at Conrad, rt Edward Progress Said Excellent Engaged Couple . wat i in) nir iB. E. Eyolfson, 1114 East Ninth, 27 was granted permission to sell was approved last night by Dis poppies In District 52 schools on. trict &2 school board. iid back the Conrad m1 grounds from "jnto the property of f nuay, November 6 In preparation for the annual observance of Armistice Day, November 11. Poppy Day, this year will be on Saturday, November 7, a letter from the Legion Informed the board. The board has had several : complaints that the present bar- ' rler was not fulfilling Its pur-! pose and previous estimates of1 retaining walls had proved pro-! hlbltive. ! DINING PLEASURE At Civic Centre While the Civic Centre membership campaign launched Monday night continues, those who have already signed up have state a variety of activities at the big centre on Second Avenue. This week saw the beginning jf coppercraft, flowercraft, leather-work, tea time crafts, boys' woodwork and women's keep-fit classes. Beginners' flowercraft, under the direction of Mrs. N. Mouie-house Friday nights, consists of learning to make simple flowers. The advanced class, meeting Wednesday nights, will be taught the Intricacies of the orchid, J1 I'llL? Miss Vivian Wrathall, bride-1 elect of this month, and her! husband-to - be, J. Comadina, I were honored at a surprise party staged by a group of old-time bowlers. t Community singing was enjoy- ! ed and the couple was presented with an engraved copper tray and matching condelabra by Mr. Jack Paul, on behalf of the group. Refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. T. A. Mc-Meekin and Mrs. G. Shenton. The party was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McMeekin, 1939 Atlin Avenue. in SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS PERSONALS 1Mb IN 1I I L U Commodore Cafe it" ' -'nrw. a An approximate estimate of a concrete wall 50 feet long and 8 feet hlnh was given the board by clerk of works John Currie after he told the board that lumber or log retaining walls would not last under pressure from ground expanded after being frozen. Mr. Currte made his estimate on the basis of a wall two feet wide at the base, six inches on top with a sloping side facing the bank which would give the ground room to expand upwards without causing dangerous Oafl New Want (irt RuH A man who spent more than three years In a Japanese prisoner of war camp during the last war arrived here by train late yesterday from Scotland. He Is Tommy Wardrope, brother of Mrs. J. Andrew, 1547 Second Overlook, wh ) arrived in Canada aboard the Cythla last Saturday from his home in Stirling, near Glasgow. Mr. Wardrope plans on taking m gardenia and the daisy, pasted : flowers using prepared wood-fibre. The tea time crafts group has started on slippers, scissors cases, billfolds iflid other articles suitable for gifts and a large num-i bcr of boys have started junior woodworking classes, ages six to nine Monday afternoons and ages 10 to 12 Thursday after up residence here and will bring LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 15)10 MOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHIITING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINOSAY S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 or 68 Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. nis wile and three children THE TITLE OF .A BOOK written by the actress comes to life as Eva Gabor is presented with a salami and orchids at the studio where she is making her latest film. The book title, "Orchids and Salami," is derived, according to the actress, from the fact that the two items are all she ever has in her Icebox! Tommy, Sandy and Ellen, out Splendid progress was being made out at the Port Edward elementary school, Mr. Currie reported to the school board. More than half the concrete forms for the foundation had been completed, he said, and the contractor, Cecil Blakeburn, would be ready to pour by the middle of next week. .He said that baa weather had caused anxiety about two weeks atro but now everything was proceeding favorably. He said the architect. William Marr, was sat juarimloc noons. Teenage leathercraft also is underway, meeting Thursday nights prior to the elementary ' leathercraft for adults. New leathers and new patterns are available for those interested in leathercraft. Civic Centre spokesmen could give no new figures on the total membership gained during this week's drive. Tuesday morning, after the big porch-light canvass In the city, the total was esti-; i r tire BLACKWOOD on $3 ridge . By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Irrail (Irsifi II in1 lirr W. R. JOHNSTON'S 85th YEAR brings you the impressive volue of this trr.nl Hid III ijilh as new lire c in Sofcty Half the Cost Mr. Dale's Sliredwness Defends lirash Contract mated at about 1,200, and since that time many Rupert people i ... i . . , i . . i . - isfied with the progress made and tests of the footings had proved satisfactory. The board decided to inform the Universal Appraisal Co., that It was not inlereste din any appraisals at the present time. later. He will reside temporarily i with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew. j Mr. Wardrope served with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders and was captured at Singapore. He spent 32 years in a PoW camp. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buchan of Peterhead, Scotland, who have been visiting in Prince Rupert for the past 18 months, have left for Vancouver and Seattle, where they will visit relatives prior to returning to Scotland. In Prince Rupert, they stayed with Mrs. Buchan's sister, Mrs. O. Strand, 1205 Beach Place, and also with Mrs. Buchan's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Robert Strachan, 1920 Atlin Avenue, before the later left for Vancouver. j Mrs. Buchan last say her rela-! tlves In this country some 30 ' years ago, when she and her children visited this city. I j Also leaving aboard the George j was Mrs. Thorsen of Ladner. B.C., : who has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Jens Munthe of Terrace, formerly of Prince Rupert, for the past two months. a New Tire Royal York SUIT n t i i i i -,, , i uuvc registeieu at uie centre ior ! Miss Brash bid her cards with typical aggres- memberships. Figures on mem-: siveness, going on to three no trump in spite of her;crship to date are expected to ' . , . , Lt i e i be available early next week. minimum opening bid. Even so, it took a careiul i PARKER LIMITED play by Mr, Dale to defeat the contract. He had to lead not only the right suit, but the right card in ol Friendly Service" i Permission was granted Jacob i Bergen of the Canada Inland i Mission to hold Sunday school classes and the occasional church Your Loral that suit. Tailored to Measure To celebrate Julius ton's birthday, we offer you unusual value In this new Royal York selection. Clean new, RtylefuJ lines , , . superlative tailoring, 100 virgin British woollens. There are no finer suits to be had this season ... at anywhere near this most modest pric. Mawe your selection service In the Sunnyslde school. IIINAKI II 1)1 Al.Ut Phone 93 South dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Mm. Kfril) 67 6 4 2 H A J 8 D K 8 3 Canadian Legion Branch No. The situation involved is a common one so that adopting the principle Mr. Dale followed if bound to be helpful. Mr. Champion led the 10 of clubs and Mr. Dale won with the ace. He returned the seven spot and was surprised when it today. '48 International Vic Lentre lLU3t:u 6950 2-piFt'C Vi-ton pickup ...... $775 C 6 b Ha-l Mr. Iilr) S J H 7 6 4 2 D 10 9 7 6 2 C A 7 (Mr. Ctiitniiitoil) 6 Q 9 8 3 H K Q D Q 4 CV 10 9 B a 'it Anglia Coach $400 Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Oct. 12 won. Miss Brash suspected the j true club distribution and she I ducked in the hope she might force Mr. Champion to lead into '41 Chevrolet Coach.... $500 Mrs. T. Christoff, 344 Fourth Avenue East, was hostess for the October meeting of the Moose-heart committee of the Women of the Moose. Ten members attended the committee s s ton which business was discussed and refreshments were served by the hostess and her committee. '58 Hymouth Sedan $1425 '39 Hudson Sedan $325 (1W Hrah) 8 A K 10 H 10 5 a ' D A J 5 . c K Jit The bidding: Don't Forget . .V ROTARY TEA . Thursday, October T5 V 2:30 p.m. to i p.m. CIVIC CENTKE the king-jack later in the hand, j Obviously Mr. Dale had to fclufU at trick three. Diamond i lonkpri hnnplpss and he nrooerH' '41 rackard Sedan $350 - : ' . l ft.' . i - vv- it i ; i i" ? "' h ,. : ; ; '? h i, ; it , ; ' r . .. 11 -ii It V - . " V!. V - .J ; ; t , t m t5' : if f I- " . I 'i f. l' ' f" t v .. . . " V1 . T u : -' ''tl V J r V . . - ' - i . i ills Your Old- . TIRES East I jij v,,. Kof koi ,., urf ! South West North Pass 2 S'V 3 NT All pass I Now tne usual leaa rrom nis i ' spade holding Is the jack, espe- ciully when there is nothing in the suit on your right. But this was a special case. . 49 Ford Tudor $1350 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LIMITED for WATTS & NICKERSON readers C&dii for old golc1 Pullers MEN'S WEAR lINTERCLEAT; sssssssssssBssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssr cancelled until Moose whist lur&her .; notice.- .. . (SSI, 2-IN.l TREAD Sec Us Now . . , Come- to ' the Booth School P-TA meeting Wednesday. Oct. 14, at 8' p.m. in the Booth School. Mr. Hurst will speak on THE AIR FORCE RECRUITING OFFICER will be at the He had no further entries to his 1 hand. All future leaos by his side wouli have to come from ; his partner.' If Mr. phampion was hard-pressed for a lead j iiite'r, wouldn't It" be better If! Mr: Dale still had the jack of ! spades? j He thought so and led the six spot. Miss BFash had nothing to gain by ducking, so she won with the ace.' She then led the' 10 of hearts, killed the queen with the ace and .'ed the eight WE WILL ALSO BALANCE YOUR. 1 I Y7l the Night School, the course of i WHEELS WHILE YOU WAIT. study and the Community, (it) ational Employment Service Office, Prince Rupert on OCTOBER 16 and 17 I WORK GUARANTEED to Interview Young Men and Women interested in Aviation. Learn a trade ' DEALER FOR THE GENERAL TIRE WORLD PEACE Chop Suey House 909 Third Ave. West Phone Red S78 back. Mr. Champion won with the queen and, thanks to Mr. Dale's foresight, got out safely Willi a low spade. Mr. Dale's jack forced the "Mr Klare 1 hnvlng DarDecue. so I thousht It wise to Invite you boys from the fire station tool" , Evervone should take proper safeguards against lire. Also, you should have enougll TIRE INSURANCE to cover the full value of yuur property at present replacement costs. Call us today. To rebuild at prsent cost. YOU should INSURE before you've lost. " A" Not a Sideline with I's We SpecialUe" VULCANIZING... RETREADING WE FIX FLATS king and after cashing two more so you can demand high wages! I he Air t-orce win give you a rrct complete course in such trades as: Electronics - Stenography - Accountant - Mechanic - Radio - Electrician - Medical and many others while receiving full pay. Join the thousands of Young Men and Women who are enrolling in the R.C.A.F. ENQUIRE NOW NO OBLIGATION SPECIALIZING CHINESE DISHES Orders To Take Out Open 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Dally ISO H'S TIRE SALES & SERVICE ! hearts Miss Brash took a second ' round of diamond finesse, losing to the queen. Mr. Champion cashed two spades to beat ine hand. I If Mr. Dale had led the jack of spades at trick three. Mr. V ' Street Red 548 "ifflnriti muni r- Champion would have been In a hoDeless Dosition after, win - f 1 ning the second round of hearts. , Then any return he made j would have given Miss Brash , her lOlh trick. fote Morse 'please 1 ' I LEAVE FOll VANl'OI'VFK Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wallace left last night aboard the George for Vancouver, where they will spend the winter months. Mr. Wallace is manager of Sunnyslde Canneries, i sim h SMOOTH S(VTf II with tiunt ftprcUtl Millie Horse smoothness t "He thai soweth little shall reap little; and he that soweth plenteously shall reap plenteously. Let every man do according as he is disposed in his heart, not grudging or of necessity; for God . Alii "be; " loveth a cheerful giver. To y ANCOl'Vf'R Saint Poi. sueh n.YE OLD milSKV u lth M hlte Horse quality known. the leorltl overt c-'A 1 1 1 TTfTTiTri TTTTKTrr nrn FRIDAYS: BS Conuitlnm, 8 p.m. SUNDAYS:. SS Chllcotin, 8 p.m. To Stewart ami Alice Arm Chll'-olin, Saturday, 6 a.m. To North Queen Charlotte I ski nils Oct. 7 and 21 Midnight SS Coquitlam To South Quecri Charlotte Islands Oct. 14 and 28 Midnight SS Coquitlam FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aent Ml Thlra Ave. Phone aS Remember Your Church Offering At Thanksgiving 'to. It t t 1.1 h r . . . Scotch lVhislsy (DIIKll I 0MCI " j ' ' ' rnf.r KonrH or hv the jiiiblished or disolayed by the Liquor tmfcniincnl of tSpiiili rolninbif!.. r . - s