Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, October 10, l'jj3 ?;ii!!!"!if imiiiiifiiiKiiiiiiiifj1 DOCKSIDE TALES WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Keasmuhlf. Rat , lU NUN,; Vm Season mm,. ... .. ' Staunch Friend of Prince Rupert Fishermen Heading South Shortly to Start New Venture YACHT Charier Service or rraiuvmeni, lfpph lUflf "iren MO Vancouver. I feel like an old-1 timer now. I hadn't realized how firmly one can get established In First for Rudy has been the were to be analyzed as literal y Lutheran Church of which he Is bs it was appended it would a deacon and secretary of Its 'stand thus: Sour DouBh Bay, dc- ii nH oi iri rived from a peculiar and comic GIRLS' : FALL COATS For Every : Age SUNDAY at MIDNIGHT major role In the reorganization incident involving a windjammer. and an jn . 5 ' f.f thP Nm-wee an "Varden Sine- lis siuuuuiu VIVIX'A LINDKORS MARGARET FlFlh , PAUL CHRISTIAN RORKRT CLARKE ln in nmused onlooker ly Larry Stanwoud Prince rtuperts waterfront is going to say "So Long, it's been good to kiiw you." to one of its popular personalities who has been of service to ffthemen here for the past 13 years. Rudolph (Kudyi Olsen, grocery department manager of the Princp Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative Association Cow Bay store, is leaving in .the near future for New Westminster I :' ; IfM l 1 ' a. ' Top (uilil a community In 10 years or so." And a lot of Individuals as well as city organizations will hate to see Rudy and Hendra Olsen of 134 Fifth Avenue West, and their daughter Margaret In Grade XI at Booth Memorial tak leave of this city. resides- having given valuable service to waterfront customers 'No Time for Flowers" 'Coplivc Women' According to legend, a sailing ship which sought the flats of the bay to go dry on and have her bottom attended to was being refloated at high tide by her captain while most of the crew was ashore or too drunk to ers. popular emenuuiers in song here until a year ago when the group finally disbanded. OltKilN'AL MEMBER The slight, balding, and always friendly store manager was one of the original members of Prince Rupert's first Public Re MONDAY TO WEDNESDAY y at feature value- giving prices. Wallace's have Have you seen my lilfle boy? Do you know who he is? Do you know where he is? i where he is entering a partner at the Cow Bay store and mak- done it again move, aboard. The skinner whs very busy ship firm of importers and ex- : ing the acquaintance of hund- WALLACE'S lations Council rounded shortly; after World War II and credited i with giving this community a with the lines which held his .71 3J' 6 porters. reds of fishermen of all nation- "But I really hate to leave this alities, Rudy has taken an active : city," confessed Rudy as he told interest in social work among tVi npnnlp nf hie nntinnnlHv th ship fast. A bystander and ac- WHERE ! WHERE! major boost., . mmintance of the windjamming DEPT. STORE ' IS TIIK p ui Ilia iirw vl'iiiuic. " - , - Si "I came here in 1910 from Norwegians of Prince Rupert. IIIIKIIIIPIIItllllllillllll1111111 He has been and still is ifh 1 shipper hallooed from ashore active member of the Music and offering assistance. But the Drama Festival Association ind 1 skipr refused, maintaining a delegate to the Civic Centre tnat there wasn't a ship afloat Association. or aground made with too many Born and raised north of the lines for him to handle. "LITTLE BOY LOSTi Look what you can do with Starring UING CROSBY, CLAUDE DAUPH Monday Matinee ot 2: p.m. "ALL OIULS ON l)i:(K" CAlP ITOl " A FAMOI S Pl.AVr'RS T;V . . . thousands are "loing-it-lli'iiis-lves" v,ith Sjlvaply! It's "caught on" I VM Arctic rircle in Norway. Rudy But hardly were these staunch ! moved to Vancouver In 1928. He;words spoken when the captain worked wherever he could land nsl hls footing fighting with a a job, in logging camps, saw- b)W lne taut agl,inst the pulling mills, fish camps and canneries. tlde By misfortune his stumble Twelve years later he Joined the was directed towards a big tub Co-op, then in Its Infancy of of sour dough which the cook development. na(i jeft to ferment in the sun Today, the Co-op Is regarded on the forward deck. Seconds as a major Institution on the ater the fermented sour dough, west coast with a membership of i tul) and captain was amalga-several thousand fishermen and mated In a furor of flying homc-assetji. real and capital, extend- made yeast and well-aimed cussing into the millions. words. When the din subsided ( Rudy expects his business deal gour dough dripped freely Into o be finalized in the near fu- tne bav from fogi,. 0f shiP and this exciting ' I from coast to coasi in Canada hccaiise cvcrjIxMly vants to try ami ro(ilahlc May to a better home. And, what others can do, you can do, too. LAST TIMES TODAY HKLKNE CARTER ARTHUR FHANZ in "INVADERS FROM MARS" Saturday Mulhiee 2: p.m. tvrniiw 1: 9 urc. mis lirm wm inciuaeifautaln allk. ENDS mong its Imports needs of -ILsh- Meanwhile, the miud bv- rmen. stanrlcr who had offered it help- "I expect that New new Westmin wouiiiii-:. hanH t,...ri h. .,, tjn nra Q Q qq Q Q Q Q Q f rrf I i5r. ;w ' ' . . U six iijiHiri will be our home for good ?tu ', ,.,r ,v,. "In Sourdough Bay the Cap mm iow," says Rudy. It can also be ssumed that daughter Margaret's plans to take up nursing for he next few years, then prac-ice her profession in the south, iiny have influenced this move if the Olsens. So Long, Rudy, and gtxid luck! TOTEM Kh iiiiiki 7; - 9:fl,i CCBI. A Kanniu PUyers Thi-atr l.rC.END OF NAME tain. Oh "D'd tui: at lines, to and fro: "Helping .hand he did refuse "Because, he said, he had not use "For fiddle-dool-eray. "But Captain heeded not the dough "Which waited on the deckf below; "And when the skipper's grip gave way "He Joined the sourdough, heave and fray. "And so I name thee, Sourdough Bay." SOURDOUGH BAY A small tidal flats near Seal Cove has been used as a shelter area for Adult FTTrrrrrrrn hiroiTrm unall boat owners ever since Prince Rupert first saw dawn but few todnv could even guess the origin of its name. Entcrtainmcnj If this singular appellation NEAT BUT NOT COSTLY Aililinif attic, rooms U easy with Sjlvaply and the free "llow-lo-lo-it" foliler your luniher dealer has for you. Simple wip-lown finishes alil the touch of beauty lo Sylvaply'u natural vmmI graiit. YOUR "HOSPITALITY CORNER" jni one f Hie luuilirii iinprim iiu-iits you van luill into an olilcr Ikikk r (lan for a new one. 1 1 starts with a storage vull of Sylvaply and i'mUlics with whatever your own iool ta-le inspire",. French Government Acting To Avoid Farming Crisis i, tough story . ,U f how thelAW took o v chancion a B girl... and won... as trio whole nderworld joined the crackdown against the By ( HA It IKS LANK PARIS (APi Premier Joseph ..intei's rlsht-centre government, fresh from victory over Vft-wing opponents of Its economic program, worked feverish-v today 'to quiet angry farm protests against falling prices. More than 300.000 farmers In the southwest third of the coun 'nrni a part of Iinlel's ronlltlor n the asseinlilv, hive indlratpr they may try to force a debate n the cabinet's agricultura policies when the National As-icmbly meets Tuesday. The 14-week-old government handily survived the first parliamentary attacks on It Friday when th assembly threw omI spy menace! try have barricade announced they will : both a Communist and a So-hignways Monday to I clalist motion criticizing Lan- "P'-'O o q q op!;'flp!'D o q O Q Q O Q (l O Q Q O O III Hill l i illlllll IIIH H ! Mil Hi II II II Ml 1111 Tl lei's economic policies cn 11 attention to their demands for legislation to prop livestock prices. They also want some marketing reforms to reduce the number of middlemen. Peasant party deputies, who 1(1 1 li. t . . c - . .. i. . r 5. "!4 ... .: t ' p' "" ii if,. V-N y 4 ; .... i ' ' . . Ii - - $1 V T - ,.;.V .v, I '- ''' -t. ff ; - l , . .i Vj yy. only il k"" ! Monday to Wednewj For wm XAf ft indly Th? lawmakers had convened a week ahead of schedule especially to consider the cabinet's economic and labor program, target of last August's mass strikes which disrupted the nation's economy. Laniel held two long conference)! with farm leaders Friday in hopes of staving off, the scheduled demonstrations. He plans to send a representative today to a meeting of farm delegates from 10 departments at Oueret, in the heart of the protest area. The premier has found himself In hot water with the farmers principally because of a 30-to 40-per-cent drop in the price of cattle during the last year. The government has confiscated one edition of a newspaper published in the farming town of Niort on charges It was Inciting the public to violence in the Monday demonstrations A BASEMENT "GOLDMINE" Tliere' more poteutial living space available for remodelling in the average basement than anywhere else in the homeYoii can build extra rooms yourself and have, fun doing it. 1 irsl. uet vour Free "llow-to-do-it" from your lumber TOYS FOR TOTS Dad's havin, fun Mom's proud and I lie kids ill he linppv. JSy Iv upU's larjie, easil)-vorked iaiii'ls help make short work of this simple Sea-Saw Until, 't his and many other toys anil (fames are in the t ree toy plan folder at your lumber dealer's. Up step-by-step. dealer, it shows you how C' I ! J TOTE Extra "Operation "A" Bomb" "Hare We Go Again" Cartoon Evening 7: - 9: p.m. A Minors i-MViirtsT'" Wl fVII WW 1 1 HI SYLVAPLY NAVY RUM Whether youVe remodelling lo gain extra rooms in attic or hasemciit making furniture, toys or tjace-saviiig huilt-ins, storage avails, enp-hoards or cahinels you'll find deep satisfaction and enjoyment in the johs you can do with Sylvaply. MA (taunch old friend" rt-iNO'S LYNN, England (CP) Oldest student at the technical college In this Norfolk town Is 86-year-old Joseph Adams. Adams, who has studied languages since retiring in 1928 as a customs officer, Is brushing up on German. 1 A Una auvti LiMiuiciiL lo nul, puuilstied i' tlibplMyca by the Llquur Control Board or bv the Government oi !,- irii.lHb Columbia. 7 " I It's FUN a lew simple toolt needed only n I Serving lumber Dealers from Cooil le Coast MacMILLAN & BLOEDEL LIMITED All you n'l lo work Bijcitrenttfiilly wilh lhfnft pany-lo- . ltmnlle 4 (vt l by 8 feet panelH of linhlweight Sylvnply in jiihI averaKe skill in the ue of ordiimry houHeholiJ lonU. (L Mlarled by talking over your pro j ret at "Humlymnn . llH(l4llarterft, your loeal Sylvaply ilaler. (lie hat lite I new "Tuke Home sieH, too smaller Sylvaply panels I hamly for otU jolia.) I Via ELLIS y Choose. ""SSi i (f JSI HMUL 1 l FORDEPEIIDABlgy V- Q'JAirtY A KKMi Vancouver London Wlnd.t Calgary Edmonton Winnipeg i Toronto Montroat Quebec City fMAFFERY LIMITED ALBERT- Si o n nai i IL Terrace, B.C. Phone 131 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 116-117-58 OHice Opposite Post Off'" ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Phone 266 Phone Block 820 Prince Rupert, B.C. i I