Record Numbers Prince Rupert Daily-' News'1 As 1 See It Visit Canada's Friday, January 15, 1954 by National Parks .p Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and "antral British Columbia. Member of. Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. i Published by The Prince Rupert Datlv New- Limited. J. P. MAUUR, President H. O. PERRY. Vice-President a. Prince fcupert Shoreworker Locol United Fishermen & Allied Workers Union ANNUAL MEETING Election of Officers Sunday, January 17 - 2:30 p.m. Legion Auditorium more ' Subscription Rates: y carrier Per week. 25c: per month. 1.00: ner year, i 10.00. :y mall Per month, 75c; por year, $8.00. se tutborizea as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa OTTAWA CP) Record numbers of tourists vi.slted Canada's national parks and hir-toile sites during the seven-month tourist season last year. The influx continues (luring he wider months in those ,pin ks where there are winter sports, but officials stopped their count ust October when they recorded '.915,707 visitors slnae last April 1 -an Increase of about 5(10 Olio MP's ALL MEMBERS ARE URGED TO ATTEND over' a similar period of I'jM. Most visitors loured the 16 national scenic parks where the land is left as much as possible in its natural state. All but live of these parks- located in every province except Newfoundland icporled an increase in visitors in 1053. Fishermen THE MORE I see of this House of Commons the more it reminds me of a boys' school, or a hospital, or an isolated army unit. By that I mean that inside the main parliament building .von are in what amounts to a little world of its own. Right now there Is that expectant, empty feeling for all the world like the atmosphere in a boys' school one day before the crowd whoops and troops back from the holiday. I am already learning that it pays to be on the job early so this time got here one day ahead. mm II :i rr- PJ tel.. 3- 3 1 w-i &! $ NOW IS THE TIME In huvc uui ln.iiii.f rli-illiiul riuiinirnt put in first class coiulillon. Expert Service on al! makes of - O RADIO TELEPHONES 9 DIRECTION FINDERS ECHO SOUNDERS Call 644 Banff, which has grown from a lU-S(iiaie-mile trai t to Canada's second-largest at 2.UM square miles, headed the list as an outdoor attraction. It had more than 5R4.000 visitors, nlmut 150.000 more than Riding Mountain park in Manitoba. Banff Canada's first national park. U was established in 1885 as a tract surrounding the mineral hot springs which still are a big aumction. from this small tract, the national paik-j lands have grown to an area of more than 12.000 square miles In ' (Hi years and this is expected to be added to when Newfoundland THERE is a literal mountain of mail, but it Is strange how it RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC TWENTY-YE AR-OI.D PETER MARTIN (centre) of Winning, gained fame with his hobby of .studying early Indian life. He was named one of the 12 "Personalities of the Month," by a United States magazine (The American.) The magazine said Martin "probably was North America's youngest paleface authority on early Indian life." He huddles around a tom-tom with his brothers, Rolf ( left 13, and Hans, 16. Territories Not As Barren As People Think Says Official Authorized Dealers for: KK ami SI'II.SHI'KY and TINIAIX RADIO TKI KHi KFMlIX M'HO SOI'NDEKS Let s Welcome a Fine Artist )R those who enjoy music, it is time now to make plans to attend a concert next week which wrings to Prince Rupert a woman who is ranked isbne of the 10 finest violinists in the world. Since , lost of the others in the list are men, her accomplishments take on that much more distinction. ; Frances . Magnes comes he-re as the third ; ei'former in the current Alaska Music Trail ries. Although the artists are of exceptionally 1 'gh standard, the season so far is not a financial i access. One reason given for this is that it started too early with the result that many who usually attend missed buying their season tickets. Another suggested reason is that committee organization was slow in getting under way. f These are unfortunate circumstances but they need not be fatal. Two brilliant artists are still to be heard, and an active committee is now at work to' ensure that they receive the attention they deserve. Tomorrow tickets will be on sale at three central downtown points as well as at the Civic Centre. They are also being sold by individual Ciic Centre members. The rest is up to those many others who like mdsic and want to continue welcoming visitors who have so much to offer. Frances Magnes does not know she is walking into a challenge in which the future of the Alaska Miisic Trail here may be at stake. She is coming merely to play her violin and to give all the great musical enjoyment of which she is capable. j So let us hope that when she makes her entrance there will be a large and responsive audience present and that she will never have cause to doubt ' . Prince Rupert's pleasure in receiving her. i i Si. ii sorts itself into piles, which makes it look less formidable. There are several hundred postcards from the members of Branch 16. Canadian Legorr. These all bear my name in print on the front, and carry a printed warning to the government, thus: "We consider the inaction of OTTAWA CP) Canada's bleak ' trick to new sites to be chosen gets a national park. The Newfoundland government is understood to be considering an offer of a trnct of land in th" Bonavista area on Newman Sound. It would be offered In the federal government -free of encumberances and Parliament the Government in War Vet Be Thrifty ... Spend Wisely ,1 Arctic is governed by a tall, I nrxf summer. erans' Allowances and Veterans dark, soft-spoken public servant j These shifts to new sites In same neighborhoods are the vat i th he whoi)?n on ;sh"win breach of faith to those .rt ,j,..Lr on u,i,i Northwest Territories aren t as M'c applies, inadequate sewerace 1 "' v.ouki oe asuec 10 incoipor- He is R. Gordon Robertson. 3d facilitles and handicaps on ex- at" " as nauonai pain. suggest tlxat you remind the government . . ." demitv minister of northern af- nansinn nr. iheip niesent site's. ! The annual cost of adminis- BUY THE B Of course almost every one j fairs an(j natural resources, and i .... , tration, operation, maintenance ,.ni or of the hundred tf veterans , commissioner of the territories I I-LIIKI-. j and construction of the national knows very well that I feel ex-Wh0se 1,304,000 square miles j Mr Robertson's view on ('.;- parks is about $6,000,000. actly about the WVA allowances1 COver one-third of Canada's en- j elopment ol the Nnrt!v,v,l mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm as they do. I hope they 8lso'tir. arpa I Territories were previously ex- 1 1-. o i ! How Christian Sch-nce HmiIh "WHY BE AFRAID?" KTKV !'.t kr, Siittinliiv, 10:1.1 a.m. have the horse sense to knowi , j v. 'pressed in an address to the The territories, peopled by that, long before they wrote, I ! NWT founfU whpn he s;lk,: 68 Eskimos, 5,600 whites and! had taken the matter up with 1 ,.Thnnk3 to' lchnologlca o;-the government, in the pia,.(;-i.oou lndiaas, aie ncn in un- j van,,e tne , woaitn 0f this sior-where it should do the most i Pf. virtually unknown rmn- ; h ,s bp(.omin2, more and "al basis of most deposits, ot good. i ; more nrressible . . . the n.inera!s INSIST ON n.c .u..,... i ... , heeomlnK more and - .... ( ! laside the Arctic Circle there Is i thoSp vegetable gardening during the' ; THERE is fx whole fl i ters on 'the flag, snort, summer. r.gainst inclusion of th Union HOUSTON more amenable to extraction . . . this potential wealth is becoming of steadily increasing Importance not only to the economy of Canada b.ut to the economies of all countries of the free world. "Side by side with the economic growth which seems clear , Jack clearly outnumbering those j uti'RE PROVINCE i ;who favor Its retention, as inj XnG north's growth is. such , the unofficial red ensign. How- j that lt development and popu-j ever. I am too old a hand in nation increase sufficientlv it :s aeaiing witn the public to oe "conceivable" there some dp.y fooled by that. I know that might be a province of the Mac- thOSC Who feel most Strongly Oll l,,!, Rivpr Mr Rnhertsnn snid Prr Mf lie; t h ly to lie ahead of us wnl come i I POTATOES AND DINING PLEASUPL: any matter are those who write i jn an interview. Most of the ! growth in tne tns'.itiricns oi first and those who are for the j territories' 16.000 population live i fov mment and social welfare, status quo are always slower '.Jn the District of Mackenzie. lor these three facets of pro-show where they stand than I north of British Columbia. Al- '' re-is economic, political and so-those who want change. ! berta and Saskatchewan. j! eial must be interdfpeodent if For instance, if I were to! Mosl of the white man's a,.J: a. community It to flouri.-.h." judge by letters alone I would I tivity in the territories rcvtolv.fSv v Although "the-- people of the make the mistake of believing ar0und gold mining at Yellow-j. north" might have aspirations that the overwhelming major- j knife, about 500 .mile! -north oBj for. provir.oehooA Mr.. Hubert son ltv of Canadians favor legalized I rrim.mtnn n hip nmlhern. deubtefl hiV would noeept ir- in VEGETABLE js. i. J HOUSTON CO-OP . SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodore Cafe t MARKET ASSOCIATi sweepstakes. ' But I know very ; bnore of Great Slave L-.'kr. corporation with uny of the I well that if it came to a show-j At Port Radium, some 300 i vsU;rn i)rovinc s. down, the whole weight of the ! niile-s further north on Great i Ilowev r. curving Canada's 'churches of Canada would be ! pr Luke, mining operations 11th province oat of the terri- is-ii Me r ELIZABETH II, according to a report QUEEN from her tour in New Zealand, heard two small girls near the royal car arguing whether the lady within was the Queen or Princess Margaret. "I leaned over," the monarch related, and sard, 'No, it's me.' ' ' A generation ago a number of grammatical purists .would have insisted, and probably some still do, that the proper phrase would be, vIt is I." However, the "me" has long been accepted usage in . Britain, and the National Council of Teachers of f English once acknowledged it as also an American idiom. ' Like other idioms, it won't parse, but is clearly : rrclerstood. How explain, for example, why a Frenchman says, "Qu-est-ee que c'estT' (literally AyTiat is this that it is?") for "What is this?"? Arid how satisfactory would it be to try to straighten out the syntax of the well-loved Negro spiritual, "It's Me. 0 Lord, Standin'- in the Need Actually, the Queen's "It's me" harfcs from ancient times as part of the king's English. J OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. SacLeoc thrown against any move to le-: vital to Canada's atomic energy tories woum still leave abo .t galize lotteries. - development programs are be- hllf the territories - the east- ijng fairied out. crn and lar northern si-ctlOiis OF COURSE, most of my mall! The North'west Territories , ! untouched politically. The i eras an MP concerns routine ! council now U planning to move i territories, north of the COUi matters -like applications for Aklavik, near the northwestern j parallel, are bounded on the immigrants, and such like. ju of the territories, and Cop- wt.'t by the Yukon, on the east t!w However, some is of genuine j permine. on the far north-ccn- by Hudson Bay and on human interest. Here for in-1 tral shore of the Mackenzie dls-1 north by the Arctic sea. stance is a blistering, red-hot letter from a man in White- (er , Jh'op Luxurious Slcriing C.ouJnrt ' ' liftitnn''s SI Vlil.MIl Muttn-xs and GTC TRANSFER LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FURNITURE MOVING " Phone 950 CRATING PACKING STORAGE First Avenue an4 McBrlrfe Street . horse, Yukon Territory, who wants to know who gave the RCMP the. right to shoot dogs cri'Ahe--streets .of iho .northern city. ' He - encloses - a ' pungent news item from the Whltehorse Star which reports a wholesale dog-shoot. In which several priced family dogs are alleged to have been shot, along wl.h strays which had apparently become a nuisance. THE MOST serious letters in the Mtttchinu Spring. pile are lrom Canadians who!' V are deeply concerned over wnat they the letter-writers claim affairs is laid by Parliament Hill's foreign trade experts mainly to the door of West Gerr is lack of a clear-cut national ' V' I 1 M H I -; many and Japan. Relieved since policy for TV and for air trans- World War II of the burden of port. 5tdrm warnings continue to be , hokBted along the foreign trade front. During the past week Brazil gave notice that it would not be renewing its adherence to the: General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT). And at abtyit the same time Australia made lt known that It will continue to play along with GATT, but only upon condition that it is allowed to file a complete new set of sharply higher tariff maintaining heavy armaments, these two defeated powers have been able to concentrate on civ V Try Daily News Classified KERMATH ilian production and to keep ! their prices at a level which ; other democratic nations with their high levels of taxation MARINE ENGINES cannot meet. ; For example, over the past five years prices In West Germany have risen only by nine percent. In the principal Democratic trading nations they have risen three times this amount. The result is that the Germans and New Low Prices! schedules. These Brazilian - Australian developments follow on the heels of the movement towards higher tariffs which has been under observation In the United Statea for. some months past. It also comes as e sequel to Canada's oufyi; action in announcing new Off to llic Land of Nxl on lieslmorr'g magic carpel of rest. Thin twin rnHenililc in made to fiivc yu Hot a massage not an ortliopeilie. trial ment lut jllt the moHt n-frohliinj; hlrcp of your life. Try this cupreme rest ronihinal ion and you'll know why more and more people urc l)iiyin! Fishermen, compare the following prices. You can now buy the best at greatest sav Japanese, wun ineir oener ability to hold down prices, have been underselling other trading nations in the main markets of the world. BUY NOW AND SAVE FISHERMEN'S PANTS fi.75 All wool. Regular to $12.00 ;. KOW, pair . v PENMAN'S UNION SUITS 2.95 Heavy weight. Regular $4.95 ..NOW, Suit V ALL WOOL COMBINATIONS $fi.95 Heavy weight. Regular $7.95 NOW, Suit v MEN'S PULLOVER SWEATERS $5.95 All wool, McGregor quality. Reg. $7.95 NOW BOYS' HEAVY PANTS .95 All wool. Regular $5.85 NOW, pair BOYS' PULLOVER SWEATERS $9.25 All wool. Regular $3.25 NOW and formidable "teeth" for our previously moderate anti-dumping feglslation. T- Pn brief, the swing of the world tirade pendulum, which was to wdrds freer world trade at the time when GATT was organized, now Is on the turn. Whether or nqt GATT will long survive the re-iaetlon is uncertain. But It is abundantly clear already that the principle of freer world trade Inevitably the pressure of this flood of German and Japanese competition has created a demand for protective measures on the part of the nations whose domestic industries are being affected. Canada belongs In this category and has responded by new antl-dumplng measures. But Canada is also an exporting country, and any spread of re ings!! These all have reduction gears, also panels. Sea Cub, 25 HP 775.00 Sea Jeep, 61 HP .... 900.00 Sea Prince, 100 HP $1100.00 Sea Rover, 130 HP....S1600.00 Sea Mate, 160 HF....S2200.00 AH engines in stock, immediate shipment. Large stock parts carried here. H0MEW00D MARINE LTD. 1733 W. Georgia, Vancouver FURNITURE MATTRESSES, which lt was designed to foster A. MacKENIiE FURNITURE LJ already has become a lost cause at least temporarily, and prob LOOK FOR THE NAME strictive tariff measures auto matically boomerangs against ably for a long time to come. Nationalism is climbing back . i-or uver a Uuarter or a wmu. her. Ana that is what is worry "A Good Place to Buy 327 Third Avenue lng the Ottawa M.P.'s as they fast into the world trade saddle resume the session. The reason for this state of