Prince Ruperi- Daily News Friday, January 15, 1954 Rangers Start Drive for Playoff Berth rookie Glen Sonmor .... 1ra ftMCKS UI ren uooirey was Sittn, The j.ui and " Wallv " "v Hergeriheimer B The growls aren't audible yet , Hawks' H..i..t was the JlaWKS Kid Gavilan And Doctor Given Awards hixui IN THIS CORNER must oe but Boston's Brums straight. I Sonmor fired the first goal at j (iq of the second period, with . snurliiig now that it looks as if ! they're going to have a real bat-1 tie for a playoff berth in the ! National Hockey League. penalty. That counts t core 1-1. .ipltigoutry tier's tally ir lhe BrZ' 6:42 mark. Hal Uiyk aO-foot drive that waL" by a Detroit defenwrrm ner was in just the right slam the puck past : Terry Sawchuk. dick Avni:s 1 another rookie. Jack Evans, as-i slsling. Irwin set up Hergeshei-mer for his goal, which came I Just after the halfway mark of ! the third frame. Continuing where we left off yesterday, discussing tne The Red Wings were extended - The fired-up New York gers are snapping at their hef k and the Bruins can no longer , h .pe to back into the playoffs The Ra-gers are a different outfit these days. The changes j they marie to hit on a strong, coordinated winning line-up have : not been in vain and their new coach. Muzz Patrick, couldn't , have taken over from Frank j Boucher at a better time. RICHARD GIVES UP COLUMN, APOLOGIZES TO CAMPBELL MONTREAL (CP) Maurice (Rocket I Richard of Montreal Canadiettf today ' humbly and sincerely apologized" to President Clarence Campbell of the National Hockey league and to NHL governors for statements he made In a recent newspaper column. Richard, who criticized Campbell for his action regarding the suspension of Bcrnie Gcoffrlon after a recent NHL rhubarb, said that he was giving up his newspaper column while he was playing hockey as "freedom of the press" was denied him while he was under NHL jurisdiction. The French-language paper which carries Richard's by-lined column headlined the announcement of Richard's apology with "RICHARD GAGGED." Rayner Shuts Out Canucks ny Tiif Canadian Press of the Saskatchewan Senioi A rookie defenoeman find a Lookup, turned in a spu-a-lin". problem facing local fighters who hope to go somewhere in their chosen sport, we repeat that being isolated in a town like Prince Rupert is quite a handicap. - - Here are Joe Ward and his two circus office yesterday after champions, IS HI (Mouse) Morri- Solomons telephoned from son and Andy Marshall ready Miami, Fla. and in shape to go to the Dia-; inond Belt tournament and the i Capo fare lined up for next NEW YORK Welterweight champion Kid Gavilan, Dr. Vin-! cent Nardieiio and Floyd Patter-' son have been honored by the American Boxing Writers A.sso-i ciation as the outstanding men i in the sport in 1953. i Gavilan received the Edward J. I Neil Memorial Plaque as "fighter of the year," an award named in ) memory of the former Associat-; ed Press sports writer who was killed while covering the war in Spain. Jack Dempsey, former heavy- weight champion, in presenting to the limit betore downing the I Bruins. Glen Skov scored the winning goal with only seven: minutes to play. I Metro PrvKtai got the other Detroit goal at 11:31 of the second period while Boston's War the award hailed Gavilan as j "one of the greatest fighters of ! Last night, playing under Pat- ' rick for tlie second time the j TMngers blanked Chicago Black! ! Hawks 2-0 in the windy city and moved to within two points of tne fourth-place Bruins, who dropped n 2-1 decision to the : leading D 'troll Red Wings In subject of money rears its ugly ' week has Ketchikan Rockets j j head. Should the Vancouver . coming here next Friday and ! i paper sponsoring the fights not Saturday to play a return series; j come through with the fare, with the Prince Rupert Challrn- I then a fund or sponsor appears gets. j I to be necessary. Folks tell us S i that we should have fight cards Girls' basketball starts the j here to raise money. A wonder- second half of its schedule to- j lul idea, basically, but who in night with Frosty's food Lockers this district is going to be sul- i taking on the league leading cidal enough to step in the ring Horn's. Frosty 's go into the en-with either of the two afore- counter with a 2-win-2-loss ! lormer Dig league goane proved I game on defence modern times." j Dr. Nardieiio, former boxer j and New York State athletic i commission physician for many j years, was given the James J.l Walker plaque for "long and meritorious service" to the sport, i His goal came after Jim Ross Patterson, 165-pound Olympic champion in 1952, accepted the James Dawson Memorial Plaque a.s "rookie of the year." Boston. imiTi sr h:am Tile Hangers' win was the fifth in their last six games. All the Rangers have to do is to keep that pace up to start bringing back the New York fans in droves. Goalie Al Rollins stopped 19 New York shots and the two that beat him came off the mentioned maulers for the sake of three or less free rounds of unpremeditated massacre? Any thoughts on the subject of "an angel" for these boys will be appreciated by this depart u poieni coinumauon inursnay night as the Saskatoon Quakers sent the first-place Vancouver Canucks down to defeat on the 1 iist stop of their Western Hockey League prairie lour. The score was 1-0, thanks to a second period goal by rookie Dale Anderson and some brilliant, netminding by ex-Nc,v York Ranger Chuck Rayner. The victory was a big one for BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING .FOR TAKF. Ol'T ORI.FRS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe had tested Lome- Worsley with a Ion'! shot and me rebound slithered away from th;' Vancouver cjalie. For Rayner. the whitewishiiu; job was his fifth of the season, best in the league. The game was featured t tight checking throughout. Canucks gambled in the final minute by taking out Worsley fur the extra attacker but a stout oefence and Rayner kept Hv m from tying it up. irslLV at this Ktof record while Dom's have yet to be beaten in four outings. In the Junior boys' league, second-place Sports Shop meets third place Ormes and Bulger's face the league leading Sea Cadets. The sailors boast live wins and no losses while the jewellers have only one win in five games. We hear that Sonnie Beynon, former local basketball "great" back in town for awhile, has been approached by Gordon and Grant & Newton Still lop League The three top teams in the Men's Ten Pin Bow'ing League, SPARKLING CLEAN Grant & Newton, Elks, and Ci'yJ Two games are on tap tonight ' Canucks move to Edmonton aim Seattle Bombers tangle with! Victora Cougars at Victoria. Andersons to see if he will turn out for them. It would be some the Quakers. It kept unblemished their record of 14 straight games at home without a loss and moved them into a third-place tie with New Westminster Rcyals. Saskatoon now trails second-place Calgary by four poinU and Vancouver by six. Besides banging in the winning marker, Anderson, up on trial from the Moose Jaw Millers Cooey Chrome ment. Should the boys receive no backing then they won't be pning. Mouse and Andy both want Joe in their corner and have no intention of taking on th" pros and .semi-pros that manace to fmht in the Diamond Belt, (since they are in the armed services! without Joe's valuable presence at the ringside. ' Sneaking of boxers, heavyweight champ and Gordon and Anderson basketballer Tiny Carlson is p r e se n 1 1 y undergoing treatment for a spinal ailment in Prince Rupert General Hospital. He would welcome any of his friends who could spare the time to drop in and see him. thing to see if he decides to get back into strip and help the hardwarcmen's cause. Members of Prince Rupert Ski club were out last Sunday enjoying the powdery snow on Mount Hayes. The new tow rope was installed and will be in operation this coming Sunday if all goes well. Further" information on To dress up your kitchen ... to give it thul completely new look, pick a miner-styled Chrome set by COOEY. Fay to Clean and Keep Clean SETS I ROM $89 50 "p Transfer, each took three points and dropped one to the RCMP, Imperial Oil, and the Moose, respect ively, so that the learn standings remain unchanged in crder. Grant & Newton now lead the league with 40 points, Elks are second with 33. City Transfer third with 28, then the Mnosr-with 17, Imperial Oil 15, and the RCMP with 11. There were few big scores In comparison with the three previous nights but John lluupcii continued his good bowling of late with a good 595 series with T06 and 203 games. Barry Watson scored the high single geme when he rolled 213 and w:s closely followed by D(.n Arney v.-ho rolled a 212 in his ... A wide size re skiing can be obtained from i Roland LaStarz.a of New York;lan Fredheim at Blue 954 or black suede and FOR TriAT EXTRA SPECIAL PRINT JOB CALL ON DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Kelowna Packers Chill Spokane Ily The Canadian Press The reception the Spokane Flyers have been getting rr their tour through the Okan-r.gan Hockey League has ben a-s cool a.s the weather in the pints. Flyeis of the Western International League absorbed a 8-3 loss at the hands of Kelowna Packers last night, their third ers . . . Cuban or:j has signed to meet Don Cockell, : odrtie Eitlsvik at Blue 719. Britain's heavyweight boxing; I 1 heels. . . 1 Also see our ; Legion Curling champion, in a 10-round bout in London. March 30. Notice of the signing was announced by Pro-motor Jack Solomons' Piccadilly i can Girl Sandals Schedule Changed GORDON & ANDERSON LIMITED Phone 46 game. The high single team Fashion Footj The enforced withdrawal of I came andUhe high three gam s j Ktraight setback against OSHL i .? ( ompetition. the Hootz rink from the Cana-1 were both v rolled by the K! dian Legion curling club has ne- j with a 862 sngle and a 25 cessitated a reversion to the : series. Record Season j WATERTON. Alta. (CP) Tour-i ist registrations in the Waterton BACKACHE MaybeWarninq Backache it olten caused hy taiy kidnea action. When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system. Then backache, disturbed rest or that tired-out and heavy-headed feeling may soon toiiow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better sleep belter work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. SI Remember When Lakes National Park in the 1953 ' YOUNG MAN OF ACTION. ,i Bv Tlie Canadian PresK season reached a record A total: . Of 20G.587 visitois In 52.435. cjirs i. were registered at Park gates. . 75 H : till w it i I -i ' 4 ? 4 1 ill Henry Armstrong, sensational Los Angeles negro holder of the world featherweight boxing title, raided lightweight ranks to knock out Enrico Vcnturl In the sixth round 16 years ago tonight. It was Armstrong's first start "f the year that saw him wind up champion in three classes featherweight, lightweight and If V " l Fred E. Dowdie OPTGAAETRIST i "f. ft ; 4 urn 11115 original Sections A and B of five teams in each section. , The vacant spot made by the Hootz rink will be taken by the Parker rink. The Schedule for Sunday, Jan. 17 is now as follows: Bill Baxter vs Bill Anderson (ice No. 1); Ted Parker vs Jimmy Andrews (ice No. 2) and Tom Prokokow vs Jerry Lemire (ice No. 3. Of the games already played the following are declared null and void: Doug Hootz vs Bill An-"drson and Ted Parker vs Tom Prokokow. Continuation of George Cook tronhy play at the Prince Rupert curling club are as follows: Ostertag 9, McKenzie 8: Thorn IS. Sieber 5- Aston 10, Turner 4; Moore 13, Gcorgeson 7: Greene 15, Meighen 5; Berg 12, Turner 6. . w, m New address: 303 3rd AVe. W Phone Greed 9ti0 Skilled, Tough and Proif niilii mm 1 Skilled: He is trained in many ikills and trades and BASKETBALL TONIGHT CIVIC CENTRE 6:45 Sports Shop vs Ormes 7:45 Bulger's vs Sco Cadets 8:45 Frosty Lockers vs Dom's to handle the new complex weapons of Canada's modem ' He ranks tops among the fighting men of rtw 4- Tough: The rigorous training he undergoes keeps himpkti fit ond ready to defend our freedom in Asia, Europe and . . w variety of climates in Cil frond: He is oroud of the fine reoutation he has built forCoiw?1 1 You Name It! himself in Korea, Germany and throughout T u si You can carta a career for yourself in the Canadian Army. And yo f We Ship It! serving with young Canadians like yourself who wanl to 9' LAST NIGHT'S HGHTS Ity The Associated Press Worcester. Mass. Curly Mun-'roe, 139, Worcester, and Augie Salazar. 138, San Francsco, I tl'CW, 10. .. ... i ' , " Saginaw. Michv kejiny Lane. 134l, Muskegon,-- outjkiintied Jesse Underwood, 134' 4, Detroit, 10. 1 Saginaw, Mich. Mickey War You will find satisfaction in the Army, too The security of good I , ' i: ' Complete shipping Vice .commercial or. household for local or pensions, 30 days annual leave with pay and the chance for rapid pro"! DOMINION You ore eligible if you are 17 to 40 years of age (skilled f ner. 143, Windsor, Ont., TKOo Johnny Mack, 142, Detroit, 2. TEN ; . . to 45) and able to meet Army Test requirements. Applicants shou birth certificates or other proof of age when applying for irf Apply right away. For full informalion write or vsif Army Recruiting Centre nearest your home. world-wide deliveries. LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE MOVING CARTAGE And STORAGE Photic 00 I.TI). LINDSAY'S I Saginaw. Mich. Clarence Krzymak, 200, Bay City, Mich., j stopped Jimmy York, 196, Winri-t,or, Ont.. 4. Fall River, Mass. Gene Le- ; Blanc. 147'2, Fall River, out I r No. 1 1 Personnel Depot, 4201 West 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, B.C. $ -V "Leave it to Lindsays" pointed Don Southern, 143' j, I Ncwuort. R.I.. 8. I - Army Information Centre, 119 AA Bly., RCA, Work Point Barracks, Victoria, B.C. Aaaaa ac j- u ELLIS AIR LINES Llita tm "Vole tl the Army" Wr.- Friday eveeiaf s ever the Oanlnloa Natwara. '3 FARES 4 .h--.- j Any organized group consisting of eight or more persons is eligible for our special reduced fares. ll f) -f-f.:& Hi Iffi j j if? -'1 REDUCTION FOR GROUPS OF 8 OR MORE DEDUCTION FOR SROUPS OF 16 OR MORE SPORTS TEAMS . . . CLUBS ... Meet your friends in Alaska at low costand minimum time loss. ILUS AIRLINES Coll at our Office or Phone 266 LTD. MONTMORINCY DISTILLERY . Iiauarf, P.O. SERVE CANADA AND YOURSELF IN THE Al This ocvortisement tj not published or disployed by tlit liquor Control Board 01 by the Governmvnt cf British Columbia.