SONALS Skeena Health Unit Clinics Carry On Despite Interior' Renovation Project J a. Wright, 237 Fourth Br SHIRLEY TITLE o uuring me clinic sessions. I stead of into the present busi- Tne present clinic room . will , ness office, and a double door ast. left aboard the t night on a six-wc?k ;p which will take twr , where her daughter is a nurse-ln-trainlng i:iwa to visit her son, - 'liL.ta, LllllltC. , Willi HI1IM1I Da V9 l hemn in The business office is movini i stalled to prevent drafts The . ith the National Ro- jncil. front porch of the building has been roofed, as has a side door for staff use only. Dr. S. F. Carr, health unit di rector, will move his office into! j. i.sherwood and 510 Sixth Avenue last night for a holi-uicouver, where Mr. tne present business office, and When Prince Rupert mothers take their babies to clinics at the Skeena health unit headquarters here for the next few weeks, they'll find the of fires In a turmoil but the staff carrying on as usual. The unit offices on Second Avenue are undergoing renovations, designed to cheer up the e'ecor and improve the layout for staff and public convenience. Carpenters are hard at work building partitions, placing new aoors . and archways, roofing porches and building counters in the old building, but the staff continues and clinics are being held as usual, with workmen banished to outdoor Jobs ,i expects to loin them into the room, separated from the rest by an L-shatjed counter, and equipped with new cupboards and shelves. A new partition divides the remainder of the room into waiting room and clinic space, replacing the previous curtain divider, and new counters and cupboards are being installed in the clinic room for more eff.-ciency. Off the clinic is a small room for conference and examining purposes and a large suppli-c loom. The main entry for the public opens into the waiting room, in- i! of the montn. th Brown of Vancou-1 manager of Colum- V J ' ' "l if ii J - - ' ' ? i l t i - 1 his present office will be taken ; over by the head nurse. Miss j A. Boehme. The move will leave another nurses' office open fut j supplies and x-ray equipment. The staff also hopes to re-1 decorate the interior for a brighter atmosphere. Greer &, Bridden Ltd. are con- ! tractors on the Job which st;irl-edly shortly after New Yen's end is expected to be mainlv completed by the end of the month. is returning south k-end business visit ,i Is Teng, Angus niig-tlme resident of crt, also was a pas- SSSti d for Victoria wne-c For the utmost In Comfort, Cleanliness and E&momy you'll be glad you chose Enterprise. One burner does ail the work . . . with no moving parts, it is completely trouole free. You'll find this range has the evenest baking oven of any range . . . for any fuel. Small kitchen garbage can be burnt in l he front section of the firebox. Ample warming area on high shelf of closet. Special Ticket Booths Open For Music Trail Concert il l m;ike,her hame. Prince Rupert Dal y Nei,i Friday, January 15, 1954 a a Rice of Sidney, i, his left for h-i visiting here with .id dauKhter-in-lnw DANCE rs. IJoyd Hiee, 2C0 nue Ea.-;t, since Oc- Stone, Mr3. N. A. Beketov and Miss Joan Cross are in charge of arrangements. Dr. R. o. Large is chairman of the finance committee. At Intermission R. C. Telford, chairman of the concert committee, will give a brief outline of the progress of the Trail With one of the world's best violinists scheduled to give an Alaska Music Trail concert here January 20, special arrangements have been made to put tickets on sale tomorrow at three central downtown stores. These will be Ormes Drugs, McRae Bros, and Super-Valu. Tickets will also be available at the Civic Centre. .. The artist is Frances Magnet, of New York, who has received international acclaim 6ince she mnrif hfi nrnfpsvisvnal Haktit In itir. district man-i:,:-vny p'pwnit, pev-,'jer of B.C. Packers, t for Vancouver on 26R5 Models from , LONDON" f ASHioN EXPLRTS say the fabric choice of smart women in offices and Mayfair drawing rooms or at royal garden parties next summer will be cotton. This is a regency print in Sudaa cotton poplin, with a crisp bow at the neck and long loose sleeves. It Is featured by a number of leading London couturiers 1 :. ( nuiue Kincolith Group Nelson of Nelson heries has returned r af:er a brief busl- 1946. Miss Magnes, who is noted KJamoc Offirai-c I lor her striklnz aonearance as(' ailiCJ WlllfwCro I 7 Friday, Jan. 15 filer's WA ' iiif-iiairj 10 p.m. 2 a.m. $1 .00 per person Unescorted ladies admitted free until 11 o'clock. MUSIC BY Sp!lnl to Thf DhIIjt News . KINCOLITH Jeffrey Benson was named president when the Kincolith Senior Society staged Its annual elections. Other officers elected included: Vice-president Fred Stewart; managers Moses Aksedan and J. H. Moore; treasurer Ernest Angus; secretary Tony Robinson: Progress nual Meet reports on W.A. ac-seating of new of- well as her musical ability, plays a rare Amatl violin which, beins? larger than the conventional "lady's violin," requires a strong and sure technique. In charge of ticket sales for the concert are Mrs. Don Forward, Mrs. J. T. Harvey and Mrs. Fred Jones. Volunteers who will be on duty at the three downtown firms tomorrow from 10:30 a.m. to 3;30 pm. are Mrs. John Morris, Mrs. A. W. Large, Mrs. Harold Windstrom, Mrs. Robert Hill, Miss Fran Partridge, Miss Martha Duggan, Mrs. A. Roche, Miss Sheila Hicks, Miss Florence Duggan, Mrs. L. M. Qreene, Mrs. Alan Hurst and Mrs. Jones. THE WESTERNAIRES i.-jt- I highlighted the CELLULOSE SPONOES JJAVE WHEN LAUNDERINQ SOME so many wonderful uses and one of your dainty lingerie or blous-of my favorites is to use one as es, they may be done in a wash-a soap dish at the sink. It keeps lng machine provided you use a the soap from turning to Jelly, I very mild soap and remember to does not make the usual soapy i enclose these delicate things mess and is very handy for wip- carefully in a mesh bag. This lng up around the kitchen. eliminates any tangling or tear- i n. Actually I advise this meth- IF YOU FIND YOUR SILVER od only if you are pressed for vie a lujuri t ovevens; stage f manager John H. Moore; chair- ) EVERYONE INVITED man Richard Watts; navy cap- iiON r.p . 1 1 il'i r Y ,1.-Jiul',i.l.ui hi .1 n.i'ing of the After-Branili of the W.A. to St. A lit ican Church, held r Soaf cove church yestcr-iitel'Iif n. x offc.-ers. elected last li. incnirh : Presdlent, Mrs. wee: J Mee -president, Mrs. jwi .m-i reiary-treasurer. H. vjTatttrsal!: Dorcns iai v. .s. J. M' llor;. thank mi fcti' t tary, Mrs. O. A. , s i-AWl time nothing takes the place of careful hand laundering. Tickets also w.ll be available and copper require cleaning after the Yuletide (entertaining, try applying your polish with a crumpled paper towel. This makes a quick applicator which "7 .'7 tin William Stewart; orchestra director John O. Moore. The group also named hall-keepers, including George Alexandre, James Stevens, Arthur Srr.ythe and Frank Venn, and building directors. William Stewart, Arthur Smythe, James Stevens and Eddy Nelson, with John O. Moore named microphone keeper. Leander Smythe and Bob and William Stewart were named engineers. k. V V a noon RTrrr "rttktt tj tilul" nu.-ky main at tAc- ihnndv nprptisni-v tn havp plnte in, you simply dispose.of when you!vollr launftry tubs Before put.j ,A reception open to all those attoiding the concert will be are through. - tln ,nt0 vnur wash M1,.h "7 1 -id !mrnt, rhiiHrffn-, nia ,iT... '. ?.p,a arl" tne Performance for HOW OFTEN DO YOU RE- or ony Items whirh hnv rnff nr ' LSB Magnes and her accompan- tst, David Garvey. Mrs. W. S. rine prawn W.A officers Twrtf-f, Mrs. Robert Kel-vice-firefident. Mrs. Wii-'i,e;. xvi re'. irv. Mrs. H. isurer. Mrs. E. T. t bu, If!' ss session included niemoer io clean your leiepnone? : pockets. turn these inside out So many women forget this ana brush thoroughly with your much-used item and it Ls so im-j brush. This will give yrm a poiUnCtt give it regular dean- cIl.arier wasn for ihis tvp(, of lng -particularly around this : c0th!nK as much of this type of time of the year when so much dirt nver mra trrt int vm,r always Insist on.. washing. ""I1 veiling Branch ac-j . I'lfiMred by president - 1 eeretarv Mrs. Wil- Eastern hardwood frames form, the sturdy backbone of these finer suites. They are well padded Aiui read by Mrs , rid f i om ',reasurtr Moore. lor read the reoo:t 0 LUIS Inl CHESTERFIELDS I ALWAYS E NJOY A NEW ; recipe for leftovers and, as curry ! : Is a particular favorite of mine, '. I no aonreclate this recipe for ! , leftover beef: Cut up meat into j squares, leaving aside any gristle or fat. If you have 2 cups of ; meat, make 1 cup of white ' sauce: (2 tablespoons of melted i butter, 2 tablespoons floui biend- ed In, cup milk and 'j cup j consomme or thin gravy.) Add 1 telephoning takes place by so many people. I think the simplest way is to wipe the 'phono thoroughly with a damp elolh that has been wrung out of warm soap suds. Try to wring the c!nh so that it will be almost dry, then go all over the telephone with it, rubbing briskly. Rinse immediately with a cloth wrung out of clear. warm water, and dry with a soft cloth. If you should have some pine bath oil handy, one drop of this prided tn your clear, warm rinse water gives your telephone a must refreshing touch. at McRAES frozen green peas and sprung . . Uverall layer of foam rubber allows complete comfort. Finished in the finest fabrics in a wide range of colors and patterns. Many styles to choose from. From BE A CITIZEN SAILOR IN THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY (RESERVE) $199.50 f I noon Branch Dor-f'l Mrs. M. Vlererk, i ; i 'cut r,f the After-' f il for the past s;y if nked the members - ,i cooperation and urged i i'liie i !)ort for her sue- I . M.'4 I'rinep noting that portsj):i-:irtl showed fnvor- j P'Wf hi church actlvi- i W. It Lenimon. rector of j 'flcr'sfoprnd the .session ave JSeripture lesson. j ,h' business srs- i ilie gifnip adiourned to the 1 ory Jv liere refreshments servi -4 hy members of both i n'l i' sis at the sessioi' I tepsnnon currv rowder to sauce and stir well. Add some chopped onions and celery fried in butter, and. .meat. Heat well and serve with hot cooked rice. UP THE BEST-LIKED ... THE BEST-LOOKING SHIRTS IN ALL CANADA I NEXT TIME A I.EMON EN-ter into your meal planning, save pevl and drop It Into your dish water. This softens the hardest water and will irnfove iitiplen.'-Hnt food odors such as fish and onion from your dishes. A Problem 3333333333X5 Mr,' E. An field, nresl Arrow Dart Arrow Dale The RCN (Reserve) con. THIS WFFK Job's Daughter meeting to-nirht at 8 o'cloek. Installiitiun, silver march, party. llovpilal hoard Hirpriors meetinr, 8 p.m. tonight in the Civic Centre. Animal meeting of Kioert Shoreworkers local t'FAWU, Irion auditorium, 2:30 p.m. this Sunday. Flection of Diocesan W.A.. and of tk H. O $595 Watts, wife of the Caledonia, whose 'Idress on her ex- IF YOU HAVE A WIRE DISIl-d'ulner which scratches vour drain board, it can be made noiseless, scratchless and stain-fre hy putting rubber "cap" "nsrrs over each of the four feet. These fit perfectly and are not hard to slip on. P o Ulect !-' I I sists of citizen-sailors in training increasing their knowledge of the skill ind crafts of the sea. Reserve training is important . training and demands whole-hearted interest and effort.' Jaoan was uost- tlie next meeting. To dry your Washing . . Foifjet it today. With a Bendix Automatic Dryer, your wash is dry in no more than an Cart f-at lij r c.iuiwi, f the Church of I ilion last night re- ! t;ird party series in EARN UP TO 'Hi. when 10 tallies ! hour. Clothing comes out ready to use. Bendix gives Automatic Settings to any degree of drying, eliminating the drudgery of an outside line . . . you dry on y-hedule irrespective of the weather. Normal operation on 220 volts with special connection 110-volt operation. "is were: Bridge,' l!(ips, Mrs. C. Bal-i Mi s. J. Clout lrr, i "ler; whist. Mrs. A.I for J. McDoilcull; pool 32 DAYS TRAINING PAY PER YEAR Serving your country in your spare-time is also profitable duty. You will be paid regular Navy rates of pay for the time you spend in training. I'mders; door nnze. I $29950 "iiuall. I j1"!' the evening I 'yens, assisted h "ier, Mrs. M. Gal-1 Mrs. L. Colussi. I LIBERAL TERMS ARRANGED NOTICE OF MEETING PRINCE RUPERT FILM CLUB The monthly general meeting of the Film Club of Prince Rupert will be held Sunday, January 17, at 9:00 p.m. in the Civic Centre Auditorium ORDER OF BUSINESS Henry V Business for the following eleven meetings will include; Black Narcissus, Caesar and Cleopatra, Tight Little Island, Red Shoes, Kind Hearts and Cornets, Chiltern Hundreds, Lavender Hill Mob, Great Expectations,' Magic Bow, Jassy and Oliver Twist: Only Film Club members in good standing may attend these meetings. For further information phone 231 or 107 RIGHT HERE IN DON'T FORGET ... ALASKA MUSIC TRAIL Jon. 20. Starring FRANCES MAGNES Violinist TICKKTS ON SALE AT OVR KKCOKU BAR T'M drive, Sal urd:i y, '' I' utiy welcome. (13p) ;"f Job's Daughters i,(R p.m. Initiation, '' and party. mi ' '1 N'irwnv ,wt ,i There is a Naval Division ' near you. Find out how you can serve your country and prepare yourself for advancement. Write, telephone or mitt Count on these Arrow favorites o keep you looking your best! They're handsomely styled . . . with tbe nonwilt, medium-point collar most men prefer. And what fit! These famous Arrows assure reat, tapered Jit through shoulders, sleeves and torso. Dart is tailored in fine broadcloth . . . Dale in rxlra-iialilv premium broadcloth. Both rarry the, "Sanforized" label - won't shrink more than 1. Yon'll want several of eachslop in, and slock up today! Watts & Nickerson MEN'S WEAR V v, Jan li U1-.K.4 a i cRAE BROS. '' 10 to 2. Music, issi. Everyone wel- 1 1121 i f'l't'Uns of Rupert H.M.C.S. Chatham I'rinee Kuperl Thoiie 5IG "icai U.F.A.W.U.. I LIMITED ; thk store that service built' Phone 6 or 36 ''"". Sunday, Jan. 1 r " Election of of- ! 'Place. All men,-i 9t,t9W WHITI SMUTS