The Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, January 15, 1954 Debate on Merits of Kinsey Reports AFRICAN HUNTER SHOT BY CORNERED BABOON MKUSin, Northern Rhodesia Reuters)A corr.e,. baboon sprang at an African who was hunting him'L; Gets Away Amid Storm of Controversy Better Year Looms For B.C. Mines VANCOUVER (CP) The year 1954 may be a big one for the mining industry in British Colli m bin grabbed his gun and In the struggle shot the man in the tW The barrel was pointed towards the hunter and the ant! i By JIM SHRIMPTON Canadian Press Staff Writer EDMONTON (CP) Represen- tail became entangled with the trigger. The sound of thel amid a storm of controversy worthy as a tuple for the annual their choice for a topic has stir- Intprvnrsitv competition for the red. McGoun Cup. The debate will climax oharge- : Clouds of hot air have centred es that Dr. A. C. Kinsey's reports over Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Ed-on human sex behavior are not monton and Vancouver, the ' scared the oaooon wiucn uruppcu me gun ana ned. tpHves of four western universities will debate the merits of thP Kinsey sex reports tonight The gold mines picture Is still j So Bl Edn Ferber'i clouded, but there is promise oi increased envelopment in the production of oilier minerals. Dr. Harry V. Warren, president of the B.C. and Yukon Chamber of Mines, told the annual meeting this week of the prospects of hie developments" in the north. tr Pnn winning IK jAr-EYWMAN i ., f 1 (a ii... in ! rf vAvLAi 1) MERGER OF AUTO FIRMS APPROVED BY DIRECTORS DETROIT iJP Consolidation of Nash Motors and Hudson Motorcar Co. was approved Thursday by directors of both companies. The merger would set up a new corporation to be known as American Motors Corp. with the two companies operating as divisions. It would leave only Studebaker and Packard as single independent entities among the car makers- Ul)UiHT0DTr "Wild Over You 9:18. ras.rvm cities where the debates will be staged simultaneously, ever since announcement of the topic: resolved that the Kinsey reports are a benefit to society. The debate topic has aroused more interest than last year's McGoun oratory on the advisability of using Chinese Nationalist rniws in the Korean conflict. But the storm centre has been VV'nnlpfB where a debater and on official resigned and the de-h-ite wrs tossed out of the church where it was to have taken place. Dr. Athol Gordon, deputy coroner for Manitoba, resigned as 'Ww chairman after David Bowman, one of the University rf Manitoba debaters, quit the team. Young United Church withdrew permission to allow the debate on its premises and other churches followed suit. Dr. Gordon, honorary president of the University of Manitoba Students Council, said he felt he was acting in the best interests of the student body by refusing to act as chairman. Dr. Andrew Stewart, president of the University of Alberta, has "no objection" and regards the Kinsey reports as public documents with "social significance." Discussions at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver were colored with, the news Prospectors and scouts for big mining companies brought In favorable reports in 1953. "Some of the reported discoveries and develonnmets may turn out to be the creat mines ; that we are looking for," he said, j Cheap hydro power in the north offers the prospect of new j developments, running into millions of dollars. The hunt for the uncommon minerals has offset to some extent a slump in lead, zinc and gt,!d. Seme 20 mines were closed in 1953 because of depressed prices, especially for base metals. Dr. Warren said coast business men must hustle to capture a share of new trading opportunities in the north. ' "They will have to be on their toes," he told the mining men. "or much of the resulting busi- , ness will go to rival centres." tUMMJtUl M1MNA1I0NM. DCIURt t Wallocfc's Dept. Store Winter Warmth In Underwear Wallace's feature a complete stock of ladies' winter snuggies and vests. All sizes. KAVSKR - WATSON STANFIELD TODAY ond SATURDAY TATCl Evenings 7: - 9:05 I J 1 Sfj Matinee Saturday 2: p.m. a Famous ruy n r. ft Canadian National Recreational Associate DANCI : WALLACE'S j DEPT. STORE CEMA FRANCA, artistic director of the National Ballet Company, stars in a new ballet, "Dark of the Moon," to be presented on a Canada-United States tour. With Miss Franca is Ray Moller of Vancouver. The new ballet, with choreography by Joey Harris of London, Ont., has original music by Louis Applebaum pf Ottawa, who composed the music for last year's Stratford Shakespearian Festival. ' ". v Pulp and paper employs 61.090 Canadians permanently and over 300,900 on a seasonal ba.-ls. IiiiiisiiinicotaEiiiif iiinaitiiiBiiiii FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 Legion Moll i Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 Admission $1 .00 per per 6 Coffee Donuts i? New Eisenhower Proposal Calls, For Government-Supervised Vole By JAMES MARLOW Elsenhower urges more federal YOU'LL PPRECIATE THESE that two of the three Kinsey volumes in the university library Ivid been stolen. And the other was reported "well-thumbed." At the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon the storm barely raised any dust at all. The topic was talked over and approved. The McGoun cup. emblematic ;if the debating rhampionshin of western Canadian universities, was put up in 1923 by A. F. McGoun, a professor of political science at the University of Al-oerta. He died in 1937. AUCTION SALE WASHINGTON President' "Ull Eisenhower and his government ' s t ernment must conduct a vote OF 1941 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door Sedan .... $975 among the employees on whether they want a strike. HOUSEHOLD GOODS At our door, Mr. Milkman and leave two quarts of that delirious NORTHLAN D DAIRY MILK We know that home-delivered milk is cheaper, fresher and best. at the Auction Rooms, corner McBride Stftrl will be a lot deeper in labor-management relations if Con- ' gress approves his proposals for amending the Taft-Hartley La- ! bcr Relations Act. Two prime examples among the president's 14 proposals: A fact-finding board to make rec- ommendations in g national emergency dispute; and a gov- I ernment-conductcd vote In the case of any strike. i . and Fourth Avenue East, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 1950 Plymouth 4-I)oor Sedan. All new tires .... $1 450 104!i Ford Tudor. Very good hupe $1 95 LARGE SELECTION OF OLDER CARS TO PICK FROM SUPERIOR" AUTO SERVICE Eisenhower didn't say, in his message to Congress, whether the vote should be taken before or after a strike started Under a sepclal war law, from 1943 to 19d4, the government had to take a vote among workers before a strike could be called in a war fant or, ,ie connected with the ar. . Strike votes wre taken a;i.ojis about 2,100 groups of employees. In about 1.800 cases the vote was to strike, although only a small percentage actually went out. Father Charged In Son's Flight VANCOUVER (CP) A North Vancouver father was charged Thursday with aiding and abetting his teen-age son in a dash ; for freedom from the . North Vancouver courthouse. n. sharp for this sale Under the law now, when the i president finds the national wel- i fare is threatened by a strike, he 1 Northland Dairy I Kadlo-Telephnne (b. complete (-viml 1 Ilretwood C ombinalio Radio nd Rresnl appoints a board to investigate and report back, with the facts. For example: A union de-nands a of $3 a day; the Phone 18 Limited NORTHERN PRtHHTE FOR NORTH! KN CONSl'MERS RCMP laid the charge against Harvey Crowley, whose lG-year Plaver at- 2:30 p.i List your goods 1 Chesterfield 1 Bedroom Suite (walnut) 1 Single Red I Double Bed (eomplete) 1 New (iiirney Kwk Gas Stove .v :n :i . J Chejit of Ilrawers 1 Mirror 1 Enterprise Oil Burner "M j ;' ' 'J ! S Radios. " .8 ' 1 Record Tlayer , . - old son Barry made a futile I C;uM)'ln Motor for a br"ik for freedom last Tuesday following conviction on a burg T4. v: or appliance 2 Lounee Chairs Kitchen Chairs NO FROZEN PIPES! When you use WRAP-ON ELECTRIC HEATING CABLE lary charge. 1 Coal and Wood Rani' Electric Iron and Toa Hassock, Books, etc. The GEO. DAWES Auct! No morr worry, e '.;peiisi or inconvenience from frozen plpml Ji5 wf pliuitlo coated cable around exposed or shallow underground pipes and plue Into 115 volt outlet Maintains low heat llk electric blankn. Uses only small current. Thermostat turns on only when needed. No rudlo or TV Interference. Low prices complete with connection". 8iiUtfnrtion or monev back. I.I.M T1IK- M i ll lil.l.IIKTI.K. Seeds are up In 30 hours root cuuinus In 8 day. You cut Kenninatlon time 23 transplant 2 weeks sooner. Uses current. Thermostat contnjl. Easy Installation. tioneel Phones: Red 127 and Black 846 Housewives . . . Please return ALL empty milk bottles. Our supply of empties has been seriously depleted and no new bottles can be obtained at the present. Your co-operation in this regard is greatly appreciated. GEORGE A. COOK Hed t:)S 6-! - Kill West For quick results try a Daily News Classify company offers a raise of only' $1. The board reports what is already pr jtty well known : What, the union demands and the company olfers. PRESIDENT RECOMMENDS Eisenhower asked that this be changed so that such a board would make recommendations on a settlement. Since the president handpicks the board, Us recommendations become, in cf-Sect, his own. Neither the company nor the union would have to accept the recommendations. At present workers can vote among themselves on whether to strike. Or they may leave it up to a selected group of their un- ion officials. LANDMARK fiONE j j MATTERS EY, England (CP) A i 700-year-old bridge over the i River Idle has collapsed. The i bridge had been saved two years ago when residents of this Nottinghamshire village petitioned i against its demolition. Canodd Tuckers presents TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA pop concert l O I s MARSHALL SOPANO tonight CFPR -7:30 NORTHLAND DAIRY is i M j ' 0 li H 9 1 h TAJ Zrff A. . si FOR THOSE COLD MORNINGS ... . RADIANT HE At Wi RIPTIDE' ' -. : ;rSjsSs- if 7; 1,1 STARRING MADELEINE CARROL ONE. WHOLE HOUR OF ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTED BY . . . MODEL A660 MODEL A1000 HEATER 6"5 HEATER J1 MODEL 267 8-SECTION 10-SECTION FAN AUTOMATIC AUTOMATIC HEATER RADIATOR RADIATOR $1950 $3300 $41 00 FORD of CANADA CONVENIENT TERMS ARRANGED ON ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES tjy P.M. - FROM RADIO CFPR - 1240 K.C. m NORTHERN B.C. POW ' '! I; BO PARKER LIMITED COMPANY LIMITED Phone " Stewart, B.C. BESNER BLOCK Prince Rupert, B.C. Your Local FORD-MONARCH Dealer "The Home of Friendly Service'