me Prince Rupert Dairy New: Friday, January 15, 1954 1 - 1 ' ' , ' , t I-, '- 1 , ) " ' ' A I BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE- r uli Today's Stocks WirT g. a, jntumtoji Ijm. i,t4.t VANC'OrVEK American Standard 11 Bralorne ... 3 10 B. R. X : 02 Cariboo Gola ( uu Congress . .04 Cronin Ha bine 04 Giant Mascot '. .43 Indian Mines . , .03' 4 Pend Oreille (aki 4.05 P'oneer 05 'Premier Border 03 Privateer 1.40 Sheep Creek '. . .11 Taku River (asSi 02 Vananda , 03 By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Lons Analysis Blurs Thought, Hurts I'lay SEiUSLSi P-M. DAY PREVIOUS Mr. Heinsite's long dissertations after every hand are not only boring to the other players. They are also costly to him and, of course, to his partner. lassified Rates .M'TOMOKiCM 47 In today's deal Mr. Abel cot THE DAILY' NEWS' mm 654 lime 4:90 p.m. dT prarIot into a sound heart slam. As I usual, Miss Brash got off to an I aggressive rather than a wait-j ing lead. She led the seven off spades. Mr. Abel won with thei jack and paused to consider his! imtloD. , 3 cent pfr word pr In-: minimum charts 60 wntj .(Ii'pb, 60 renin. Card of 1, Iath Notlcvt, Funrl . Mftrrlage and fcn cage merit ifementn. 12 00. CIRCULATION'' 3?AY 3427 YEAR AGO .3190 '46 BUICK coach American cus-j torn. Radio, heater, all Rood I rubber.. Cheap for cash. 935 1st ; West. 1 1950 FORD 4-door custom, radio I and overdrive. . 1250. Phone IBlue 583 after 6 pro. (16' pisplay double prls. South dealer Both sides vulnerable NiM-tll (Mr. iieliikite) S Q 4 H--A K 7 D- K Q J 9 8 7 2 C 4 e l:at (M1h llrath) - (Mr, hale) K 10 8 7 2 S0 6 6 3 H 10 2 : H-J 8 5 D - IO 5 II ti i c - K e 2 c 10 8 5 a Mouth (Vlr. .the!) S-AJ H - Q 0 8 4 i I-A i IS Lost 1 no neiuiiQi r: not accept reapmalbtlUy HOMES Kir SALE I m WATVfn r.TAT lllllllll CFPR ieu aaa urariea lnoorreetjj wrong ciaaslflcatlon unless ,n nf inch rrmn la rrvolwnst 1240 Kilocycles l imi im irr fanhfc'mn,,-.! Tkii dv(tatmnt ii nt published or dupUtd by tW Liqiie Cnlfl &4t4 x by th Oovttnnwnt I Brrtitfc Colvmbi. p ti piny Suppose he led the aee of diamonds at once and it got trumped? How would he handle the hand then? What wou.d he do if the trumps were 4-1? After much worrying he led a heart to the ace and a small heart back to his queen. Breathing easier when the suit broke PALE blue plastic wallet. Finder please return to Box 280 or phone Blue 108. 3, 1 BEL" WA nTei MALE boura of fin t 1 asm Ion. WHY PAY RKNT? Let your present monthly renlul pay olf this rosy four-room bungalow, one block from bus and shopoim;. i,ow down payment. Full price only $2075. (Subject to Chawte) ANT AD C A Q J ? II The bidding:' evenly, he now laid down the BUSINESS And PROFESSIONAL ace of riinmnhrlM At thio ninl South West Nciriu . OET FREE SAMPLE CASE MAKE UP TO $15 00 IN A DAY' You too can turn full and spare time into cash, many mukinii more on the side than in iegi;'-lar jobs taking order" rv made-to-measure clothes." Free kit carries hnup nurtmat ..e REPLIES Do yon need a home and income? We have been favored with the listing of this solid i six-room home, with basement I for you. and a revenue produc-! East Pass Pass All (KISS he would make the hand even JJ p2 4 H if aomebody ruffed. That is, hoi 4 Pass' . a h : would win two tricks in sDades ! 1 1 rc holding replies ing suite in the bargain. Only! five minutes from town ir,,il P.M. ti :IH (;:m i,:-. 7:00 7:16 7 M) : B :SO 10:00 10:10 10:1 10::i0 II Ml le followinq News I ! j OPTOMETR5ST Ues: For these and other Rcnuine easy way to get a demonstration suit -make selling a cinch. nuys call 865 878 881 KEITH H. TUCKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 Atmstroriv once giving your age and pres- three in diamonds, the ace of ! holds the. king of clubs. In Qthnr clubs, five trump tricks and a'wrds, a simple club finesse club ruff in dummv. jv.ill make the hand for you. My .But everybody lohowed to ti I linf 01 wi" win about 93 fee of diamonds and Mr. Ab-lit,mes in hllnulPd' Yours wa.-Ihen ' worth about chances in led a heart to dummy'. only 72 king and claimed the balance, 1 a .nuntJ'fd ". making all 13 tricks. I Mr- Heinsite did not explain T, . ..... ,. .... . 1 v here he got his figures. But 1 d0 K ! ring the remaining hands of l e, er .hnn ' "r- ? 1 ",?m: the rubber Mr. Abel was plaj-site was not pleased. Such i,,.. ... j Agencies Ltd. Eves. Red 958 1 12i Phone 342 im occupation. First come lll'St served ri.rt r r.rt....i.... It plies must be Tailoring fn v r d..- .,n ed for in person LARGE wartime four Montreal. J15.22.2rJi Ave. West. Prince on 8th Rupert. (12i mux. s Spud Valley 65 Silver Standard (ask) .60 Western Uranium .11 Sll-Van ;... . .05 . Dorrten (ask) 21 Oils-Anglo Canaolan 5.30 A. P. Consolidated 27 i Central Leduc 1.86 j Mercury 12 Okalta . 1 90 ' Pacific Pete 8.75 i Koyul Canadian 14 TORONTO A.hd.'ia ' .101 4 Aumaque .12 Cohsol. Discovery . : . . 2.00 ' Bevcourt 26 ' Buffalo Canadian . .... .24 Con. Smelters . .. 23.25 i .. :- 3.50 j Donalda : , .58 Eldona .37 East Sullivan 4 10 1 Giant Yellowknile 7.90 I God's Lake ..... .90 ' Harricana 35 , j Heva Gold 05'4 1 Duvex 22 I Joliet Quebec 42 ! Little Long Lac .78 I Lynx 08 ' Madsen Red Lake 1.80 McKenzle Red LaRe .... J4 MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1.45 Moneta - 47 Negus ...:.. ,11 ; Noranda Hi-am Louvicourt 131 4' Pickle Crow 1.16 Petrol Oil & Gas .41 j New Senator .17 Sherritt Gordon 4 10 ! Step Rock 6.95 j Sliver Miller .83 Sweet Oils 5 , Golden Manitou 1.50 ' Can. Chem. & CeUulose 8.75 Landover Oils . .IV a Rix Athabasca 1.48 Nesbitt Labine 2.10 Boreal 2.30 The town of Banff In Ccotlad receives its first charter from King Malcoim IV In 1163. GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Plxine Black 846 and Bed 12. FRIDAY SnpiM Krnaile , .iiiil'.v Ituriicd hhow Cutiada nl Work CBC News , t."BC News rttmnclup .' Toronto Syriihony "pf.A Conwtrt - I trt 'I llitri , John Pihher ' CMC News CUC Xrw ' Canadian (short Stories rartrtf of Choirs Weill liir KepiirC Mn-li-:ll MalerfiiM-es Mnii' mi Miiinieiit SIsii-oB (SATURDAY ' M.l.lnil ( 1... k cue News; Winthrr MllsilUl I'ltH'k MnrnlMe lhvutUiiitf CUC News Here's Hill Good Hlu and Encores Musirul I'liMk BHC News and Comty. SudUle Serenade CBC Stump Club Btu Davis Time Signal MfHujff PrriiKj . .Milstia) Program ' ' World Church News " CBC News: Weather . II Trovntore: Verdi Bnllet Cluh ?' 13 SITIA1IONS WTD.-Female f-' ally Co. I nil Spring 42 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Rmlthers Every Tuesday and Friday. ' F6r connectior.s Phone 632 Sale, April (37) WAMEu T( RENT EXPKRlENCED reliable day worker desires employment Please telephone Blue 839. 16i lem of trying to follow his part ' Auxiliary card pnrtv, ner s analysis of this hand. rid 20. oreak wnicn was much more likely than a diamond void. Play the queen of hearts at trick two and the ace of dia- j What happened to Mr. Hein-1 site u a result of Mr. Abei : 1 nlt't t-1 1- fn chmitrln't Via un V Sunday, Jan. 17. Civic Centre. Filn monds at trick three. Now plav"" "" j"- pened to a dog' dummy's king of hearts and if ubers onlv. 26 BINDING MATERIALS PHILPOTT, EVITT it CO. LTD Phone 651 or 652 Inquire about our bitdKet plan for your home Investment. No down payment. $100 to $2,000. 6 to 24 mas. to pay. en DUTCH family wants to rent immediately a three-bedroom house, close in. Contact J. it Storm, Kitimat, B.C. (I7ni 40A Houses Wanted to bay WE HAVE several cash buyers for houses up to $12,000. Immediate inspection. H. (J. Helsrcrson Ltd. Real Estate and Insurance 218 6th Strset lK. us tan Leuion W A. Valen-iife, Feb. 12, Legion Investors Eyndlcate of Canada Ltd. and Investors Mutui.l ol Canada IScl. T. M. CHRICTIE Ph. 3S1 315 Third Avenue W. Representative for Prmre Rupert Terrace and Kulmat A M. i:i1 7:30 ;::ir, t:41 8 00 6:10 8:15 S::tll 9:00 8:15 B 30 0 45 9:69 IUMMI lft:l.-. 10.30 10:45 11 00 PM. . (10 3.00 3:10 uau 3:45 4:00 4::iO 6:00 nn. either opponent shows out, you Just lead diamonds until someone trumps. That will be th only trick th?y get. ' "Even if the ace of diamonds gets ruffed," he continued, you're still all right if Dale Church W A. Valentine 27 HE, 11 at Mrs. I. M 945 Borden St. ' Luxury Steamer Prince George SAILS FOR j VANCOUVER j ' and Intermediate Ports ; Each Thursday ' at 11:15 p.m. . For KETCHIKAN FOR your fuel requirement- All "ChAll'i Ut.... 1 r., ! Or P.. Wilson. Black 197 n Mastics America's 1 16i Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn Oas "Pacific" Propane. 17 I Violinist, Wednesdays AL'TOMO!yi.E8 ju. An AiasKa Music Wert. rruLPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTPit :. a 1950 MERCURY U-ton nirkurT IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck nd Equipment Ph. Blue 933. M. J. SAUNDERS -none oai or tsos et CBC News Week-end Llslening Bp'jrtii College , m ArmUale Chorus Now I Abk Vou , . Salxiillmi Arm Progra. Red River Playboys t ria'n fSHi ' Under 20.000 mllos. Excellent Bums Banciuet utiryjl. 28 FI RMTI RE FV.fl SAir I condition, suao. Red 128. 441! I West 6th. 1 13P WEDNESDAY Midnighl Comfort and Service it WX.f Card Party, Feb. DINING room suite Blue 325 11. 13V For reservations write ol -4. -.. !! i Guide 55(1 call City or Depot Office. bF.HI.NO MACflfNts" CHOPSUEY... ...CHOYVMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outsic Order j Phone XSi f- .Saie and Novelties, ! Prince Rupert. B C. f I'lf'l School. Feb. 6 scott McLaren CHARTEKITD ACCGU"TA.fT James Block". 603 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374, JALES Repairs Rentals. Ginger Sewing Centre. Phone 864. (ei rutso..i. :. " : 32 FOR SALS MISC. Anonv r 0. Box 343. 31l i A FINE selection of yountr BLONDIE -r-One Girl in a Million fK R F I Kl.DS nn4 By CHIC YOUNG : i Duugie Dlrds and breeders, $5 each. Apply Mrs. Ken Oreen, ed and in . t ..If ' ;?0 !.'' 1 J M , 'V' V, . u 'Ail . . i . ' t 1 1 ' ' .'l f .11. - f A ' V ti'i' r . c b ' 1 t if ! .... -V. 1 , t Li. '? . 1m' .. t f ; .: .... ' J ' 5, I ' "I ? a r. '. . -.4 if ' r ' uv f ft . I Ar . I . , i ',1' i V V J 1 s V If "L r. i r. a ; ' ..hi.'- Box fie, Terrace. Phone 45 O. ' f hoirt. I'l-one Oreen hh i. -lf Wt i m inn (13'l. I UPRIOHT grand piano in pood eondltion. Cull evenings Blue 2134l ,13 j TWO Siwash sweaters, sizes 38 IK IT'S A IBRICATI0N ' l want, you'll find the best at una w. neaucea prices. Phone Blue 833. 15p 34 WANTED MIS EILANKOI S CASH FOR fPER-SERVICE , . "Y"J" -S'' ' ' I IwHERb' i 11 (ON OUR BED 1 ll'LL PEBlf? V" ? I If I Think ITS 'JO&wfcr )T i l tore k tsyoup) S " it right r-- the wav shei l prop N ' KING OF THE ROYAL MOUNTED By 2ANE GRCY '!Ls.rr.r;vJfi'"CU ' watch, f me ms ennM6 me imw l t ; 1 rrjr A i t of 2nd and 2nd Scran, rnnner hrq. l.ultnrik. fKE THE SERVICE . IS -f)ND TO NONE rad.ator.i. Phone SO Call 630 6th Ave. West. iri LOOOINO wincr. wanted in any condition. Apply O. EhaVer, 229 8th Ave. W. Phone Green 13- . . (13i (U) If In Donht T TRUNK, eilher full size dress or wardrolie. Phone Blue 705 any time. itf-nei i v 4! 36 ROOMs fc'OB KENT is,of all metals, 11- high pressure, uir, I refrlKeratlons. Sllm's Works, Box 57-, fer- Phone 91 Q 1 15 1 reminded to comedo '"lly Shoe Store RE-ALE. Warm up with a ! warmly lined rubbers, reduced prices. H7i HIM FOR RENT after Feb. 1. 2 furnished light housekeeping rooms. Oarage if desired. 1063 9th Ave. East. ( I3p) sMfitfiaaWJft? 'TRICIAN D. Ouyatt. 1 .Ec !' e J I w s. i 1 1 MELVIN RORINSON, 70 year-old blind retired farmfrr has built his own miniature midway which is popular with the children of Ailsa Craig, near .'.bnclon. Out. . He built and runs a ferris wheel, "merry-go-round and other rides with power from one electric motor. wring and elietrlcnl i'.i mn Ave. LIOHT housekeening room; no drinkers. 742 7th West. Cull after 6 p.m. (I6pi LIGHT housekeeping room. 701 5th Ave. W. (l.l) We' ' I- r o 165, 12 -4 mmm wm km mm ; automn'ic oil heat- ' iTi'L'1 worlt- P'wne - 1 630 t)th West. Letour- 1 (ci ; . . . ' v. - ONE light housekeepng room, heated. Apply at 522 Fulton, Apt. 3. - . .1121 OTICEZfhe city wiSlM ROOMS OR RENT 4 w i" vuiiks on request, I Beaton, BRIGHT light ..housekeeping - - 1 '-' - JrT.'TT. '- LI'L ABNtR . ; .M ByALCAhV ; IPTHATV A. XfCAIMTHEAB AWORP jT-TAIH'T 1 I PFF-ALMQr ) f WMAT 1 r" FOR tH HONE VI" A"S U SIGMeS , HE'S SAVIN'.'.' TH' NICEO' KILLtD n HE HEAVEN'S? STOPPED JL-sr J SINCERE, V w NEARER HE COMES, V HIM TO d MVSELP SAMN'' SAKE K LONG 'NUFP WAlTFORv)r-sfX.vTH'LOUDER fA """EASE. TWUMG TO JL" lt MUFPLE. A FO'METO ) "-o'kK . HONEST ABE J OUR TALK XiVVNTVV THAT 7 HEARTHFT S tJiice. G. E. J Works. (121 luuia, lurrusnea. uenirai location. Phone Green 241, evenings." (17) I" books lnriyo inl..,.- ow sell inn- rt xj iff 37 ROOMS AMI BOARD THE VARIETY (17) ROOM and board for working man in private home. Phone Red 140. (Hi ROLItV sh.. tji... ., ----- . , IVI1 1 , DIUR I artsSaiesServlce. ROOM and Board for working men. Phone Black 717. (12) 39 HOMES RRENT WAifl. income TWO-ROOM fully furnished cabin, Seal Cove. No drinking. Phone Blue 825. (12i if! ' r 39A SCITES FOB RENT THE HEART OF JULIET JONES by b! AIM tJKAKt P(.nt, sold. -ewjund and h Electrical Works J()r Ekolltc Sounders. t (12) f'le collector, Green i . (i8p THREE rooms and bath. 533 8th Ave. W. Phone Oreen ANV Vint J SET 700 tXtO LCNQ Ve:ANL 1 ! , i Xi.f ; I ITS LONS DISTANCE, T WVEMB WITH PL4VNS MAMA TO MV (. fLEAbt.' j II gii.J I M.S5 TALBOT PHONE At I I . II . m III il I eoru Aev,niu n.c ,QRe DCMeiTC PROBLEMS; TELL E, NEW three-room unfurnished suite. K II I I. u h 1 p fur ermi.l. HUHf 0SH. I A.T LIKE VOU y v i i : i-vu i r, - a. please; Apply Seal Cove, No. 7. ( 16p I -ALL'N N LOVE VlTM AN ' "-iNG and I'nejled 224. If l iV, : X 4M I 1 J tfeESFCNSlBli LITTLE TWO- and three-room 621 Fulton. ' VA'S:!' NUVl NUVIBER WHO TOC furnished. suites, U2p) 729) Mdie'a (c) TEPC4 INE V.'T ivM irwwm 111 I 11 1 v. SUITE. Phone Red 984. pb Parker's of enurse. 40 HOMES FOR SALfi" S Mi5-V F1 x rsf I'rybody uses'Sfj." FIVE-ROOM house on Summit 1 1: " t . 1--ZT :,ll U hi HI-Kv JVl!L si II fJ rTTOl. 3 1 1 ft' Ave. Mot-water neated. Price $5000. Down payment $2000, balance an rpnr. Prlnep Runerl THIS MFRAL, 22 by nine- feet, Is a gift for the children In War Memorial Hospital at London, Ont., from artist William O Moore who had the children help him paint It. The woodland nursery painting is on a wall of the hospital's third-floor corridor ?if.EP B'asses. Finder ' i'JIF I I I in l-CZT ". jv-'C 1 iM nr. : . l r w ISnl Realty Co. (12) J