las-1 able land is devoted to cultivation of sugar cane. mon common w' Per manuiactnrL' "1 Mishaps Dog my at; iaiiy news it As S Whole Family by Thursday, August 6, 1953 An independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and Northern and Central British Columbia. Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limited. J. F. MAOOR. President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President On ''Vacation OTTAWA DIARY By Norman M. MucLeoc The campaign to elect Can- tive mood of the general public ada's 22ml Parliament is within throughout the 'weeks of the 72 hours of its close on Saturday campaign isn't making the ten-night next. That means that sion of these final moments any the contest reallv has entered less. It is apparent to the poli-upon its home stretch For the ticlans that there's more room politicians concerned these final in this campaign for the element hours should be ones of feverish pf surprise than possiuly in any activity. other campaign since Confedera- And for most of the politicians tion. The result next Monday is concerned they are. But the poing to be decided by the people a, m ore Subscription Rates: By carrier Per wvek. 25c: per month. ftl.OO: per year, $10.00. gK.(i'imc by mail Per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. Authorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. Difficult ( Elmore Philpott. who is Liberal party candidate in Vancouver South m next Monday's election, invttocl his Voters Are who have been staying away leading figure of all In the cam- hisipnign Is a striking exception. tile Prinni AjTinistpr T.ntiiq ftt l.mie- rival candidates to appear ir column space. Today s guest HAT makes it unwise to lay a lot of money CHEBOYGAN, Mich. AP A log of the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hoyeas' "vacation" would read like this: Pontine Son drank some washing compound. Recovered after hospital treatment. Flint Car wrecked. Parents cut and bruised. Cheboygan continuing trip here with relatives, son David fell on hunting knife in car. Ten stitches taken in leg at local hospital. Ironwood David left in Cheboygan with relatives. Mu. Boyea fell down hill near here and broke ankle. Cheboygan Mrs. Boyea back in Cheboygan to recuperate Hon David stuck hand in electiic fan. final one. is candidate of the CCP party. ( on election results is the unpredictable and, to from the campaign meetings in drove-' end who haven't been j .- howi'H themselves or what is in j thei.- minds. j The Prime Minister is taking ; the support of this huge ques- tlon-niark factor in the elector- I 1 ent is coolness and detachment personified, as the use that he is making of the contest's final hours demonstrates. For example, he's spending today as he did all of yesterday not out on WE 'CAN. '. . WE Wllf i I I I'arty of Security FOR 20 YEARS the CCF CFPR 1240 on your dial 81 it has shown that it is the ! tho lnistlnss beating up Liberal , . , ., . i votes, but at his desk here in his party 01 humanity, UHt-iFast Block office, dealing with iating and providing the ' th- routliw' affairs of povern-. , . , ,. merit. Furthermore, he's decided main Stimulus for every , to take nil of Saturday off as Published by The Progressive Conservative Party ri ate for granted. Occasionally those who have been travelling with him have had the suspicion that his confidence wasn't as complete as he made it apear. But the fact really seems to be that he harbors no doubts whatever. His indifference to his use of time in these final campaigning hours proves that. tnw.nri sncinl tpmv- !we11 At one staBe ne was P'an- move Kangaroos have six teeth in; i ""'XS'f , i upper jaw, only two in the lower, j . - ' ning to close his campaign with a Saturday meeting in the Quebec district. Now he has decided that another Quebet meeting isn't needed. Whatever else he may be doing, the Prime Minister is making itical history by his tactics of ity. This is loeicul because socinl " security measures are expressions of sociuflft philosophy to which the Libera H. Conservatives and Social Credit are opposed. Against their philosophies the CCF has to show that social problems exist, to convince Unit only socialist measures will hil the needs, and to arouse public-support to demand that such measures be instituted. Such social security as we have is a tribute to a determined group of CCP members who have never yet been numerous enough to form either government or official opposition. Clearly emerging from the tast 20 years comes a lesson. Social progress is achieved only the candidate, often unreasonable behavior of -the voter. A story which illustrates the point was often related by former U.S. Vice-President Alben Bark-ley. He described the case of a candidate who, running again for an office which he had held for many years, was having trouble with one particular constituent who used to be a supporter. Hearing that the man was favoring the opposition, he felt obliged to remind him how, on past occasions, he had got his brother a job, put his son through school, bailed out his uncle, saved his daughter from disgrace, and so forth. "Yes, I know,'' the voter replied, ''but what have you done for me lately?" Less well known but more historically accurate was the case of a certain Rev. A. W. Hone who took a confirmed old Tory Orangeman to hear a speech by Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the general election of 1908. Sir Wilfrid was in inspired mood that night and the audience was visibly moved, including the old Tory. On the way home in the buggy, this staunch Conservative was very quiet and presently' started to sniffle, while tears rolled down his cheeks. "Sir Wilfrid is the only politician who ever moved me to tears," he said in explanation as he pulled out his red bandana. Suspecting a notable conversion, Mr. Hone remarked, "I suppose you will be voting for him, then." "Not by a jugful," his friend snorted. "Do you think I would vote for that old reprobate?" -. These are the inscrutable ways with which all politicians must deal. Win or lose in this election, each of them deserves credit for trying to make sense of the most complex creature on earth the. . voter. - , . this last critical campaign week. No other party leader before him ever had the supreme and superb confidence to try to coast over th? finishing line. If they work out, the tactics are spectacular. If they don't work out, there are going to be a lot of rank-and-file Liberals with harsh things to say about how Mr. St. Laurent threw the big game away when victory was clearly in sight . There's a great deal of respect among Parliament Hill's politicians for the perspicacity of the late Sir John A. Macdonald. They figure he f Everyone Everyone entitled entitled to to VOTE VOTE LOktH il should do so Aug. 10th j h A ,l . n 1 M ail' 1 T s ssfct J'L' i ' Next Trip - FLY 1 4 1 f When you go by air you reach your destina- ' I TO -fc Y- f x tion faster and more conveniently. Flying i -ffc Y"" .. r-4 Vw.. h ' 1 time from Prince Rupert to y tl Vi'iN VANCOUVER 32 hrs. 44.85 ; K Cyljl-- U HONOLULU 13'2 hrs. 212.85 V r PI FPk F1 PI f fl 1 CHICAGO 14'2 hrs. 162.25 '. :JLic'- JLir jH;:. S MONTREAL 1534 hrs. 203.50 l :' M l;J I La .. by those who dare depart from i spoke the literal truth when he the old established order to said that an election was like a band together in support of a horse-race. It Isn't won until the needed new deal. ! finishing line has been crossed. On his death, J. S. Woods- j Naturally, these are the days worth, who pioneered the CCF, when the top brass in all the was held to have influenced so- j political parties are getting a bit cial legislation more than any j jit lory, And the -undemonstra- man holding cabinet rank in i his time. The Liberals have j . u i r c i their records of men who trag- i Motel hOf iquirrdS ically deluded themselves that they might win reJorm out of the old order. . EAST FERRY, N.S. (P- Mrs. Charlie Thibodeau runs a summer hotel for squirrels. She captures them in a wire-cage trap in the spring, feeds them in 1 - J. s f '- J - - u t r r 'I , 4 ' 1 ' special enclosures during the 1 summer, and turns them loo.-e j 1 plan -..ur rntlro trip. He will gladly make all . j S"' 3 Sb&J ("A L I 3 LJ X 1 ftl l rraiivnM,t. provide complete through ticket J j L 2 mmM M '- I 5 . Av 1 I 1 service no matter where you want to Ko. Pliooe 1 j 1 1 Si9 ttt l' 1 11 ' ' A 785 ,,,r '"""m"'i'm ru"nt . .:, hj j mP7 killm again in the fall. She provides j Dan-bearing wheels for exercls?; ELECTION victories aside, the only lost vote is the vote given ; in despair to the old crowd be- ; cause the new party of progress doesn't see ui have- the j strength yet to form the gov- i ernment. In elections, as in ill j eise, we must have the coura -e to follow our conscience. , We are on the road to coelalr ' security, but only just. At the moment the Liberals, like th ! folks of Kansas City, seem to ! REFLECTS and . REMINISCES Increased strength in the Marl- j ' a week minimum to $50 maxi-times seems inevitable, according mum. Broun accordingly asked every job-seeker, "which would to political prophets. Only, remember this: Tories and Grits fri ii ktt'H foii-- THE CRISP, CRISP FLAKES, M - 5lL MJkAki . THE DEEP, DEEP W. "have gone about as fur as they i can go." Only CCF strength in the new you prefer $35 a week or $50? Ex. are the only ones that matter. NAVY RUM When you open a package of Kft Klnkr you ratch a hint of a tti" i!mt myt "These joMrn flak are ,i . . . fiesti from out radiant ovens. EVERYONE DOING WELL Heywood Broun was short on executive capicity but few were more kind hearted. It is said of him that when he was running the Connecticut Nutmeg it's managing board gave him authority to start new hands at $35 Tl,i. fr. ,1,,... u soca rt:"V ,ll t'J 1 'from-., 0 ' Parliament can win nation-wide First of all, mankind learns health insurance, social secur-how to talk. Many years later ity -including sickness benefits, he discovers how -to keep still, 'old age. pensions and' family al- lowanees at decent rates, 100,- A Glasgow conscientious ob- 000 new houses per year pur-jector refuses to accept compul- chasable at $48 a month, and sory service in the British forces. Canadian contributions towards His place, he says, is in the Scot- the economic growr.h of the tish Army, because Scotland has vnderpriviicged countries of the of ro!!;s will again toiiKJrrnw e enjoy K :l. i-i'a Coin Flakes foe If Ihere a h- in Jour kitchfn no," you see your w-''er lilJIyy? 0W, ir-ti such a very small representation world. in the British parliament. History , Because social security de- COOKING Oops . . can record, however, an aston- pends upon full employment th! ishihg number of kilted English. CCF has consistently cham- So mnnv dcodIp srnt for Keiloqq's pioned the planning necessary Heat" Frvinn Pans thnt wt? couldn't keC THAT COMFORTABLE WAD to achieve it. This is near the end of the The Liberals have no plans as with thr tnHHon t rfmrnrloiJS dfif-l raerhaiw s there, is lhe Prime Minister indicated, iri ' tel elf anothef Vtory 150 when he abandoned C. - D. M4 r.u' tn!lV0 Pfensi he patieht.'We are doinq ev:r' possible to qet them to you quickly before it becomes too late. For Howe's "shelf of public works." example, Hon. Thomas Croth- j 0 I,.:.;.u " L- T II P KU. O En. KM 1 X Ml Toronto, I OrORTU, V-Vl ers, once a member of the THE SOCREDS abhor the idea Borden cabinet, and later aj as Mr. Solon Low revealed - inn tiHULtit, lEitr.i. nr.iuiLii : j senator, was a tobacco chewer, when he'said in the House.' "It WMIi ! IIII11IM II HI Ml HI IMIIITffl-nil IIIIBIIIIII "" Mill See the new...t Here It Is! . . but this latter fact was not gen- is' my belief and the belief of erally known. Here's his little this group in the House that story: jany time the government sets "A chew of tobacco once won ! out to achieve, as its major con- ! me an election. I was canvassing j scious objective, full employ-in St. Thomas and came across ment, social security, or a plan-a gang of men working In a sew- j ned economy, the government is , er. I found I had no plug of to- going straight down the road to I QUALITY -SHOES AT EXTRA LOW PRICES bacco with me and with no slavery of the people in the 1 thought of politics asked if one i country." of them could give me a chew. Alone the CCF is lcfl to fight About 25 men hauled out plugs for the full employment of Can to accommodate me. They adian workers. Yet there are in-thought I was a real guy. I am. cications that a major cam- REAL SCOOP! Shoes at Great Savings 'Airliim ..HMAl U.CM.e sure I got all their votes, and I paign may be needed shortly, only won by an extremely nar- I Factors which indicate a dis- row margin." I (Continued on page 71 0 Ct RANG! A Hard-To-Bcat LOW Price for shoes of this quality. Monk Straps, -Moccasin I Vamps, and other styles. Constructed from calf leathers. Hafd-wearing Neolite soles. Kubbor or leather heel lilts, bizes 6 to u ChoosG AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMER PUSH-BUTTON CONTROLS nfPACI0US MASTER OVEN STREAMLINER DESIGN V.' Only $359.00 Super Value In Fine Shoes For Boys m m FOR DEPENDABLE iLm. .! ml: umst$B' 5l QUALITY A Value That Shouts SAVINGS! Trim-looking, hard-wearing Oxfords with Neolite or luq soles. Sizes 1 to 6 ..: On Display Now RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC 313 Third Ave. W. Phone 644 FAMILY SHOE STOM LTD. Phone 357 629 Third Avenue West