NS. m.-M.ir"re- iui.iiK, k. j n i. Ctl), principal ol tlie faoliooi o .j uciu mcif nth chitf plai..-.lng officer ta ' o.ui.u .nvnrnmnnt and moHand Dancing at Dumfries ' union here rwi. SV Thursday, August 6, 1953 chairman of the economic plan- Scc'land, is supervising examin-,70 members from (w ning board, will retire from pub- atlo-is and giving Instruction In Michigan turned upanj Milwaukee Facing Day or Decision After Braves' Rally Downs Dodgers lie service in October. 'ww leciumiues. j i l0 ine old i and 3E-ROOF... tl wish DUROID Asphalt Shingles running 10 innings. Pittsburgh I defeated Cincinnati 6-4. 1 The top spots in the Ameri- ; Inquire obout our Instalment Payment Plan ! Ton FREE ESTIMATES SEE OR CALL - GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. can League remained static1 with New York Yankees still ; five, games ahead . of Chicago j White Sox. New York came j from behind to edge .Detroit ; 5-4 while Chicago was carried ; J 14 innings at Philadelphia be,- i i fore Sam Mele broke it up with ! 1 a two-run homer. j TWO SHITOITS I i Em Flowers pitched a shutout ; 215 First Ave. W. Phone fi!) behind; a double defeat woul:l drop them 9'2 back. It's a rare season when a club can make up that much ground in seven weeks fill that's left of the 1053 campaign. The Dodgers suffered thoir first loss In Milwaukee Wednesday, a 5-3 decision which saw the Braves come from behind in the eighth inning. 'Milwaukee scored twice in the seventh and got three more in the eighth. The third-place Philadelphia Phils, nine games back of Brooklyn, trimmed fcurth-plare St. Louis Cardinals 7-3. New York Giants, who have .collapsed completely in the west, lost two more, 9-6 and 7-6, tu Chicago Cubs with the second same By BEN PHLEGAR Associated Press Spurts Writer With one eye on the standings and the other on the calendar this looks like the day of decisis n for Milwaukee Braves. Charlie Grimm's club meets i he National League-leading Brooklyn Dodgers twice today. Nothing less than a pair of victories will convince anybody but the rabid Milwaukee fans that the B.u.es still have a pennant chance. . 1hj Jraves, who jumped from a lacklustre seventh-place outfit in Boston to dangerous con-trn-:-n in Milwaukee, trail the rodger? by 72 games. Twin triumphs would leave them 5''2 6 Eastbound Flights Daily From Vancouver r Only 2 " 4 hrs. hrs. 15 mins to Calgary 50 mins. to Winnipeg 15 mins. to Toronto 15 mins. to Montreal 15 mins. to New York in his first major league start ( for Boston, beating St. Louis ! Browns 5-0. Bob Porterfield, the majors' leading whitewash art-ii.it. threw his seventh shutout ipiui hi.-f sei.oti4 la a low a.-, j We llington trounced Cleveland 9 hrs. 11 hrs. 12 hrs. ' ! 11-0. ! Detroit out-hit ' New ' York . i n-10. but Gus Trlandas. just no 1 from Pirmingham, and Billy i Martin homered for -the Yanks ; sinl the winning run was scored in the seventh vVji Yo"i Berra Hon Stop Service to Winnipeg ' . Lv. VancouYcr daily 6:10 p.m. PST S;-e yntir Travel Agent ur TCA Office In Vancouver Moose Nine Edge Piralesll-10 !n Exciting Little League Fixture A POUND ON YOUR FAVORITE C5S Howe Street (Opp. Georgia Hotel) Thone TA. 0131 Moose edeed rut the Borden by that time had garnered an- : rU.ublc J ncme Mickey Mantle. Street Pirates 11-10 last night in other pair of tallies to maintain i Mele s winning bla.st was the a e. iiinr'v clof tattle League their lead. 1 fo -t'i home run in the Phlla- THANS-CANADA r .Both teams scored three runs I game at Algoma Park. Hnff ee or Tea .INTCINATIONAL t AMI ATIAM tIC Harold Hill, who bolh pitched (jJhfc. II ANSCONTIMINfAt ; and covered second for the a.ousl, was the hero of the' game THE COM V LET K. T K A V L L StKVIU YIH K LOCAL 1KAVLL AGENT "-" p rnarie a one-handed rVl-hii marathon. Gus Zernlil i pti'l Ray Murray homered for-j flip A's in the second and Ed, Mrr.hfp tied the count in the I ei-li'h wi'h a two-run blow. Porterfield scattered six hit:;- 'rnd rrntributed two doubles to the 17-hit Washington assault s.'i the Senators broke th'ir string of 23 scoreless Innings. i Continued cn page 7) CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES in the fourth, with Mno.;s collecting i.vi more in the fifth. Pirate's two-run ra'ly was rut in the bottom of the Mxh. Per Halv-srson, Moose's opening pitcher gave up 5 runs whn striking out 7. Harold Hill struck out 6 and gave up 3 runs. Ed Eyford- who pitelv-d the sixth inning for the Meoee struck out I rnd pave up 2 runs. Sheldon Wong for the Pirates catch of Robin Gilmore's drive to I re; ire In" sie 'as a Pirate runner on third threatened to tie j up the game. 1 Va!!ac9 Clock Phone ( A storekeeper's error saw an j extra inning played in which the Pirates actually tied the game, but at the end of six regulation j innings Moose led the Pirates by out 7 while allowing 6 runs. Larry , one run. . mouse wo a i,ru:S tu mate for g run3 f pitcher Sheldon Wong's offerings I .fje Vai Fhan prd Temn y 1 mi mm mi ir.a t naikea up r. tour-run ieaa j vajVPr.rn v.,re (Vjo b':g nn? for in. the first inning. Pirates ral- to-b hTh cnl'x-tlrp dauo'e-i lied with one run in the second ! ,.n csM'on Wirf ' homernl aad four in the third, but Moose ?n1 doubled for Pirat,e3 with Chow rapping cut a Gi'bTt rl"le. : LoHee Lovers Jce Lefe.Hrneeu -al!"o) (lip balls rt ot 'V"t nr.ri r'.er.ny V'inriie as firs' base nwp. 1w perfect ( , 4 t Major League Ujders flmes pick the perfect H want Flavorand By The Catiatilitn Prrr,s I I I li 1 11 mi NATIONAL Pit ah n ; 3"a r Echoend'st. S'.L, 3S5 53 117 .3 V'f 253 5;) U3 .3?:f Irvin, NY i:j, Chi u:iiio, Ekn 'CluszewtH. rh' I with coupon on back of this package! 3 j uy rUMQ f)cjic bigger, crisper, tastier Runs: Dark, New York, 82. ft h-"- u in: Ca.iiiK.njil.i, 3rooklyn, 96. Hits: LocKman. NewYr rk, 131. , Doubles: M;siel. St.. Lculs, 32. Triples: Bruton, Milwaukee, 8. ' : Home runs: Mathews,, .Kii-Vf.ukre, 33. , 'Stolen bases: Recre, Brooklyn, nd Brutr,n, 16. Pitching: Burdette, Milwau-ee, 8-ii. .830. Striker-its: Eobcite, riiiladel-hia, 139. M MSB ow ,ovt W'l I t A.....R1CAri l ' HwHITE iJli II Imleqd of wwlW made lllil the t?AOI!S A3 K 11 Pet. 417 BJ Jji'J S tl j. i - .j j 13.5 AH St 307 fij r.s .ol ' Vernon, Wash 'lihoso, Chi eil, Eos osen, Clev 1 GET YOUR COUPON NOW - - SUPPLY LIMITED S (REDEEM IT AT YOUR GROCER'S) . A 4 'm 2 Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results ' - - - : Vlantle,. NY 3r5 f,2:lil Runs: Minn n, P.:j. Runs bailed in: IJ- ft, tl. Hits: Kii'im, Lt.-ii .., : .n ernc.n. 137. Doubles: fell eni Vfinin. 'Jl Triples: Rivera, Chie-ijru, 0. Home runs: K- s' n, li. Stolen b.-sc.i: Kiera. IX Fitehin-;: pat, ?:c,7 Ywi: 10-2, .833. Strikeouts: Pierce, ehivav 129, Cam 1 By electing Social-Credit members to represent D C in Ottawa, we will ensure action and co-cmrafion in Dominion-ProvincTal matters in the Houso ol Commons. IN SKEENA. RIDING V I j McKELVIE James I A- JiJ : ; li',,' -.a 9 mm Social Credit is the answer to cxccss'vc taxation, ' extravagant government spending, and the fears of boom-bust economy. Social Credit will ab'olis'i waste in Ottawa as it has in B.C.!' VOTE FOR THE PEOPLE'S GOVERNMENT! l'-ti...'' v A -' 1f" Be MI, I W A f 3 A xiga!. "wsaa ca tfl ii 70 for $1.0010 for S0 honily D)SPtNER with lOmpartment (at used bladet. X; 1, : This advertisement issued by the B.C. Social Credit Campaign Committee Regulai t6rktig. S blade ?5t