Prince Rupert Daily News ' Friday, March 7, 1952 j Fellowships in Social Sciences I TrtlrA iron v. iAnn jtR New High School Draws 300 Three hundred visitors at-; the modernly equipped activity tended Booth Memorial School , room in the new school by teach Annunciation Open House I vj i r; ic wiwujaj ir.storHotr nftju-rKvm tr, cpo PrinP ers and senior students. Over Social Science Research Coun- R uperVs secondary schooi jn Education Week Eduration Week Observed at JrYinc; Kupcrt's Catholic Sehool action at an open house. coffee and tea with sandwiches and eookies made by the home economics classes, parents and cil has announced the award of 19 pre-doctoral fellowships to advanced students of the social forlli Seen in JP'iclureS Particular attention was paid Yesterday was Education Week sciences. ; 1 had the opportunity to to the fine new school building teachers open house at Annunciation meet ana enjuy a sutiai nuui. Cimi i nadif Mrs. Shu The awards, provided for by funds, from the Rockefeller Foundation, will assist the winners in completing their study for a doctor's degree. The 19 and one of the popular spots was the manual arts section including the metal and woodworking shops with their splendid up-to-date equipment where young and glacier, and Sheep Moun tain, a game reserve for moun tuln sheep. M'"'S.."r Mrs. ; 1 'i? A7 "&-. odiool and nearly 100 visitor.? called to tour the lour classroom; and view the work and activities of 127 pupils from Grades 1 to 10. Sisters St. Kose, the principal, Alberta, Eernaraa and Mary Dan lid were gracious hostesses as the guesU went through the were enthusiastically were selected from 55 applicants , artisans They saw the fertile Matanuska Valley where beautiful rich farms supply the town of Anchorage, a modern city of 30,000 people, working. Their products' were f ' .. i.i.t-lcmM for fellowships. '. Names of the successful can didates: '. ' viewed with interest. Practical work was also displayed in the home economics with traffic lights and parking meters complete. They encountered WOMEN, earning $020 a .onrncy taken las . and her husband ka Highway. Mrs. ' colored films nAiinln's fl At-irrlirt 1T i - r i rtt n i classrooms, inspecting many at riivnio frtnn rt . 't (l.i' ! department with the lady visi month and a quarterly bonus! v,cnHi..,fi. i .,r or. i , . .. (1i , tors particularly attracted by and the journey which made Mrs. Kullander think l the countryside 'i( '. ' ,-:v Tl i "n riiTnrrnmiMiTiii m mt oi taking up a new career. 8TAINIESS STEEL UTENSILS ..portrayed, ui the sewing and flress designing tiisplays. In the classroom's pupils were doing their regular work. Refreshments were served in ingenious themes and applica- j tions, University of Manitoba; .'ions. 'Boris Celovsky, Montreal; Ed- Grades 9 and 10 display fea-twaru j. chambers, Vancouver; tured a plaster of Paris relief Murray S. Donnelly, Winnipeg, They drove over the Haines Highway with its particularly inflame oi pupia. L dramatic scenery, the' St. Elias range of majestic grandeur, the highest mountains In the coun map of Canada with its ten assistant protessor of political I . provinces correlated with socir.l SC,.ncc University of Manitoba; 1 try. e sKJ' i a the scarlet flame maple; mountain innumerable wild . r(,!nrs: towering 'nindous glaciers, close-up. .'howing cipicc of ice many From Haines they went by i 51-uuiu. me uii;is.uuaru v.ui William H. Uray, Toronto; Al-i centred with an appropriate O. bert L 1,.arlcy victoria; t verse cr loyalty to the new a.-Xocf v-iae' . Vorucr, Montreal;! - Queen, also containing mottoes. L urasoerg Montrcal; Hu-i emphasizing the pies of '. Gu.naon. Apple . rtiil, i ; good c.t.zensn.p. Two -striking Mltnlc0( : printed messages contrasted the r , . ,- ..,. ,. i liberties of' Canada with the re-. f tn ' ' ' triftint,a r,r ,u R,wi( ,hti : Charles M,,jonnst.on, Hamilton. i landing-barge ferry to Juneau, and the Mendenhall Olacler. There was a very startling-picture of the deep, bare-sided trench of the muddy 8tlklne River, which drew wondering gasps from the audience. : Then the ladies were shown another film of the glories of tlw Skcena and Bella Coola val- , Gradei 6. 7 and 8 clauroom Ralph KammsKy, Winni-featured North . projecUs of art worked - McCqnkcy, in with science and, while of ; Vancouver: - Kenneth A. Mac-1 of. klrdy.- CMlliwaMK Kcnncin li.! TEA BAGS fective. McRae, Toropto, lecturer in po-, litical sclent "at University of ! Toronto; duy. A.' Rochcr, Mont-r leys, including the spot, Pcm-berton Bay on the Bfiblnc Lake, where Mr. arid Mrs. Kullander are going to live. ,rs wont by train thence bv car to where Mile l'ost ,d, i.oni tliere on. hundred miles excellent gravels-six feel wide, ...nts w. til marked. easily taken, and completely ich stretch being :iieS long. There ry fifty miles for .mim of travellers. both rooms mid e reasonable, hire are at present Xa cars for every Grades 5, 4 and 3 carried out patriotic themes with scrapbook-s recalling the Royal Tour of Can leal; MaryB. Roscborough, To- FRETTY 29-ER Ann Beaudcin of Toronto, born in 1940. celebrated her third birthday Friday, Feb. 29. Thoughtfully chewing her pencil she wonders what happened to .her other nine birthday and the parlies she missed. Every four years the calendar catches up with the weary earth and takes six hours more than 3G5 days to complete its orbit around the sun. On leap years the hours are added to provide the extra days and a good talking point for those born on that date. CP PHOTO) ada.' Flags and pictures as welli ronto; Patrick C. T as posters centered on the words ' cbuver. r - . , ." "God Save the Queen." Tha - -i' - There were also pictures of the : v;Ty lovely garden tlicy have j made here in Prince Rupert and , some exquisite shots of single! f'owers grown In that garden,! each flower a prize bloom. Some particular work of the Grade 3 pupils was a panel of picture boxes depicting a home and t. landscaped garden with real growing grass. The Grades 1 and 2 room displayed clocks made out of paper saucers by the little pupils who. American cars seen glorious sunsets made a radiant 1 faSSi wa, enthusiastic ap- A Brothers n Reunited a iff Here- at the end. Mrs. F. L. - ' p'.ause I It I I ii nfieid. m thanking Mr, Ku.- tawdrci bdunciers Joins martin rvd Irish brothers, who have not met in twenty-cipht ,t!"i 1LT husband Mr' Kllander and licr! years since one left the Old Country for Canada, j trayon'coioring-anu little stories Mrs. a. Rivt-it presided at the'were reunited in Prince Rupert this week and will j ml'.fL,0'1.,.,!!1! ,'ht"1,c,: writ's shown were and the Llard , beaut il ill bridge a. Teslin Lake . its not so expvn-.tmg only $2,000,-Hivfr, Miles Can-f Raptds; bulld-ld-rush days now osmp.-ng N)i!s for gut to within slx-,:.:!'- Pp:vv then piano for "O Canada" and wuu I U nr9- u I . , rt pc ftni o t ri I n rvr nmrinrttllrt. l-n.viftc?a nln.ii ii im.-i ' I-..-, r ........r llviitvi VI til uc aosuLiaicu 111 cue v,oiai aeiuii; uuiucj ; -i,t-" u kj - "ii vi ulft Save the Queen." . , . , icuuwcu ciuiiiuiieai y uut CiiL tiv: i here. Attp.nnt Tit. fnrnit:irft maelrinir One brother is Martin J. Saun- wa optimism of Martin about As thc guesU entcrecl tn 11 even Jah(cs tif whose specialty is heavy uie-iueuie piospecis ui uns .iuie we, e mrl by Gradc 8 buys wKfa i ders I excavation the visitors' book to be s.gned. ilfV.T brid'te over who has been located In Prince '"LU"' '-' "k-u j Xne nonle ond school Asso river. Tl "" "" f Ltilholic il D -jtrltj i trd. Mi.; lo come nt'ie. lie crussea vne M:. Santoi Rupert for some years. . . . . elation Uiieclcd th? cervina of The other brother is Kelward auuhuc vo new lym aooaiu nit,, tca lo Ulp sU wi,h Mrs Q 'Vrswll; bv the a cm ions sal-Iiieliaii device for . Trsleena Lak.1 Eleven tables were in play at Saunders w ho arrived Tuesday vmtca oiaici ""c tW JI"'l i P. Lvon. M' s. W. A. Pierce, Mr the Catholic card party last ! night from Leeds, England, where America and come on here by L Evans Mrs , t Murray, Mr:..' night with thc following win- for nineteen years he- has been 11 , 11 a , rt sloPovei' ln , Robert Annstron and Jlrs. ncrs: ! engaged as construction foreman Tonorto enroute. James Rogerson ln charge, and I . ' . ... ltr: 4Kaa n..nUtia ...ill i , ,rt ..... t ... o With a Purchase of $10 or over Worth of Merchandise Mrs. A. J. Curzon and . f n large contracting concern. wuc mm uuBuiti 'juriiuej v ana iu giru ueipniac Bridge- The brothers hail originally come to Prince Rupert to join Asiona, Marnyn Lananrr uciiy Miss Mary Astoria. Os'vey Lorraine Smith, Donalda .... , . . , ., j from County Mavo, Ire'and. Last Edward Saunders as soon as he them. wnisi-mrs. jean nouucr nna , hr()U,rH iOScthrr has provided a home for 1, I ji 'iKMu. Claire Evans and J. R. Cormier when, ns Vouths. thev work- Tlv Wily wav that, can he done, ViV.ii, Evan servin.;. Cribhage Mrs A. Norton rtnd;c(! tn coar miiits in Lancftslilrc. apparently is to build one on Edward is already enthusiastic one of sevrtal varani mis which niREE-I EGGEU COYOTK , 1 Owm DEPT ders t ami (1 in'i to-I HUM ' p.ntl t ii.naniciit il 8. M 'u;,:' Ti'iu-n.iir. i.VK'l Jti's Daughters, i. 8 p in hiilia- about, ivince Rupiit. OI course, r.aitiu aiivaely lias- ncic. .MlN.NEDO.3A. M..n. i - coyote minus one ici; i. lojin jir O. K. Olson. Cashier was Mrs. E. Tehsoth. In clviige of rrfroshmdiLs was Mrs. E. Clau..rn, assisted by Mrs. O. Miilronry. Mrs. L. Amadio and Mrs. L. Colussl. In an area of 6.094 square milvs. u round 10 miles north of this Phone Red 846 Mc Bride Street at 4th Avenue fl Jlotel A VI 'i accurately mapped, just south town. Spotted recently ty Holland east of Lake Winnipeg, there a'.cl Fiiby, thc coyote is b'slicvcd art 3 000 lakes. , .ho inc one that escaped f-oiu -p- ;a trap by chewing off i:.- ii.i- ' on sen h river: isp pr!wncd foot. .reh mi una una party party, -x aid I J I ' supiwrters, to- Prince lluprit Widiani Ila'jgland and D. G. Terrace: G. Best, Terrace; R. W. Turner, Devp Cove; A. Peterson and O. Murray, Smith-ets; Mr. and Mrs. McKay, Edmonton; Mr. and M-R. C. Gibb and J. D. Warrinuton, Vancouver. M' trqwlc Hall. ELECTRIC-, VIGKERS SEWING MA Utc i Lnmc CANADIAN EDUCATION WEEK FRIDAY fl 8 tj 8:30 p.m.- Radio panel discussion by members of Booth Memorial High' School. . kij Gcorse Dibb failed last nife'iU on the Prince Gcoi'ko fur a bi si-. . trip U O .can Falls. Drop in Ah w.;ilt nu.iran-U"auty .Siilun, i in Lni;iish made llill'l lilillili!! 4 1 I'i'Tti.V. n. Hi . la o Union will Lr.ii n! 0; 1 Jt'i- rl 2.30 p.m. Chatelaine M h. D. O. Little, who has bren In the Prlnr? Rupert General llosjiltal for lh" past week rc-e'..iii!, surgical treatment . is returning to her home in thc interior tonight. Ac ordlng lo a friend rcturj-in: from Vancouver, the General condition of Malcolm Stewart of Prince Rupert, at Bhauan-ne.-sy Hospital, continues very favorable. Surgery has been lH;esury. Einil Haugland. chairinaii of Regular 124.95 SPEClAe 99.50 $35 down. SG per month Complete with attachments 1 Backward and forward action . 2 Hinned foot 3 -Tension and stitch control 4 All parts available locally i Site l ''"''e l f-p.-i; i .j "i Fra:;(.r street, Al;"y are uiwl.k. '''"tiuiij ul used alter March no. 1 58c l rl'eral niertinK. " li-Jliltj; s.Sfl 'il I'rotcctivr I im.l Says Sew & Save the b ard of . village coinniis-f onery at Terrace, who has been a patient in the Prinee Rupcit IT'S BABY WEEK at f"'Sf. Civic Ontrr. ji, vjiiie-iai lur uiv i.ioi. ... , uospuai f I1"'. Ml nirinliprv .i ... .. . . .... ..... ... i.i.. i.,,..i,. lsl' , iiuce wpcks, ' IS le'iuriiiie; m iu hi iillcnd. i ... .... n,i 1IVI lit. 111 tllU III Lv 1 IOI WHO " - v ij7ci ,nd. Ltd ficlScie-'Bro's. PHONE 6 THE STORK SHOPPE March 3rd -8tli' Wo Have Many Special Values 5? j& i :.' UK ( for whisky quality 1 i S: -B ) . that hits a high note W:. ( ...say corby's p ( Bold Bright iwL, Jn New Styles k?MJ . , i ?V Choose Choose your your favorite favorite lii ' in in plain plain gabardines gabardines or or i ft if splashed splashed with with color color in in 1 rM 1 rayon rayon prints prints or or Poisley Poisley V designs. Priced from. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY ESMOND BLANKETS 30".x40" $1.29 THE STORK SHOPPE 303 Third Ave. W. Phone Blue 810 For your Sewing Requirements Hop off of the . V Royal I M Reserve Old Rye 1 Special Selected S&NICKERSON n,ig aaVcrtijeiueut is not puhliflied or ilisplaycU by the. Liquor Control Board or by the . .. . . . Government of British Columbia, rffmtn" inATi. fruit MEN'S CLOTHING