Hit r'ti. .1. Kupi.'il I uily Ncvvi Monday, March 22, 1954 Dress With Peekaboo. Hole's jassing Sandy Up-To-Date Training Methods Outlined at Weekend Session TIds on up-to-date methods Smith also spoke on interna tion nv i i i ! uream ot Love-Lorn miss of Girl Guide training were giv - en local Guide and Brownie lead- ; al Oulding, "telling of her visit' to the World Guide Chalet in t ers at sessions over the weekend , Switzerland in 1947. with Miss Lucy Smith of Vaheou- I Sunday afternoon Miss Smith ver, member of the provincial met with members of the exten-Guide training staff. , j Kion group which directs Guide Highlight of the weekend j and Brownie work among the training session was a hike Sat- I patients at Miller Bay Hospital, urday, when about 25 Guides at a tea at the home of Mrs. and leaders trekked out west of j Lionel Holtby, and Sunday night, the city, nearly to Casey Point, at tle home of Mrs. W. L. Hitch- t"" " Oil Later at home. Suv.le(Joljfully watched he - lipstick . lalo go ' .' I down u,e barn,ub drHini anh re peated: ... ' . , "But that's what' fat I wj nted the dress." ". She has the dress. ihough Eatoriia FIRST LINE BATTERIES THE FINEST I OR YbV Ft CAR OR BOAl ,4, Fully- guaraiUeii-"'-fir three rarV. s KANSAS CITY Mrs. Ralph H. Dolson took her t;ht-y.;ar- U -I n j , u.u uauBUKi.ou uowmown w "I don't want any just plain stuff." Suzie told her mother. "I want a dress like 'the dming room curtains. You know, with holes In what it's made out of." They found only one dress- pale pink and lacy which made Suzie's eyes shine. Her reason for a dress "with holes" were evident when she pranced out of the store's dressing room. Four large red hearts drawn on her bare chest showed elearlv through the lace. Completing the picture were a cupids arrow and the words, "Suzie loves Ter.ry Terry loves Suzie." V rilt'.V w -VfV TV dverti$ement is not puUijritd ACTOR JOSE FERRER and his wife, singer Rosemary Clooney, return to London refreshed and smiling after a three-week holiday In Paris. The talented couple Is spending a delayed honeymoon In England and on the continent. j cock, Brownie ceremonies, patrol systems, court of honor procedr ures and camping problems were covered. Miss Smith, who was guest at the; home of Mrs. Hitchcock durf ng her visit here, was scheduled to return by plane today to Vancouver, where she captains the 10th Vancouver Guide Company. Lodge Enjoys Cards, Dance Eleven tables were in play ! when the Sons of Norway staged their regular dance and' whist party Friday night in the SON Hall. Winning first prizes were Mrs. Alf Jensen and A. Martinussen. Mrs. H. F. Glassey took second prize in the women's section while O. K. Olson won men s 1 second prize on a cut with H. I Dean-Freeman. I Door prize went to AmgioII i TTiir.n The committee in charge m - eluded Mrs. E. Somes, Mrs. J. ! Pedersen. Mrs. H. Hagen, Mr. and it: IMMEDIATE UIXl'VERt ' I rui vjim vj i or displayed by the Liquor Control I Board or by the Government ol 323 West Third Avje. I j British Columbia I j i ' to learn new fire-making and outdoor cooking skills. Some Guides passed second class fire tests while others worked on first class fire badges, learning from Miss Smith new types of outdoor fires. TRAINING SESSION Training sessions started Fri day afternoon at a tea at the home of Mrs. R. B. Allen for Guiders and Local Association members, when Miss Smith outlined the duties of the association. Friday night, at a session for Guide and Brownie leaders in St. Andrew's Cathedral hall, Miss Smith gave pointers on camp-fire, teaching some new songs, and covering a variety of points on planning Guide and Brownie meetings. , " ' Saturday night at another training session at the home of Miss Dorothy Edgar, 1008 Second Avenue West, Guiders learned new methods of Machine mm- nan work, s e m a n h o r . with r ' ' games and other topics. Miss I readers S.O.N. Meeting, Monday, March 12, 8 p.m. Social, Square-Dancing, Sonja Ladles Invited. (68) General meeting of Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, Tuesday, .n. ,69) Monthly meeting Loyal Order 'of Moose No. 1051 at. 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 23. Nomination iand Election of officers. All members nr snecinllv rrnuesterl to attend. (69) "YOU HAVE A DATE" with Bellis Asserts Heating Unit .Saved Hospital Board $1,500 Installation of a new heating , studying existing conditions and plant at Prince Rupert General ; planning for the future." Hospital enabled the institution! "We would also point out, to effect a savings of approxt- i most emphatically, that If the' mately $1500 a year in fuel costs. ! people of this community want This was announced at the a modern hospital they must be annual meeting of the associa- i prepared to contribute their pro-tion in the Civic Centre last j portion of the cost . . ." niiiht by Norman Bellis, chair-1 - NONE OF THAT bottle-ancf- nipple stuff for Maryanne Perry of Rochester, N.Y., who's a big girl at 72 months. She takes her liquids through a oliuw, a feat uiiiioUdl fur her age. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Perry, claim envious neighbors have tried the stunt with their offspring, but without results. Suffragette To Meet Naguib CAIRO (Reuters Mrs. Doria Shafik, still weak from her seven-day hunger strike, today led her group of seven suffragettes to call on President Mo hammed Naguib who got them toend their fast Friday. Tt a trt l :iT rtau mir ni nnc. 'pital for the feminists. Their hunger strike supported demands of 36-year-old Mrs. Shafik s ; run for seats in Egypt's new constituent assembly this spring. Naguib repeated his pledge to the women that "your demands are in good hands." stop sinus I SUFFERING For the first time simw sufferers ran obtain romplfte, loini-lasting relief with NKVO. AvuilaWIe to the puhlic &fter years of rwareh Hiui testiiiK. Medu-iil tciits have pruven that NFiVO rompletoly eliminates sinus suffering ? almost all cases even hen other methods have failed. Sold on a Money Hack t.uaranire At AH Drug Stores hrrsj f Mrs. P. Peterson, K. Dahll and : "Daughters of the Nile" organi-Nels Gunnarson. j zation that women be allowed to ! Quick! I .... i !5il 4 t the P'1SI -I purlin? ,0 perfect suo-rrsatlon bright, sunny , hard to con-,Mt a docsnt ,,,,e in fi,,l"'rt the S('v- ,v va , 0 sunsnme rti have been j.,y" as a group ,. Terrace also match wits ,.lers and there In out-of-town , action at the lots of serious .,t the curling , also tt lot of r,as a new job. a vacation In i,t In the bon- :he "official" .-rntalive for Liter Johnson. ,., Jack stayed J ,s now man- rmrn's Co-op i net Ham An- i or MVS- Jack at golf. been In town jple of weeks !i Burns Lake, D of foul line . Rupert CNT day. ' iwld-shatter- made at the .ink Anftcld is f :ure out how ; I his last shot, j ctaior when j . big Sunday Shirley . . . Chuck TRIED : tacular shot. ! is speechless. fc'ipt is house i s (Mine to ; nd kiddies : it from Burt on as he pets and movin:; John Waklry I'o bf heading i intry 1'ink Skinner :a Vancouver. Ifcwn to big U herc.aud t ver years on l:ht now he's home nine a minor l and Kvelvn :"tt .tie re-uly I vneatinn -this Evelyn savs f duys in the Tlry hope to f next riMi)le I1 r nijte eiinu's "I Jak Mon- I"f U the the "Hl- "HI- 4 li'Tf. her, in in in in ,ri- ,rl- Jai'k forgot 'jllic nhuw's all tstnr ntioriK th.,t f'ftl Charlie T' wuik in f 'l ... Charlie Iruinlii" I. .11 tt-h,.-ll ........ i " ..".ii ri'y is Herb " transferred f"r- Herb's so-1 t h?'s been : J.iddcr after a City" quality I A nian of the long-range planning committee. In a report on tne work of the committre and operation of the hospital, Mr. BcllU said that: n?uiis.iu iiiui, it in me rc- i sponsibility of the board to pro- j vme me rcsiuenui oi mis com- muiiiiy wnn moaern aiagnosuc ana ireaimem, iucinues, tne ong range planning committee i Is constantly reviewing and "" , . TOKYO Japanese repat-! Hates from Russia say a gold ( rush is on in northeast Siberia where Japanese and German prisoners of war discovered nug pets "sometimes bigger than a kidney bean," the newspaper Sangyo Keizat reported Sunday. The paper, quoting three Jn-anese. said the deposit is in the Kolyma valley of northeast SI- , ebrla and.ls spread qver an area i larger than Japan. KNJOY SHOPPING ; LONDON (CP) Maj. E. K. Eo- i wards, vice president of tin ' Wholesale Grocers Federatio.i, corn at new i- ji 1 1 low prices! I . C A E D F 0 0 B S the Kalcn Consumers Co-op! came here a week ago from Kiti-Crcdit Union, at their annual mat where he worked for sev- General Meeting, March 31st, 8 eral months. i p.m. Civic Centre, Common 1 Alter a five-day visit in Prince Lounge. Refreshments will be ; Rupert. -he will leave for a tour served. All members urged to' of the Peace River area and the i tittrnd, and to brin-j yur 1 Yukon. i told a meetlm? that Britons are ijoulli Vjouin (j, Kjrouji Members nf hp Anvil n young People's Association of st peer's Church, Seal Cove, at lhelr aJjt meeting planned to i invito, .nniw , rnnn t. Join ln their activities. ! Members of a Port Edward youth group will be invited to iJln the St. Peter's group. Tne meeting aIso ncard re. : on succcss o( a fund - rii chm Mnn.i,.. solljn s Bvertlng 'cards to finance ' C .!!!. . i ba!;etial!, and refreshments completed the evening. This Week- Legion Auxiliary Fashion Show tonii;ht in the Legion Hall at 8 p.m. Prince Kupert Art flub meeting Tuesilay, 8:l.i p.m., at the home of Mrs. J. T. Harvey. Rrgulnr mrrline of the Prime Rupert Music and Drama Festival Association Vcilncsday at 8 p.m., lit the; 'ivic Centre. . All . members' please' attonit. ;x v . Svrinl for oldtlmers of the "Over 70" flub al the Civic C'enlre, Thursday, 2 p.m. City drivers and prnspeetive ear owners rr invited l join the Trince Rupert Automotive Association which hs called Us next meeting for March 21 In the Club Lounge of the Civic Centre. Fred E, Dcwdie OPTGMETnSl New nddross: 3Qt "'d Ave. V BACKACHE MaybeVarninq Btdurht it tllrn caused by liy tldnj Klwa. When tidneys get wit ! ttirr, eireu acids and wastes remain in thai BTSIem. Then backache, disturbed rest er that tired-ou) and heafy-hesded leelinf nay seen loiiow. That's the time t lake Dodd'a Kidney Pills. Dodds stimulate the kidneys te normal action. Then yeu (eel better sleep better werk better Get Dedd'i Kidney Pills ne. al " .. 1-1 t. A '-- v : ! ! I j friends. (76) Heating Musi Be Planned Efficiently An rvpcrlly pliinned hc:il-iiic system pays for itself in a few years through greater comfort that promotes hcttcr health for the family. Phono 174 SMITH StLKINS LIMITED 259 Third Ave. W. r I Newspaperman To Speak Here Kenneth Johnstone. Kemsley , newspaperman of London, Eng- j land, is back in Prince Rupert i after a visit to the Queen Char-j lottes, and wlil lecture at an, cpen meeting at St. Peter's Church Hall, Seal Cove Tuesday night. ; Mr. Johnston, who Is tour.n,; '; Canada seeking material for a! book on life in this country,' ' iBivrc wee cm to Y jr h.,.o.., Mc cumr,... tt.a.. .. pr.U.. ,r.l,Jr.l..l,lhl.rlor.rhi.rh..rK.r.krmr,..ll(l.r,Mr,.' VtllKnil llrnrr irMrkna.(Sr,l might nt.tr br.r f THCYOOSAYrfJE Y IS DOWJO.FrHH 'ER 8VT FOHSOOTH I FEAR sUCKILO 1, took "! "" conr.it 10 '" mi "f" mm abknl " .Mm ' " ta,,n.ld.,.,h,,dof.rMndgoh......dln..l..b... hod t ere nt onl i(hin mtn. tmludiftR bit rr. 1 ClUCULCfS f-ARTlCUS 'i w it i'Mi lr. ... jJ of 6ii.!.uj( futiw to tbc islet of ihr Unci iithM b lar. ( rn,t hi woo hi men in ihr h.-t- m liciirj Mi i( Lnglind. ht lould efi Jniiin Htkii. aim helped l 40tli jn indul-lna In "impuTae- buying'', now that rationing is ending. He said they are going from shop . to shop buvlng in small auant- 'tin ni-rl added this cotl'd mem an lncifa.se In the domestic ro-J eery bill. ... I ' "1 - JrvV. f . , ' K7t - ; ."I L . r-. I r 1. E v $ : 1 I r I A SKMINOI.K street srenc is featured in this skirt of pastel cotton with matching halter and new "floune.er." llouneed stole introduced by Margaret Newman of Miami. The print also was designed by her. 1 4 Sl'H'.v's name 1 inelnded in I r"ee M WSH " I ol ibr l-.ll..n. at t,, I Bll.h p.'.' Itamtr.kjni.nl Bn.rr.U ea(.r r..c,..nrl ili.-ir crl.. ( ,H cmU nl, b, ,h. tomp.M-.b.rk ar .,,,,.PP. .1 .h.., X ,l.,r.,h. 4.l . . rl...l. i. K..,K .tl.ml In. m.i .1. . P.,.n, dnr n.,r,h. Hrn. h. hr.Jrd .,M, dm.nrr I ".oil. ,;n.,,K.d ,hr lor he ,.ry tJEcr lur h r.nrnrrr me.p.nd. ,uihr.r m.K.d ol cr. .nd ,o m.dc hi, f. til dltro.dt SOU j 1;.'., j V I PKOCUUM FOft Wf -"''n,"-i , tl LOMG WC- r I JA'W KING Of ENGLMO Elj$fctf0UJ SGtJT LAtDJ 3 rfe .Tf Jy TV OOMMOH 'TITLE AWO IW&C? yK34l VJS S " IweiM ' " n il ' M,? " '.""d" " On ,ht n.. UnJ. f lr..m rhc ohl w.ulrl h..i pliant nfeV, r,rCnl.n.l ' . to,1Jdn;m.r.teco.nir,.-l.,hoiror..-Br...l.o.l ,. , ,h, h. l S. Mirk. p.,r..n ..m, i hi, n.u,.- Venk. ".'H ( v- .ho, ihouuhi " ihi. land .11 .onwcticd ih (he EiM. h-mpli.n -nd o.hrr. p.m.d r. ihrw oib. Tors re-eieetod jminrd . , in l"':s on r.,i. '"Tosse nl.iv- Jl t out of the i apologies to I ac'U a,s disr lsiien eoncerl I feut in nrint as i 11 11 a .lumber i iH tint a rii.... Before you buy... t Be sure to see on Ladies! HION SHOW T7SM tSTT QUICFR AD'AN LEGION AUDITORIUM turn tlic wheels of prugrcss. Vha you deposit your w togs, whenever yott do business with your bjntu )u are contributing to (be funds avaii..b!c for Canada & growth for your gnmjh with Canada. l)np in fur a (.bat with your B-itkt 'NuvaScotit niauapT. Ak him to htlp you chart your course Yoti tl titiJ him a gxnl mao to know. I MF CAHO I S)f ukJjv avc pkniy of a.lviiifurc aiuJil. as CjnatU's rjjid dwclnpnu hi dimJiuts iniiiiitivcincvtryficlJ. NvwCabt Jrc vtnturinj; into lih ihartwl and uiuh.tricd areas (' fniiUKiiil ri-.k. . X Im art- tlu- lltniy VlU l'rml.iy? Th. Iindinj; insMtti(iins of f!an.idj! . I.rv day tiny li'lp jii.hI;i jjniw. For tlic vitij; (' '.iii.uli.nis Jrc iiittid by (lit vini.s to Styles by UNIVERSAL Urn SDorK fn Ci -sj,j' iisi icui iun b Cani'(l'n Legion Auxiliary The Rcfrigcrotor Sensation GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 r i l"'9lt at 8 p.m. ' BANK of- NOVA SCOTIA lour Fhrtner in Helping Canada Grow BNS Manager is a good man to know. In Terrace he is R. C. SANDOVER-SI.Y. Tlic ti'i. f ir' f)"' our hi nor v. Hui Your noi hje hn.ti " , 5,1:1. V." ..