PROVINCIAL 1 LI WEAP IT uur ;de5 Quota 23. l'J '4 jl,,rrh '5500 ,HPd Time I 20 3 fcet 3 07 Li 18.0 feet PROUDLY Local Headquarter! N.B.C. POWEB CO. LTD. Phone 210 P.O. Box S33 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canoda'i Most Strategic Pacific Port -"Prine Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XUII, No. 68 PRINCE RU?ERT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 22, 19M PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 9:37 f 11-29 7.3 feet I'll I u u UOJI iliii. im , r cviqence insufncienx For Murder Count Charles Robinson, 31-year-old native from the west coast of Vancouver Island this morning was committed for -trial on1 a charge of manslaughter. if i.- . RCMP Probe Burning Of Bridge NELSON, B.C. (CP) A highway bridge in the radical Sons of Freedom He had been charged With murdering Violet Annie Sam- French Forces pare. - ': ' ; " '" ";! Bail was set at $3,000. In reducing the charge. Mag istrate W. D. Vance said in po- ( lice court, Robinson would come i Expecting Fresh Assault up for trial at the spring assizes I 1 V. - - H s t v ' ... SHST1C Tl'RKS seem to be lly delighted with the rfde they "hitched" from here next mopth. Doukhobor area near here iwas damaged by fire last ' Sunday night arid RCMP ;said two containers of iaerg drifting through the Bosphorus In Istanbul. The famous straits froze during T. W. Brown, QC, crown pros- ; 1 il told wave that swept tnrougn lurkey., in the background can be secupart of ,il area of Istanbul under a blanket of snow. . . ecutor, in a brief remark to! HANOI, Indo-China i JYench court said there was insufficient Union troops braced themselves evidence to warrant pressing of anpw today for a stiiiexpcctcd the murder charge but believed 8ssuult against their Dicn Blen there was a prime face case of)phu tortress by the Communist-manslaughter. !,rd vietminh. NOT PROVKN f Tank and infantry reinforcc- lision of Foreign Fishermen gasoline were found beneath it. The underside- of the bridge on the Nelson-Trail highway at Bear creek was badly scorched before a Nelson fire department id For in UFAWU Resolution Defcnce counsel Gerry Pet- i nll;lls "unsu vn fenders in northwest Indo- tenuzzo said that in his opinion i truck doused the blaze. The brldse Is still safe for traffic. RCMP said the gasoline bombs were net with timing devices the Crown had failed to present ; China, a prime face case and the "only . From the skies poured fresh major evidence at the prelim- J troops, war equipment, ammunt-inary hearing was that of Lloyd tion and provisions, parachuted Wilson, who admitted he and from French transports and accused were both drunk at the United States flying boxcars time Violet Samoare either fell; piloted by U.S. civilians of the Canadian waters where no foreign vessel could fish without permission. These and other fisheries along the west coast of Vancouver Island and extending north of the Queen Charlottes and the Alaskan boundary now are exposed to foreign fish THE MAN OF TUB HOl'SE says good-bye as the woman of the house goes out in the morning. This man, however, is Senator John F. Kennedy, Democrat of Massachusetts, and he's not similar to others used In the past by. the Freedomites. It Is the first violence re-., ported In the area since last fall when the fanatical religious sect staged a number of railway track bombings and Incendiary fires, . ! (I -Exclusion of Fishermen and Allied Workers' I'neii Irom rich Union. will be asked at j The fishermen also want the nvention of B.C. proposed nine-mile limit to .run n opening here In a straight line from point to l instead of following the dips urging that the , and snags of the mainland coast -mile territorial as at present, i 'xtended another I This would preserve rich fish- Wore the week- Ing grounds In Queen Charlotte n of the United Sound and Hecate Strait as i 210,000-TON CATCH, or was pushed down the stairs ; Hong Kong-based Civil Air Transport service. of Wilson's home French, Vict Namese, Senegal ese. Moroccan and Algerian boats. Reason for the concern Is what union officials term "a growing Invasion of northern Pacific Mr. Pettenuzzo said: "I believe accused was uttering the truth and that there Is some doubt In the evidence of Wilson. sending his wife out to earn their bread and butter. Mrs Kennedy, the former Jaqueline Bouvier, is on her way to classes at Georgetown University Foreign Service School. fjo Handshaking With Queen While Polio Epidemic Rife troops and the hard-fighting German soldiers who dominate the French Foreign Legion were "I think accused realizes he dug deep Into trenches and dirt- mnrl a on apvnf tn Itirlumcnt nf her condition, but he stayed Ju"klhlld took Gold Market Reopened In London FD IN HERRING SEASON wire. The area on tne ap with her and attempted to care I fishing waters by the Japanese." ; Union Secretary Homer Stevens says Japanese fishermen increased their annual catch In the north Pacific In 1953 by 5.0O0.000 fish, and he add, -they pln to fish a wider area this Special precautions will likely lor her for two days :'ER 0 British Columbia herring fishermen be taken wtWi school children. I rt J10.000 tons In the season ended last week. pearance of a First World War battlefield, with the Vietminh also in. hastily constructed trenches, some of them only 200 to 400 yards from the French Union line. 10 p.m. on Feb. 16, instead ol Doing massed 10 see pita aoout i Department of Fisheries, which released figures LONDON (Reutersl The Lon- a day alter sne naa peen aa milted suffering a wound to By COMER JONES ' 'ibDELAIDE, Australia, IReu-ters) Australian prirnef minister Robert O. Menzies today announced tight restrictions, including a ban on handshaking, to prevent the Queen from catching polio during her visit late this week to West Australia. Menzies flew here from Tas- The convention will consider j don gold market reopened today if it had only been among! sedately as more than 50 resolutions, them a demand that the UFAWU , closed for a weekend Instead of ine tueen as was uuiie in nil other stages of the royal tour, they will be assembled in small groups. ' Premier Albert Hawke of western Australia sent a message I d only the 1951-52 season, when 198,000 tons were f.'mhfi the record catch this year. started last summer and was extended six days rmal March 10 closing date because large schools (tillable. the left side of her face. NAMED ROBINSON Evidence at the preliminary be reinstated by the Trades and since The reopening marked an Labor Congress of Canada. from Perth to Adelaide today j hearing last week disclosed that other step in Britain s bid to. proposing that the tour snoumH ,,- Robinson. Wilson- and Ev- regain her pre-war eminence as j mania to discuss with the Queen a world trading and financial changes being made in her tour Search Fails To Find Body Of Fish Buyer be carried out according to pian. elyn Wesley drank beer in down But the Queen is understood The union was suspended from the TLC year ago on grounds Its leadership was Communist dominated. The same leaders nn still In office.- They have taken the stand that the UFAWU spiel Reaches Semis town Rupert 'on the afternoon centre. Closed at the outbreak of the Second World War. the market a ... thrill Knv nriM fmm nnv nnrt. to have already given tentative approval to the recommended changes. irst Two Contests 1 i has the right to conduct ite own ; q ut w, onIy be able a"airs- I to sell for sterling. Other resolutions deal with i fishing regulations, extension 0fl'ORMAL OPINING trade, government, recognition of I Bullion dealers, bankers and Red China, formation of a coast i refiners In striped trousers and arrangements because of a polio epidemic now raging in West Australia. . , The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will live aboard the royal liner Gothic Instead of staying in hotels, Menzies announced. All the meals ashore will be prepared aboard the ship. The Gothic was due to sail from Adelaide for West Australia tonight Instead of Thursday, A day-long search by eight local ships for the body of John Clausen, missing since a March 10 shipwreck off Holiday Island, proved futile Saturday, and all but one of the boats Mr. Laurie, Introduced by T. O. Bateman, welcomed visiting curlers and praised local club mem lnnual Prince Ru-!rwhed the seml-I two competitions local and vi.sit-;? still buttling It f C in the North of Feb. 12 and the same evening consumed a bottle of wine In Wilsons home. A coroner's Jury or Feb. 20 named Robinson responsible lor causing the death of 27-year-old Violet Sampare after Wilson testified that accused "pushed" her down the front stairs of his home. Evidence disclosed that Robinson took the woman to his Second Avenue home about 5 a.m. on Feb. 13 but did not seek medical aid until about 1 p.m. on Feb. 15. bers who had organized the j guard and immigration and un have returned to Prince Rupert. 'spiel, complimenting especially employmcnt. blacK jacKeis tnis morning garnered In the market's traditional home, a richly-panelled board room in the Lombard Street The Queen was given an injection of anti-polio serum gamma globulin in Canberra last month to give her immunity for six weeks. ' She won't need another shot because the West Australia tour begins Friday and will be over before the safe period lapses. The totaj number of polio cases in West Australia reported so far this month is 164, more than double the number for February. ' . Several local fish boats carry Works competition 'Fisheries Minister James Sinclair ls scheduled to address delegate's this afternoon. ing about 72 men, with extra skiffs, search the Dundas Island presumably because of this do- L. C. Eby, whom he termed "the work horse" of the club. Aid. Gomez congratulated the local curlers on their progress In 'lllp ntixt thra vouri Qnrl nrnl. premises of the 150-year-old pri- ham's ti'Mivi ..,.- vate banking company of N. M. j cislon. and Tshimpshean Peninsula area thoroughly, but found no I nnk to enter the trace of 68-year-old Clausen, Mau Mau Talks whose son, Elmer, led the Rothschild and Sons. Menzies said the Gothic crew At the meeting, represcnta-j wlll bc restricted to the ship, tives of Rothschild's, the London I pPrnlis,sion to go ashore would refinery firm of Johnson and i confined to those doing so Mathew, and four leading bul-on duty lion brokers "fixed" the price of i . '. , M-ning Bill Bovill j corned visitors, saying that this B' plays Clint Ged-1 toonspiel gave, Prince Rupert a ' George in tlv I chance to return the hospitality HRr competition j tendered local curlers in other Still Slated . Footwear tro- j centres. NAIROBI, Kenya (Reuters gold at 12, eight shillings and sixpence or $35 an ounce. 'I I"mi-imali.sts in "J.irk Mitchell and WEATHER A peace parley with Mau Mau terrorist leaders, postponed atHlon.R l it Hi', the last moment Saturday, Is i This price is six pence (seven Saturday night curlers took a breather from the games to Hi-tend the Smorgasbord at the neighboring Aero Club, eating their fill of a varied menu and tripping the light fantastic from 0 p.m. -till midnight. search. The RCMP ML15 searched the area from Friday morning till noon Sunday with no results. The police launch plans another patrol of the area In a few days time. Meanwhile the Cupe Race II, skipper George Kelly, which joined the fleet search Saturday, remained in the area to continue the search, and Is expected to stay out for a day or cached the semi-it 'or the Si. ' Forecast I North Coast Region: Variable ' Cloudiness today and Tuesday. likely to take place later this; cents) higher tnan tne price week In the forest near Nyeri, a fixed at the time of the devalu- .1 ,.. i, ..,,.-,,, i ntlmi nf .sterllnir In Seutrmber. Wiy. but the vouth-M team skipped ;H''cd is i.v.i. i,., Little change in temperature. said todav 1949,. and which has remained in, Winds northerly 15 occasionally It may bc the first of a series 1 errect ever since. 1 y" " of meetings to arrange the exact! In the first hour after the night and I high Tuesday at Port tlmlne nd details of the sur- market reopened, heavy dealing Hardy and Prince Rupert 32 and two. 1 48, Sandspit 36 and 44. render of anti-white Mau Mau j in gold was reported. Jack Laurie and meets But, Ru(- '' "' D Event fr . fl'l'lewhallu trophy Afternoon. fVnwum ih,, rhlk I'" !:" I'riliee Ru-TA I'd the curlers ' '''e fur 1.1 ... n,.!..,.f... I'ltAISKS LADIES Today President Jack Laurie took time out from the games to praise volunteer women curlers who are manning the carteen at the rink 24 hours a day. Proceeds are used by the women's club to Improve canteen facilities and other rink projects. Last year they made a era nt to the men's rluh from 'spiel canteen proceeds. Big Road Crew and Equipment Set To Open Up Omineca Area forces in the Mount Kenya region. A Bnvernment spokesman has denied tlmt there has been any breakdown In thei surrender talks. Negotiations 'have been going on between the raptured Mau Mau leader "General Chi IS eereniiinics. "i curlers fl:ii,i-,i 'wt, their brooms Mrs. Harold 'iTiom is canteen na, now acting lor tne government, and terrorist leaders. The road is a joint project undertaken by the B.C. govern-' ment and the federal department of mines to tap the richly F ' 7 i-.vM .1 ""lelul first ' Aid n,.r.. convener, assisted by Mrs. Wllla for m i nay ana wirs. jonn waKiev. fit'siclcni 41(11,11 ?y,r , or!4e Everv vomm curler is helping ; U Jack " Lau- on on t.h the Job ih Croup To Back Amateur Sports VANCOUVER An organization to promote and raise funds to back amateur sports in British Columbia is being Incorporated here today. It will be known as the B.C. Athletic Round Table Society. Labor, athletic, civic, provincial and community leaders have pledged their support to the principle of the scheme. Eric Whitehead, a former Vancouver sportswriter, cfcruirman pro tern of the organization, said the persons who have pledged' support met today to lay plans to set-up the non-profit Wage Increase Special to The Dully News VANDERHOOF - Advance guard of an army of men and equipment which will drive ft road far Into the northern mining hinterland this summer left here week for Manson Creek 135 miles north. Atlas Construction Ltd. of Kamloops will attempt to bridge the roadless gap still remaining .MICH H ".'.t:i V ' Set at 15 Cents PRINCE GECjRGE, B.C. W -The United Brotherhood of Car (CO77, ment mineralized area between the Rocky Mountain trench and McConnell Creek, ' famed . for its early placer gold strikes. In the opinion of mining engineers and prosepctors, the road Is of great importance in opening up the virtually unexplored urea northward into the Casslar region. t Boards of Trade In Vander- We prson pentcrB and Joiner local here wlll receive a total wage Increase of 15 cents an hour over ft period 1 fM f ... -I in I mi I ill- "' ' " between Osillnka River, 227 miles north of here and Alkcn Lake, a Scores from lute last night up to press time are as follows: NORTH HTR IWTTI.IMt HONKS TKOI'IIV Kvent C SUNDAY it p.m. Gamer 8. Robertson 6; HeKKle a. Cieormeson 7; Bright 0. Wlllson 7. MONDAY 1:15 am. Mannon 13. Wood : Oreene 14, McAra 4; Eyolfson It. Carey a. 3:30 a.m.-i-CarmlchBel 17. Tscha-bold a; LofKren la. Webster 9; Olr-aud 7. Sohuman 5. 9:S0 a.m. Laurie 18. Gordon 3; CP-Pr,,.,,;.... ,U " " "NIT KTil distance of some 80 miles. EXTENSION OF HIGHWAY hoof and neighboring districts have resolved that the road be confirming nor tZ !httt f , ln;'n,st"Elnar !lt ? over The road Is an extension of the of a little more than a year under an agreement signed with contractors. The new two-year contract, signed at the conclusion of more than two months' negotiations, calls for a 10-ccnt-an-hour wage Increase effective April 1st this still further extended into Telegraph Creek, then to Dease Lake " v. rower Com- and Lower Post to connect with McDonald 11. Haynes 7; Ruddnrham the Alaska highway. la. Stewart 3. n or denyarenort Meanwhile, a crew of 15 men Germunsen Landlng-Vandcrhoof highway which had its beginning during the Tolmic government of B.C., 26 years ago. Major wo"flt on the extension has been done during the last two years which Included bridging of the Omlneea River, pushing northward some 30 miles to the Osillnka River and partially completing a bridge there. To Cut Film Output HOLLYWOOD 0f The Hollywood (AFL) Film Council announced Sunday night that because of growing unemployment In film studios It Is asking government help to curtail the number of movies produced abroad by American companies. with 6now removal equipment has headed for Manson Creek to year, and a five-cent Increase in one year. A union official described the negotiations as "among the most amicable we have ever encoun "AND I CANT DO A THING WITH IT!" Windswept and wild-looking this London Zoo pelican seems to be posing amiably for the cameraman who interrupted its nap. When the pelican said it couldn't "do a thing with It," the cameraman thought the bird meant its beak, but what the pelican was referring to was its tousled topping. - open up the 55 mile stretch to 11:45 a.m. Miller 10. Ebner 8: Yule 11, McConnell 4: Hewitt , Garner 8. I-AMIION FOOTWEAR Kvent A MONDAY 7:15 a.m. Mitchell 1. Ford 8; Oeddes 8. Waltley 7; Moore 15. Pet-iwn 7. r&i 'nr. the Osilinka River. First job then will be to complete planking of " i iHne rlele- tered." Some 200 carpenters will the bridge started on last fall. be covered by the contract.