Prince Rupert Daily News' Catholics Honor Dead King gnoreJwtf US erviccs f raved family. May God coinim't And misn Saturday, February 16, 1952 Requiem HiRh Mass Celebrated at Church Of Annunciation them in their sorrow. May Hie ! Ruler of heaven and earth give Those who attended the service (endow i Queen Elizabeth II with iast night In St. Paul's Lutheran One hundred and mty mem- tnp Wi,sdom and grace necessary bers of the Roman Catholic faith to rulo lier pepie wisely " gathered at the Church of the '"'I"-" In L ' i i n o. pendent daiiy newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince K.ipert and Northern and Central British Columbia. ' .b i of Canadian 'ess Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dally Newspaper Association. 3 v ; . . f.TER. Managing Editor; H. O. PERRY, Managing Director ', SUBSCRIPTION RATES: carrier, per week, 25c; per month, $1.00; per year, w., "? ,f Jj; Slil; by mail, per month, 75c; per year, $8.00. 1 Published every afternoon except Sunday by ,' Pi nce Rupert Daily News Ltd.. 3rd Avenur , Prince Rupert Entered as second class mail by Post Office Department, Ottawa. As I See It AMI. f h aw' J; "nl Oil'. Saturday Serraon I liuhr'slitiuktuj Qoti IVorLs (Ry REV. H. GODFREY BIRD. St. Peter's Anglian Church) Text: St. John 6:28: "They said unto Him. 'What shall we do that we might work the works of God'?" The jK'ople- who asked our I surd this question did not understand His teachings. Do we? If not, why not? Can we? it li We 1 . b, ""WW; K,,' Church heard another powerful message from the Word of God by Pastor S. R. Johnson of Cam-rose who made it clear that all people should make use of the Bible and apply its message of sin and grace to their personal lives. "He that hardenth his heart shall be suddenly destroyed and that without remedy," declared the evangelist. The way of th; trangiessor is hard. The pastor pointed out that no once can fool God "as it was in the days of Noirh, so will it he in the last davs before the second coming of the Lord." Those who ignored God walked according to their own ways Thev lived only for this life and a' more P4'H If any teacher attempted to teach us In a lanKuage we did not understand we could learn little frnm n until lima la w roy . . . Liberals and IiOt's Wife THE LIBERALS of Y,C R"V- . . wiTi ( MtiTS,, CO.: s, c K!lllAJ Km, ate ir b'Wf like I-OIS Lot's vvifp Wile who no what " lllid to olfer- Tfley m' th0UgnUe,s of e,erhlty. Because came to a bad end due to of degradation and depart Drnrl nnrl learned his language. The people e IXCl led b CJ I lU xu whoin Jesus was talking exjuki . . 1 only understand a material DprrjiniCG -language when Jesus was Ulk-IXIIlll ing th(-m of j5plrltual an(j ' Eternal things. The city council has ordered ' jf we aie to learn anything of filed a letter suggesting displays tlle christian way of life, we of fish, as tourist attractions. It mubt jiwt be willing to study the ure from God, God repented that He had mad.i man. This showed the danger of putting olf salvation. Ood had created man with before the a free will. Therefore, man s,ouid be explained her own foolishness. The story is told in the 19!h chapter of Genesis, the very first boot; in the Bible. Not content with escaping from the obviously doomed city, they, like Mrs. Lot, keep turning backward: " "Then the Lord rained upon language of Our Lord. When we T- MI v th Aw T.'MI,. Sunday w matter goes any further, luruicr, that vnai becwne m satisfied or overbur Annunciation, prior to the civic memorial service, yesterday morning to pity their tribute to the late King George VI. Requiem high mass was celebrated by Rev. Father Thomas McNamara, O.M.I., and Father F. J. Raywr, O.M.I, preached the sermon as wi ll as conducting the rite of absolution which followed. Music appropriate to the occasion was rendered by the Senior Choir under the direction of C. P. Balagno. Father Rayncr preached in the following words: "Today we pay final tribute to our late Sovereign, George VI. On February 6 God summoned him home. For some months lie had been gravely ill and ha had come to realize that his remaining days were numbered. This was God's warning to make ready for the Angel of Death. "Many people are in horror of death. They are afraid to die. This is caused by the fact that they have the wrong slant on it. It is true that death is a penalty brought on by the sin of Adam and Kv.c. People are wrong to back away from it. Sooner or later it must come to all. Jesus Christ, Our God ias well as His s-ootless Motherl submitted to it. "The servant is not greater than his lord.' Un. 13, 16 1 . Death marks the end of one life and the beginning of another. "Death does not destroy the human personality. It affects the body, reducing it to a state of dissolution. It does not and cannot disturb the soul. By It the soul leaves the body and passes into another state where it meets the Eternal Judge. God is a Fair Judge. He is Goodness and Mercy itself. Each person is judged on his own met its. God offers countless graces to the members of the human family. Each person has a niche to fill. t!ie.,e interesting examples ui s a tiPned with maleriul things that possessed the power ol cnoxe and must choose his eternal horn.1. Those who were unmindful of we absolutely refuse to hear of Spiritual things Christ can do food are already open to view In windows in the business area. One or more can be obtained on payment of a comparatively m.minal sum. Eodom and brimstone . . upon Gomorrah qqa walked in their own imag-and he overthrew mutton. The were walking In Why Did They Come? DID more than one thousand people gather WHY spontaneously together at Civic Centre yesterday morning- in what was one of the greatest mass demonstrations of its kind Prince Rupert has ever seen? Of course, there are not funerals of King's every day. But we do not believe that it was just because it was unusual that such a congregation turned out for the solemn and impressive event. ; There was not the pageantry and grandeur that attended the actual rites of funereal display in London and Windsor. It was not that we knew King George personally. So it must have been that there was an intangible appeal that compelled us to attend and show our grief and our respect. It proved that, even in this outpost of Commonwealth, we are still inspired and bound together by the influence and magnetism of the idea and principles th;.t are symbolized so strongly and so instinctively by the British, or should w'e more properly now say the Canadian, crown. It might have been sombre, it might have been sad and mournful but we would say it was also healthy that here in Prince Rupert (and it was a scene similar to those which were enacted in thousands of commuitities throughout this realm), men, women and children should muster as they did yesterday to demonstrate their allegience and respect little for us. Rp.rtual truths am meaningless to a purely material mind. those cilivs . . . but (Lot's! wife iiie lint of their own hearts. Ood KN-IUl Buna, Ml if A i Pu.lor. Hpv y i fro nPW language is learned willing to ta looked back from behind him, was forgotten. In that way they and she became a pillar of salt." s were tempting God for judgment. Modern medical specialists God stood watching them in thvir would no doubt use different sin "for all tilings are nake.l to describe what obviously and open unto the eyes of Him happened to the reluctant lady, w'th whom we have to do." 1 Lev micht sav she suffered total ' Noah found grace in the sight ri.nli.c all Ui talk of new and without study or practice. The fantastic weapons, United Na- Eternal Christ, Is ever ready to lion, soldiers arc still squalUB give us lessons. The opportunity in the mud with rifles resembling of gaining Christian knowledge and are !llir,(, Hir fcholart w, the same old guns, killing and is ever before us. In the verse works 0( calcification Tif the joints, due to of God. He was a saved man and Bdtji't killed and. if the wea- that follows our text Jesus told ther is warm enough, "reading the people: "This Is the work of First Presbyti their shirt-" every few days. I God that ye believe on Him faith emotional upsets of psycho)- preached repentance and matic origin. (That means, she I Whom He hath sent." If we ac- f-s ... . .,, eept ' Christ as THE teacher, are , tm lee eiir.s-.t:ihle iii Prince i . Rupert, accnrdhis to report, fail to aJmire the guard nouse anu general police station facilities As- for prisoners, they heartily dislike the jail. They are, in fact, 0. .jtHllecd. for 120 years, giving tin- people an opportunity to renent. But they scoffed at. the ark even as pecp'.e scoff at. the preaching of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ today. The ark was salvation for Noah and his family while the others perished In the Hood because of their disobe-dence. "If we want peace In eternity we must repent of our sins and believe in Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour," Pastor Johnson exhorted. was all burned uf inside. Altr all, it must have been tough for a high society lady to rushed off into the desert, which, then as now, had no indoor plumbing or cocktail parties. ! Anyway the point of the story i: plain enough, and true in any age. If you should get ouU-get out, and fae,e tomorrow, not hanker back after yesterday. UNDER the democratic system the vital necessity is that there must be a central point, across i which the main parties hold their ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 4th Ave. at Mi Bride St. Rrr. li. O, Olson You are Invited to come and Worship at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. "The Just Shall Live By Faith" : Lord Lovat of Beatily, Scottish land owner and cattle breeder, i deploring the Biitlsh food shor-! tac.e. asks why more H'Oole tliem-!selve- do not concentrate on He has duties to perform. He has obligations to live up to. "The duties of a monarch are I We extend a p crowing tumour j. ln-re is no far more taxing than those imposed on a commoner. A king must lake an active interest in ' to visitors to r. 1 231 Fouri SUNDAY SERVICES Fehruaty 17, M vning Service 11 a.m. 'Minister: Rv coalition, as they did in Manitoba, all flexibility and mobility goes out of the democratic system. Or. to change the ligui of speech, everything ties up in knots, like Lot's wile. Organists: SI lack ot good farm land What is wpi'ted is a bold and long range public farm policy. Instead of thirty million pounds spent try-iii!! to grow peatiuts in Africa. Tiiis much, he .'aid, was squandered by the Attire government. Juck you said Minieiliing! and J;: his subjects and in the affairs of tug-of-wars. I call this "the point I hi." realm. As the First Person of practical politics." in the land he must set the tone This point must move with the for the people. All temporal changing facts of changing power comes from God. The king t mes. But if democracy? is to muit use it wisely for the good w0,k there nlust be two main of the people. paities or groupings, one. oh each "A family manespecially a side of the point of tug-of-war Sermon: "The Lodge Problem" I j I Evening Service 7:30 p m. , t t Sermon: "The Truth About j ; Eternal Punishment." i I FEERUAS' . Morning t :i li' ;-s. . Oi!ba of . -.;' ,i irned "ft 1 the day pan. ini! 'hi ' JUCI lew ( .da lit- in T! pri til. ma leal i, f ink lit l mi fi'in 4' Jl' 1 rvunuay on:', u j,-. There, will be services fromi I Monday to Thursday night at' Evening &-nt' good iamuy man makes an ideal "Remember 'it t P o sovereign ruler. The families un 8:00 p.m. You are Invited. j Sunday School 12: IS p.m. to kp FIRST UNITED CHURCH 635 Sixth Awnue West Prince Rupert, B.C. . Rev, Lawrence G. Sicber der him have the benefit of his example as a father and husband. Family virtues are better understood and more widely practised when a truly Christian ruler guides the destinies of a nation, or federation of nations. He wields enormous influence by his FULL CjUbPbL lAbtKNf 202 Sixth West (across from AnnE( politics. I That means that you always i have to have a conservative 1 party, no matter what you call it. The conservatives repsent the protective side of whatever society then exists. If they do their proper job they are the natural leaders in all kinds of conservationist measures. For instance, they should be the watchdogs of public forests, making sure that they are amply protected against fire, and not given away from the publie do main for profiteering exploitation. Likewise with water powers, mineral rights, and so on. StNIMY Sunday School and Bible Class 101 "Come to a thriving Sunday SrN 7 HE RANK AND FILE of both Conservative and Liberal parties in B C. showed sound common sense when they compelled the break-up of coalition. The Liberals finally forced this I action by calling frir a rank-and- file convention not later than I next June. j But whether the election comes before a convention Is possible I Hospital Insurance will ly the ! main issue. ! The Hot-pital Insurance prin-! ciplc is a good one even though i the principle has been badly misapplied here In B C. Saskat-i chewan's system works fine, partly because' the WHOLE government favors it, and partly be-i"SH e it was not started till ' proper preparations had been i inadi.. There is no reason why j i BC, cannot do what Saskatche-I j wan has done if B.C. really wants 1 j to. We could even work out a j : better, more painless, cheaper I system of paying for it. 1 11 a m Morning Worship. Srrmo::: Beliefs Matter " Anthem: 'Brightly Gleams Our Banner." 7:30 p.m.: Evening Worship. Anthem: "Abide With Me." COME AND WORSHIP rUKDAY SCHOOLS at First United: Beginners and Primary at 11 a.m; Juniors and Older at 12:15. At Conrrd Unitel Hall all at 1 p m. ! example. "King George came to the ! throne at a critical time. After a reign of a decade and a half it I can be said that he fully justified ! the confidence placed in him. Though king, he did not forget Morning Service 11:30 Evangelistic 7:30 , for the tradition of the British crown when the occasion, be it sad or glad, arises for them to do so. What Communism Means the former communist WHITTAKER-CHAMBERS, courier whose testimony sent Alger Hiss to jail for lying when he said he had not sneaked information to a Soviet sky ring, is writing an important series of articles in the Saturday Evening Poet. ' The most interesting part is his definition of the difference between communism, and freedom. Communism, he says, is the expression of the theory that man is the ultimate in this universe and there is no God, no supernatural influencing anything that takes place here below. Therefore, carried to the Nth degree, it is revolt against God, against the Golden Rule, against tolerance, sympathy, charity, hope and all the other cardinal principles of Christianity. ' Its political aspect is dictatorship. Its rule is by the iron hand. Its economic aspect is control by all means of production even though in carrying out this control it must kill and starve and send into exile. Chambers says that the crisis facing the communist world is created by the degree to which it and its satellites have not freed themselves of God and the Christian philosophy. At the same time, the crisis in the Christian world is caused by the degree to which civilization has allowed 'itself to forget ' that God is the source of power and His teachings must dominate society. Chambers writes that there has never been a society or a nation without God but that history is cluttered with the wreckage of nations that forgot God and perished. Evanqelist E. Olmsle that he was a subject of God. During the critical war years he often called on the people 'to I jray for peace. He realized that Ottawa, Ontario. VV'EKK NIGHT SERVICES: Wednesday Pi aver Meeting" 8:00 Friday Boys' and Olds' Clubs 6 45 Clirist Ambassadors 8:00. Green 331 Pastor: C The true conservative's job is' to keep down taxes, to ketp public payrools from being padr ded by too many jobholders, to cry "Whoa, go slow!" or to say "no" when things g'et going too last or reckless. But we need only one conser- vative "party. So when liberals join the conservatives in a coali- i tion, they In fact also become ' temporary conservatives, b u t i make the conservatives unhappy 1 EVANGELICAL FREE CHURCH Sunday services will be held in the I OOF. Hall with Sunday School at 11 a.m. and services 12:15. ' Weel: Day Services In the homes, to be announced Sunday. Jesus said: "I am the Way. the Truth and the Life." prayer is a mightier weapon than the sword. He ever wished the Name of God to be honored throughout the British Empire. "God was cognizant of the way in which His Maesiy endeavored to carry out his duties to Him, to the State, and to his family. He was a good man. May his name ever be held in benediction. May he be the recipient of a heavenly crown, of a crown that shall J-Ioei -Jlrriua ts G.E. CLOCK RAD Prince Rupert by having to try to act In an l R. Heath, Sandspit; J. Read, ... the world's most useful 4 unnatural unconservative fman- Butedale; L. Keith, John Smith, ner. ner. ! , n Nell Mslver, bimih, H. n. H. n. Joy, uj, C. k. Greger- wh-rvi When When the the CCF CCF also also joins joins such such a a son son and and C. C. Fontaine, Fontaine, Vancouver, Vancouver. SINCLAIR never never fade. iaoe. "Our "Our hearts hearts feel feel for for his his ber- ber- . 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Stewart, B.C. Limited II Phone Third Avenue West BORNE TO FINAL RESTING Sailors of the Royal Navy draw the qun carriage bearing the body of King George VI from London's Westminster Hall to final ceremonies at Windsor Castle. t CP Photo from AP)'