Union, iiutlmed advantages of : ti!fintriiur tn a credit union. He NAVY NEWS Prince Rupert Daily Nevs Saturday, February 16, 1952 McBride Heads said the first such organization in British Columbia was by the Do Not Pay Your News cription, the Boy Loses ARROW DART Celco Credit Elected President Of Steadily Increasing gO-Member Group r the Dnily New who receive their papers by Army And Na vy Reserve Join Mourning Service Heads bowed in prayer as members of the Navy and Army reserve units joined in mourning service Powell River Co. employees, whose assets now total $250,000. Mr. Viereck pointed out the "common bond" which tied together members of credit unions. S. P. Woodside, president of Kaien Consumers' Credit Union, reminded that these Doys our nttie fw nuorit nunur tViM talcp nnt Tf vmi spoke briefly cortimending the pulp mill workers for forming their union and suggested future New officers of the Celco Credit Union elected at the general mrtlna this week are headed by Bob McBride, elected for a three-year term us president. possibility the three Rupert credit ' Jtc tnUIBfU iu c.v. j r-r " J ,;lh; ppper and are delinquent, the boy has to '?This is a reminder to people who may be in ,,.r it is their custom to pay the boy or pay at the M i.he office that loses If you lail to pay. It Is the 1 ,15 reminder will expedite the payment by y have fallcji behind'. Prompt payment of your It .cription is a legitimate obligation. The fact lor is one of our boys or girls should make the raiic obligation the more desirable. with organizations and citizens of Prince Rupert Friday. Members 'of both services as well as a detachment of the RCMP in their colorful red uniforms unions might open a joint onice in the city. Tom Sherry, two-year term, was elected vice-president; Mrs. Eleanor Botsford, three -year term, secretary-treasurer. paraded to the Civic Centre The naval party, consisting of V sWttY- CK l-Vp W 4.95 officers, men. ' wrens and the ! Other directors are F. (Vani second time this winter but theVanier, two-years; Harry Quick, disappearance of snow drifts en-1 Martin Konsmo and Don Tucker, Celco Credit Union was formed last May by Columbia Celluose Co. Ltd. employees with full encouragement and co-operation by the company. Membership numbers 80, with a steady increase. Company co-operates with payroll deductions of members and provides office $encli bleeds ablcd the normal method oi truck and pump to be used in Ion a fs- i Wore W omen one-yiar; Ernie Vaugnan, ta Sheppard, (three years), Allan Van Meer, Leo Hogan (two years) Ted Hogan (one year), credit committee: John Botsford, Gerry Woodside and Martin Nuijten, supervisory committee. Before elections duties of each office were outlined by Geoff stead of a human pack train. CUSTOMS In the old days it was the usage at sea to sing hymns and psalms at the changing of the watch. This was the practice in local corps of sea cadets under parade command of Lieut. W. J. Smith, marched to the Civic Centre where they were dismissed by divisions and entered the hall, filing silently past the Guard of Honor who rested on arms reversed. The guard of honor under the command of 6gt. Major Uarrell Gomez as composed of members of the Navy, Army and RCMP. SEA CADETS t'tourneau, from i HAMILTON e-judge Helen mr a three weeks' ! Kfnnear of Cayuga, who has Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Applewhaite 'sunt and uncle, (been presiding over Haldimand I are sailing tomorrow nigni on the puritan times of the Com monwealth. Nor was it uncom I t. Blain, Scavlew Hill, of Kaien Consumers Credit the Chllcotin for Vancouver en-loute to Ottawa for the forth- mon at a much later date to : union. - p n, - J at- nrr vPrOtfirV have prayer before going Into Here a hirt that not only luuka bUUi, Lul k $.pecL!!y made to utay looking better far longer ! Dart features a perfect-fitting collar made of Arrow-created broadcloth that stays fresh . , . can't wrinkle . . . needs no starch ft on the ITince y night on her vi San Francisco I States. county court for nine years, feels it's high time other Canadian women were given a chance to sit on the bench. Judge Kinnear, who believes Tlii fabulous shirt is SAN-FORIZKD bbt llcd, of course. Arrow tailoring menus Dart irons like a dream ! And no worry about those sturdy, handsome buttons popping off ! They're anchored on. Just !ogk 'em over ! Dart's the best shirt value m town ! manager of Fishermen's Credit coming session of Parliament The shell holes were quickly action, plugged and weakened bulk- . heads heads shored, shored, enabling enabling the the de 'U announced as . . , . . de- ni the future oi v"v " ' stroyer w remain in acvion. mis. tr limit , . wears and wears and wears t COUPON OFFER MONDAY ONLY Here Finished WATTS & NICKERSON MEN'S CLOTHING . Third Avenue .stand whose pro- me uommonweann, said in an scene was unfolded to the i s, passed away interview here while attending ets on Thursday, night by the tig a long period j tne Ontario Bar Association f Chatham's Instructional business is j film. The technique employed The ,, ,.,. 4 , meeting that despite tradition. lug as usual. Jm nava, tralnlng purposes t I , I mere is no reason why there chatham is to divide the ub- Phone 345 , who Olco in me ( snouia not De more women A firm bid on what it will cost Prince Rupert for a new telephone system is expected by March 15. F. A. Genin. special telephone engineer who has com- Ject into three parts: theory, in structional film, and then prac 4 Wednesday, was juages. neither So lar as she can ten $ great wars, and tlcal application where possible. HKKNS With kind permission of Cap I pleted the "outside" plant survey here, leaves today lor Vancouver Where Goof tain E. B. Caldwell, the navy w.,h hls drawlnes of a proposed t especially among i itn- He had lived about ten years. 4 he lived in Win-f fore locating on ! lawyers nor accused persons in her court try to play upon a woman's supposedly forgiving nature. "They know better than to try," she remarked. A few months ago in Welland, flic was part of an all-woman court. The Judge, the deputy sheriff, the deputy registrar and the stenographer were all women. Judge Kinnear Is a pleasant- Wrens toured CNSS Prince new piant George this week to gain val- Bids wli bc tendered on his uable knowledge of a practical . findings. nature concerning a ship's Mr oentn said his drawings bridge and the equipment usedjwcre based on the. former liquor to steer and navigate with. slore building as a terminal and Radar, gyro-compass and I btds would be made on that basis, echo-sounding equipment were;He sai(i the building was "a Don't Forget the Coupons That Appeared in Last Week's Papers $2.50 coupon on presentation is redcemoble as cosh on a purchase of $7.50 or more. MONDAY, FEB. 18th IS THE LAST DAY Fashion .Footwear PERTS looking ... woman ..... who .. wears . quiet ex- i shades ides for ex- explained explained by by commissioned commissioned ui-' ui-1 natural" natural" for for a a telephoi telephone and uses Just a trace of fiter E,.sworlhy M ne led a tour j cnange and wOU,d allow ,"i',H:T(ir'!ILbr0Wn halrl inspection from the bridge toX $ the sytcm to ! I mu Include I is streaked with grey the galley where the duty baker 5,000 lines or some 15,000 tele- fv RF.X su.ll Writer Y For the last two years she has been a member of the Ontario served delicious cakes. A short I phones without adding to the nvnl.i no i.,n nf nilntaar aas: i BarCounctl, the elected govern-. g,vtn by m E,sworthy In the I Plans designed by Mr. Genin ing body of the profession. ship chart house while Wrens wm give the city 3,500 telephones were interested in communica- 0n the automatic exchange sys- irely a month i cr and the first .-, Ui'- any time. t will come pour-i I windows, show- . tiied with grime, idy liomemaker. She says it made her happy last year when the Ontario legislature granted women the right to serve on Juries. "Why not? I had to pick out the names of men for Jury duty for nine years. I got a bit tired of It." This firm fivouiite, prklin exit, dry !3r is wrved with plewure all V round. Here in British Columbia lh pure soft water and aenlle climate combine with the (kill and patience ol the brewers to bring you Lucky Lager, a thoroughly satisfying beverage. Offjj tion saw the modern radio room, tern, which is "more than ade- This method of practical in- j quate" for present city needs, structlon was met with cnthus-1 Contrary to 'Orstwhlle opinion iasm and keen interest by the j of the city, Mr. Genin is not women. I recommending that the whole PERSONALS i outside plant be renewed. T..,iii, KiMinmn Opiirirp Wad-1 "Many of the cables are very STORK CRAFT ABY CRIBS ,1 k(( y-ycllow grease j 4ns and dust in p h'lll seize a buck-i i.f Housc-cleaninj jdca lcavcg today Dy plane io 1 sound as yet and are good for fiour; one-half teaspoon salt; spcn(j two weeks with his wife I several years to come, " he told a one-half teaspoon celery salt: 'jn victoria reporter this morning. He esti- onc-half teaspoon paprika; one, . . . , . I mated this factor would save the "4 guaranteed to r "' 1 "-jcup milk; one tablespoon fine , Abl souman Donald McMll- ; city "around $100,000. f m ne mar" , grated onion; An example of the finest kind of good craftsmanship. We've an extensive t jcls; and you're invited to our furniture department up:. talis to make your selection. Pi iced fr:m one tablespoon lan sucet.-;Kruliy qualified in eggs (separ- , Pvaminatioii and was pro- lemon Juice; Cold Weather teaspoon nl0te(j tj Leading Seaman. atedi; one-quurter cream of tartar. f iaw.il li) a I us- t i pound with a' us and resem-EuMcr. w 1 1 1 demonstrate tol Drain and. flake salmon Able Seaman A. Fossenier has Follows Snow nwuxnrp one cun. Melt fat audi, ...... . ,.v,...,m Irr 1.?al'" .;"',;U,risllr ln flour' 5lllt' cclp,y siUt an.diiMC8 Nauen and will arrive on ' nfnof nf ThiirsHnv nlphfs nil- unuima, nu .wv-.. ! uiuiiuay s boat. U I It II Cell ' stirring constantly, until mix- i . . . , t., mi. h- .rl i.llv, nrl ., . usually Heavy 8iwi w 1;..... ,n !tllre ls mccllum tmck- Rcmov'1 Margaret Stokis was given a inp bv Friday afternoon but by .v ,,.,., .0 .111U.1U, , r,.om heal nlia aaQ nion ami ' ri ., ,j,, i.v Kuh I.t. C. .nlnir there nimi another "!.it(l over tne suot:i, ii. rmI evv vnlk and ' ... . .'. ... ..... ... 39.50 f:i : Gordon & Anderson lf . . .. , Winner, 1950 , I K . Ph0"6 L,m,ted :k'::A .. Sts? ' NJr ,t' 'i ll rfini ' , . , T i Worslcy in me wrens mesa, n cnange, mis one mm aim mm a "in 1 add to mixture. Fold in salmon. ,.,, ri ,uflt ,, .mk,..4 .,,, Thmuohnut ths niuht. -no .spot. !ni.at. eov whtua. add cream of I . t .1.- ... .uriMt I-i f ieilnn; claim tHi-i , .. i Cannot CIllOU 111 fcllU Wlflin un- weatllfr fa MlKip niiu Ditmn.11. , .,Vw u"lar anQ "oiiuuui; ""- til a vacancy ' occurs In the com- and today is clear and wintry. dl remove hi .tiff hut not drv. Fold into , 1 ;ni, far. urease. foodi8amon mixture. If you want to sell It, adver'.lse KDiiti fnitn riHfv DIW n . ....... ....I,. iT.TT.-i fOUr llltO i'j-lU.UI, LUMllUll tt. News classified Last Sunday the Navy Tug slip- "'"'I u leu-vaic ring. and plat.P ln pan of hot wate : i V5k'f ' ' ' at 35 dcirrecs Fahrenheit . R" Prnrltnr ml ike. rnKv Bake Snrvp i 1 from Church Service at Metla- ., i , , , ,1 nom au 10 aa niniuw-.i. m -blmd.s can br 11mpdiBtpy Serves four iti : f micsm. Spread a I ; katla Fuel oil was delivered to Port flour, unroll the Edward radio station for the Attention Ladies... NOW OPEN d iB soft cloth scrub h magnesia and 'Irating one side, iover and do the j Brussels Awrd s 'VTTT' reaaers Cii.sh for old gold. Buyer's. Valhalla Leap Year dance, vc ; frease mark from (4uc '.! y.cleanlng fluid j Vbruary 16 The Dry Goods and Novelty 1 f fl paste. Apply ' p and allow to Shop will be closed from Fcbru mm flit, ln Hie inorn- y carefully and remains, repeal 1 ?'"" II -T-li 1 ) ir- 1'fH ary 14 to 28. (40O NOTICE A meeting of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union will be held in the Union Hall on Sunday, February 17. at 7:30 p.m. Nomination of officers. (40c) TbA t, f doesn't give I Jerry's Beauty Salon recently purchosed by ' HOWIE POWELL, PROFESSIONAL BEAUTICIAN This salon has been remodelled to compare favorqbly with the best salons anywhere and will be open for business starting Monday, February 18th. . ' IllC; wlv much time to Here is a supper is inexpensive, Hid nourishing. Mm 1. ii uotinu can ire tablespoons INTRODUCING A NEW SERVICE I - ? VT ragrtviij . ("Vi t:' '. " ' -'! ', I " r tablesDoona r TO HAVE YOUR HAIR POODLED PRINCE RUPE RUGS HOLLYWOOD. HAIR STYLES HOT OILS DYES. TINTS, BLEACHES CURLY CUTS -COLD WAVES MACHINLESS WAVES . THAN AND A BUTTON UPHOLSTERY Free Homf SET 654 f ymir healing 111 save vim the ' u,i"f '!;your heat- 1 i.iiiii. BURACLEMIED - . AUK - Bc Happy GetLucly LUCKY LAGER BREWING CO. LTD. Nw WMtmintter. B.C. pilarly Our Work is the Best - Our Prices Reasonable Situated Directly Across from Supcr-Volu Jerry's Beauty Salon Phone 855 nil T0UNG IN YOUR HOME A World Wide Service Phone r I l I Dove fl Distributor ALSO BREWEKS OF BURTON TYPE ALE ,J "IhilTdvcrtiK-tnt x publi.hed or displayed by the Liquor Control Bord 9t by tk Oeyvnacnt oi British Columei D. J. Duracleaners . Jones Green 328 J