"1 A CABS i.lsI' VH HID ORMES DRUGS vVY yicic?.!.'., 2. c. It:- DAILY DELIVERY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER 7"' s Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 VOL. XLI. No. 40 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1952 TEN CENTS (including comic section i i. Charged rui fin , MM mm t. Hi ' lunding n LTU i u f. . in in -r- . i Ii jsherman Household of Premier Debating Political hurtled in police ning with doing harm while a old woman lies He Rests At Windsor Dead King Buried After Magnificence Such As He Shunned in Ufe Says His Health Goo : 1 ,.h in Prince Ru- Leadership Of Anscomb Questioned VICTORIA (CP) Opposition to the leadership of Herbert An Hospitul. She Is ...in. !44fi PiEKOt r ot two small Stumbled at Funeral Service of King Strategy ... 11 George Yesterday LONDON (Canadian Press) For the second ,dv is Peter WINDSOR f The King came . VICTORIA (CP Both Liberal 1 v.- his final resting place yester-1 and Progressive Conservative .-iman. Ball was! i k adjourned i - . . day at this ancient shrine of members ol tne me Legislature wgi.Mai.uie will win... Prime Minister Winston Churchill s r J ,i L, scomb in the British Columbia .. d iAin'. .nA,,iinna Tho nrpat hplH faupiifi mppl.inps Mnnilav til W1I1L ill Lnuufljo, g v' Deience uun- t tested"8 byP the CCF early In the mncial pageant for the 56-year- I decide strategy, for the session, household insisted today that the 77-year old states- Ray. , forthcoming session. i o monarcn enaea wun rues in . xne Progressive uonservauve man is in good health. io louna me i noon at ner The CCF leader, Harold Winch,! ei. oeorge s tnai ui meeting is expeciea to oe a mna Castle. I affair compared to the big Lib- said he was not going to bring The statements were in response to persistent rumors in London that Churchill is scri- th. m.ttj.r .in nernnallv hut he ' Mourners lined the crooKeoerai caucus oecause unanimny Public Works Man MtJIl nCIUCU Helped ' loud -splutteivd. .lass ordered her j ijtal Immediately. her condition as i did not know what anvbodv else ' route from the railroad station, has not yet been achieved by the Liberals . .. ul.u The Progressive Conservative . ! ome 01 lnese reporu. wi.h.i DIPLOMATIC RECEPTION Canadian Ambassador T. C. Davis, ! ight, shakes hands with President Heuss of West Germany at a recrptlon given by the President for members of the diplomatic corps In Bonn. Chancellor Adenauer of the German republic, is shown centre. iCP PHOTOi ' Bishop Leads Prince Rupert's Tribute to Memory of Late King Congregation Overflows From Civic Centre Auditorium as Homage Paid to Great Monarch might do. He Intimated other ! where the King's coffin arrived i party members may have defl- : in a special teakwood coach from nite views on the matter. Paddington Station in London, I However, Mr. Winch said, the I b miles away, at 1 : 10 p.m. Progressive Conservative lead-; Great banks of flowers over-er's position should be no differ- i flosved the chapel. They came ent. from that of W. A. C. Ben- i frm the world's'great aod from nett of Kelowna, a former Pro- many In the ordinary walks of grcsslve and now an lndepend- lift in final tribute to the dead cnt. . -King. ' "He crossed the floor of the His Majesty's coffin left West-: Hnnu like Bennett, did He minster Hall In London at 9:30 leader, Herbert Anscomb, Is not wnen more man . . swept tnrougn tne sireeis oi u., , stalled at Frederick Street , apUal even sald he had uled expected to make any announce- ment as to his party's stand d Eleventh Avenue yesterday :aurlng the night, except from the floor of the to snow on the hill. Pulp mill Adding fuel to the fire was house. workers got a helping hand from fapt that churchill stum. Everything depends on w'heth-; te prov'"cial mlLulT' i bled as he maue his way into er the government decides on a partment in spite of the holiday. st George ! chapel. Windsor, partial or a full session. . V. E. Morrison, highway con- . yesterday when attending the Progressive Conservatives are trailer, said he could not force ; funeral of the King. The stum-opposed to a full session. his men to work but those he I bling, following his decision not jrion for sevtral Her condition Is H'rd today. back 'had col-ihd her chest was Iher said it appeared l wound." f' i rested following i,:ion of a "party" f. ,idf lire early Fri- 1..H said "a man i mar noon and isHcvii'in had fallen 1! 0. or arrived, Byrne They contend there should be asked to sana me roau wt a;to take part in tne iunerai pro should sit as an Independent," a.m. for the Journey here. More an election as soon as possible soon as possible. cession, caused uneasiness. said Winch. "He is Just the per A friend of the family said so a fresh mandate can be obtained ' from the people. son who crossed the floor. tnfn a million mourners uneu tht route from the hall where the body has rested In state since Mdnday. that the death of the King was a personal blow to Churchill. Today's, Stocks ( Oiirl- l. JoluifctiMi I'u. UU.) Prince Rupert's memorial tribute to the late Col. Fallis Kintr George VI was. doubtless, as solemn and sincere. At Paddington Station women imi r' w.-pt and men bared their heads ; YOlDdn Ul6S IP amid reverent silence as the mile- long cortege paced through three AleLa lArarlf mitts of London streets in two I CM AO FfCln hours and twenty-five minutes.: . S hi. last oarthhound iour- 1 KODIAK, Alaska (CP) Wife of VANCOUVER American Standard 26 Bralorne 6.00 B R X 05 Fifty Men On Lining nc said another; as any that was accorded elsewhere in the Common--! P AW3V weaun oi iauuii. ! thrnnoh i.nnrinn a sorrowine : a fishing boat skipper was found Runs Amok, largest If not the largest cvt-r O. Fallis, 67, prominent church-1 nation and its friends marked ; dead on Afognak Island Friday j passing with a magni- night after three men, .hip-, Kings man and former army chap-i tht as wpmblcd em Died in in Prince rrince Rupert Kupen, .,A with her. rescued ... ni,hi in wrecked were Hirf h. I-HHoi. Ho umJ v.. he uj hnrl never Dr SOUent in wietneu Willi lici, Cariboo Quartz , 120 Congress 06 Cronin Babine A. 50 Giant Mascot 1.05 Indian Mines 22'i Pend Oreille 8.1 Pioneer 2.00 l-lr. , rini-p Japanese Cargo- Ship Being Readied to Start Leading Wheat Cargo crowded the spacious auditorium ' 'H f desolate beach . . ... ,, crf ., I rom a Five led ' The frozen body of Mrs. Ed of the Civic Centre even before Word Wars. holding the honor-! FJizabcth, a Queen at 25. ijh.ire living nearby. i i call a doctor. $ -.. told McGulrc . had been called, j if lining ri'Ipvous I wuh Intent to if i before accused i this morning. He . S;i.nno ball. , recti .vn Counsel T. W. f nlc the woman is : . it.. I condition, and J.i iwmiridf charge ,,l.,tn firr,,, ,f clnrtlno wol, f I loul or, o t .ir.nol ho .i.n t rv' final flOniaee U ner nCYClS WU luuuu iuui ... Premier Border SAN FRANCISCO (CP)A Chi- . ove,nowd . tne foyVr and For his service, he was named father. For two-and-a-half hours land from the beach where the ! Fifty Prince Rupert carpenters i and , longshoremen are engaged I thi- week-end at the Prince Ru-j.rt elevator in the job of lining the 11,000-ton Japanese freigh-tev Atago Maru which will start nese ook ran . on to the street. Some of the late a Commander or tne Bntlsn sno rooe in a nuwuiuwu .0 -- Fmir riaee behind the coffin to the doned Tuesday when its engines u. .ii. ti hi fluMi comers were unable to ect Into . , dll h,v( OI nf t.pn len bands. ouiius. failed. (-V.I Palli. hni-n In Rarnla gef 62 06 Privateer Reno Sheep Creek 1 Silbak Premier Taku River Vananda Salmon Gold 4. .. Spud Valley ! . : Her Majesty entrainedi and Uo crew members He 38. the buiiding. Onri. and cato Then First victim was his estranRcd , ,. jam.. B. Gibson. Bi- piw. wmmDia in i iqat iwi.ncwns.pu.1 h- ... . nt foi -- Windsor - - with the body - and were found on a . beach Friday loading first thing Monday morn- t Bnrt hpre , infe a cargo of 9 240. long tons, of wife. May, aged 30 Then he shot , f f.,,,,!m,ia euloeized tire orrsident cl the B.C. Confer F .'" ... 'wnit.T - ' .04 .12 down her niotliti:. Jvlis. Nip, Bhce : .nr. nf th United Church and l nryauy aireaoy T..-. ...rt l,il,i.. In hie wr. The men reported they had Lum then ran to the " - i hi- victim - told I- n portcr tin-re founder nf the Canadian Meni- wei;.B..o. Ic, 4'J 1 I n.,.: I 1. J !' !'!! I: N i L 7 i oiinen Marv. flaed 84. staved in lelt Mrs. Nevers in a lean-to mon which was tne nignngiH oi orial Church here. ... . .. nt,xt wful rov Hullets lio.n 1.U111 s blazliv-i Uk impressive proceedings. kc a scrap. I don't "The power of the British tin one lies in what It is and the automatic killed Oyang and his wife, Rose. 21. A three -year old t,. ...... Aumiki- u ihcri nit. 8 it wns but It was in i Iwn authority of the King lies bv a bullet and died In London and waved her last fare- while they attempted to reach I well from a window of Marlbor- a cabin for matches and sup-lough House. The Duke of Wind- plies. i sor turned in the line of march ; All three men froze their feet and saluted his mother. Salutes while hiking across a snow-cov-; came also from the Dukes of Ed- ered beach and they were un-; inburgh and Gloucester and from able to return for Mrs. Nevers. j the Duke of Kent, the late King's ! sixteen-year-old nephew. Queen XACATLJCD 1.' ThiiiRs weie io md. It sounded what he is and -does." declared Terrorists Blast Train hospital. the Hishop Tne great and noble i cl Arthur Pre-t h'-r rousin -a! ai hour, then Silver Standard 2 47 Western Uranium 3.30 Oils-Anglo Canadian 9.00 A P Con .-. 53 Calmont , 2.30 Central Leduc 2.90 Home Oil 16 00 Mercury 27 Okalta 27 Royal Canadian .21 2 TORONTO Athona 09 Aumaque 21 Bevcourt 84 Buffalo Canadian 23 C M & S 40 00 Conwest 3.75 the wrong him-c-number two qualities of King George VI, a numbers out- ncsuid, and want- humble, sincere and unassuming . . iv.. ,.,hn Ko fnrriif't .i.l..,c trinnrrVif nnH deed Elizabeth and the Queen Motner yy f- wheat for Japan. Fourth grain ship of the current season to load at Prince Rupert, the Atago Mam is the first in many years that has required lining here. Other recent grain ships have been lined before arrival. The lining job, directed by Capt. C. Perry of the Canadian Stevedoring Co., is expected to be completed by tomorrow afternoon. The vessel should be ready to sail by noon next Wednesday. She goes from here to Union Bay for bunkers before heading out to Japan. The Atago Maru arrived in port at 12:30 noon yesterday after a 19-day voyage from Moji, Japan. Rough weather, particularly when nearing this coast, caused some delay. . Formerly the British iCotirt CO II! ll-ii UU w.v in,...,, "...me ..u..n..v .-r ., ,m Tl, tl,-III..K , j . j .V. ..lnrfn f-rvi 1450 PigROt, FORECAST i.nmuio vr ..v oueQ voa.u n.c ... ...... mlnlbcr.s had ever been of his Icliowman Hvrm- appeared in police court as individuals rather than parts I Army today halted all rail traf fie, whoh Quecn Mary watched and checked each contingent in line Norm coast Kcgion - ciouay .. ... . i,. i , u.j j,i .j ri i.,.ir,in mc son tiiiiai wjhc imcr il(! riHH'llllj- v. .i U ... . . ivt.ir,. v. (JI H ftl.ll.l-, UU! I.U.I.U f.ivofc .......v' blew t,lli, a British form the funeral with a iew sunny iniervais 10- len ilia bomb up Qf march to ii awlul ruckus. srri'amlnK their mms were flying li ft Heavy-set ; the crown despite the fact cut over his eye. '.'' v. ,u u, v LI" : . . Armv train near here last, nicht. nnvrmm day., uiouay tomorrow, ume 4 1 and fair-haired, he sniunya uiiu that ins reign nao oeen nwmu ; change the prisoner s dock dressed in an Wit.h crisis after crisis. me o nam w u wic um... , sl nisusun nt and nlgris ot bed. I was Port Said-Suez line. 25 miles Indian sweater and dungarees. 1HC null" i""'"" i (prt. Hni-rlv 97 unrt .46 i to the phone to upnpo Cou'nsel Ray had nothing tHKAT (U AI.H IES north of here. A mine blew up Elizabeth was at Windsor with - ' ,",,,, anri and Prince Pnnce Ruoert Rupert' under it. wrecking six oil tank- princess Margaret to -hear the . 1 was tired of all ,.v,.,.ni in reaucst the ad- The simple qualities and vir- choir sing the hymn she and the ' Journmi nt and ball. ' toes that liad marked his family j crs and a brake car, Victim's husbaiu., victor Bey- life he had projected into the , - .18 8.55 10.75 .39 .12'. Quen had chosen, the hymn ot Donalda Eldona East Sullivan Giant Yellowknife God's Lake Hardrock Harrlcana Heva ' an air crash during the second victory often sung at taster. 1 world war. I non if in a Vancouver hospital , af iairr ol state, making nis leigu j where he has been a patient for a shining example to his people i Th. strife u o'er the battle . ' If and I couldn't telephone Is In a i lie street. Ki he telephoned it ion nnd asked over and stop the lie left the tele-hc saw a woman 13'a Linei Sinnington Court, Atago 10 Maru has been under Japanese Iran Leader Is Shot, Wounded two years. The children are agea ana tne v.unu. no 5 and 3, the elder a boy. Mrs. panion had been his Bible and ' , dQ,le : QUEEN'S F1NL RESPECTS i Now is the victor's triumph The young Queen Elizabeth won ; went to the bier of the King at n-p iPKhh'tchnn nf Canterhurv i Westminster Hall ror the last Beynon is a flshworker, empioyea nis oauy resort was piujei. Dm Ing an era which had been at Seal Cove. Children are stay , ing with a sister. in front of the vlc- 1110 H ownership for only six months. 1 This is her third trip to this coast ioi wheat. On the last, she left ; Vancouver December 20. Capt. Juichiro Yamamoto is ' master and the crew numbers i fiftv. ! The vessel is 374 feet long, was i built in 1928 at Newcastle-on-jTyne and plied on the Atlantic in convoy during the war. Joliet Quebec ... 49 Little Long Lac ... 66 Lynx 12'i McKenzie Red Lake 43 McLeod Cockshutt 2.72 Moneta 35 Negus 65 Noranda 81.50 Louvicourt 30 Pickle Crow ..' 1.55 San Antonio 2.45 called th3 "twilight of Kings, the monarchy had during the reign of George VI become even mure secure in the hearts of Britons than before. Its prestige had . become increased rather 9 w is saying some- ' TIDES nog phoned for a' TEHRAN HAn Iranian Na- voiced the commital that the : time lust before the start of the tlonalist leader, Hosseln Fateml, Church of England assigns to ! majestic funeral procession She one of Prime Minister Moham- King and commoner alike. i was accompanied by her mother, med Mossade-ghs closest confl- i A slab of stone had been laid , her sister Princess Margaret, and dantes. was shot and seriously : aside in the floor and the simple . Jour royal dukes-Edinburgh, her lowered slowly to husband; Windsor and Glo uces-alU coffin wounded yesterday at a Nation-, oak was service in the cemetery near; a crypt at the side of the body iter, the only survivmg brothers Tehran. His assailant Is underiof the King's brother, the first, of the King, and Kent, her arrest but not yet Identified. 1 Duke of Kent, who was killed In j cousin. J l Sunday, February 17. 1952 iirt Vip u.niinH ui.,h 4 57 19 8 feet diminished despite intor- 1 h 11 ICCL fl lv.? noise next door - I I fce. He .-. 17:37 11:34 23:18 but he saw no Low national crisis, the turmoil and 6 5 feet i 8.2 feet I (Continued on page 5l m HP had Elven thpm HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS LEARN THEIR JOBS AS RUPERT FUTURE CITIZENS , ..... . ...... .... .y. v JJT WW'WW'I -nw;i i.iu i hiiiiwi i wHip.w.,iij,Mi. ii jMMiiii i win i iij j . iiiBwww'iiwrgwa . f m .. 'n.. , V.1 1 I f - , ". is ' . tu f ! I.. anti Tr i J fa r w fcn.. ir. , -.t m i i. i . ' to ll.I.NS' city council opened session Tuesday morn-'f If a day or civic government on its own. City Clerk fn reads correspondence on the agenda while Mayor JURISPRUDENCE was carried out quickly following arrest of Sid Gonick (centre! Jaycee chairman of Future Citizens' Day committee. Arresting officers are "Sergeant" Bill Mackenzie (left i and "Corporal" Russel Morrison. Subsequently tried, Gonick was found guilty on a charge of "unlawfully devoting part, of his time to private business" while helng in charge of Future Citizens' Day. Daily News Staff Photos BREATHING DEEPLY from an oxygen mask, Future citizen Fire Chief George Stieardo'wn learns how to take care of himself battling a smoky fire. Fireman Jack Fumess takes the part of instructor. Four other student-firemen were shown how the department operates, from operating an inhalator unit to sliding down the brass pole to man the firetruck In full regalia. TOP BRASS steps aside while future citizens take over at Columbia Cellulose Co. Ltd. pulp mill at Watson Island. High school student 3ob Trapp icentrei plans the day's operations with Plant Manager W. C. R. Jones. Margo Brown, future citizen personnel manager, makes her morning report, taking over from Dan Doswell. Five other students held important posts at the mill. .wit , Kb In. lunaucts the meeting with seven aldermen in ; 1, ,l"'e C,t,ins' Chamber of Com- wens' Day Day is is a a Junlof Junlof Cl I event in prince Rupert. tiiisk 'I