Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, June 3, 1954 UUtRAt CHIEF ASSAILS SOCREDS (Continued from Page 1) "' Irish Doctor Turns Cook, Bottle Washer For Scientific Expedition Into Northland ,,. i ...uld not see how taking to provide hosnilaliyji-I ti7n ... tlon for Uip nrnnin -uh. . ..7.. . vompamuve ng- r .r could justify bulld-railwuy and hiyhway, wi.Ti'J ' ures Ior olner Province were . he asked .7 doctors?" f0Ua,"cd medi"ne' Ontario. $80; Quebec. $77; Mani- I wua, anu nioena, me omer just 41 miles adr. f' BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD tildcrni'ss- getting a big kick out of the jobs ' I am officially medico arid-he has been a.isis;ned during the i radio officer but generally I will month-long stay in the north, act as chief cook-and-bottle. , country. washer," he says. vc..u ,uivr. social credit province, second As for the five per cent sales high with $167 im? to. rePlaCi. hSpai . PRESSED CONCESSIONS Mr. Brown, In his brief address, stressed concessions premiums, it was costing the people more, not less. The people had paid $15 million in nrem- sought "U6 for this area during the liimi hut h r,.,. . Good Player Lets Skill of Partner Inflcnce Bid MONTREAL A 27-year-old Irish doctor who answered an advertisement "because it looked like being fun" has become chief cook-and-bottle-washer of a scientific expedition due to explore a meteor lake In Canada's northland. Sean Moore admits It was more a wish for adventure than scientific curiosity that prompted him to apply for the job. The post-gracuate pathology student at McGill University saw the invitation for position of dr. Uaii'B. -" fGE Plan bul said he the southern exten-,ld ever be built, lie the government ,11 Ir tenders on the , dismiss aril tenders as ,i, ihpiely finding an to the ZmZt ' 8 past sess'n. noting that he had B!ernm?.nt was expected I lought for , a Red Cross outoost "y owaia nos" hosnital for Masset where ho,.t. pital Insurance costs. 700 people lived, with no resident nurse or dnetnr Tho Rnrt rrn It also added to British Col- THE MOST POPULAR CANADIAN WHISKY AT A POPULAR PRICE l0 drp Uie umbians' tax burden which nl- was willing to man such an out-, When you have an exceptionally good or bad result on a hand and later ask a good player what he would have bid with your cards, he will often ask to be briefed on the condition of the score, the vulnerability situation and the capabilities of the other players in the game. Don't think he is stalling for ,g the hospital injur-,,ce- Mr Laing said that ready was too heavy compared post lf tne government would to the rest of Canada. Every ... no loiiEor an lnsur but straight social- person In the province, he said medical officer to the expecii- j ton on the college bulletin board. ' it looked as if it might be 1 fun and as good a way as any to j,e government under- paid provinclally taxes totalling proviae a rjuuaing, ana ne nopea this might be done In the near future. He had also sought construction of a road to link Masset and Port Clements, and about $30,000 had been allocated for a time. spend the summer so I replied OAM'TREADS If he really Is good, he knows very well that the people are just as Important as the cards. From the purely mechanical standpoint, tiie textoooks will tell you that with so many points you make one bid and with one point more (or less) you make a different bid. One jack should make such a tfif-ference. . T'l A V. I. 1 1 L 11 and was, accepted. The eight-man exnlorntion team, led by Dr. Victor Ecn Mcca director of the Royal Ontario Museum of Geology In Toronto, will leave in mid-July for Hebron mission In Labrador. Object of the trip Is to inspect a perfectly circular green-waterei lake 40 miles west of the start on the project. Another campaign for a liquor store at Qutcn Cliailotu; City, had been unsuccessful to date. He also noted an increase in (he allocation for maintenance of Highway 16. $88 000 this year, compared to $80,000 last year. Mr. Laing was scheduled to North dealer Neither side vulnerable North (Mr. Champion) 8 A K 10 1 4 H A D K q c j 7 a s 2 wi-a r:ut (Mr. Meek) (Mrs. Keen) 83 2 8 J 9 5 H K J 6 4 2 H Q 9 8 5 3 D J 9 4 3 D 10 8 6 2 C-fC 4, C 4 Houlh (Mr. Dulr) 8 J 8 8 H 10 7 , D A 7 S C A 10 9 8 3 The bidding: North East South West 1 8 Pass 2 C Pass 4 NT PaM 6 H Pass C All Pasa w w i fc.95 $4.95 speak at a Rotary Club dinner I "ul" ,s. " ' ",c meeting today, after w:.lch he b are usually better off to make The tean. made up cf Canadian and United States specialists, believes the lake was formed in a crater caused by a meteor smashing into the earth. It was discovered during the Second World War by Col. Arthur F. Merewether, USAF, while he was flying over the region. Dr. Moore, from Belfast, Is planned to travel with Mr. Brown to Prince George, speaking at meetings In various centres en route. From Prir.3e George, the Liberal chief will travel Into the Peace River area and from there south through the Cariboo. 4 v , Playtime Sandals with your decision beween two available bids, on the basis of hu-manics that is, a consideration of the skills and temperaments of the other players. In today's Seal, for example, what would you bid o.i Mri Dale's hand after your partner opened the bidding with one spade? Do you favor the conservative bid of two spades? CANADIAN WHISKY f-ii- long-wearing sole that will NOT mark He entered his hand with the ace of clubs, cashed the ace of diamonds and discarded a spade from the board. Then he ruffed his last heart, cashed dummy's king of spades and followed with a trump lead. Mr. Meek won with the king and had nothing but red cards left. Any return would enable Mr. Dale to ruff in dummy while discarding the jack of spades from his hand. Broadway Cafe floors or furniture. i Then add the jack of hearts to 4 Multi-color: White, Blue, Red, Brown, jn'd Green. your hand and tell ine If you now bid two clubs, planning to raise spades at your next turn If partner rebids them. Actually it's' very clure. Mr. Dale's hand could be called a minimum bid of two clubs and a maximum bid of two spade3. In this case he chose the more aggressive bid of two clubs. His ItS genial, rich flavour makes G&W Bonded Slock as delightful to the taste as it is easy on the entertainment budget! GOODERHAM t WORTS LTD. Established 1832 DitriiftiTS of the remmtivd Canadian If htnky Daily News M ant ViU Get Results LOW AND MEDIUM WEDGE COME AND TEST OUR 1954 STUDEBAKER STATION WAGONS For a mod economical car try our A-.10 ACSTIN. A complete ar with a low price of only $11115. that includes foam rubber seals, leather upholstery, directional signals and heater-defroster unit. SUPERIOR . AUTO SERVICE OPTOMETRIST Fred tl. Dowdie 303 Third Ave. W. Pl.cne Green 960 . BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE CUT ORDERS Phone 200 This advertisement is not puMihlied or displayed by the Liijuur Cuutrul Board or by the Government of British Columliia, Cool and Colorful for Summer days. reasons ... ie that he had the best player in the game for a ; partner. i Against the club slam Mr. Mpek led the tiey of spades. Dummy's ace won and Mr. Dale reasoned that cautious Mr. Meek would never lead from the queen of spades. If that were a correct assumption, the trey was either a singleton or part of a double-ton. To avoid the spade f ncsse Mr. Dale played as follows. Ho cashed the ace. of hearts and the king and queen of diamonds. w PGUE SHOES LTD. nine, DALKEITH SWEATERS 3rd Ave. W. Green 595 1 1jfon Super "70's" Botany Wool Fully Fashioned Shrink Resistant - Direct from England t . ... 1 r !, - f, P9 S 14 w tlx md &k 3 li iLirD f$? .... Sweater wW You'll Tit' ' mml X Be Proud To Wear Sizes 36 - 40 SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS M:jk i ON THESE VALUES AT G& A TOMORROW FLOOR LAMPS Drop in tomorrow ond look over the grond selection of superbly styled floor lamps now on display. You'll see a wide range of styles made to blend with any decor. No room is complete without fine lamos from Gordon and Anderson. Take vour pick from the many graceful and modern lamp shades available- style. Peter Pun rin.ssic Collar. Eton Collar 22-50Up "Plctc with Shodc LONG SLEEVE PULLOVER 8.95 LONG SLEEVE CARDIGAN s9.95 V Mow WOKING STAND winner DRESSES II ICT A DDlXCPvl THE COMPLETE . . . CONVERTIBLE CARRIAGE mim-. ii j." i A-rs.ii v ri j Th GENDR0N ill 1 orae in and see our selection Featuring Crunchy Nylon Dresses at a Very Special Price if pretly dresses for the summer season in -the latest styles and colors you will want. M jew.' . - - :4 Sturdy construction non-tip smoking stands in brass or .nickle. Extra large capacity ash tray. These well styled stands will add a note of the "Extra-Special" in your home. See them today. - Choose from NYLON, OR-LON, LINEN and NOVELTY FABRICS ... all washable. Misses sizes 1 2-20 Women's sizes 16'-26' A wonderful dress for Holiday Wear. It enly takes a few minutes to wash and dry. No Iron- ing needed for Crunchy Nylon. Beautiful Patterns, many styles, "and the large size people are not forgotten." it i c from 11 75 each UP SEE IT TODAY only 53-50 Sizes run from 12 to 24 2. See our windows for styles jnd patterns. SPECIAL .. $7-95 From $3' kd1 The Universal Fraser & Payne Tiiiwim in Hi. u ii wii jh .w inn 1 1 ! ' nnnmi lmnwi wi w