' . 1 1 1 - , ' r if n A rf n If R Fsa P Monrtav. June 2. 1952 (Ju BLACKWOOD on PHONE 748 FOR HELPFUL CLASSIFIED AD-TAKER DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS John F. L Hughes, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR Hrs. 10:30-12:30. 2:00-5:00 Elves.: by appointment only 21 - 23 Besner Block Phone Blue 442 FOR SALE ye WHAT OFFERS for Viking ra-dio-gramaphone 7 tube console type, in good condition? Suite 15, Angus Apartments, Red 399 after. 7. (129) By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Mr. Muzzy Salnilanes FOR SALE Three-piece sec-tional chesterfield suite, bed-' room suite, Quaker pot burner pm. oil range, oil heater and other' 5 00 ' ' 1 v , f tl,i . ,1 . K ' 1 Mr. Champion doesn't usually like to try for :i! slam when Mr. Muzzy is his partner. But this hand,; (All Times Daylight Savin) VANCOUVER . and VICTORIA SUNDAY ss. Camosun 8 p.m. FRIDAY SS Coquitlam 9 p.m. AI l( i: ARM, M I WAKT AND PORT SIMPSON Friday, Camosun, 11! Midnight Kill Milt III t)l I I N CIIAKLOTTK ISLANDS June 4 and 18 SS Coquitlam, midnight l Olt SOI Til Ol I I N ( II VKI.O l 1 1- ISLANDS KS Ciiquiikim June 11 ami 25 FIMNK J. SKINNKR Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 508 household articles. Call Civic Centre Dining Room, phono 868 between 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. or after 7:00 p.m. (130) ! FOR SALE Baby buggy. Blue 297. (134p) BOAT a i Oil aALE FOR SALE 3fi ft. trolling boat. Phone Red 807. (143p) FOR SALE 12 ft. row boat and Johnson Outboard. Apply Dr. R. G. Large. (134) CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE 1930 Chevrolet coach. Engine sound, interior shabby. Offers to Bell, Room 29. Commercial Hotel, Prince Kupert. p t ,VKn (U3pl FOR SALE 1950 'Austin A-40 sedan. Very good condition. 3 new tires. Price $900.00 Can 1 be financed at '2 price. 1332! 18th Ave. East. Call between 6:30 he felt, was ao exception. Ho h:iH s.Uirl hoarli ! ...w, """; round control of both snades and diamonds. And surely Mr. i Muzzy had at least one ace audi one of the two top honors in I the club suit. J The main question seemed to 1 ue, exactly how many aces did Mr. Muzzy have? If he had two or more, Mr. Champion was willing to bid the slam. If he had only one, five hearts should be a safe spot. So, Mr. Champion bid four no trump and learned his partner had just one ace. He then Did five hearts and sat back with a feeling of confidence and contentment to await the opening lead. "Is it my lead?" asked Mr. Dale. "Wait just a minute," said Mr. Muzy. "The bidding isn't over His tone was so cocky and his manner so professional that a kibitzer, seeing him for the first scott McLaren CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 -3rd Ave, W. Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 GEORGE RORIE & CO. ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS Besner Block Phone 387 P.O. Box 130 FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WOKK SAUNDERS BROS. We pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 PRECISION SAW FILING 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 P.O. Box 721 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in aU its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Wurn Soles Box 774 Second Ave. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL PORTRAITS Films Developed 'and Printed PROMPT SERVICE C H ANDLER'S STl'DIO 210-4th Street Box 645 Phone Green 389 Prince -Rupert and 9 0- .. - ,,31'j FOR SALE 1950 Austin, new, 10:00 overhaul, good condition'?.0'' $400.00 down. Full price $825.00 ;0 45 Phone Black 548. (134p) I n 00 - i 1 1 is jtime, might have thought helto ,pt pla ht,Ar knpw u-nnt. hp urns rininp" i RADIO DIAL CFPR 1210 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) MONDAY Ruwhliie 5:2U liiurmalonal Omity. 5:20 Music Box- 5:M0 iJlXH'lund Jazz 5.-15 Vuiiin; Man Willi a Son 5 55 CliC News 6:00 Sllpprr ticrt'liiule ti:15 Marlial All's 6:30 MumcuI Varieties 6:45 Smiley Hummc KIloW 7:00 Cl'C Nrws 7:15 CHC News Roundup 7:30 Classics far Today 8 00 The Bob M Mullen Show 8::i0 Summer Fallow 9:00 Altectiollately. Jenny 0:;t0 Mrkxiy Irum tile Sky lo:oo I'Hi: f.es 1010 CHC News 10:15 BC S.K'ial Credit League 10:30 Jake Park's Hand 11:00 Weather iupurt and S1i;ii-i1T Tuesday a m. Musical clock J 1!c, N,es 8:10 J,res Bill r Good 8;I5 Mur,lim, SollK 9:oo buc News and Commentary 9.15 Music for M.ierns a 30 Sunrise Serenade I 9 50 Dorothy Douglas Show I Recorded Int. Time Signal Morning Visit Hidi'ir, of the Purple Rftfre ' : This Week's Artist i Guestin- With Kesten Kindergarten of the Air Hoimduj) 'lime 1 30 Weather Keport I ax Message lJfTi(Kl I :33 Kfconied Inlerhlde. I 11:45 S anUn. avian Melodies p.m. 1:00 Mid-day Melodies 1:18 CliC Mews ! Profiram Kesmne : wirw B C. Farm liroadrast 5 Kecwnled Interlude i "' 1 AltHioon Conrert 1Au CBC School lor Jonsumers: Comtv. 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast ii'30 Heeords at liaiulom 3:0v Th Musir Wox ' 3:15 ramollB Voices SO CBC. sehiKil for Cini sinners :45 Ntvel Tune 4:h0 Kun.-Oiiiie 8o'iety 30-' Cook of the Meven fieas 4:45 Hun k Wmttittioiiij; lnterhide 4:f5 CKC Hews 5.00 Tony U p Troubadia' Strike Looms For Two Top BC Hotels VANCOUVER (CP) Employees ."Jf ,1d,,"a a 40-hour work pay increases are threatewng to replace welcome toria They have agreed on a co-ordinated strike plan which would close Hotel Vancouver and the Empress Hotel in Victoria, just a"s the early-summer tourist rush is beginning. Negotiations aimed at avert- ln! the strike are continuing. with a meeting of government, management and union officials i set -for Friday at Victoria. This j session concerns only the Km-; pi ess Hotel. FOR SALE 1950 Meteor sedan.in Radio, air conditioner and sun w visor. Privately owned since 1 1 new. Can be seen at 112 Taxi, stand. (131pi FOR' SALE-1951 Hornet Hud I I twntnefi i"tfrft(,T running I WJ thhrr rit.7. 1 owner. Price $39011.00. Terms. I1 - Phone Green 981 cr write P.O. I ! Box 1171. (133p) i FOR SALE Studebaker 'i-ton i I pickup, blue, good shape. Call ! at 1425 11th East after 5. (132d 3 3 WANTED TO BUY 4 FOR QUICK SALE list your house with us, we have several cash buyers. Armstrong Aeencies Ltd. Phone 342, Black 197 evenings. (130) FOR RENT FOR RENT House. New Westminster, for house or rooms, j Prince Rupert. July, August or j shorter period. Box 398 Daily i News. 1 130p) I FOR RENT Three room log; cabin nt Lakelse Lake. Phone I Red 807. (143p) ! WANTED "TO RENT -3 room 1 by CNR fireman, married' one For the MEAL that REFRESH: MARGARETM( OPTOMA ST0NKBUILD1I(( PHONE BLUE 593 P0 BOX tin ELECTROLUX ""! and Sttiice . N"W LOCATED M ANSON'S China J"Cr Citrnino Evenings. Blue 970 6 For genuine part and phone or write alxi HANDYMAN HOME SERVIC GENERAL CONTRao uummiE ana Repairs kinds. HOOFS - CHIMNT OIL BURNEKS PHONES: P.O. Bux 1070 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 126. PO E 234 -3rd Ave E Prince Rupert, B.t H. G. HELGERSC LIMITED REAL ESTATE Si INSUE. Phone 96, Evenings Bla LING THE TAIL Tailoring Altrnliu and Clolhfn Made-to-MH 220 Sixth St. Pk Pjb CO0KIN General Constrich'on Floor Sanding General Repair! Cabinet Work Greer & LIMITED Phone 909 . K Ae. w. r.o. Bxj JOHN H. BULGE Oiointlihl John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue iy CHIC YOUN works) V?i . '." Jral' Wt Make Your Printing Mailer Part of Your Business Did it ever occur to you that you need distinctive printed matter for your particular business? Type faces give you this outstanding di.stinct iveness -and these can be supplied by our modern printing department. Dibb Printing Co. DINING PLEASURE IN SPARKLING NEW SURROUNDINGS Commodcre Cafe CREDIT REGULATIONS EASED Vz Dovn 24 Months to Pay , us THE ALL NEW in '52 FORD ond MONARCH , See our eoniplele stock if i.ottn i si n cars " at reiluceil prices. V BOB PARKER LIMITED "Home of friendly service" FORD MONARCH DKAI.URS l'hone 03 m RENLrV V His Partner's Bid " " " North dealer n,i, Mles vulnerahle Vol til (Mr. Miiii) 8- Q J U H - None D K W J C A K 10 ft 7 9 2 el I ast ' (Mr. Imle) (Mis. keen) a niii s - 10 5 a H 5 4 li 11-8 0 H D . 10 s s 2 l A U 7 4 C -ll C-K 4 Soul ll (Mr. CllUMiliMl) S K 4 h a k y J 10 n 7 D- a c y J 5 The hldiiint;. North I.ast South . W-st 1 C Fluss 'J H His. 3 C Pass 4 NT Pass ft 1J Pass S II Pu.vs 6 C All Puss his lower lip and finally bid six clubs. Mrs. Keen cashed the ace of diamonds, took a look at dummy and shifted to a epade. Curtains. "But I had no hearts at all." Mr. Muzzy said. "I was afraid 'What a heu1rJt ;suit !dld yu thlnk 1 had- sU"Md- Iour to the quwn-U-n? stormed Mr. Champion. "Did you think your ('lub Suit' mlssinf the queen nd Jat'k- was better than a :heart suil wlu( h 1 bid aU tlw way 10 flve wlth 110 sl,PIJurt from Mr. Muzzy had forgot the rule of 26. He had looked only ut his own hand, witnout trying to visualise his partner's cards and his own as one unit. H7" " "x i v 0m r?ni?na7n ' Tkll aJvtrtUmflt li net puUuktd of rf'ipUytd A Liquor Control BoorfJ M by tfo GovtriunM tl Colrnbl. Brush and Spray Painting Paperhanging SINCt.Aift & KELLS Painting and Decorating Contractors Phone Blue 693; 345 9th Ave. W PLUMBING and HEATING The Reliable and Prompt Service You Know Phone 174 For Repairs and Alterations Smith & Eikir.s Lid P.O. Box 274 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Green 810 and Red 127 BLONDIE I CAN'T FIX T, BECAUSE 1 DID YOU CHECK THE CAM 1 THE GEAR A ID - i . LINE LOAD? AGAINbi THIS SHAFT -iS Tl - Classified Kates Closure time 4:30 p.m. day previous to publication. Classified, 3 cents per word per insertion; minimum charge 50 cents. Birth Notices, 50 cents; Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcesments, $2.00. Special Display double price. ANNOl M KMENTS Make your reservations now for the Shrine Ceremonial Ball, Friday, Jane 6. Tickets at Van Meer Studio, George Dawes (Red 1271 o.- W. G. Sheardown. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. Lam-bie's, 403 4th Ave. East, June 19. WE PAY cash lor bunu out motors, any size cr make. Wii-ford Electrical Works, Cow bay. Phone Blue 391. (tf) BIRTH NOTICE GUYATT Born to Mr. and Mrs. D. Guyatt in the Prince Rupert General Hospital on Saturday. May 31, a daughter, Lynda Gail. Mother, father and baby doing fine. IN MF.MORIAM " MILTON - in fond'mnem: branee of our dear father, Peter ! Milton, who passed away June 2, 1947. Day by day I miss him more As I go through life alone, i He was my soul's companion A life joined with my own. Gone from us but leaving memories Death can never take away. M(;.n",ie?il1i1?" aJw?.s.iin?e.r- TYI...C u,u.. n is .ui we Muy. tver remembered by William D. Milton, Skeena Crossing, BC I'F.KSONAI, ATTENTION VOTERS H. W. BEYERSTEIN Social Credit M.P. lor Camni.'.e and ART MURRAY Local Social Credit Candidate w:ll .speak TONIGHT 8:00 p.m. CIVIC CENTRE (1291 SHRINERS' CONVENTION Shriners' wives and candidates' wives contact Mrs. Roy Evans or Mrs. Harry Robins immediately. (131) I AM not responsible for any debts except made by myself. George A. Cook. ( i34p) LOST AM) roi'ND LOST Parker 51 pen and pencil set. Reward. Finder please phone Black 892. (131p) LOST Black female pup last seen around Borden Street School Friday. Call Blue 7M3 or 752 Taylor St. (it) FOUND Wednesday nitrht. lnriv's gold wrist watch. Owner may-Have I same by identifvine anrl paying for this advertisement at the Daily News. (it) Je1.p" anteT)!1i eXule v HELP WANTED our" accoutring department has openings for two capable young women trained in stenography and general office routine. Permanent positions for those qualifying for same. Pleasant working conditions. Reply by letter or in person to Rupert Motors Ltd., P.O. Box 1730 (131) HELP WANTED-Fu,ly-cp7alified stenographer. Permanent job. Group medical plan, group insurance. Annual holidays with pay. Apply in person to Albert & McCaffery Ltd., Cow Bay, runce nuperi, u.U. (132) STENOGRAPHER witrT or wittf-out experience. Apply to Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd Room 15. Besner Block, Prince Rupert, B.C. 130) WAITRESSS wanted Falrview Cafe. Experience not necessary. Phone Red 786. (130p) woRiffEnr MAN with fourth class certificate of stationary boilers re-quires work. Blue 900. (132p) FOR SALE FOR SALE House trailer. A beautiful home on wheels. Three rooms fully furnished Oil heater, refrigerator Icebox, gs or elecliic cooking, built-in closet, drawers and wardrobe space equivalent to a -4 or 5 room house. Call 238 6th Ave. West. (215p) NATIONAL Machinery Co iTrn lted. Distributors for: Mining, Bawmill, lagging and Contractors' Kquiument. Enquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1. B.C. (tf) FOR SALE Household furnilure in good condition. 233 llth St. . (129p) FOR fiAI.E Potatoes. mi) flth Ave. West. (129p) BEST OF FOOD 4i child. Blue 291. (131p!S1ns witn picket lines Tuesday : : -Imicinight at the two major ho- ,,,...TI,n WANTED Room in private tels S(,rvin,; Vancouver and Vic- FOR TAKE Ol'T OKDFRS PHONE 2(t BROADWAY CAFE ?2 'S:l l! ' ' I ' tr M'1 r V lV r '-fa IH . ; Hi- i i- " 0- if '" , fftt-v. '' .; I V a- v.. ' ' 1 . ; , !, ' f Only the ethics of the game kept Mr. Champion from saying. "The bidding had BETTER be ! lover, you clunk-head." But of 'course the opponents would have ' objected to that remark. So the great man just sat there, fuming iside, his mouth a hard, straight ; (line. Mr. Muzzy fidgeted, squirmed,! looked at the ceiling, pulled at , Korean Reds Well Equipped SEOUL (CPt-Gen. James A. Van Fleet said today Commu-! nist armies in Korea outnumber United Nations forces 2"2 to 1 and "suffer for nothing in combat" but he does nqt expect an ! immediate Red offensive. In saying Reds Vsuffer for nothing in combat," the general meant they have all equipment they need. Baffled Badger WINNIPEG CP A sharp-clawed badger weighing 40 pounds led employee? a hot chase in and out of buses in the Winnipeg Electric i company garages. It was finally captured after being trapped in a steel pipe and was sent to th-Winnipeg eoo. $15,540," he said, "nnd the loss in 1951 was J.105,097." In Vancouver, Hugh Allison. CBRE representative, said at a labor meeting that hotel employees are being discriminated acn'inst in workintf houni AU olher railWilv ,, " " J v 0 have t hP an-im,ie 1 1 board reeommended the 40-hour increase. In 'Victoria, a 11 vp rwr cent increase was recommended with a 44-hour week in either 5'2 day weeks or alternative five and six-day weeks. Management in Victoria says it will agree to conciliation board hours-of-work recommendations but not to the across-the-board increase, on the grounds that greater increases are justified for some positions than others. At present Hotel Vancouver employees work a 44-hour week, the majority working seven hours and .20 minutes a day six days a week. Vancouver had an 11-day sample of a hotel strike durin? the general rail walkout in 1950. Only permanent guests remained at Hotel Vancouver and they were without most services. The beer parlor, cigar stand, and shoeshine booth wert; about the only departments operating. Empress Hotel was not affected. .1 wixr., 11c ,-JilIU, But so far neither- the em- and "the hotel employees see no ployees nor the railways whi h I reason why they cant get it." i lK-ratc Biiti.sh Columbia's li!,-ij hon lie added;-. "But we feel Rest hotel have budged on what ' we will only get It by strike ac-tliey consider reasonable terms i tlon." of settlement. i The Vancnu Efforts of sejiarate concilla-1 tion boards have been to no'week ar"d a 5.51 per cent wage Shipping and General Moving, Packing, Crating Cartage and Storage Complete. Reliable and Efficient Service. Also atiente for Canadian Liquid Air Oo. Ltd. for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies, LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & 5JORAGE LIMITEp Cor. 2id and Par Avenues'" Est. 1910. t'hom-8 80 and 68 WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing DEVELOPINO, PRINT1NO ENLAROINO EXPOSURE METERS AMATEUR SUPPLIES Phone Oreen 136 Box 478 Chop Suey - Chow Mein Open 6 pjii. 8:30 a.m. HOLLYWOOD CAFE For Outside Orders Phone 133 Tne dcxjdad that FITS OVER THIS IS CAUGHT On ) ( li i trsFl Wf T Hii uyjictiti home, close in, for clean, sober young man. Permanently employed with local business firm. Phone Daily News 748. (tfnc) KKAL ESTATE WOULD TRADE 6 room house and 3 room suite lor 3 bedroom house. Phone Blue C07. FOR SALE 4 room house and 1 three lots. 1425 11th East. Call j after 5. ( 133p i -1 WANTIJJ WANT ED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron, steel, brass, copper, lead, etc. Honest, grading. Prompt payment, made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd., 250 Prior St.. Vancouver, B.C. Phone PAcific C357. (tf) CASH for scrap cast, brass, copper, batteries and radiators. Phone 543. Call G20 Gth Avenue West, Citv. (tf) ACCOUNTANTS PUBUC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specialist, S. O. Fork, Rtrmp Runtime. Red 593. (2()mi SHEET METAL PLUMBING, Heating and Sheet Metal Work. Roofing. Phone 543 fi.ln fi!h Wutt liln.inuin (130c) i LAND REGISTRY ACT Re Certificate of Title No. 2H465-1 to Lot Seventeen (17), Block Twelve (12), Village of Stewart. Map 905. WHEREAS satisfactory Droof of loss of the above Certificate of Title is sued In the name of Michael Cornelius Bermlngham has Deen filed in this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me in writing. DATED at tne Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 14th day of May, A.D. Andrew Thompson, Deputy Registrar of Titles (Hl'p) More Mustard BOW ISLAND, Alta. !) The acreage set asida for commercial mustard has been Increased by !0 per cent In southern Alberta this spring. Altogether 500 acres have been seeded to mustard. Train Schedule STANDARD TIME . For the East-Daily except Sunday 8 p.m From the F.ast Daily except Monday 9:50 p.m avail. In Vancouver, . hotel workers say they will accept board recommendations but management has rejected them. In Victoria, workers rejected recommendations while management accepted them in part. The 500-room Hotel Vancouver is operated jointly by Canadian National Railways and the Canadian Pacific Railway 'f-Piess notel is owned by the cr.K. Most employees about GOO in Vancouver and 350 in Victoriaare represented by the Canadian Brotherhood of Rail way Employees (CCD. The most recent arguments were given by manacement in Victoria and an employees' rep- iracmuuvi; in Vancouver. T. E. Chester, Empress manager, said in a statement yes-cost an additional $108,000 a year. "For the last six years the average annual operating loss of the Empress Hotel has been If Don't Say I Didn't Warn You! fefk pEPAIP MAN 'Xjlis 1 1 .?' 'r.l ! I - V "'! ' " ' " j . . ... i SloJoiTdmrnt ,is n:t pub,hhed or flis,,,ayed b the d "f hy the Gv-rnment of Brilish Columbia. U - - -i. f f I