1 REMINISCENCES (Continued from page 2) REPORT FROM PARLIAMENT Continued from page 2) Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, June 2, 1952 Business Spotlight By FORBES RIIUDE (Canadian Press Business Editor) I to What It should he culler! Hut. ': .-",; i . -f , - it l-ii ; it , '' . V this was soon settled. There's plenty of basking sharks alon-; British Columbia's shores. dealt with separately! He did not mean to suggest that there is any suggestion of waiting until they can propose as general a solution to the problem of culture as was reported in advance in a broadcast that was made mend to parliament general principles according to which encouragement might be extended in a .financial way to some and refused to others who would not be within the general principles approved by Grand Old Man PRINCE ALBERT, Sask. ) Angus McKay, known as the "Grand Old Man" of Prince Albert, died recently at age 93. During the Riel uprising he was a pony express rider serving the forces to quell the Metis. But it was vastly different years ago when another was found, this time near Prince Rupert. Identity, for more than a One hears a lot of things around a gathering such as the current annual meeting of the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. Take saucepansone Is inclined to regard them simply as saucepans and let It go at that. But. If you are the people who make them, they're much more than that. Big Shakeup Purges Romania WASHINGTON P The big-gast shake-up and purge among a Held For Mrs. Johnson Civic Centre Draws Many n t iijny.il'le tea was hold in the Teen Age room e Civic Centre Saturday for Premier and Mrs. 1., i " week, could not be established. an' on Sunday, May 25th (which 1 hope you all heard). But it is not probable that any appropriation will be asked from parliament at. this session for the purposes of the drama festival or the encouragement of the Canadian ballet or othsr kindred matters. It would n .H be possible to pick out any one or more of these community activities of a cultu:al nature until the government has been able to look over the whole field, and recom And this in British Columbia's proudest deep sea fishing por. Once, a sea monster and now a lifeless mystery, with no fragrance nea;! The vevtrn pres icareheaded tl tale which finally found its way into the London papers for or.e day only. Strange creature of tne Pacific discovered 'near Prince Rupert, new northern haven. The story made a splash until tardy truth came out. J j,,!ni..'ii. in licr easy bo- '-'uorai candidate, assisted In Jtlr. arrived at the tea early Introducing the guests, i'l 'ali tin- ladies. The pre- Season flowers decorated the Jatlcnded after a meeting iaee-eovered table and mantel. SOCIAL CREDIT PUBLIC MEETING J. S. Corrlgan, of Toronto, expressed It as follows In an ad- j dress to the manufacturers: I "I frequently wonder how many spiing brides gettl lg acquainted with their kitchen-shower saucepans know that the Inside radius is a precise compromise between ease of cleaning, the maintenance of proper balance, and the limitations of a draw-press op group 111 ""' ii lose assisting Mrs. Mills julmsoii met many old were: Mrs. L. W. Kergin; Mrs and niie yoiini; mother Don Ritchie, Mrs. Don Forward crjoyed when the Pre- Mrs. Robert Parker, Mrs. R. s' rulers of Communist Romania since that Balkan country become a Soviet satellite, was described Friday in diplomatic dispatches from Bucharest. Ana Pauker, long-time friend of Generalissimo Stalin and one of the top powers In th-3 Communist heirarchy In Romania, has lost her vital Red party positions and is assumed thereby to be on the political skids. ' Seven persons, including Mrs. , Pauker,. have been eliminated I from among 13 regular members of the Romanian Communist party's all-powerful politburo. The new poiltburo is composed rf ntnA rotrnlar mom Knrc 11 Knu wile niierea i-o ihmii ner noou, Mrs. William Bond. Mrs Lhile she enjoyed a cup Douglas Frizzel, Mrs. Charles :nlnimo, Mrs Phillip Lyons and ,r;(l coiivetier of Iho tea Mrs. Norton Youngs. PICNIC SUPPLIES ,l:s C Mil'''- i I'ourers were Mrs. Allan Arm- eration in the course of their manufacture. "Does she know that the eon-tour of the handle Is the exact mould of an averagj woman s clenched grip? jack MeHae, wile of llie strong and Mrs. M. P. McAffery. ice Sergeant Made That the length and weight of been announced in the Buchar THERMOS BOTTLES PAPER PLATES PAPER N PKINS WAX PAPER METAL Ll'Ndl IIOXKS Civic Centre, 8 p.m. efighter For Life ALL THESE AM) MANY MORE AT est press. Experts here centered their attention on the possibility of, a financial scandal, of contest 'for power between two factions in the party and of failure of the Red regime to press forward Romania's Russian-style collectivization program on schedule. ti; heroine ;i lil" member i ' K'iperl A' social ion of, I'KKMIHt NtAIKKK Wins i Continued from page 1) Vet-, local :::, is rem-MF Rc.t. 1, A. N. Pol terton m anil", membership ami a cot-ktull if some of our hospitals would Hcor DR. BEYERSTriN, M.P. explain Social Credit and Art Murray's reply to other parties' platforms. in the rie.siun or a iiilina- have been able to continue with vim mounting, are specifically engineered to avoid the over-balanc-e of the smallest size pan-empty and without its cover? "That the cover knob is specially designed to prevent her lrom burning her finger tips on the hot metal? That the fit on the cover to the body is so accurate that condensed steam will form a vapor seal and permit waterless cooking?" An so on for several more paragraphs until one gets quite a respect for the humble saucepan. Another thing one might have roamed at this mcetin? is that there must be something to out the help we have given them." DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIEDS BRINO QUICK RESULTS .u-pxtlnRiiMicr were prc-to the popular policeman informal gathering of the n's Rerrrutioiial Assocla- rriav nir'.hl.. "On the basis of the present scheme, hospitals submit their budget at the first of the vear Hart's Spatxfy Rtliaf Far Tender, Aching, ittrn Bob I'l'iks made the; and are advanced cash on which 'ati- n to operate. en Ikh long held Sgt. "If you set up a voluntary on's rlo.'.c ooiiil ion scheme, thev will not have the Burning Feet hp proiip .n hiiUi esteem, Kin man Parks i l a short being a diplomat. Tour ft mj br m painful turf in- cash with which to continue." The Premier stressed that the Liberal platform Is aimed at cn- Sydney D. Pierce, minister at Rami that you think jm cant the Canadian embassv In Wash- notlwr men. Vwif hnw may feel if Potiei ton's ,14 years srrviee ended KuiiMay. courafiing the flow of capital! "l'a,mu""' "'y th re cuttinif rlbt into thr- flwh. into B.C. "and the government-,rSton' was speaker at the an- rou fi airk with tii pain and aore- r iil nlliicr r lire I Vmi eel. on .Innp 19 nmvt hao num umiici. it mum ikkc uicii -"ST - -- ." miB nf thn shnrloer snoivhpe nn . r """ application or 4m city pimre fui re, lie sei'V- the confidence of the big com ' L ftlfMin f f j n A 41 li'mat-a v.mffralfl ll I I 111 til anrl anrl in in in the! panics that are investing money j reC(,rd for a feal"red speaker at i,nitea you get comforting, blcaed more Ulan .15 vear inch a citherine- but he made relief. 'uiire and III "ill', lie ami j noi'C. men mi plan to leave fur MOIti; people laugh, and he made them , matter now n,ScoUras.eii you i r r Of have hewn If m hfiv tint IriM Mint. I'KOn.K na Wnlnrsdiiy. think. For est results, advertise! trald llil. then you hare aomething to learn. Uet a bottle today wberarar lru are aold. ormca Drugs. nil mm fcPaid I "Thousands of p!ople are ! coming into our province because they are finding employment j and a good way of life," said I Mr. Johnson, adding that the ! population of B.C. has increased k Pensions, v:. prrecnl in the last three years. He mentioned entry into B.C. : ol iho Aluminum Company of i tiifl i, Columbia Cellulose and My Allowance ! j MID HOVJ TO I.1AM YOUR DALLOT HI THIS SCOTT-McH ALE "CANADA'S FINEST" Men's Shoes Quality Made said hundreds of men are being given employment through the vast expansion programs of these companies. n ELECT mem In his review of advances from 1!)16, he recalled also that Mr. Peat son, as labor minister. Introduced the ICA'act "which be and Designed for Long- n earing Comfort Tops in Looks. W ? ' 4 ...l r i ir , . !' 1 . ..(,. t it : t.r- ' "f ' 1 v ;.. :t .- came the pattern for our na 15.95 . to (Willi In h- llHll V Nl'WH TOR I A Nr-arlv f.r. ,0(1(1. WO :id mil tn Hi it ish C'otnm-last mm 1 1 ; i in oll ae.e se-mnl l.uiiily ullowance Vi 1! Pone, remoiial dlr-"t the ill pai 1 inet'l. of na-hfui'li and welfare, suld ace S'viinly et'Ci'K.s 1ol.nl-;'.9';nj;!o. i-oiiu-. to 73.726 'wr bile :milly allow-re:u'llei ;l HCW high of The..e were paid to I fiuiiilies with a total of 'i rhilili.'il. rp families came ' British -'bia In May thrtii left, for pans .f Cai.iulii-S to hlH the n',pi;iir was re-' the ai'i-d uroii). Total ig was ml, while (if) en- tional government ' during the var years;" told of social ser- ice payments and advances "by jberal administrations" and .iid citizens of B.C. were for- unate in having a member in ho legislature as active and aluablc as Jack McRae, who vas a member of the labor rela- 22-95 Fashion Footwear lons committee during the past, ear as well as taking an active nterest In all government busi-' ness. HERE'S HOW YOU VOTE WITH ALTERNATIVE VOTING The Alternative Vote is as simple as the voting system usvd before only, instead of marking an X against your one ehoiee only, jou ean mark 1-2-3-4 with your firl ehoiee as number one, your si-eool ehoiee as number two and so furl It in order of your preference. HERE'S WHY THE NEW SYSTEM IS BEING USED The Voting system has hern changed to enable every voter to cast his ballot for more than oue candidate in order of his preference. When you vole under the Alternative Vote system YOU GET MOKE THAN OMK CHOICE. This will prevent any candidate being circled on a minority vole as has happened in Ihe past. The candidate so elected in each riding will have received an absolute majority over all other dales combined. " Chri tie, p, ocnvKive Con-'ir raniielnte for Prince "! 1 1 the i-n-1 henming e'-.T-rp,iii!iei Kinutav from a 'o the I .lands. Ho was nc-'ii'etl on the tmir by form-l'W II M Daci'.rtt. The Itlost- rcaoers Powerful "1W Hr,,r, M,.;; JU3 'on;'. Tec.clay. (129) I" Mr.,. Catherine ' a'i'l Mi:.. ,1ih .-1vii llolton "? on bctitlf of Tom w over tVTK tomorrow Iff rS Gsolioie G .. Yottor -'i o l.,, ,130, '""'.".-all Ue- lakkt typ;-'"f'Ha at a pun. voii call 1 Kit Mr. Pmvll at Jerry's j '')' fvilmi, ilireelly across ' 11 S'lpcr-Valu. fhone B&.i. I (1341 If'K r.- l-r.)Tvl-; YOU VOTE! inr. ii.upi,. fverywhere , 'ilH Hie icliey of the Messivr.c,.iServ.,tive;;. d.ini ..'lie l,:i,li,..;. r Hless ' , will lie the theme of Tom talk over CFPH Wed-y tiiiinijii;j ;,t, n;,, Fnr. i -1al,fi H'liipital Insur-will he e.iven by Herbert sm f0mb 0Vt,r th aU. iU I0.15 (130) c OB ODD c fDily NcnWoiii Arl i pi pi n i i i . m rm-r-i r- CUT OUT THIS MESSAGE FOR REFERENCE AX D DISCUSSION. Aiiiiu:i Meeiing , Get Activated Al. .. 7 nis'i lamuntiia Ut tllP MlKI-H-l OQ0OOCDQG 00 O0yuQ O0(i0ffl0UQ SEgiEU PEUSMIURU '1 Int rested please attend. laSaaSlMBiii