I, PROVINCIAL LIBRARY r?.cvi:jciAL Lizt:-".-:t 1 ! .; ORMES 4 . 4 ma. iui m. wv i DRUGS - DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 1 V CABS NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XLI, No. 129 PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 2. 1952 ." mCE FIVE CENTS V iTrarn tin I)lri me V it I ' ' 1 V III! I " I TO ES Hill Candidate Answers But Beacon Finds Only Counsellor Rows Boat To Talk Politics uoy Transportation, or lack of it. doesn't bother Peter Leighton.. "Action stations" sounded here Saturday night The 68-year-old representative of the chief counsellor at Metla- for one of three visiting Royal Canadian Navy war ships. Criticism 50 Homes Good Deal, Says McRae Jack McRae, 37-year-old Liberal Candidate for Prince Rupert, answered critics of this city's housing development in a speech at the Civic Centre Saturday nigW- Making his first appearance In public since his accident, Mr. McRae said he agreed with those A few hours later, HMCS Beacon Hill, a frigate, steamed out of Prince Rupert Harbor to locate a floating mine 150 miles west. katla came here by rowboat on Saturday to talk with Premier Byron Johnson. Because his son, Dick, was out fishing "and everyone is busy at this time of the year," Mr. Leighton rowed from the little native reservation alone to attend a meeting here. He was one of a dozen natives who brought greetings, to Premier Johnson, "It only took two hours," said But It turned out to be no Three Miners who say the rents will be too twkf , JLu izlL. the gray-haired popular resident high but "our first Job was to get the homes." "I quite agree I'd like to see lower rents, but I say 50 good Killed In Rockburst of Metlakatla. "I go rowing nearly every day because I need the exercise." mine at all. The object reported by the halibut schooner Waterfall Saturday was a mooring buoy, adrift off Fredericks Island, west of the northern, tip of Queen Charlotte Islands. This report came In today by radio telephone from the Beacon Hill, which had reached the area. Saturday afternoon, when the sighting report reached Department of Transport here, It was relayed Immediately to the Navy. Three ships here on a training cruise, Included HMCS Sioux, houses is an asset to you regardless of what the rent may II, WI I.I, (.IMlKS In Fort St. John where several oil ps hip continually carrying out exploration. This ,iimvs Dawson Creek booming to the sound of drilling , discoveries. Big scale operations are expected this ( (Photographic Surveys Photo) The village, which celebrated be. KIRKLAND LAKE, Ont., (CP) its 90th birthday only four days He said the city council a year Three miners were crushed to ago and shortly will receive Its enfranchisement. Is about six miles from Prince Rupert. dath Saturday night when rockbursts shook the depths of the Lake Shore gold mine. Two others were injured. ht Premier Praises BCHIS As Only Workable Plan Hits at Voluntary Basis By ERIC SANDERSON ' A week of active political speech-making came to a close here Saturday night with a call from The weatherman was good to Mr. Leighton, allowing him fine The mother of One of the ago decided an 'emergency had arisen here, and financial aid must be forthcoming to build new homes. "The plans were approved by the municipal government. Tenders were called and the homes are now being built. "Certainly there is' a variation -in price between the cost sunny weather to row over and 1 New Gas Well Blows In At Fort St. John victims died of a heart seizure Beacon Hill and Antigonlsh. The again on his return trip. He left Prince Rupert shortly after 7 Beacon Hill was ordered to pro when she heard the news of the tragedy broadcast over a radio ceed Immediately to the scene of the reported mine. p.m. In order to get home before dark. "I won't get time to hear the icvpii halibut boats in mine than MMI.OUO f fish this morning, iwliiims ..i.H mi a rent station in this northern Ontario city. Most of the crew were ashore, of homes here and cost In Van Navy officials said, but in a few Premier Byron Johnson to elect an administration couver, but our main problem was ;rtov CALOARY P Pacific. Petrol hours all hands were on deck premier speak," he said, "but I had to come and see him." Others who attended a con The accident occurred while men were working at the 5,400-foot level of the mine, deepest In North America. "on June 12 that has the confidence of the people. and ready to depart. to get the homes built and work out rentals at a later date." x "T tuna oclrpri twn vpnrn aon t.n The tanned, but tired Premier mats snlrl their load on pllms M Assuciaieg have an-ngP " nounced a new gas find in Brtt- e jj'jj. ish Columbia's Fort St. John Fisher 22 0(10 18 5. rea. ference in the Civic Centre -were I The frigate is reported to have Mrs. George Brown, from Skide destroyed the buoy, likely to pre- "mlne gate Mission; Paul Price, chief vent any further false C Parkers- Seamount. ! Pacific Fort St. John No. 6. two 7 14 l") nc Parkers- rn"es west of Ga.ssor No. 4 a-id counsellor from Port Simpson, reports. ancLThomas White, William Kel-1 Meanwhile: 4.h dnt.v-bound ? " hh . i press for housing and it is very Well, I m the kind that be- to disappointing me that any lieves that when is a thing ! political party would bandy about necessary . you should , act, 8idiaiy .;Kmsmg. proJe 4tf mwrtt.y act quickly. i wneh there is such a crying need In 19-18, said the premier. hos-ifor accommodation." ley. James Lawson, Alfred Wes- Navy vesel wlll join tne other two Dead are Tony Polonl, Leo Kensey, 41-year-old shift boss; and A. Soopalu, 42, an Estonian Immigrant.-. - j ,. .; , . Kensey's mother, in ill health for several years, 'collapsed and died of a heart attack on hearing about the accident. Rockbursts, which occur when AU four mllP)! "PJlthwt Pf.thf.DJs-lfiWKl jrni 185, li 12. 18 7 14 12. covery wp". fa lo di ili-stem wmiine v (ion irs 14' tgts in the middles tr lassie zone ships of Canadian Task Group .P.Doreen', 19,000. IB 7. and brought up gas U)talling 2.- 214.6 on its way to Juneau and other Alaskan ports as part of f'.ritir Twl ikle 20 000, '"' cuoic ii.a naiiy ann suo- 12. Pacific; Snowfall. . "Hiai napntna. reviewed achievements of Liberal governments in B.C. from 1918 until today and stressed that a voluntary hospital insur-wr pl-an Is Hse.lens. - His address before about 300 persons In the Civic Centre followed a brief speech on local Issues and hospital insurance by Jack McRae, Liberal candidate for Prince Rupert in the forthcoming election. It was the first public appearance of Mr. McRae since he was seriously Injured at Kemano, May 10. He was brought to the meeting in a wheel-chair to the cheers of the audience. Premier Johnson, accompanied the training cruise. While In Prince Rupert over 5. Water- raiuiipaung in uie ri.ii oi. 14 .12 . Raenn: ; rock suddenly gives away from the weight of the earth above John ventures aie Pacific Petrol. the weekend, sailors and officers 0, 18 6. 14, 12. Royal; II, 28,000. 18.8. 14, 12, eums. Peace River Natural Gas, were entertained at the Civic It, are common in deep mines. Centre, private homes and the In effect, the rock is virtually YPiranTI 91HOO 1BS ouiiiay wu vui pui aiuiii, null Mr ' McRae pointed out that in 1947 "half our wartime housing units were boarded up, but in 1948 when the first Forest Management Licence was issued, those 500 homes were filled up almost overnight." Regarding cost of the new homes, he said the city pays only 7Vz percent of the cost, the B.C. government 17' percent and the federal government pays 75 per cent. "In other words, the senior squeezed out with great force. Canadian Legion Church parades were held ley and Edward Bryant, also from Port Simpson. - j Seattle Boat Wins Yacht Race VICTORIA Herbert Day's Ono, of Seattle, Sunday was declared the winner of the 130-mile Swlftsure yacht race. The Ono finished with a corrected elapsed time of 26 hours, 11 minutes and 13 seconds. Seattle boats captured the next seven places. Dr. Phil Smith's Gossip came second in 28:32.35; Franklyn Eddy's Dorade. third in 26:45.39. Sunday. , , , Company, Canadian Atlantic, ! L"n7!,CrZ: Yankee Princess and Empire ..; Sandys. 5.000; petroleums. - reland, 10.000; Fredelia One navy man, at least, made sure of a "practical" souvenir. by his wife and Percy Richards, his executive assistant, arrived here by private plane at noon TIDES- Tuesday, June 3, 1952 (Pacific Standard Time) High : 9:39 15.5 feet 21:49 18.5 feet Low 3:38 7.4 feet 15:30 7.9 feet i. Spur, 7.000; Coven-Trump. 35,0(K); Miss '8.000; Mobro, 14.000; 3.K); Nor Cap. 13.000; 12.000; Sable R, 14.000; md, 18.000; Four Forty, :, nith, 7.000. This morning before departure, Lt. Cdr. R. Phillips, commanding officer of HMCS Antigonlsh, was seen carrying aboard his ship a huge halibut, all trussed up. Combines In Rubber Industry pllals in tins province were in dire straights and asked the government for $1,000,000 "just to keep their doors oien." j "As a business man, I couldn't understand it, but the main reason for the money was because these institutions were unable to collect accounts and they needed help. We gave them $650,000 at that time." Since hospital insurance came into effect, he said, 741.000 accounts amounting to $56,000,000 have been paid by the government. He cited several cases where bills ran Into the thousands of dollars, incurred by people who could never have afforded to pay. Further, said Mr, Johnson, hospital wage's have been raised and while there are complaints about costs of the plan "I doubt (Continued on Page 3) Four Die governments pay 92 Vz percent of the cost of construction of our homes." INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT He spoke of the development of industry in the province and said Father - BULLETINS the huge Columbia Cellulose de-1 to him during the first 48 hours velopment at Port Edward has after he was injured "would Saturday from Stewart. Because of had flying weather yesterday, the party was driven to Terrace, where he was welcomed by Lands Minister E. T. Kenney, the village commissioner and members of the Liberal party. Enroute, the Premier made a tour of the Columbia Cellulose plant, and visited Miller Bay Hospital, where he and Mrs. Johnson talked with several patients and admired their . handiwork. have cost at least $250 been a boon to the city "and has OTTAWA (CP) Combines Commissioner T. D, MacDonald reported to the government the alleged existance of combines in Canada's rubber industry. Nineteen rubber companies Including all leading manufacturers are involved, as well as the Rubber Association of Canada, the Industry's spokesman. Justice Minister Garson today He stressed that when a person is injured the main things that FORECAST ' cliiurliness becoming il-h rain late Tuesday 11 Li'tle change in tem- Lipht winds becoming ; 20 Tuesday afternoon. and high tomor-Port Hardy 46 and 58. and Prince Rupert 42 "come to your mind, is to get the best treatment and that's what I got." tabled MacDonald's 700-page, Without hospital insurance, he said, he would have had a terrific bill, yet all he paid was $35 meant a reduction to Prince Rupert of $14,000 alone in the school buget." "We have also seen construction .of a good hard-surfaced road from here almost to the Columbia Cellulose plant and work Is going on right now on the stetch from Tyee east." The government spent $760,000 alone on the road to Port Edward, said Mr. McRae, adding that it is hoped to have a "real good highway soon all the way 300,000-word ' report. It covets The Premiers speech here 4i2 years investigation by two climaxed a heavy week of elec-comblnes commissioners, but tioneerlng and his motor trip gave no immediate indication I to terrace gave him an oppor-whether companies and the As- tunity to see for himself the US Stcclworkers Strike WASHINGTON (CP) The supreme court ruled 6-3 today that President Truman's seizure of the steel industry was unconstitutional. Within minutes CIO President Philip Murray called a nationwide strike of 650,000 steelworkers. Paris Laborers Halt Work PARIS (CP) The Communist-run French Confederation Generale du Travail called a 24-hour strike in the Paris area for Wednesday in protest against the government's crackdown on the Reds. M'CATOR DIES muK t - John Dewey. 11 as lather of progression, died Sunday. In Week-end Accidents condition of roads In this terri sociatton will be prosecuted. on leaving Vancouver General Hospital after an 11-day stay. Mr. McRae paid tribute to Alex Hunter, Managing Editor of the Daily News, who died from Injuries in the May 10 accident, and expressed the hope that John F. Magor, publisher of the Daily News, who suffered serious Injury to both feet, would be able to return here soon from hospital in Vancouver. ithers Dentist Case By The Canadian Press A boating tragedy, a truck to Terrace. HOSPITAL INSURANCE He had nothing but praise for the B.C. Hospital Insurance scheme, explaining that cost of hospital and medical treatment crash and a construction acci tory. On their arrival here Saturday, the Premier and his wife went directly to the McRae home where they were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. McRae. ' 1 Later, the Premier met a group of native counsellors at the Civic Centre, attended a tea and after a dinner in the banquet room of the Broadway Cafe spoke to the citizens. VOLUNTARY INSURANCE As has been the case throughout his 10.000-mtle chain of ed as Major Issue By The Cantdlan Press OTHERS The case of Dr. Xavier Weber has an election issue here. Political Roundup dent took four lives in British Columbia during the week-end. Three of the fatalities were on Vancouver Island, the other near West Vancouver. Ernest Major and his three-year-old daughter perished Sunday when their boat sank after colliding with a submerged log in Alberni Inlet, 15 miles south of Port Alberni. Major's wife managed to swim to shore. Prestdun Walton McNeil, 25-year-old riulp mill worker, was killed Sunday when the truck he Socred MP Confident of Party Victory I-.L . rwr is h dentist who Switzerland three mmni nt. him to stay here June 12 election, will spean He is the only dentist between meetings that will take him to every riding in B.C. before election day, Mr. Johnson hammer briefly at tonight's meeting. Prince George and Prince Ru , lime up iarming, , Plea of hundreds of he opened a practice pert and demands have been .i t., olontlnn nlatforms ed on the idea that a voluntary He is one of five Social Credit leaders who will speak In B.C. today. Solon E. Low, national leader, speaks In Trail; Premier Manning will address a Vancouver rally; and Lands Minister Tanner and A. J. Hooke, minister of economic affairs, are speaking on the Lower Mainland. that government action be taken! hospital scheme-as proposed by could not pull us out antil daylight because his horses were out pasturing and he couldn't find them in the storm. There was nothing to do but sit in the car and wait. "And since, neither Mr. King nor myself smoke, we just sat and talked until 7 o'clock when the farmer came along and pullod us out." In keen him here. -' r.u6.r.oo... ---- granted a temporary 7 '-lie B. C. College of rwons dated to expire has a riprrn0 in -- . ,, ll rSwaHtf Iartl0 Isn't Service clubs and otner w- ouum w4-u.u feasable. uanizations have prepared a was driving plunged off the road three miles south of Nanalmo. George Ralph Charbonneau, 50-year-old laborer, was- killed Instantly Saturday when an overhead tractor loader crushed him against a truck. He was working on a road project near "t would Just throw a large nart of hospital costs back on petition for Health Minister Turnball. demanding that licensing be put in the hands of the provincial government, and municipal governments," he said, Full of confidence in victory for the Social Credit Party in B.C., H. H. W. Beyerstein, member of parliament for Camrose, is in the city to speak at a party rally at the Civic Centre tonight. The greying 45-year-old chiropractor by profession, In an interview this morning said that On the basis of membership "we've got the election won in B.C." Some ridings are not as active as others, he said, but generally the citizens are anxious to learn more about the party and have flocked to meetings in good numbers. Dr. Beyerstein spoke at Prince George Thursday and at Burns Lake, Friday. Art Murray, Social Credit can- "and would bring back to nos ' pitals the old problem of un that nr Wpher lie eranieu a West Vancouver. . While Dr. Beyerstein did not necessarily come to this part of the province to discuss roads, he can give a first-hand account of travel difficulties. He spent last Thursday night in a car stranded in a mudhole enroute from Aleza Lake to Prince George. Dr. Beyerstein and Lou L. King. Social Credit standardbearer for Skeena. had gone tto the lake for a meeting and on their return a storm arose and the highway was "nearly flooded." "About 20 miles out -of Prince George we went down to the hub caps in a mudhole. That was about 11 p.m. A farmer about a mile away said he ent licence. Petition has! collected bills." Dr. Beyerstein came to the north country direct from Ot permane The premier explained how 'fom Berne University practised 10 yeass in ""fore coming to Can- 'Mr-old dentist must. ' PaiN Canadian exam-M getting a per- Tl? t0 K0 t0 tne Unl-' Alberta, nearest unl-.i'lh a dental school, , as he was piven the " DV 9 lit I, in u by hundreds oi Terrace east to been signed people from Another the BCHIS came into being and coir) he Is hannv that he was Elmer Roper, CCF leader In Alberta and MLA for Edmonton for the past 16 years, will speak here tomorrow night st the Civic Centre. ' George Hills, the party's candidate for Prince Rupert In the coming provincial election, also will speak briefly. Mr. Roper is one of two CCF members of the Alberta Legislature, the other being A. J. I.lesemer of Calgary. Vanderhoof. Tho rniieee of Dental Sur- responsible for hospital insur- Atom lilaSt ' " i int(i.tc nullified nnc.e tawa and will address meetings all week before returning to the Capital. It Is his first trip to this part of B.C., but prior to th Social Credit convention In New Westminster, he toured the Fraser Valley and Vancouver Island centres. LAS VEGAS Another atom ic bomb was set off Sunday at .i j i -i Hnnt h.'t rv : miniKLPr r-ftiiauii wuiicu a v in , - -xi'iiunuvs in CjO- canaaian acbiLc i . fl d tnose wn0 have the Yucca Flats testing ground Diane fn I Tand sconce 7n ordefc stated the .scheme, was pushed It was the 19th blast set off by United States at this site. " tuKc a iwo i through in too great a hurry and rie at McGill, but the get a B.C. licence.