1 I ltl. - ,Sctiou 33 rTinte Kuperr Uuily INc.i Ma, )x I r e Je, ; r.n the -mitrm-ly Ti'.pre-rater-marlE u Jiwimnne BtraH: thence annth. wly 'the wmtlHwrst corner of l-W.ifr", '.urn. ..U-n - -.moI eanuTty north-east corner tttereof, thenoe due nit to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Spiller Channel; thence In a general northerly direction along said westerly boundary to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Cheents Lake; thence n a general easterly direction English Soccer Team Display Claimed Greatest Ever Seen said .Lot 842; rtenM southerly In ' BlralKlit Irne te a point on the easterly boundary of the watershed f Tmuka . tue east from the mow coutliHrty nutih-east oorner of 8.T.L. 1 1U1HP i: thence In a wneral ktaTICE op application kr KfW MANAGEMENT LICENCE , ,1,,. Land ftwcordln District, of Vun.ni ffanalmo. Albernl, Vn-,ver Kiid -Prince tupert. and , .u.icd i The -and Bimrlct of tu'nw Mllt. iupert. Owwt Jtailt'i- ' L'mHl " "'1 ftMUIt HaW TAKK WT" ht ' . . ,",huk.e " knnitwtl ' nuptled slur ace along said northerly boundary to a mrehert trwaor, lnne the aald point due north of the most northerly north-west irner of Lot 130 Dodgers Lead With Sunday's "wo1 tmmtiary to yonrt O tie weat. at -tee autirr-w-. wmier of Lot )U .,.. l.lnara T"""""- -n. WJ aiU Win ur. st " ".., ..,. lihmiiw -WMMrly to nhe most until ueiu ur aouthftrMi outrun-1 nortrr-weat napHwaM of i . wirrwr Lot IKK oertain Crown larwls mot ....... Ulllll i'r"1" u,ri.h. tins 4lU..... ZJL DAILY NEWS ,r,BJy Blienax-u. - ! I --HituaiBd In the vlclnrty Hotspurs Trim All-Stars 9-2 "(a.-. ttMP, ; tamice southerly to the mnfo--Hit -;npner thereof; theiKie wmeny Sotkjwing the southerly toxtnaariea ol imu, W)4 (T.L. 8B42P) IMI fl8 YTi ML'P) to the south-east comer aaid .Lot ley; Ohence inortherry otid wemerlv fol- It ' Rookie Pitchers Stop Cubs By The Canadian Press NEW YORK Brooklyn Dodgers vaulted int , i Pulp Lease j; thence due east to the westerly high-water-mark of Spiller Channel: thence In a general southerly direction along aald westerly hlgh-water-mai'k to a point lue west of the north-west corner of Lot 715; thence east to said corner; thence easterly and southerly along the boundaries of said Lot 715 to the northerly boundary of Lot 128 (Pulp Lease); thence easterly and southerly along the boundaries of said Lot 128 to the westerly high-water, mark of Brlcgs Inlet; thence In a general southerly direction along said westerly hlgh-water-mark to Coldwell Point; thence westerly rn a straight line to Ettershanks Point, ,, Jordan ntvci. ut the north-west C,,m"i'-i"-'K r,,-r i Lot 75, Kontrew Land i)la- tewing the txinmlaries of said Lot GST t'11- ..f i....ti fin Ptifi Rl-.riLic J 83 to the outb-eHt oorner of Lot 161 (T.L. e:!Wi; theno northerly futlnwlnii the eainerly boundary of said Lot lei to the southerly boundary of the watershed of Naka Creek; thence In neneral anterly direction following the said soutrheMy boundary ! By The Canadian Press VANCOUVER Ten thousand persons sat in ,,..... easterly along the northerly muit.ry "I 75 10 tne iiuumlury of Lot 745; thence ' '.tl.,.riy uustcrly. northerly and ,,t,'iiv Blunt; the boundaries of naul , , V4! to th north-wfRt corner -., thence northerly to the the driver's seat in the National League pennan rare Sunday, beating Chicago 3-2 while St, Loui1 Cardinals upset the erstwhile leaders, New Yor Giants, in both ends of a doublehtader, 8-7 and 8-2. leo Island: thence In a general west to the wenterry 4undarv jf tlie I erlv direction along the northerly Callister Park here Satur watershed off Adam tlver; thence In hlgh-water-mark of Return Channel ilMll- day and marvelled at the City All-Stars 1,1 iiornrr of Lot 17(1; thence uumi; tin: northerly fcouixlar-luts 17ti. 176 and 177 to the u-.t turner of tuid Ijoi 477.; northerly to "the .north-west ,,t b T. L. 37:P; thunce ut- was sound and Dunbar and Eby were reliable. The city forwards broke away and Verhaar beat Attwell completely with a shot a general aierth -easterly direction U) the point of commencement," following ism westerly "boundary to ! ipaiiel B" the soutberlv ii(rh -water -mark o! ! Roderick Island. Jumes Island. Johnstone 'Strait; thence in a gen-suiiun island, and Indian Island, etal westerry tttrectiem long aald Range 3, Coast Land District. UMOhurlv friiij. in i hi Rookies Ben Wade and Joe Black stopped the Cubs on five j player-manager Phil Cavarrei hits to enable Brooks to steam tae's pinch-hit triple chasia one game out in front. Dodgers J Wade in favoi of Hlack. "m scored all of their runs in the Black fanned Ed Miksis I K t second iiiiiiiig. i reliie the aiuc u.W t uiUu. ". m the northerly ounaaries wo nie ..,-,. . from a very narrow angle. Nuy 'tcr made It 5-0 after a good for by the famous English ! ) NaVY FOT first division team, Tot-jM T , 37J4H and. Ui'l.t ut liieipomt of ornnrnennement 'I I. . . .... ! Commencing at the north-east cor- tne vicinity .. . . . , R oast Lanid n.oi'K 4 turomed hi , ,wilv lioultuury Ut xnc MM"'!""' " i. .,!..,., I nr,iit Gil Hodges drove home two ; Toby Atwel! and Fondy in t!f .,H1 Ni.muiiuj n"-7 with his seventh homer and rih-westerly along the said T.li-jf to the northerly u.,ieriy laiundarjf of the watershed of Wye tenham Hotspurs, as they HSIlSOn 1 TOPliy defeated British Colum- . , . . p. no In Saturday night's Hanson bia mainland All-btars y-. Trophy football competition a Oldtimers here said their team representing the city beat a IjtmltClltl V of Port McNeill. District, being a point on the west- Onrntnenerng t the iorth-west ; criy hlgh-water-mark of F r a s e r oorner of Lm B6. ftupert iLamd DIs-; Reach; thence in a general south-krlot. being a iit on the southerly I crly direction along the - westerly hiKh-wuter-mark jf fort McNeill. hlgh-water-mark of Praser Reach. BroUKhton Btrait: thenoe outherly , Oraham Reach and Tolmie Channel fntlnutinir tfcu, .. -1 ..t ttt rhn mnnt sniifherlv ROiilh-eat. the vicinity f Mile Poat ninth to end the game'. ' In the American League, Bo ton Red Sox pulled to with 1 1 one game of front-runnii Clevelaiid Indians as Ellis Kit. der gained credit for the 3 J victory over Chicap;o. The t' i Carl Furillo scored the winning run when 'johnny Klipstein walked Pee Wee Reese with the bases loaded. Wade blanked the Cubs until the eighth inning on one hit net' in a gmierul westerly li-iiHint! the northerly 4niary wi.wrshcd of Wye Creek mi i,l itn- Idit. 25, Sectlona J8 and 12. Township corner of Lot 58 (Pulp Lease), Range ward combination. Boulter was called on and was finally beaten by Hanneford with good shot. City got the ball past Attwell but it was disallowed on the claim that it was offside. Teams: Navy Attwell; Jones, Haskel; McCann, Webster, Code; Hall, Dovey, Hanneford, Ford. Prince Rupert Boulter; Eby, Dunbar; John Wilson, Bishop, Eckrt; Verhaar, Hank Nuyten, Pat Wilson, Phillips, Maron. j,. Cl't't'K 111 l' eiuiwriy wnimnij ti.ii: )" when he lost his stuff. SinglesHumpH'wus Kinder" 18th . ,t :i:t i'I L. 47B6P); Dhi'iioe soutti-i-rv'w. ti'1' soulh-east corner thereof; ,',.,.,. westerly aluiiB the sinrtihnrly '.tuirfliiiiei. i.f L't ":' T1. 476P ,,ld i,i :iS2 i'I'L 4734P) tor a total by Dee Fondy, Hal Jcffcoat and over the White Sox 8 to the south-east -corner OT Section 3 Coast Land District; thence west. 11 of said Towwmip B; thence west- fly t" the south-west oorner there-erly to the south-west oorner there- of; thence due west to the easterly of: thence aoutiherry and wesuirly hlgh-water-mark of Laredo Inlet; following the boundaries -HI Section I thence In a general northerly dlrec-3. of said liewmmrp C. to the south- ! tion along said easterly high-water-west corner thereof; thenoe southerly i mark to Tuite Point; thence north-following the westerly oundarles of I westerly In a straight line to a point equals have never been seen on Navy team by 5-1. But the value this coast, and that as a team j of the victory was dimmed by they nurpassed Newcastle Uni- I the fact that the Navy had only teds' display here three years ; nine players in the first half and ago, although they had no out- j ten in the second, standing star such as Jackie! Navy's Attwell was clever In Milburn. turning a hot drive from Nuyten Tottenham led 5-0 at half. ! over the bar but had no chance Master tactician of attack was i at all when Maron headed in inside-right Les Bennett, who , Verhaar's fine corner kick. Pat scored four eoals. Len Puoue'min, i Wilson was hight in on the goalie i u,.m,M'"' til UU clialns; tnence due I Mri, i.i tin- northerly boundary of I i., i i'I'L. 477'i; thence west- Sections . 7 and 22. 5'ownehli) 14. the westeily hiKh-water-mark of tu the aoutti-jweirt. oarner tit said I said Laredo Inlet due east of the Beetlon 22; thenoe wenterly follow-1 summ't of Mount Parry; thence west rng the nonmerky bouiKinrics of i to lo said summit, summit. Deing a poun on I the easterly boundary of the water sTL 7fil8P and 6ilfP to the north ,i.,7 i'l ! 47.il'i: thence northerly so ;i' ...Kith-ea.-.t corner of Lot 3(W 1 l. 4'ri4lJi, thence westerly to the .mUi-wei.'i corner tliereof; thence vMUit'i iy along the easterly 4kioiic1mt- i ul'.L. 4746P) and H04 ) L 4itiii") to trie illih-eaKt cut-,r ol Mini 804; thence westerly to gat the city's second goal and t For the Navy, ftttwetl did fairly well m goal. He did Tiot take kindly to Pat "Wilson's worrying tactics. Jones and Haskell rie-fended soundly nd igot good length into their tkg. Webster, was clo.se in again to pick up a loose ball to put city all -stars shed of Tyler Creek; tnence In a general northerly direction along said easterly boundary to the westerly boundary of the watershed of Nlas Creek; thence In a general northerly west corner of naid 6TX.. 7510P; thenoe southerly to the mKt easterly south-east oorner ol S T L. 1972P: thence westerly following the northerly oiart of the sfiutlierly centre forward, netted twice, Sonny Walters and Tommy Har-mer tallied one each, while Alf Ramsey, England's International fullback, netted the Kher coun- souUrt'riy "bonndanes til tlluii!' along the westerly bound- boundary of said ST L. 1B72P and ! direction 11,4 iTL. 474UPI and 3(iS (TL. ttie watershed ol Nlas the Drolonttatkin westerly thereof to arieB ol two goals up. Attwell turned hard drive from Nuyten, tut Rupert did most of the pressing. Jones a id Haskell defended well. On the resumption, the Navy had mure oi the piay but Bishop MeCano nfl Code defended well with" Webster showing good ball control. Hall and Dover thowed real class in their footwork but (Continued on page 61 Creek, Anchor Lake and utedale ler irom a penalty M-K. Lake to a point due west of the. Dennis Rogers scored both counters for the losers. "Briiish Columbia Hospital Insurance Service" W, Runge 4. Coast Land District; thence east to said north-west corner; thenoe easterly to the north, tost corner of said Lot liK, lielng the point tit commencement." Tottenham plays at Victoria Monday night and again in Vancouver Wednesday night. . tne westerly boundary of STL. 3S45P; thence southerly to the northeast oorner of STL. 1H75P; thence westerly and southerly following the boundaries of said STL. IU7fiP to the south-west corner thereof; thenoe westerly following the southerly boundaries of STL's 197BP and 3IM7P to the flonth-west corner of raid S T.L. 3047P; thence northwesterly In a straight line to the south-eust corner uf STL. 1377P; thence westerly following the south- i,41f) to toe aoulh-west corner of jia 1,1 m:U: thence northerly along v-i-.'-ily lii'tintlary of fiuld lxit i 1 t, a iMint line east of the aollth. i , nnr 1,1 1-t 3J0 IT L. I227UP); t.it iici' wi'H to auid corner and cin-ii:,..nt" v.tsterly along the simcherly k.imuary ' .! Lt M to the a,:.:.!,! liiitiiKlury of the watershed ,ii homiii'iii Kiver; tlMmce In a gen-i;j wni'ii'Tty oiwction along Mild , li.iy boundary ot the watershed m . ...mil oi Kiver to the northerly i,nuiii:.iy of Lot 252 (T.L. UMimP); :,,i, i'. i.: silly, southerly and west-,i;v ii n;: the tioridurieK of aartl 1.: 'j.i:: tu the aiortn-easl wiener en THE ROUND-UP Parcel "Ii" "Commencing at the most southerly corner oi Lot 08 (Pulp Lease). I(aiii;n :l. Coast Land District, being SOFTBALL TONIGHT By OAYLE TALBOT point on the easterly high-water- criy Boundaries of H T L s I3T7P n'M mark of Hlekish Narrows; tnence in JHP to the -sotith-weHt corner it Kenra.l northerly direction along said S IX. im.tf ; ithenoe due west I .heeaiirlv hiarh-WtttRr-onark of Hle- Prince Rupert Softball League British Take To American Champ to the- westerly boundarv ol 8TJ. i. ii, Uii-nce aoutherly vi the aisli Marrows, ranaii Keach ,11-cUidlna areen Jnlet. Khutze Inlet, uer ! ud il 189 be-:i 'MI7SIP.- thmwe nuptiairry to the noroli "Maureen Is a -teacher's dreasn girl. She is technically as sound as a bell, as well as being one f oil tne atiireialU hlKh' west uner thereof; ithenoe westerly ! Aulimihiisli Inlet and Klekane In- piiiit goes Into action tonight with its opener between CC 300 and its Numbe 1 team no sponsori. T'e game time is 7:30, at the Gyro ball park. fit 4inili -de 'uea Strait lollownir the southerly bmindarli's uf i tll Blll Eraser Beach to a point due BTX.-s isyp and UtoP to the 11(,rth f the most westerly end of the fittest players I have ever British tennis enthusiasts are 1 more excited about Maureen Connolly, the sensational youngster Irom San Diego than they ahve been about any newcomer tt their showers for many a year. Thev have taken the 17-year-old south-west corner of the east of j w.irlt island: thence -due .north to seen on the court. She promises ' seta iaP: thence northerly j . he westerly taiiindarv f the water- IoHowiiv! the westerly bonilarieB ( ! shed of K.H kane Inlet: thence In a in a fenerul easterly direction ism! luKli-waltirmiark the i.l (.iinmeiimttient" i luii- with tm k 8)2 ami (! exrept farce! A. Malarial i and tne lotlowlng properties i.ihw uisirii t. Hection S. I., li.y k ;he east , of STL 's VjmP and i Beneral norih-westerlv tllrecuon alona Remember when? a7!P 14) TJhe iirrh-e8t eonier 'Of ii Mwmnv imtmilitrv bi .a .noint American champion to their ixi east of S T L. 7UP; tilience ; ,1 ue east ol wie most sotrtherlv oorner The great first base star Lou i.ut Lot Wis; Section tfc; will be the subject of an address by Hon. Douglas Turnbull Minister of Health and Welfare Minister of Trade and Industry CFPR Tuesday, 2:45 3:00 p.m. Inserted by Liberal Campaign Commute a ii...t iui i t.t Uil B7 lying o the irtni ounaaries oi sections :io ana u.(,n!il Lamj uistrict; thence west to ucungui uic i" - ".iv to be the best of the bunch." The London Daily Graphic,; which has been running a series of movie strips showing how the wonder girl brings off Iwr var-i ious hots, refers to her as the i "greatest giwund-stroke exponent in the world," and doesrft bother to -exelucte men from the i competition. .,1 On ii'nilierly boundary rt PIu,.itwnMiip V. to the south-west cr-nw lit : Unit Dart of Lot lyrnsiner of said Section .16; thence norrti- said TOner. b'ing a point on thei-dred 11 years ago voaay aner a easterly high-waer-mark of Fraser i (,w0-year fight agains'. a spinal hearts. Dan Maskell, veteran Winmbre-don professional who has played against all the great women stu;a. nrieiit an houh across the net from littb Mo. I'm in.iiii of the northerly bound- erly following the westerly boundar- Heath; thence northerly alng the , . GehriK earned his liron m i.l I... l Koo: Section b;l except les of Section 35, Tonshlp 12. fcisc-Hreei a, lot B0. excerit that waTtltmn I and II. Township 4 to Me tin ii if ii, srrilxiil as coninienclng at ! south-east corner of Section 15 of easterly nign-wuier-inara oi riM:i - . fc neach ana Ursula channel to the ! man" nickname by playing 8,130 north-east corner of S T L. B42P. coasecutive scheduled American being a point on the southerly high- eague baseball games in 14 water-nnuk of Uout HarlMur; thence, participated ill 34 oorner of said Lot: I said Township 4: thence westerly to the south-west corner of the east '- The Tally's tn From Davis Cup Ploy lhinie nisUTly nluiiB tlie northerly iyii;in;irv i.i .said Lot a dlmance ol Kiiiniieriv to me iiiol ruflirnf wu." . - . of said Section 15: thence northerly following the westerly boundaries nl m i :i..m-.. thence southerly at right- world series c'jntAsts. He had twice been chosen as the most a Ulstuiice of 6 chains; tnence , tne earn, ui rx-ciions io anu m nt'lirlv urifl parnllel to tne ania j ei ewiu -rownwiiip v to me -mn lu-cu.-. .1 valuable player in the American League. :WrT7;.rrf!,-p' bits east corner of said STL. 8B42P; thence easterly and aoutherly along the boundaries ol STL.- 188 IP to the southerly boundary ol the watershed of Clout Harbour; thence In a general easterly direction along the southerly boundary of the watershed of Ooat Harbour and Triumph Bay to a point due south of the southeast' corner ol S T L. 6567P; thence north-easterly In a straight line to the south-west corner of Lot 48 (Pulp Lease); thence northerly to the north-west corner thereof, being after payment of taxes $32,480; Australia's share $21,887.04; Sweden's share $7,840. A friend in Melbourne writes that Ausie tennis officials seem to feel there Is something wrong with these figures. They did all the work and wound up with less money than the Americans. He explains, however, that the Australian Tennis Association had to pay a whopping "company" tax which the visitor were spared. ii.rtlin iy bnimilary to an Intersec- j corner of the south-west quarter oi Linn una the easterly boundary ofjfald Section 2"2; thence westerly to 1 li.i the ncc northerly bIoiir aald the north-went corner of said south-iwaem butinoiiry to the oolnt it of Section Township 4; iLrimii n ineirt." Ittienoe northerly following the west- ,,,. ., , , ' t..,-,,, rry SKumoaries of Sections 22 ami fii.xi. i ituuMKj in the vrclirty of aW TowBhl to lhe nonn. ..., Inlet. . HliiiKmnh j wrnw f fi9eUoa tlK.llce j! . .w, , i,!wr e the south-west corner of the ummi neli.,; at , Secukm 83 f sa Township 4; -', "i'T '''"T, iJT,.' !the.H norttierly alone the westerly Final figures on what contending countries received from last winter's Davis Cup play In Australia are at hand, and it is not difficult to see why the boys down under sometimes feel they hie having their pockets picked. Broken dow.a into dollars for convenience, they follow: , Net profit from the Sweden-United States inter-zone final and the U.S.-Australia challenge round- $105 324.81): U.S. shaivj CHOOSE. THE - f TFre of Champions a point on the southerly hlgh-water- Baseball Scores SUNDAY National Philadelphia 5-1, Pittsburgh 1-2 Brooklyn 3, Chicago 2 Boston 0-9, Cincinnati 1-4 New York 7-2, St. Louis 8-S American Chicago 2, Bostc i 3 D'Jtroit 3-6, Washington 1-3 Cleveland-New York, ruin. St. Louis-Philadelphia, double- K.'iTm.irk of Ileydun Buy LaKe; to the northwest corner of said Section B; thence easterly along the U.iwe nurtht'ily to the southwest mark of Klltulsh inlet; tnence uue north to the northerly higa-water-inark thereof; thence In a general westerly direction along said northerly hlKh-water-mark to the south l - - " Lot MS llimoer las-l ...... h....i.x.l.u.Lus -.1 Uwllnn a Ml Mrnl li. tTowwthtp 41. to tlie north erly iiiiih-water-niark of Gardner canal: inence in a general north Uf ti)Uii(inre.4 W aitHl Uit 93 to tlie ii' iiiv boundary of STL. 40MM-i.iiiil', ttinnni' nortiherly along the nch-ru li'imirlurles of S T.L. s lOOWl-I'UVJH und 40f(l2-1207;iP to the uiiuiiv iiouuuiirv uf STL. oaeaf; east iwmei' of "the west ui sold tsecthm 11; thenoe southerly to th-i sinnih-eaet oorner f said west '2 hectlwt) 22; tnence asterly aong the southerly botuutarles of Sections 11 and II to the south-west corner of easterly direction along said southerly nlgh-wuler-niark to tne most northerly north-west corner 01 Lot 44 header, rain. (Pulp Lease); thence easterly to the nortn-east corner thereof; thence IM-M iiL.terly to the south-east ttoe aouttt-eaet 14 of said Section soutn 45" east to the easterly bound in r thereof; -.Hence due eauvo;. y,, nonre-ny vi the north ' i i.sii riy laiunilury of the waer-1 w ( fllM southeast 14 ary of the watershed of ICIItulsh SATURDAY Western International Victoria 5, Salem 6 1U inniiifrs) Vancouver 4, Tri-CIty 5 v. Wenatchee L, Lewiston 12 -, 1 'ill-"""!" lurc; tnence nurio- thmw KW)Wsriy akniK the northerly tlience In southeWy bmiudary ituet: general "V uwm; sum easterly; boundary t j omrftarjes 1 tit saKl soudneaat 14 LlirvcUuu alonfe Hire aawjrry tin iHiitaer.Hr kanunuaty -l MeJ I nd che'intithv,, l Section 1. Tvrir- fa the wutersned of Kiltu 1I1. 11 Lake; tlience lltMBh ' tniet til.mtlale and Oraham Keach to the northerly ship b, to the westerly boundary of nr.y along tne northerly boiruu- .y,,,, u TowrJShip S; thenoe north boundary of the watershed of Carter Bav: tlience in a general westerly and southerly ttrrection .along the northerly anu westerly boundaries of "1 in tl.e watershed of Olemlale iie n( eul(C4,rly umii tr,e ooundai-ai'U (llendale Creek to a point lue : mM m to tne aoutherly 'fh ui the north-east comer flf rilnJWaT,ma,.t of Queen Oharlotts ",l " : thence sowth Mt. ttoenoc In general easterly 'i .'Jitri enrner; tilmiKM1 southerly ulcni direction -along the southerly hlgh-ie t ur u i iy boimrturles UJ LoU 8M I waler-niartt it ueen Chiu-lotte and -inl laisi iTL b(j:i!il'i to the south- . . u,,.. ... n,.i.,t ,,r V TABLE LAMPS -v TRI-LITES , ic AND TORCHIERES It. will he a treat for you just to come and see our new arrivals in table lamps iin the latest colors and designs. . the watershed 'of salu Carter Bay to a point due north of the north-west coiner of Lot 55. Range 8, Const Laud District; thence south-westerly In a straight Hue to the must south Yakima 1, Spokane 3 Pacific Coast .Seattle 5, Sacramento 3 Portland 9, San Di'go 0 , Oakland 0, Hollywood 8 Los Angeles 8, San Francisco C SUNDAY Pacific Coast League Portland 4-2. San Diego 1 -3 , Oakland 2-2, Hollywood 6-11 Los Angeles 2-4, San Francisco 8-5 Seattle 7-6, Sacramento 5-3 ii uer of said Lot 120D; thence coiniiiMicemeiit' 1 (L erly comer of aforesaid Lot 06. Pulp r l, . i i i.i,i i Lease, being the point 01 commence- 7' . "" '" nient 'a:.uny ui,,uK n,r nnrllierly bound-a"ir ul UHs 12U3 I T.L. llliTOP) aslCl '-"l i'I.L. ll.WPi to the north-east """er i.i wild Lot 1204; thence sinUi-lrlV to the sotii.h-e.isl comer thoreuf; iiniiei- ,111,. ,.ast to the westerly rtt"1 j Together with Lot 5S. Work Island, VKMrmienrang at me m Range 4. coast uistnct. oorner tn 1 vor-, touibc o. ',u( el "K" '"'iindary uf the watershed of Glen- j Commencing at the most south' Coust Land District, being a point1 on the northerly hlgh-water-mark of: Gordon & Anderson erly corner of Lot 43 (Pulp Lease). Kiinne 4, Coast Land District, being a point on the easterly hlgh-water-niurk of tiardncr Canal; tnence In a general northerly direction along miiii easterly hlKh-water-mark to the Return Channel on tne Boutneriy shore line of Yeo Island; thence westerly and northerly along the oundares of Lot 134 (Pulp Lease) to the morth-west corner thereof; I uke; thence 111 a general south-''IV Mircctiiiii iikinc the westerly '""iiuliuii-s of the watershed of (;l'nilule. if, y,Hm (bay and Heydon 'i't'ii tu a point due nurtto ol the '" "ii-eust corner of Lot 14; hence ;j,"Ui ti, Wim rorner; thence due eaet J" Hn' nurtlierly hlgh-water-mark ol UIVIHHI l,ii,k.- 1 tt.i.n.o in ,u neikeeal Western International Vancouver 4-3, Tri-City 5-7 Yakima 5-4, Spokane 6-5 Wenatchee 9-0, Lewiston 1-4 Victoria 5, Salem 2 SATURDAY American Phone 46 thence northerly In a straight line mafct .gterly north-west corner of to a point on the southerly bound- Lot e0 )Pulp Lease); thence easterly and northerly along tne rjounoaries y Of Til. 47031'. Sam poilll umi'S of said Lot 50 to the most northerly 80 chains west of the aoutn-east corner thereof; thence lue north to north-west corner thereof; tlience clue north to the northerly boundary of the watershed of Crab Hiver; the southerly boundary 01 11. 473P; thenoe easterly along the aald southerly boundary 411 chains; thenca due north to the southerly boundary Lhence In a general easterly anil southerly direction along the north Chicago 7, Boston 3 Cleveland at New York postponed, lain. St. Louis at Philadelphia postponed, rain. Detroit at Washington postponed, rain. National ' Pitsburgh 5, Philadelphia 3 neihiiy direotuin aluiuf the north-' "iv lui li-wiiuir-niark il Heyon and 'ieiHim, Huy 4.ne.s to the yolnt ot rllltM!leni:eniolA.M fnrnei u" "iiiiimencini; at the wiuth-east iiii iier 01 HT L. 6024P, JlanRO 1. Coast '"'ill lilstrict, being a point on the iMeriy lunii-water-murk of Cooper """ii. Loughborough Inlet; tnence westerly nii,uK ti1P Houtherly bound-arv of sulci S.T.L. li24P to the south- TROY RIITTMAN 22-year-old winner ot Memorial Dav Race 128.922 m.p.h. erly and easterly boundaries of the watershed of said Crab River to the mesteriv boundary of the watersnec. of Brim Kiver; thence In a general of STL 4781P; thence easterly to the south-east corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly boundaries of S TX.'S 4781P, 4760P, 4769P and 4768P to the north-east corner of said 8. T.L. 4758P; thence westerly to the north-west comer thereof being a point on the easterly high-t.r.mark of Spiller Channel; southerly direction along said westerly boundary to a point north 45 Cincinnati at Chicago postpon east of the most easterly north-east ed, rain. corner of afolresald Lot 43 "'V biiundary of the watershed of niuiloru Kiver; thence westerly. 'KTilicriy, easterly a.nd nouUierly Lease); thence southerly in a straignt line to a point on the northerly """K tlie aoutherly. westerly, north BIO LANDLORD The London County Council hlgh-water-mark of Uardner tjanai 50,000 mil ol wdiMty drivbt) pocUd Into Um (Kan 4 jrtrtllifH koun) TKat't A compor-obi Int to which Fimion tinM OM pui tit lh 500-miU roc ol lh Indiaaopolii Spvtdway erW Ftwron firm fa hn an rn win mtng ton tot 29 wmt-K vwtl Follow dvo icMpIo ol ran drtvtn put FifOitonM yout caw end know you r tivtw on th wlM tifM thl money can buy. TaW odWnhit ol 'y and e4iat,i'rlv ibtiundurres at the said point being due norm 03 wie ""rsiieu of stutford Kiver and Staf thence westerly In a straignt uue of Lot 131 tlie most southerly corner (Pulp Lease) being a point on the of said westerly hlgh-water-mark Spiller Channel; thence in a general westerly direction along said west- ... ... 1. tha miKt. "'"i Luke to the northerly boundary which controLs only part or greater London Is landlord for ''I Hit mast northerly north-west corner 01 Lot 44 (Pulp Lease); thence til a general westerly direction along said watershed of Ariule Kiver: HEAR ELMER ROPER Alberto C.CF. Leader J and Edmonton M.L.A., speak at a PUBLIC MEETING ol 8 p.m., Tuesday, June 3rd CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM tlii'i lice eust.erlv Ritiitherlv null west' 130,000 houses and apartments. lilnh-wuter-mark to tne moat suuui- ,,v.ir.'.r.'f. "y ulong the northerly, easterly 1,(1 KOUtherlv hnm, Hurler of the try hlgn-water-mara m southerly south-east corner of Lot eny corner of aforesaid Lot 3 (f-tilp I now, i f ijostono t now low dmm 123; thenoe westerly o u d..- west corner thereol; tlience due wtai s s lueareriv boundary 01 ut w 11 watersiied of Mosquito Buy; thetice ...... il., rniri easterly along the h-mheti i ltt Apple River So .he '"itheriy .bouuKiury of the -water-' '"il 01 Jvliiiic Hiver; thence weaterly "'""Ii Mild soirtherly boundary to the ''itei'iy biiiindury of Lot M0 fT.L. ""I'l; lhen southerly and west-ry iilung n,e boundaries of said :i to the south-west corner miH northerly boundaries of Lease) being tne point 01 euuuueiu.- ment." Panel P" The watersheds of Kitlope and Tsaytls Rivers in Ranges 3 anitl 4. Coast Land District. AI.A.SKA PINE CHLLUl.OKE LIMITED. U. L. 1AIAESEKE, . Beoeeiary lsn Columbia Gazette, the Minister of LuntiH anil Furrsu may maKe flnsl disposal of the application ami. therefore, to Insure consideration, submissions should be received by the Deputy Minister of Forests with, in that periods. However, equal consideration will be accorded to all submissions received at any time prior to final disposal. Submissions should be addressed to: the watershed of said Mosquito Bay boundary of Lot 131 to the westerly d Dl till 1.0MC.P t 1 thence northerly and ,rw sne" ifvt- lr i' ,i being a point on the east. mutt' hffl westerly along the boundaries of said i.,i in to-Liie most westerly south 1, ... . '"Rh-wuter-inw of Ciwper .iei thence liuughborough Ikt; west corner thereof; theuce due west May 10th, 1052. ",u'n-eiist corner of STL. 6024P be- s trie point of commencement 2 Deputy Minister i i-orr, Department of Lands and Forests, ParUamrit Buildings, Victoria. B.C. m9JHJiJI) Any submissions tn respect o the above application nuuJV be tn writing Not less than sixty days after the date of first publication of thU "Notice of Application" In th Brit- ,, ISituated hi the vicinity to the easterly hlgn-waier-m.i Mathleson Channel; thence In general mortherlr lreotkm long said to the easterly tilgh-wter-mark outh-east corner of Lot 73 (T.L. ' "itka Creek ciJ:0m""'nrl"K the north-west.