Prince Rupert Daily Njws Saturday, May 30, 1953 aduating Class at Booth Honored GREER & ORIDDEN LTD. Attractive, Formal ....i..d.. . . Ceremony (Ua.livc and quietly ducted by correspondence from Informal Dance Arranged For US Sailors . j Entertainment to wind up the ; Coronation Day celebration Tuesday evening has been well 1 planned by the celebrations com- j mittee and includes four dances. ; Main Coronation Ball will be Club to Yoshiko M-iUsuo for at taining the highest standing among students in commercial studies. In her valedictory address. niewari. received special recognition by winning two of the six bursaries offered. Winner of the IODE's $100 bursary for general proficiency, presented by Mrs. Jack Flood, was Paul Antrobus. Two wards of $150 each offered by the Parent-Teacher Association for Miss MacKay spoke of the value of team-spirit In life at school. See us to discuss that new constructio (.mounting class at Memorial Hifih School 'noied Inst night before k,noe that tilled the spacious auditorium. Jt mated that more than e present. me ot occasion wrs 'sMitation of bursailej, ,mn going to five girls , buy, Armida Toffoll, a who 1ms completed her ir course in ttuee years, ,ie of them being con- siuacnts going on to NormalJ held in the Navy drill hall, under auspices of the IODE. A second ball will be held in the Canadian Legion auditorium, sponsored by the Legion. A special Informal dance has been arranged at the Armouries for members of the U.S. Navy bcnool went to Arrnlda Toffoll and Joan Smith, with the pres-intatlon being made by Mrs. Petci Mark. Miss Smith Is a graduate of last year' class. 1 and others not wishing to attend fort garry On behalf of the registered the more formal events. A dance and roller skating IA ti A , nurses, Mrs. Neil Stromdahl pre Rented to Donna Petroff the $100 I party has been arranged In the 'Students do not choose their classmates but experience soo teaches that each student has a different personality, that friendship comes with co-operation and that companionship U fostered by team-spirit," sh- Eald. "This parting comes Just when we feel we can really appreciate one another and we know we have made life-Ions friends." Miss MacKay expressed thanks to school board members for their work In having the school enlarged and Improved. She also thanked the ratepayers for miking the new building possible. "The world believes the next generation belongs to Canada," she concluded. "We are this generation. It Is up to us to prove equal to the faith the world has coffee T1CKETS for the RED LABEL Civic Centre for 'teen-agers. bursary for the student adjudg 1 ed the "most suitable to con I t.lnue on to nursing school. The I Snroptirnlst Club's bursary of IfrlOO for the girl in university pronation Ball W. F. Stone, in charge of the entertainment, committee, has issued a special invitation to hostesses for the Armouries dance so visiting sailors may find dancing partners. There may be some of the visi I entrance showing the most r " " w A 0 ecnernl proficiency went to Ar' jmlda Toffoll, with Miss Ellza- at the VY DRILL HALL fort 1 beth Clement making the pres' ! entation. FINEST lit AND OF COFFEE YOU CAN BU iust Be Picked Up IGARRY r ' Norma MacKay, who was also 'class valedictorian, received ! from Mrs. F. E. Anfield the $100 At t -1 1 as in 1 iji n iJ tors, however, who will not wish to attend dances but would enjoy spending an evening at the home of city residents. - The committee therefore asks that all willing hosts to the visitors for Tuesday evening contact HMCS Chatham, coordinating centre for this I bursary donated by the Worn ' en's Canadian Club to the stu LCS CHATHAM 1 RED UBEL j ! dent showing most aptitude in I the English arts. An award of VENEZUELA'S FIRST AMBASSADOrt to Canada, Fernando Paz Castillo, arrives in Ottawa with his wife. Formerly Venezuelan ambassador to Italy and Ecuador, during the Second World War he served at the embassy in London. Venezuela previously has been represented In Canada by consular and vice-consular offices in Montreal, Ottawa, Halifax and Vancouver. j Ma NOW by Uibb PrintliiB I 25 was given by Mrs. Chrw iWorsley on beh'alf of the Business and Professional Women's Missionary Society Holds Tea ruce Brown Briefs Beautiful spring flowers centred the tea table at the annual tea and home cooking; sale of DO YOU KNOW? a In us." With school principal A. M. Hurst as chairman, greetings from the school board were expressed by Dr. R. a. Large. A message from the department of education was given by O. W. Graham . who saw the graduation as the addition ot a "fins quota of citizens" to society. Guest speaker at the occasion was J. F. Magor who expressed belief that the students were making their start In this part of the country. . "Here where the forests reach almost to our doorstep and the horizons of the sea lie open before us, there Is adventure and opportunity and promise which mnke it almost impossible to di anything dull or worthless," he aid. "This Immediate area of mountains, rivers and oceans is Canada In the truest and moat xclting mcr iilng of the word ind no one can say what astonishing events the future mn; hold." Mr. Mi"nr "olnted to the ef forts of families, teachers and hose who have built the country In mnkln the students' education possible. "In addition to your own efforts, there Is the toll and sacri the Women's Missionary Society ; of the Presbyterian Church, held In the church hall on Thursday. : . Welcoming the guests were : the president, Mrs. H. Calder-wood, and the oastor's wife, Mrs. i E. A. Wrifji.t. Convener ot the tearoom was i Mrs. J. A. Teng, assisted by Mrs. J. M. Smith, Mrs. A. E. Wood and Mrs. Cainblin. ! Pourers were Mrs. J. W. East- ' wood and Mrs. W. White," land those serving were Mrs. W. Bremner, Mrs. W. Wilson Mur- reaQers Cash for old gold Buyer's Football Mondny, 7 p.m., C.Y.O. vs. General Motors. (1271 Legion smoker for visit ins; USED CARS '49 Anglia Coach $495 '39 Austin Coach $260 '49 Austin A-40 Sedan.. $750 '49 Studcbaker Overdrive $1395 '50 Austin A-40 Sedan $1000 '39 Hudson Sedan $350 '51 Austin A-40 Sedan $1100 '51 International Truck $1450 SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. Naval personnel and Leglonaires at 9 p.m., June 1. (127) f '(''' Sonja meeting Monday, 620 tive and helpful service to Labor? The answer Is, the Liberals and only the Liberals. The Liberals do NOT believe that Labor Relations is a part-time matter of secondary Importance. Look over the labor legislation passed under Liberal Oovernments and try to find any similar record of action by any other party. Labor lee;islaUon must continually be Improved with changing times. Itltl't'E BROWN, our Liberal candidate, supports the Liberal labor policy, which includes, among many worthwhile features, arbitration rights for all employees of the Provincial Government, and no discrimination based on race, color or creed. Those who want fair and favorable treatment for JLaljor will - 6th West. Hostess Mrs. Satlicr. rny, Mrs. H. C. Halliday and Mrs. W. Bowes. At the home cooking were Mrs. J. Hadden, Sr., and Mrs. W. Spark. (127) whist drive Saturday, May 30. Moose Temple. Everyone THAT in this Province there is a largo group of workers which is denied access to the labour laws available to all other workers? These are the 10,000 employees of the B.C. Provincial Government who build your roads and bridges, tend your forests, man your ferries ond staff your Provincial institutions and Government offices. THAT Government workers are conducting a public relations campaign in an attempt - to obtain the right of arbitration, which would eliminate the possibility of strike action. THAT as a result of this campaign, thousands of citizens are now aware of this j The CGIT group had the candy I stall and the eirls attending welcome. (126) Coromlion Ball ut the Ye-1 were Marion Sniith, Donna Ben-iion -nuditorlum, 10 p.m., juncjnett, Jaiiiette Spark and Sandra 1. Some tickets still available. iTernovoy. Mrs. John Bremner was cash fice of manv others, and that :r the way life is," he said. "We ier. are never really alone, never in ition time everyone claims the friend of Labor In the same way that every-iims to be aqalnst sin. But las a rtcord of construc ; (127) j Attention. Northland Dairy customers. There will be no milk delivery Tuesday. Get your extra milk on Monday. tit) Members of the Over-70 Club Refreshments at Civic Centre rbout 1:30, Coronation Day. Majority In House Needed Quints Celebrate 19th Birthday TROIS RIVIERES, Que. (CP) The Dionne quintuplets cele- . dependent of others. We may niide our fate but we can never be absolute masters of it. It If good that this Is so because i -vithout the unexpeeted. much tf the richness and thrill of life would be gone." I As president of the Students' Council, Penlo Pencff Introduc MiF Bruce Brown- VOTE Liberal . (127) ! mated their 19th birthday , , , , ,,r , i Thursday behind the cloistered mB . d ,nPn Sis of a. convent at Nico!t. auxiliary parade - at 10 am.,; southwest of here on I rune 2, at the Legion Building. , (h south f th g Law. Medals and berets to be worn. ! renre River (127l ' 1 T!Dm to rt miMirtifl, crtior-. luce Rupert IN ORDER TO BRING ABOUT STABLE GOVERNMENT IN BRITISH COLUMBIA SOCIAL' CREDIT MUST HAVE A CLEAR WORKING MAJORITY IN THE LEGISLATURE. NO GOVERNMENT; CAN FUNCTION EFFICIENTLY UNDER A THREAT OF EXPUL TO '1 . I the event. Only sure thinrr known is that there was plenty j of music and singing. i At the Co-op' Bakery Royal Macaroon Cake at a new low price for this week-end only n 45c. Don't forget Co-op en- riched white bread unsliced. Returning from the Coronation green wrapper: sliced, red wrap- 'n Westminster Abbey Queen ... , " v ft Hell - Petersburg Elizabeth wears the Imperial cer. (I26i ed members of the graduating cbss. Thev were: Paul McLaurln Antrobus. PeUr Alexander Bunvll Bell. Fred Oliver Chrlstcnwn. Richmond Roxburgh Dixon, Robert Gordon Dunn. Jerry Alluu Ford. Allen Edwin Fredhelm. Margaret Evelyn Olftke. June Marlon Henry, Btaniey Arthur Kaardal. Helen Alice Kundratluk. Daniel Ellsworth McAfee. Marglt Christine Macarthur. Nell Royle McAra. Norma Margaret lcKay. Dorothy Kathe-leen Marshall. William Ewart Martin, Yoshiko Margaret Matsuo. Barbara Lois Moore. Melvln Robert Moore. Ruasel Louis Morrison. Ethel Jean Moorehouae. Alice Eugene Nick-erson. Richard Auatln Nlckeraon. Roberta Wlnnltred Paul. Harold Edwin Paulson. Messena Dlna Pavllkn. Roy Arctandcr Pedersen. Penlo Stovno Pencil. Donna Helena Petroff. John Grant Phlpps. Ronald Byron Rhodes. Jean Helen 8harpe. Oeorw Robert Sheardown, Allan Taylor bheppard. Derrick Cameron Slack. 1 Arthur Leslie Smith. Barbara Jean Stalker. Anna Greta Swanu. Klyoki Yvonne Tanaka. Marjorle Ann Tat- THAT many newspapers throughout the Province have spoken editorially against this denial of civil right; THAT trade unionists have expressed, ' overwhelming support for our cause; THAT. many members of the Legislature have publicly protested this relegation of Government employees to the level of second-class citizens; THAT we have requested all candidates in the forthcoming election to make known to you, the Public, their stand on this vital issue. rown and, carries the sceptre r.d orb. i Juneau other Alaska Points SION BY MINORITY GROUPS WHOSE SOLE AIM IS TO HARASS AND DESTROY IT IS CLEAR THE REAL ISSUE IN THIS ELECTION IS SOCIAL CREDIT OR CHAOS. Public meeting. Sunday. Miy il. 8 p.m. The ' Liberal. Social Credit and C.C.F. candidates will share the platform at Canadian Legion auditorium. A qucstlor period will be provided followim the address of the candidates Sponsored by the Pulp and Sulphite Watson Island Local and the U.F.A.W.U. (126' VTOMEIRIST Fred I. Dovdie Room 13. SUine Builc!;r,g yho-ic Blue 5!)3 ULLDS IR'-ONES -1- HAKI'T DC MICI tn I MARK YOUR BALLOT FIRST CHOICE. b266 Office Opposite Post Office terMill. Laura Elisabeth Florence Terrlon. Armida Therese Toffoll, Marjorle Ann Wav. Cecil Lee Wing. Rur.- DON'T FORGET tino . . . .ll Keith Young. SOCIAL CREDIT 1 B. C. Government Employees' Association Coronaiion Day Ba On the RAVELLING BY CAR? Path This Advertisement Is Issued by tlio British Columbia Social Credit Cnm- pn 1 urn C o m m 1 1 tee. V''fe at the Legion Auditorium starts 10 p.m., June 2nd. Dress informal. Tickets available from Legion Officers HAK1T RALLY HEY KIDS . . .. at long last SOCIAL CREDIT Lifetime Foot Health Foot ailments and injuries caused by misiitted ihoes in early childhood can seldom be corrected in later yeara. Insure your child' future loot-health and comfort by x using our X-Ray Fitting Service. This modern fitting aid permits you to See that your child's' shoes fit correctly . . . t Weather rVimtltiu;; Take advantage of the complete facilities availablo at the B.C.A.A. Free Reservation Service. , Maps, Highway Information.- k Frco Towing Service k Personal Accident Insurance. k Free Legal Advice. Costs Less Than 3c Per Day To Be A Mcnihor JOIN NOW I that pliant bones and tender muiclat r not crowdad and distorted . . . that your child' ahoaa GYRO BALL PARK, SUNDAY MAY 31 -3 P.M Speakers: HON. R. W. BONNER Attorney-General, Province of British Columbia, , MR. BILL MURRAY Social Credit Candidate, Prince Rupert District m mm promote normal, healthy darelop-mant oi the dali-cata foot atructura. Aid. George B. Casey will officially open GEORGE B. CASEY . PARK At Plata ond Sixth Avenue Sunday, May 31 - at 2:00 p.m. FREE TREATS AMD GOOD MUSIC Bring Your Parents, Too! .. ' , Parks Board City of Prince Rupert HP Bring the whola family fn lor an X-Raj Fool Examina-tios . without coat . . . without obligation to buy. m 1 i i ii i BRITI $11 PAIHUDII V.. w" VVLVniDIH i DMnon r a. ......... IN CASE OF RAIN MEETING WILL BE HELD AT CANADIAN LEGION Music and Entertainment by the Westernaires FASHION FOOTWEAR "e Rupert Representative: P. LINZEY 345 West 3rd Street