PROVINCIAL LIBRARY j hMORROW'S VlCTfA. I I v. -TIDES , i . i v . May (lard 31, Timel l'J3 mm VICTORIA, B. C.113 ,t: :;i,u 2:28 15:40 U:18 21:15 21.1 feet 18 3 feet 1.9 feet 7.9 feet AN 5 Doily V Delivery eliv t,. 4 1' t. : - Xt - V y. hi.,, ? !. . - NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Conodo'. Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PRINCE RUPERT' B C- SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1953 . TEN CENTS (Including mml, etinn . Published or VOL. XUI, No. l. Phone 81 Soo8Gd Army Would Block Airline f Expansion Announced : Landing of Troops By The Cauadlua Press SEOUL. The acting urime ministpr nf Smith , " II '"' Korea today threatened to pull ROK divisions from the United Nations command, freeing them for independent military action, if negotiators sign an armistice based on the latest Allied proposals. Pyun Yung Tai told news- i papermcn South Korea also is j prepared to use its army to - Puke Visits Fighters QCA To Start Ketchikan Run By The Canadian Press VANCOUVER. Central B.C. Airways Limited, one plane and a dream back in 1946. todav an I.I m or I I.INIU UGIl visit the RCAF's No. 1 fighter wing at North Lufienliain Em: , h t.s a g..ard drawn up In hta honor. With him Is Flt.-Lt.' Jack Turner lie ft to Watrous' The Duke holds the rank of Manual of the RAF and recently obUtaed S wta block any landing of troops from five neutral countries to guard Red prisoners of war who refuse to go home. "In order to block these attempts . . . we are ready to use our armed forces and we would even be willing to shed blood in fighting them," Pyun said. South Korea's rebellion aeainst . i .'-''it - ; 5 ..' place Plunged Into Darkness nounced a "much expanded service," moving it into the big leagues of Cana s fchzabeth Arrives For Ball dian aviation. Under the name Pacific West. the UN truce proposal mounted steadily as time neared for negotiators to return to Panmun-jom Monday after a week-long recess. rr-y, ' '' I r ;U - , i years ago. ern Airlines, Ltd., the 20-plane fleet "will compete for the position Canada's third larcnt -mronauon Dan and did1 cheer the monarch as she re-home until 4 a m. today. 1 turned from the dance at Hamp-100 persons still were j ton Court Palace the same There had been 20.0(H) wildlv Meanwhile, the war continues cheering Britons gathered about j , " 0 of six t.hp oupon inft f u,.n : airline. active. M SHOWERS SUNSHINE ORECAST FOR CORONATION ...... w iui i,iic uau with the Duke of Edinburgh and Princess Margaret. The Queen brought her sister with her. Margaret, who didn't have a date, popped into the palace for a minute and then drove to her own residence. Clarence Chinese Communists clung grimly to three battered outposts near Panmunjom today as Allied big guns and planes poured tons of explosives and blazing napalm ,on smoking, shell-torn hills. J I : ; . ; . . . i J ,t V -- kK- V. - & . it- y" 3- : . At the same time, it was learned that Queen Charlotte Airlines, considered for the 'past several years as the third largest airline in Canada, will begin a triweekly service from Prince Rupert to Ketchikan. Ellis Airlines of KcUhikan at present operate a trl-weekly service between the two cities on Mondays, Wednesday and Saturdays. -QCA wili work with Ellis THIS PHOTOGRAPH was taken as work was in progress on this 15-foot-high clay model of the Royal coat of arms, which is erected outside the annex of Westminster Abbey. A mold was -taken of this model, and a cast made from that i . ONDON Weather forecast for Coronation Day Is un-m. but chances are that the day will be cool with periods :n. showers and sunshine, the weatherman says. The . Reds wrested outnosts House. Vegas, Carson and Elko from US. and Turkish infantry in a With the strenuous routine of the Coronation just three days off. the Oueen made Tin eno-nirp- spector Completes Probe; mvision-strengtn assault which opened last Thursday night along A fiMinlle- front nnlv an nienU for today and pfanned to and make Its trlDS - "i-" Tuesdays. 4 resi vow ana biiu take mRK things easy, vany. Chief Thunderbird Victor In Rugged Wrestling Bout i The ball was given for the i Tnursdavs and Fridays. miles north of Seoul. Turkish officers estimated thf Headauarters for PWA will h eport Expected Shortly Queen by the Brigade of Guards Chinese lost 3.000 killed ami moved from Kamloops to Van wounded in a 28-hour battle for the lOW hills Which B-nnrri t.hp after losing the second fall jffirial investigation by dent of the Community Rate-parlment of Municipal pavers' Association, and a meeti LIGHTS .FAIL The affair eot under way after one of those mishaps that so often plague Dconle eivinir a couver. , - Announcement of the company's growth into an organization whirli ulll ' nnwi.copia: all invasion route tn fipnnl and the into the oDeration of 1 inor with the eni I main Allied defence line. rapHiditiircs here has Cornered along the ropes by Parker, the Chief spught to roll away from the savage body attack,; Suddenly he found in A SIX-MAN Supreme Court Jury Friday'Xound Aifi Staud-lng-At-The-Door guilty of 1 manslaughter in the fire deaths of five persons on the Oleichen Indian Reserve last April 4. Standing-At-The- Door o r 1 g-inally was charged with murder. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison on each of five counts of manslaughter. Sentences are concurrent. He Is shown here being escorted to trial in Calgary by RCMP Constable J. E. Malone. Easily the favorite of the night, Chief Thunderbird came out of a daze last night with a terrific -lunge , to -down Cliff Parker for the ' second ; time to Win two falls' out of three in the double billed Civic Centre wrektllng- match. In the second event, Tarzan Zimba nailed Bud "Li'l Ahnpr" pu.y ior me oo.s.sme ugnw of British Columbia and the west went out just asi the Queen, ar- coast" was made by formef bush riv.fld- . . , . 'pilot Russ Baker, vice-president Scotch-Lite opening, ripped at Parker with in committee of the whole, t . . Mr. Bracewell, who is also inspector of municipalities, was called here for the Investigation after charges by Aid. Casey and Mr. Prunky that all was not well with the method of city expen "iic iuiu uciiiiv uiiwriru Lilt' . nnn iwnnra maKp 438-year-old red brick Tudor impli-ltd by Deputy Min-C. Biarewcll, port will be presented to y shortly. " hen-, he held a scrips ate mcrtintcs with Aid. Cumv, Mayor Harpld ' and J. w. Prusky, prcsi- Mr. Baker at the same, time tap e Running structure through the Anne announced amalgamation into one lunge and fjinhed him; partially senseless, to the mat. The Chief is one of B.C.'s most colorful wrestlers and op ditures. Rattal twice in a row. Zimba got Boleyn Gate when the King's w"of ."p 5 -P-i-lnc.udfng Lo- Low Act Now ,,. 0UUH.-W1C, wueie sue was to De Charges of "skulldugccrv " and SrwIhX .i.,.i i rZ j..,. 'ndh nrt plnuoH rlfutrc" nnnpnlWin t at Rattal only minutes after downing him the first time with a furious onslaught of bodv ciaiea Air laxi Lia., Vancouver, Associated Aero Services Ltd were made bv Ald Casev. Last chance for a while is of erates an athletic club for Indians in Victoria. He was recently made chief of the Saa- slams and handwipes under Full Agenda fered to city motorists today to get in on the Prince Rupert mcn Dand ol Indians. Tonight's wrestline bruins nt Drawn Up For The formal ceremony was hurriedly switched to another section of the palace. Business ground to a halt at noon today as hundreds of drab-clothed carpenters swarmed over Associated Air Taxi and Port Albernl Airways Limited. PWA plans new regular passenger service with Canso type aircraft from Vancouver to Kiti-imit and Kemano. Junior ChamDer of Cnmm the chin to leave the hillbilly flat on the mat for " several minutes after the final fall. Tonight the Chief and Zimba tangle for one fall, while Parker 8:30. "Llte-a-Bumper for Safety" Baseball Clubs A full aeenda of basehall has Canada's ... two v. ...v.u biggest wipiiVOk CI1I airlines lillCS London s golden " "HWK square mile mile and MlIU All the motorist has to do is and Rattal start the Droeeeri- Mr. Casey addressed a special meeting of the Ratepayers' Association, laying similar charges gainst the other aldermen, mayor and city clerk. Council unanimously endorsed a motion that an official investigation be launched "to clear the air, once and for all." Mr. Bracewell was also met by a delegation of Junior and Senior Chamber of Commerce members, who asked questions on" civic affairs. been provided for sport fans , began hammering out the great I are Trans-Canada and Canadian ..1- l, f.. r ta.iri. ings in the first event. The main over the holiday week-end. opening with a double-header tion event win feature a team match with Thunderbird and Rattal against Parker and Zimba. Halibut Season Ends June 9. Queen Charlotte Airlines reduced its fleet a few months airo tomorrow (Sunday! when Prince Ruucrt Esouiren mppt V" and operated only one plane out In the Tliunflerhirri-ParUiT Terrace CCs here at 1:45 p.m. match, the Chief made a terrific and 6:45 p.m. or Prince Rupert during the winter. Captain Norm Jermyn flew another plane here two weeks ago. Monday evening at 8:45. a eitv Halibut fishing in Area 2 comeback after suffering a series of body blows which held him dazed throughout time out CITV THANS1 (IKMI I) In a quick-change act, like the theatrical scent shifting, plush stores of London's West End barely waited for the last customers to quit before whisking out window displays, dismantling .store frontages and boarding up ucres of nlate glass. to drive to the Superior Auto garage at Second and Park Avenue where busy Jaycees will rpply. a red strip of "scotch-lite" tape to the rear bumper. Cost is $1 and will go to the purchase of more tape and other community benefits. The material glows brilliantly when picked up by the headlights, is visible at night up to a quarter of a mile and catches the eye 70 per cent quicker than regular tail lights. It is equally effective on rainy nights when visibility is poor. Accidents at night are said to have been reduced by as much as 80 per cent in areas where all-star team will face a U.S Navy team arriving here or three U.S. ships to attend thf Coronation Day celebration. Death Cfaims Alaska Judge closes at 11:59 p.m. June 9. This was officially announced today by the International Fisheries Commission. It is estimated the quota of 25,500,000 pounds will have been It : ANCHOR AO E, Aluska O' An- Bv Monday, most of London's On Tuesday, Coronation Day the U.S. Navy meets the cit; team in the second name nf t.yv thony J. Dimond. 72, federal , famous store windows will have disappeared behind boardings Judge for Alaska's third division and former deleguto. to Congress series .Thls game is in the afternoon, time to be announced from the Territory, died in a hos alio tiers or seats. Vast wooden boardings are to save premises from damage by ptral in Hritui, 'colum- pital here Thursday night of a wal Credit uovprnmcnt. heart ailment. Me had been In ; the caruaiitumi crowds expected the "Lite-a-Bumoer" camnalirn no.spiuu lor a wcck. I Tuesday " here iinltiy from the '" is .scheduled to a Imi air pnlilieal 4 Cyro Park tomorrow Mill. landed from the area by that date. The closure Is the earliest In history 23 days from the official opening on May 17. Here are today's landings: Canadian Ken Falls, 30,000, 14.3, 13.5.' 11, 'to Royal; Ocean Pride, 90,000, 14.1, 13.4, li, Atlln; Good Partner, 55,000, 14.2, 13.5, 11, to B.C. Packers; Chief Sku-gald. 60,000, 14, 13.5, 11, to B.C. Packers. Seven boats landed at the Coop: Combat. 65.000; Arcti I, 26.000; Zenith, 16,000; Vera Beatrice, 14,000; Tramp, 34,000; Maurice H, 16,000; Panda II, 10,000. has been carried out. To date, close to 200 cars in the city have been serviced in this manner. First batch of the tape is expected to be used up by tonight. Announcement, will -WEATHER- r Forecast North Coast Region: Sunn today with cloudy periods in th afternoon. A few showers in th southern section and over th lidges. Winds light westerly excep northwest 20 in exposed area today. . Low tonieht and hitrh k.," Banners, Flags Decorate Many Cities Across Canada ph Ships be made when more of the tape 0 ' V, Main Street across Canada is claims the Union Jack flying on is available. It takes only a few minutes to aDDlV the material An nvpr. 0E1sported' ' Trooos lt.s Carlton Street buildings for taking on the appearance of a the Coronation is the largest age of 40 cars have been serv day At Port Hardy. Sandsni fine in the Commonwealth iced each night this week. and Prince Rupert, 44 and 56. 'INCiTON (CP) The royal mile as Coronation Day approaches. Most communities are hanging out their banners and bunting oif.h a lnvlshnpKK thnt in some ""'lit confirmed It Measuring 27 by 54 feet, it was specially made In Liverpool and flown for the first time on the 'i'lei ni'e Uiat two slil ns Queen Elizabeth Gets Room operate by British cases will surpass the decoration Kong firiiy; transported for the royal tour of 1951. (.mmunist troops The bright finery on civic So Texan Can See Coronation buildings, business places and i I . . .. ' I. ... I .- .... i ...... tr. HOUSTON. Tex. (API occasion of Canada's diamond jubilee of nationhood, July 1, 1927. In Ottawa, red, white and blue banners have been draped about the Peace Tower on the' Parliament Buildings. Tuesday is a national holiday arid most business establishments will be closed. Thousands are pynpetpd to view the greatest (i them as the Peri co l shine in the spring sunshine with all the splendor of the new reign whose commencement it marks. Mnnv mnrp flnirs. npnnants. Kont r th owned fay ,mS- Ttle rePrt Dh Public at a press con-sy Senator Karl Mundt .v, ' acng chairman of " whlch had request- coats of arms and illuminated would not stand a chance of getting a hotel room In London. "Well, I thllnk I'll Just wire the Queen herself," Mrs. Cochran said. Her friends laughed, but Mrs. Cochran sent a cable to Queen Elizabeth saying: "Arriving London Sunday, May 31. Urgently need accommodations. Please advise. Would be delighted to see you upon j parade in history of Prince Ru Thanks to Queen Elizabeth herself, Mrs. Louise Cochran will have a place to stay when she flies to London for the Coronation. Mrs. Cochran, who sells houses, decided a week ago Sunday that she wanted to see the Coronation. It took only a few days to get her passport and make other arrangements. ' But friends told her she That was Monday morning. Tuesday afternoon she got an answer. It said: "Her Majesty sends you greetings. Have your accommodations at Kensington Fal-ace." It was signed "Sir Allen La scelles, CVO, kcr, prrvnte secretary, FWI, Buckingham Palace." - ,. The Kensington Palace, by the way. Is a hotel. . - displays are due to be set out before the celebration reaches its climax Tuesday with march-pasts, artillery volleys and fireworks spectacles. The Winnipeg Free Press pert. Hundreds will spend the weekend completing the decorations on the more tnan 40 ilouts entered in the pnicnj.sioii. ''ttlthe report leaves ls,,,P up to the British ORDINARY SEAMAN Robert Simser of Toronto finds that embroidering a cushion cover Is a pleasant means of relaxation. He is serving aboard the Canadian Navy vessel Athabaskan, which is taking part in operations off Korea. -:?wii Si , j: