Saturday, May 30, 1953 GEORGE DAWES AUCTIONEER Phone Black 816 and Red 127 TO: Buy -Sell -Rent Trade or Hire ADS WANT AD 748. She will be glad to help you place your ad FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS BLACKWOOD on By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Defense Deception I'lays WANTED TO T1ENT WANTED Urgently require three-bedroom pnone Blue 602. (tfnc) WANTED TO RENT Suite or cabin for couple. Phone Black 828. U29p) WANTED TO RENT FurnLshed suite or apartment. Urgently required. Phone 544. (126 WAN1 Pack a Lot of Dangers Most attempts at deception on the defense are in the form of plays like winning a trick with a king when you could have won with the queen. More often than not, such plays are extremely dangerous. The reason is, of course, they are just as likely to fool FOK SALE Make It A Real Holiday! with 'DISPOSABLE DIAPERS 12 Refill Pads with elastic pant , Special $1.00 THE STORK SHOPPE Blue810 U2fic) FOR SALE Oil heater, 'portable radio, end tables, gramophone, lamps, dresser, bed and new mattress, table and chairs, dishes pots and pans, 'r horse motor, clothes cupboards, china cabinet, hotplate, other household articles. 013 3rd Ave. West. (128) FOR SALE) One bed davenport, 8' x ;0'2' rug, kitchen table and chairs, larne cupboard. Green 'J26. No. 4 Mussallem Block. H28p) FOR SALE 16 ft. cabin trailer, $950. May be seen at 200 ltth St. (129) FOR SALE Phillip's 10-tube combina tlon radio-phono graph, like new, for almost half price. Phone Red 510 and ask for Wilbur. (128) FOR SALE Two 600x18" Atlas tires. Phone Black 822. (127p) REAL ESTATE BE A HOME OWNER For only $1000 down you can have immediate possession of this well-kept two-bedroom home. Floors newly sanded Durold roof. Full price $3300, FOUR BEDROOMS $1500 DOWN One block from shopping, on the bus line. We offer this sound family home, high and dry basement, double garage, for only $4500 full price. For other good buys see t t- partner or declarer. Starting with that word of warning, however. It is still true that there are many situations where you can be certain that false-card or other deceptive measure cannot possibly fool your partner. An example would be where partner, sitting on declarer's right, leads a suit whic'i declarer ruffs. Here you can false-card at will since partner now knows every card In your hand in the suit led. There are other situations where you know your deceptive play will give partner as well as rieclarer a wrong picture of your holding. It is then up to you to decide whether vour attempt r.t misdirection will be more damaging to your side or to the enemy. In today's deal Mr. Dale feVt desperate measures were called tor and the chance he might deceive his partner was nbthing compared to the fact Mr. Champion would surely fulfill his contract if left to his own devices. Mr. Abel opened the king of clubs which won. He continued with the queen and Mr. Champion took it with tne ace. He led the deuce of hearts and finessed the queen. Now If Mr. Dale had played the seven, his "normal" card here, Mr. Champion would : have had no play to bring in the heart suit except the riht nlay. That is, he would simply have had to lay down the ace of hearts and hope the king dropped. As you see. it would have dropped and the entire suit would have run. But Mr. Dale dropped the nine on the first heart lead. Unfor tunately for Mr. Champion, this gave him an alternative line of plav. If Mr. Dale had started with the 10-nine doubleton (as seemed likely), the only way to bring in the suit was to -lead the jack from the closed hand. This play would trap both the king and 10, and dummy's eight spot would win the third round of the suit. Mr. Ch'm'oion fell for it. He led a spade to his king and Mr Abel won and' cashed two mo-' du'js. Htf tlu-U rotmiitfJ ft spjide ind Mr. Champion won and led the jark of hearts. It was cov ered with king and ace and Mr. Champion's jaw dropped when Mr. Dale played the seven. The 10 stopped the suit and doomed the contract. Try Daily, News Want Ads , VANCOUVER 7ia Waypoints ' SUNDAY SS Camosun, 8 p.rrf. FRIDAY ;" RS Chilcotin, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHAKLOTTE ISLANDS ' May 6 and 20 SS Chilcotin, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN ! s CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . . , SS Chilcotin, Midnight ; May 13 and 27 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 566 DINING PLEASURE in SPARKLING NEW, SURROUNDINGS & Commodore Cafe Steamer .' Prince Rupert SAILS FOR; VANCOUVER md Intermediate Port Each Thursday at 11:15 p.mi Tor KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY Midnifiht Comfort and Service For reservatlcns write at I call C ity or r.-rt Office. Pioce Rupe't, B.C. L4vi m 1 Vi 1 ;J M 1 J JOHN H. BU LG El , r t - pi Ihird Avenue " John Bulger Ltd. John F L. Hughes, D.C CIIIKOPRACTOij'. . - -r. Hrs. 10:30-12:30 ; 2:00-6:00?' 21 - 2 Besner Block ' . . Phonsa'ue i ": ' ' ' -s:t H. G. HELGERSON . LIMITED ' y ' REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 96, Evenings Bla.fck 899 SCOTT McLAfEN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Ave. "W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P C. Box 374 ;4 . PRINCE RUPERT DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD ' SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Welding SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY WE REGRET Our Inability To Open Large Gyro Swimming Pool Due To Lock of Supervisors Parks Board City of Prince Rupert Queen Charlotte . Airlines Schedule trips to: Kitimot and Kemano Tuesdays and Saturdays Stewart and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays 'fc Charter Service Contract Flying Agents: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phones 476 and 620 DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" . - Duplicating Circular Letters - Montnly Bulletins any uind of Business forms. Direct mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 ! than regular printing. Phone 383 ; P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. G.'vt js your mailing list We do the rest. train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East Daily except Sunday..i.8 p.m. FtmiK the East- -W.-'- ? ' S.' - Daily except. ifcriday 9:50 p.m IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY, ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK, Rent of Trucks and Equipment Ph. Blue 939, M. J. SAUNDERS CI, CHOP SUEY . . . ...CHOWMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. iLwi ii p Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders Phor 133 Armstrong AgenCl'3 Ltd. I Issued In the name of John Roderick , Franer has been filed In this office. .,. -j ,, Phone 342 Red 958 (eves.) j notlce ia h(,reby glvcn thBt i shu. (126) , at the expiration of one month Iron j the date of the first posting hereof. FOR SALE Issue Provisional . Certificate of Tenders will be received by theiT,t,le "' of Mld, 1"J? ' t r,V, !unl'! " the meantime valid objec- LI 4lJ North dealer Neither side vulnerable Vorlli (Mrs. keen) b J H 5 H A Q 8 6 3 D A Q C 10 8 4 West (Mr. Alicl) (Mr. Ilnlr) 8 A 8 4 2 10 7 0 3 H K 4 H 10 9 7 D 3 9 7 D 10.5 4 3 K Q J 7 C 8 5 smith (Mr. Champion ) S K Q K J 6 2 D K 8 8 3 C A 6 3 2 The bidding: North East South West 1 H Pass 2 NT Pass 1 NT All pass BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OCT ORDERS Phone 200 Broadway Cafe 'wAAv fltfi faA. TorBI& usedCar Value A-l APPEARANCE f ' A-l SAFBTY A'i MECHANICALLY . A-l VALUE Hi BOB PARKER LTD. "The Home of Friendly Service" He Asked For It! Use The Phone MISS DEADLINE Classified Kates ;ure time 4:30 p.m. day pre-us to publication. jifioJ. 3 cents per word per 'priinii: minimum charge 50 u Ki.,ii,o fifl cents: Cards i Thanks, Death Notices. ;)W:U Notices, Marriage and ...'iscnipr.t Announcements, IK). la Display double price. No Refunds , e " not accept rcsponsl-' v U'i- classified ads Inserted ' 'irctly or under wrong iliotinn unless notification a errors is received within vsni ct flrft ttuertl-jn. ANNOl'NM..INTS ou've tried the rest Mnw try the best! CCF OMMITTEE ROOMS ETROPOLE HALL PHONE 230 (127) imnnpe sale, Anglican Viral, May 30. I jthi-riin Church tea May 30. i inj tea. June 4. nitpd Church W.A. spring , June 11. thoUe Women' League ,n.ilioii tea. June 11, at the o if Mrs. M. P. McCaftery, 41 li A vs. West psbytiriaii Indies' Aid tea In Manse. June 18. WANT TO TRADE GOOD government for BAD?., ; Vote Liberal on June 9th I VOTE RUCE BROWN 131c ISIHTH NOTICE HURNKTT Born to Mr. and KA J. Burnett (nee Bar- i i Tengi. In the Prince Ru- '. Oem-ral Hospital, May 29. a son. Walter John Norval, s. 8 02. . Ut) f Alt!) OF THANKS lr and Mrs O A Mavers Mi to thank the Greeter Serv-1 'it rrinee Rupert. Special 1 links to Mrs. Robert. Arm-dtp) I'lltSONAI, N tin. Prince Rupert group i Airoiioiirs Anonymous to- V Write Roy 1S11 Prince -aiert. (1261 Fp a rein on your envcrn- ""t. Join Social Credit to- iiay; 131) hVINciAL Affairs are. your '.''w. Join Social Credit to-''v; (131) WSINESS' rERKlM S 'WANTED v PrrwticiiH' i,.iv. o r.i l wii.ii niitu-rtiu. I'm "".i R"iiic uni u- 17 nf the nne Rsie-Poln lo riiarantnpd to kill the roots 8nv hair ard contains no '"ICS - Chcn.inr.1 T ... I.i in lllll III. IIUIU1XI "'"). Nl9 Granuillo Vnneoii. :,(.r'B.c. ' ,m Rawlcigh Products J-astrimw man ot woman i at once t0 re'all Raw-n Products in Prince Ru-EiM rict- Write Rawleigh's Winnipeg, Man. (4) l"r rin iiV; V. "orlnlnna La5'i j -"..j uruvprv prnpnr. Kiin- millr ' '""""IK Biwr yuui Hyonr milk will look after; ieep u cool. All milk nnteed. (tf) rS,? JERRTciFdrolTint daii 3 oms for accommo-aal"n. Phone 92. (150) t'rtrtew i' workTMo"- Paired wm.rewouiiQ ana Rapid Robtrl who Wat a lovti of (oil action Uied Mi daiiifiid For utmott lalitlaclion BUSINESS Fhit.HONALi AGENTS tor Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for oxygen, acety lene and all welding supplies, Lindsay's Cartage u Storage Ltd. i"hone 60. (c) LANDSCAPING AND GARDEN ING Rook walls, rockeries, hick Jlowcr boxes, lawns and fences. Free estimates. Phone Red806. (I30p) PLUMBING, automatic oil heat-in(?, sheet metal work. Phone 543. Cull J0 8th West. Le-tournnau. (ci WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER ELECT HOLUX. Pnone Blue 97r tor i"arts Sales Service. Cl THE ELECTRICIAN D. Guvatt. House wiring and electrical repairs, 149 9th Ave. West. Phone Red 185. (13B) NATIONAL Machinery Co. Llm- :teo, Distributors lot: Mining, Sawmill, Logging tnd Contractors' Equipment. Inquir ies Invited. OranviUe Island, Vancouver 1. B.C. tr PLACE your classified ad In this paper at the economical nix time rate, is words for "l consecutive days cost $1.3S; 15 words for six consecutive days cost It.iO. And remember you can phone your ads just call MS. Dally News tf-nc) BEFR bottles picked up. Phone Black 627. . 148q) MAGAZINES, novelties. Eddie's News Stand. (c) NEARLY everybody uses 99. (e) HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Stenographer, with some bookkeeping experience preferred, for office of local auto dealer. Please reply stating age-, salary expected and address or phone to Box B85. Dally News. (131) WAV-ED Clerk for retail shoe stoiJ. Apply in person to Family Shoe Store Ltd. (126) SALESGIRLS wanted by F. W. Woolworth Co. Ltd. (127) PTENOCtRAPHER-CLERK, with or without exoerience. Apply to Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd.. Room 15, Besner Block. (1281 WANTED Someone to do light housekeepinti In new home on Atlin Ave. Phone Gren 2139 nfter 5 p.m. for further nnr-ticulars. (129) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax opeclnMst. S. (. Fork, Stone Building. Ked593. (20m A -JRITl! AtlON. WANTED . - EXPERIENCED; typist . desires typing of any kind, including monthly or financial state ments. In own home, down town location. Confidential. Box 684, Dally News. (Up) BOATS FOR SALE FOR SALE Sailboat. Would make seaworthy outboard boat. Phone Black 148 or Box 999. (126pi FOR SALE Large power boat, two cabins, boathouse. Within half-hour drive from town. Price very reasonable. Excel lent for fishing and hunting. Phone Red 418 for particulars. (134) FOR SALE 32-ft. gillnetter "Marie H." Phone Red 825. (128) CARS FOB SALE RE-CHROME bumpers, grille, ,etc, with "Bumper Rc-Nu"! Not a paint or polish! Just like chrome! Lasts years! Send $1 98 or COD. Fernlor, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. (Dealers wanted.) r (149) FOR SALE 1947 Ford two-door sedan. Heater, radio, fog lights, seat covers, new rubber, nice condition. May be seen at the Armories. Contact Sgt.-Major Hetherlngton. Utp) FOR SALE '41 Bulck, new motor job. new paint lob. 613 3rd Ave. West or Bus Depot. (128) MUSTSELL1952 Ford Tudor. 7 000 miles. Best offer: Phone Green 928. Itp) WANTED TO BUY Brownie uniform, size 8. Also chest of drawers. Black 709. (tf-nc) (JhSH FOR Scrap; copper, brass, batteries, radiator. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave West c) WANTED TOP MARKET a PRICES PAID for scrap Iron steel, brass, copper, lead, etc Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlns Iron Metal Ltd., 250 Prior St., Van- cower, B.C. Phone PAclfic 6357. (H) BATTERY hEKVICE RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East ! 3rd Ave. Phone B'.ue K'o. Re- pmrs, recharKirp: an." rebuild-; ln. Worn BrunriPM) ic) TAXIS anil TkANSrfcK'i CITY TRANSI-ER Long Distance CRATING and PACKING Furniture Movers FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effects Moved to or from any point In B C. Phone 950 First Ave. aau McBrlde e) LEGAL NOTICE I.AXD BTfilSTRV ACT lie: Orttllcntc of Tillc No. 8251-1 ft) Lot Twenty -two (221. Block Ninetv-fteven (ll7r. flection Two (2. Townslte of New Hnwltoii, Map 968. WHEREAS satisfactory' proof of W nf th aHmo fort Kiral lf Title mnd(. to mc m wrltlnlt. DATED ut the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C.. this 20th day of May. 19f3. A D. ANIln K.W TUUMeWUN. Deputy RPKlstrar of Titles. (H3p) Two Canadians1 Win Awards LONDON, Cnl. (CP) Award f medals to two Canadians for books published in 1952 is announced by the Governor General's awards board of the Canadian Authors' Association. Lawrence' Earl, former war correspondent and now a magazine writer in England, wins ttv? Leacock Medal for humor wiih ' The Battle of Baltinglass," a report on a fantastic fight put up by a village in Eire to see justice done in its post office. Mr. Earl is a native of Saint John, N.B.j and the author of r. previous book, "Yangtse Incident." ' 1 !- . Bruce Hutchison, V I c t o r i a jipwspaDei mnn, - wins the Vnt v.rsity . Df British Columbia ,,rt, ,nr. hirai ".r :.-"JZZZZ S.. - " J'"?" "bf'j Kins. He recently won a Na- Zt k J 'w.7-- v------ urn "f ' f THIS MODEL of the 18-storey Price Tower, soon to be erected in Bartlesville, Okla., is currently on display at the International Petroleum Exposition In Tulsa. The skyscraper will feature modernistic interiors Q 'niutfH'hi?''a!lVijicd'. arehi--tectifrar tiner'of its xterlor. : ............. H Thursday, June 11th. 1953. for the purchase of Lot 7, Block 6, Section 1, Map 923, Prince Rupert Townsite, together with Improvements 'situated thereon. " Terms strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. O F. Forbes. Official Administrator. Administrator of the Estate of Edward John Marsh, deceased, Room 13. Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (128) FOR SAl E Neat one-bedroom home near MeBride. Immediate occupancy. Completely furnished with all kitchen and household furnishings, Including range, new frig, washing machine, sewing machine, dining room set, bedroom nd chesterfield suite, etc. Full orice $4,000.00. Terms. R. E. MORTIMER 353 Third Ave. Phone 88 and Blue 326 (128) FOR SALE-Five-room dwelling 1 n -Seventh Avemt East two blocks from McBrlde. Newly i decorated, cabinet cupboard kitchen. Durold roof, part basement, cement posts, gar- rien. kitchen range. Chester- fiiH c.f hrf .ie Pnii i.rii A P. GARDINER & CO. ' ''CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS4 ,' . ', ALFRED L BELL, C.A. v ' Resident Partner Prince Rupert 325 Fourth Avenue East ' P.O. Box 1247 Telepnone: Red 879 Terrace Prince George Vancouver Qtiesncl $4,200 00. Ternis. tlon Newspaper Award for a R. E. MORTIMER scries of editorials in the Vic- 353 3rd Ave. - Phone 88,toria Times. (128) LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 MOVING . . . PACKING . . CRATING SHIPPING . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Experienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. 'MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone CO or 68 , Cor. 2nd and Park Ave. PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws Sharpened, ' , 215 1st Ave. W. Phone 909 i BLONDIE By CHIC YOUNG FOR SALE Two fine view, cleared building lots on Gra-h"n, Section Two. Price $750.00. R. E. MORTIMER 353 3rd Ave. Phone (129) FOR SALE Two Industrial lots, 48 and 49, Block 17. Section 1. Next to Imperial Machine Works. Apply Standard Machine Shop. (It) FOR SALE Six-room house, 2 bathrooms, furnished. Hot air furnace. Phone Green 933. (126p FOR RENT SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent portable machines. Phone 864. (C) FOR RENT Board and room for quiet gentleman, respectable home. Non-drinker. Box 680, Dally News. (127p) FOOTHILLS (sootless) coal. Phone 651. Phlipct Evltt & Co. Ltd (C) FOR RENT Large sleeping room. Phone Red 248. (131) FOR RENT Large front bedroom. Phone Black 766. (It) FOR RENT Three-roorn suite. 701 5th Ave. West. (127) ( CAN'T J-J ( A?E YOU POSITIVE? v 9 ' W:SH I ."V s (pi. THINK I HATE TO BE I THOUGHT -N" COULD LEARN ) V g Tucpp ) jUJ OP A DISTURBED AFTER ) ( OP SOWETHINS, 1 ' LTOKcPMVr . ANVTHiNfi F.THHS; ISlTDOWNAND V- DEAR i I B.'S MOUTH hf?. .... WU WANT JV'? 1CEAR ' ( GET COMFORTABLE J jv Vy, SHU I .- W ( r v J" vA51. ' ' tin k - .bi fn a7 a n n in n n n .U.i y 11)1 M I csm v St , r'