ttt..& l'wHct 1 .Cil, . .C.I Frtdaj, June 25 194 Fugitive Trio Back in Jail ICFPR )tAn:o dial 1240 Kilocyclei (Subject to Change) VANCOUVER - Tliree youth- ! fui escapees from Oakalla prison ; ITa 7 A. A Ate . wJFt Jtt 4fBIQB RHk Jlic flet trli inn Red 165 raim were rounded up Thursday night three hours after they broke out from the prison garden. The youths were i narmed, and gave up without a strui;le. Tlu-y were picked up in a blush area in tuburbi.ti Burr.jby. Recaptured were Albert Lindsay Bell, 19, John M. O'Donnell, 21, aim Weii V.iii Ix-r Ileaghe, 22. All were serving turns for minor ciimes. REFRIGERATION. Sales and Service uon FRAMxijN Days Black 550: Nites Red 4C0 1025 Ambrc:;- A;cnue' PM if.un i:SU, 7 00 7 IS 7:30 8.00 8 IS 8:30 0:00 8 30 in on 10:15 10 30 1 1 :UII I :o DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGS P.M. DAY PREVIOUS v "v" - ; U,,1"L'' CT SEWINO MACHINES 40 home? you sale FOOD PLAN REDDY-PAK FOODS LTD. A Supermarket In your own home. urp time 4j)0 p.m. day PvloiwI RENJ Offices in the Stone 9Ai.ES Repair ' Se'ntftk Birder i $2000 DOWN-CLOSE Jn"" 47 ALIO.MOt'tl.l'S publlcatlo' OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TICKER 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 No. 1 James Blk. Blue 593 id ce ntr'a v K K BeW'"g Cetlt:i' Tl Cne I Suanklrw clean 4-room bun- koom Na 3y8ton "Build!! :falow. throe blocks from town. phone 424. ,153 32 FOR SALE MISC ' I Larce lmng-d mn room com- - ... . ... . . lunation, smart cabinet kitchen, CHIMNEY and chesterfield ' THOSE badly needed repair jobs Rood sized bedroom and bath- cleaning. Odd Jobs. Phone around the house may not rcom- This is Rood at $4500. Orrcn 773, Mr. J. Ktinij.iter. , have been dune because you juxti SF.CTIO" TWO fiS9' didn't have the cash However i Contractor built family home .jiKti, 3 centa per word per in-nm; minimum charge f0 cent-, i Notices, 50 cents; Cards at ii.fc'i, Death Notices, Funeral Iris, Marriage and Encasement nMimmnenls, 12 00. ,:il Display double price. N'LlV FELL TANKS PntOAT Miipper Hrenwle MiiMlcal Pnimrit Hliada at Mrk CHC News OBr Nrw.n flfinndup rtunain Melnrllw Sharp. Flnt and Niiturnl John PIkIht Vancouver Theatre Itilrty tor George. SportH Huge rnr; Km The Rhythm Pals Neifro Collcxe Choir Mhe- S'-'n Mlllr till Miilnlelit y'tn-iiC , , fcVlTLlvn Milial Clnck f'BC News Weather wiifcli-nl r"H-k Monilnir Devotions Interlude CBC' New. Weather Here' r1'! tiffKj Hits Al Encores liinlenl Muck pnr; News and Comty. F"H,itr. Keri'nn-'i-OBC IStarin rtt"h Miifcliii! I'riiftram Time Slcnai Meiiee gerlod -Mlivlriil rrnnrum World Church News f'BC Ne, Wen tfi Onera wltti Bovd Neel Cdn. Track and Pleld. Urince of Walen Piute Ballet Club cut; News "iev.nrf Istenlnr; This Week Min-rt- (.ollcge Invitation Nnw 1 Ah Yon Salvation Army rroRrnr.! Sons ol the Swdd.e tistmurk U.K. liBC CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smitliera 5n0 Oal. Tank 375 Gal. Tank J75 Clftl. lank 110 00 . . 90 00 75 or No Refunds I mil not accent rc..;non.s!billtv ' SAW Filing I throflph our budpet payment I In choice location. Spacious floor types of saws ' plan, you can have un to snni Plon displays larpe living room -All S'2, Extra. 12 Gauge Steel l:j.s.siflt'd ads Inserted Incorrectly Precision Saw Filintr. 215 1st and rtpny this amount over two !fire Placet. Family sized dining (168) i years. See us ripht awav for the i room, hrieht cabinet kitchen, Avenue West, city. .cijr iUr.-'!iij unti ruuay. For c.'T.Teticr ; Pt-one. 632. INDUSTRIAL " "I lIN. CO. Ureen 8114 - 'Ji 1st E ijd.r wrung clu.s.'-.incatiim unless icnijon (tf such errors 13 received :n m hours of firm Insertion. (:oo 7 m 7:45 it Hit H : JO 8:15 BM 0:00 .H 9:30 B:5) l):mi l:l in -so 10 4 1 11 00 11 :30 1 :30 2:00 3:oo ifArnrTiilv, ' V "details. 1 master hortroom nnd tile bth- Pf IBI kw luput AtUJUMAN'l. Income; llmwi.ii.niiinmv. rilfim Onen Ktniranv tn three OtFERS Plainly marked on the envelope ' Oiler Mr H-159" wiJ be received by the undersigned up to noon July 16, 1954, for a la48 Dodge Coupe, located "as is and wnere is in Pnnee Rupert, B.C., licence and registration not included. This vehicle mav be seen upon application to the Dept. of Public Works, Prince Rupert. Offers should be accompanied by a certified deposit cheque, made payable to the Minister of Finance, in the amount of 10 of the bid. The successful offer will be snbiect to 5'., SS. Tax and the highest or any offer is not necessarily acceptable. Chairman, Purchasing Commission, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. 1149) Phone 11 fi 117 roomy bedrooms and second tax .specialist. 8. G. Furlt i Stone Building. Phone 424. . t20m) ,149, i bathroom. Full basement." Drivc- - I in garage. SAVE $m New 2-temnnrature i ARMSTRONG AQSNCIFS LTD WANT AD ". uis cuii-, U.K. Refr iterators 99 enhie tractors rnone 101, days, Blue font. ripinf.. in ,.,.e. t... r scott McLaren , C1IARTERF1 ACCOUNTANT James Eloi k, 308 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupeit, BC. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Mrs Rowe DRt'SSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, over Rupert Bittlcry Shop. Phone Blue 12fl 342 Eves. Red 953 (1431 TWO SPECIALS i 081, evenings, REPLIES ii7?', refrigerator storage. $600, terms iU2u Ambrose Red 480. (148) , I WILFORD Electrical Works, mo 1 Large lour wartime on level I tors bought, sold, rewound and i repaired. (1721 f.'e are holding replies BUILD vour own freezer at, 20 ! n"'' owner transferred, 24 and 30 cubic feet. Kit as-' must spl1- Prlce 01ly $3000. terms semblies. Bob Franklin, Refrig- i trranijed. the following News fittes. Eddie's I 1 MAGAZINES. N-! News Stand eration, i025 Ambrose. Red 480. k I boxes: 953, 959, 972, 982 1953 CHEVROLET. Low milfige. 3:45 4 (111 1:311 6:00 5:30 I CARS? Bob Parker's of course. I (171i 11481 MOTOR-BICYCLE, 1 , h p. Pixie motor. Like new. Can be seen THE SHARON SHOP Everything in Infants', end Children's Wear. 216 Second St. ' A-l condition. Apply at Knut-on's Tire Sales, Fraser Street. IF. YOU WANT A CINDER DJtlVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 039. M. J. SAUNDERS Replies must be Here Ls something different in , a four-room bum 'low. i'r"e j t"-"ikfa:t nook off the kitchen, full cement basement, hot air furnace. Price S520C-, oasv terms arranged. Exclusive with II. O. HELOERSON LTD. ! Real Estate and Insurance j Phone 86 or F. Wilson, Black 197 1 Evenings 1 4 9 NEARLY everybody usea 99. U HELP .VAlSTKD MAi-E called for in person :at Daily News. tlf-nc) i ESTABLISHED co'n'trTc U rTg"- I handyman business. Eouin- (152p)j DELUXE 1943 Ford. Excellent!' condition. Apply to 622 3rd I West after 5:30 p.m. ( 150pl 1 CO.MINti LVKNTS mcnt. Blue 331. (150) X 4-' I 1 ! door painting course, H56pi iiei'S, July 5-14. LEARN TO DRIVE Contact: Box 195, Prince Rupert DUAL COcSfsOL Players All Wet PHlOinOIf, Eat;. , Merit-' 'P"" el the British Sa'.)-Acjr,:f Club In this seaside resort settled down to a game of whhc under l'J feet of water in Un-I pi'bM." pr.o!, us'.ng a ttet-1 tabl.' find rtctal card;:. i ited Churrh W A nukn' Rnlo CHOP SUEY . . . ... CHOW MEIN Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe TWO barber chairs In good condition. What offers? Box SHO Daily News. U50) ENTERPRISE not burner. Almost, new. Phflne Black 701. (151) CAMP stove, coal and wood. ."ill. 118.1 Ambrose. ( nrii 32A FOR KENT MISC t iidon Hi Anderson July 10. I I'd Church W.A. Bake .Sale $ 'ido'n & Anderson's on Auji- ccxJK-DECKHAND for salmon season on 50 ft. packer. Three-man crew. Union wages for experienced man. Box U82 Dnilv News. (151) j Help Wtd.' Maieleniile" PEHSONsnrilerestednirrolvniU In? soft drink and food concessions at Prince Rupert's Parks during the summer months are asked to submit implications in writing outlining their faciliiiis for operating to the Parks Board by June 28. 4 148) '49 DeKOTO Sednn. Good condition $1600. 537 8th West. Black 276. (153p) '50 Prefect. Exeelknt condition. Very cheap. 207 9lh East. ClaOp) '49 PONTIAC sedan. Ridio. Phone Green 803. ( 149p) '53 CIIEV Bel-Air. Phone Green 137 after 5 p.m. (150pl ANOTHER SPECIAL $1500 cash, balance as rent, buys this new four-room bunsa-low Pembroke bathroom two bedrooms, cement foundation, two lots. Price only $5000. 11. U. HFLOFRSON LTD. Real Estate and Insurance Phone 96 or F. Wilson, Black 197 (1481 Itum-nage Sale, sbyterlan .t. 11. Advertising in Daily Hews Brings Results For Outside Orders rh jne 133 , TWO - ROOM furnished 2000 lllh East. caliln. (150) ted Chinch W.A. Auction Rtimmafte Sale, Oct. 2. ELONDIE By CHICK YOUNG 34 WANTED Mi'M'j iii.ANEOUS " CASH (OH holle Fall J.i 7. Bazaar, October 1104) I' FULLY modemi 5-room house, full rnnerrfe basement. Au(o- mtitie oil furnace. Applv " 4'!0 5ht Ave. West. (152pl SIX - noof hn" Clo-e to! .school: Price $1000. Terms or-' ran-'.rd. Phone Blue 39G. I 1 50) i SCORERS -and Morer trainees. urgently required by Prince Rupert Little League Baseball Association. Contact Bob Morris at Black 413. (1480) BOOKKEEPING machine onera" t - -- inrnd United 16. Hall Bazaar, H69I Scrap, copper, Sfs. bsttrrlfs. radiators. Prjone 543 Call ft -ff) 6th Ave. West cl HAVEsuite and wish to slnre with another lady. 623 West 6th Ave. (149) fnr- 1318, nja Ladies Lake S tie, June 5 I sliyteriun Full Bazaar No-i f-r 25 j d.E. Fail Bazaar, Novem- 6-ROOM wartime. ni'-hed. Nowt decorutert. 1st Overlook. Pii'.ne R d 35 tor. permanent position. Apply stating age, experience to Box 078 Iiaily News. (143.) 20 HELP WANT ED FEMALE'' YOUNO male cocker Phono Blue 793. spaniel. (M'JI i WANTED 10 KENT ACT A'conolirs i is. P.O. 3ox 343. TUHE cf fr)iiV-')"!'.'0".ii'"hii'';e,lM tinfurnlshi'd bv end of 'unv Phone Clrern C30. (tf-ne) BABY crib. Qrcun kr7i . ilSOm 35 BOATS ANli F.AtilNES j LIGHT plywood portable boat. Twelve feet vee bottom. Orders' taken for small plywood boats. -Patterns can be seen at shop. ; Woodbllt Products, Mi Bride ft! First Avenue. 1 1481 ' 43 LISTINGS Wt.VTKD li' f VJH-.Mc C" :J VCU OCT ( I kcCURN'-.O MPS. I I C - s NOW WHY wOl'l O ) V- THAT OtLlClOUS- SES AS 6Ht ZJ - ' .1 1 HEROUtlV $ ' (LOOKING PiECEOF ( V.'AS TAKINS THE P;E FPOM J ' . J SNOW-cHOyLON 'k vvy byii pT3 LI'L ADNER ' "":"' "" ' . APP '" - ' IZJ ACCORDINTTH'CODE N --GOTTA GIT INGAGED TO HF.R, ") ' J .ZlI'Z- O'TH'HILLS, ANV UN- F-F SHE PICKS HIM. , J '?te fWIIO' 1 fl-iPjiK MARRIED LAD AT A X Z ftfijtThSZ. J-S 'ir-rr-J DOGPATCH GAL'S Y Pi 'CT i OUR NEWSPAPER will FOLLOW YOU on SELLING YOUR HOME? We hnve sveral buyers. For.; qui"l; sale nhone H O KI.GPRSON LTD. H A- r 4 ' BOAT -Gay Bolle." 34-ft t,i oiler. :: Ren It'stale & Insifnee With or without fear. 45 h p. I 216 6th Street Phone 98 iLOOKINO for something differ-j ent? We need a bright voun' , clerk with a basic knowledge of f bookkeeping who can type. We tare operating under an ent'ir!y new the latest bookkeeping system. Apply In writing to ;Enx,9P3 Dally News elvm full i particulars, age, marital status, office experience, and salary ex.; ipected, (152) WANTED Immediately foTsklde. ' I gate Inlet General Itosijita), ; Queen Chiriotte City, two nurses for holiday relief. Rulnrips in line wilh U.N.A. Apply Matron. urn I ' LY July 1. experienced hook-: keeper for Public Accountant's j office Typing reouired. Phone 424 now for interview, (1511 f,'0UR HOLIDAYS or k 197 Evenln;r." universal Marine, monp Black! 990 after 5 p.m. May be seen at New Floats. ( 151pi ! (149' ItOPi ltTY 1 Ol: SALE 30 ROOMS FOR KENT ot iO EXTRA COST! Just Phone 748 and leave a LARGE fnrnliherl ho'tsekeepint: OLD Rl"hard l owie prnnert v for sale 65 acres. Usk. B.C. $3(10.1. room. Reasonable. Green 7"7. (149) housekeeping FURNISHED decorated. 613 ! rooms. Newly r awarding address i 3rd Avenue West. (149) (tf-nr) j H.UiSC. MAIIKIAI.S Mrs. Werseen, Csxiar Cannery.' Cf spaco P.O.. B.C. (M9p) LOT on Atlin Avenue. Good view. ! $350 c.i h. PhMie Reel 51" (152))l 40 BUSINESS (fPPOKTIINITIEs' TAXI stand wilh or without car. i l . ofler accepted. Hlar'f ! White Taxi. (.152) 101 PHIIPOTT.' BVjfTT-i ?. LTD j ETm: (150) t iione 001 or u:2 Inquire about our budtret nlan $ firarettcs easily with To-f 'o Eliminator. Sold subject fi'iniy-back guarantee. For Authoritative meflical opin- for your home iainrnveiiicnl. No 2 ROOMS furnished. C'ull at. fiW) THE HEART OF JULIET JONES By STAN DIkaKE down oayment. $100. ti..-.onn 6th Ave. West. (M8) farmns ill effects, of utmAxWq pv trt f)r ! LtlY' I'M NUTS ABOUT 'VoiV'OW va TAl-KT 1 'i"wOW A now VCU'EE vco'EE tm-kina TALKING Litre Litre A a THE SACPfST fcBT IS...YOU W( si Z7 rll.L Ltd., Box 303, 17 -- -CU, JULIE- tfuT 'ft UAr 9 AlTOMOHtl.KS t MTUMB LITTLE ;CHOOLSlRL- BEACLV BEUEVe THAT' Walkerville. II it lo. you ifNOiV that... anp cu icno uash'T evem wipe? BUSINESS IS BUSINESS.. 10U CAN PIVIDE ROOM for unt. Phono Blu P'a (143) Vf X LOV? IS LOVE... lOO AT ME LIKE I WAS HIS FEET APTEB TAMPL!NO VOUR HEART INTO -fiavr. ni.inv ltrms ot elnlh- '51 FARGO Pickup. Fluid drive, j wilh bx. Good condition. 524 i "nd Overlook between 4:00 nnd '. SJMETHiMS THAT JUST CSAVVLEP ALL OVEI? MY FATHEU 5 WHAT'S ONE THINS h ch were left for renairs' NEAT LITTLE WATERTIGHT 38 COTTAGES. CAMPSITES 'OJT FlfOVt (JNPE A CC! B, V . i GOT TO VO WITH iltenition.s. and not call-' : 5:00 p.m. (148p) COMPARTMENTS... If not rliimed in 14 ANP THAT i these items will be di.snnsed i I idem Tniliiiw nhnnn ! I. '-Cl I.Lt.AI. NOI'H'ti NOTHING CAN spill c.-en Try Clean. Hard. Hot BRIQUETTES In Your Vlrenbce. Cookstnvc or Funince S?4 40 Ton Delivered ALBERT ti MeCAFFERY LTD. Phone 116. 117 or 58 Your agents for MrLeod River Hard Coal flS'l For your fuel reoiiirements: "Shell" Heating Oils. "Foothills" (sootless) coal. "Pacific" Propane Gas. Phone C51 or 652 TlFfARTMENT OP FISIIERIE l' -"w'. VVlJTkt 3. wk still nave a few vacancies.; Fully furnished eahins on the' shores of Lakelse Lake. Boating,! fMiiriix apfl n safe bench for the; children. Phone wire or w'te. n Celtlvirs-t Water LHv Bay ; Ci'blns, Lakelse Lake, Terrace, j FROM ONE ' 1 (150)j I'tl'siNESS PERSONALS I 1 I; ' . W4?y, 1 t- CANADA PART INTO . -n'ywr(fi's. y r THE OTHER.., t lT ' k-'J ANP VOU'RS e-- r ' rnT B.C. (152)! SO WRONG fDENINO and landscaping,! ins. wergreen planting, rock ! I fishponds, patios nnd rock- f ete. Free estimates. Red 1 ! 1 (152pt FORT Fraser Cabin Park 55 1 miles east of Burns Lake. Comfortable housekeenin" cabins. Fishing. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Myers. (150p) SHERLOCK HOLMES LTD. ; 1571 By EDITH MEISER and FRANK GIACOIA. Hl.Im IPTVIPCT fT riiTrn Ka.liiMlls Fall FMnvay Sealed tenders addrenped to the I 1'P.OLOX. Phone Blue! lOVIfl USM!Ck. i I, r?-k.r-je. I'LLBECLAD WHEN TH& nr Chief Supervisor of Fisherler., 1110! a" Parts Sales-Service, j z H UM H UE FOR SALE FOR RENT 3y day, week DAY 1$ OVER.HA4 HSfJ j. DO WISH H2 LADYSHIP UDM Very d-i'irA,R cnesteriieia suite EUZA0ETM BEHAVED " THE CARRIAGE 15 EMPTY! WUmT6 THAT PIHNE0 TO THE f'lRD Electrical Works rieal- reasonable. HEZSELF? Phone Green 969. 150p) T7 "'i' I'.kolite Sounders. (164) I COME cACIi.Mi66 LIZZIE S V THAT QUIET W THE CARRIAGE-J ITAINf NATURAL. ,-. ' BEEN 1 month, ulcan comfortable convenient Riverside Cabins. Ph"ne 107M, Terrace, B.C. . (160) 39 HOMES FOR RENT SMALL three-room house. Blue 822. (152p) 3flA M ITES "-WK KENT West Georgia Street. Vancouver. B.C.. and endorsed on the outside of the envelope "Tender tor the construction of fnjhwny at Kajusdls Falls" will bo received up to noon of the 2nd day of July 11154. for the construction of a Fishwny on the Kajn.sdis River about four miles from Bella Bella, BC. Thn work consists of the excavation of approximately 140 cubic yards of solid rock, all open cut, and the construction of twelve reinforced concrete baffles requiring placement of I . tr-TO ;1 1 II JKK 89 V- I I V SH- :' LJJ- I II V'--rtC till Unfurnished Suites For Rent The Elizabeth, modern 3 and i-rooin apis, tiectric range ana approximately four cubic yards of BIG DANCES ELKS HALL Friday THE WESTERNAIRES , Dancing - - 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. reingeraiors.' Laundry facilities. : concrete. Rent $90 to $125 per month. Black 468. (153) jvery 5-ROOM apartment. Also some furniture for sale. Apply No. 1 Levin Apts. 610 0th Ave. Wet. Phone Green 332. (151) Tenders will not be considered unless made on the form supplied by the Department ot Fisheries and In accordance with the conditions set forth therein, and no tender will be considered for only a part of the work. Each tender must be accompanied by a deposit effual to ten per cent of the amount of the tender. Copies of documents Including form J very Saturday - THREE - ROOM self-contained apartment. No drinkers. 533 8th West. Phone Green 932 . (152p) JAKE'S RHYTHM KINGS Dancing - - 10 p.m. - 1 a.m. SUITES for rent. Phone Red 984. (11,7) ARCHIE . By BOB MONTANA; zz7 1 p yp p ' s v 1111 1 -i- SO WHAT JUGHEADf Y WHO'S Oil. r(Kt II A WOODPECKER' DIRTY LITTLE ., AVWVtW VlMR A THEY'RE STOP THAT RAPPlrK! GETc Sv6BaBR'J SWOULDA USED NOT RAPPING A , I X O BIRCH BARK off gonna r u f . VTutVPI wrck ' Sip 7 MJil- : FULL OF 4 WATER , f A ( V VLl 2L- p j or tender, schedule, general condl- i tlons. plans and specifications may be seen on application to the District.) Supervisor of Fisheries, Prince Ku-1 pert, B.C. or may be obtained on loan from him upon deposit of 10 00 in j the form of a certified cheque or! money order, made payable to the i Receiver Oenvrnl of Canada This de- j posit will be refunded upon return , FOUR-ROOM unfurnished 221 6th Ave. West. suite, j (153) ; REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE IIO.MC.I FOR SALE Id Hnncoc ! of the documents In good condition. HOUSeS. .The Iniu.ei ... .ni t 1 PROPERTY with two Close in. One three bedrooms I necessarily be accepted. P-SCOKTED LADIES ADMITTED FREE UNTIL 11:00 P.M. I . (Ht other one bedroom. Price $7950. Half rash. Box 077 Daily News. U5U- STEWART BATES, Deputy Minister. (149)