1-iiHCe Kupi'f UChy INtV.: Tiduy, June 25, 1954 League Revises Schedule Bears Unable Jo Stop Caps 1, V Little League officials have G & A Down Commercials To Notch Third Shutout It ' r J5 Wotc o, Special, lijr The Canadian Pitm been forced to declare three tie ' games on the league's books n no ton i est. ' The games have been iesciie-1-, uled for next week and one nf - iznoon-7:30p.m ....iil :2? fl HOMECOOW Dunbar's relay to Sundberg on j second was in time. Herb Mor- 1 gan's drive to the right of second was snapped up by Hill who 1 Playing strictly in the too bracket, Gordon and Anderson blanked Commercial Hotel 7-0 behind the five-hit pitchinR of BIG Hamburg. Yakima tried again Thursday I night to put the stopper on Van-1 couver but its efforts in the I We.- tern International Bus -biiil League's feature game added up to another row of fat goose cs'gs. For the second straight n'ght: the Bears vnt scoreless as Van-1 couver widened its first place bulge to five full games. i The Bears .scored a single run i southpaw Fred Christensen in a i tossed to Sundberg to force Lind- J ate 'v v f)f I two rained out game- will alio I be played this coming week. The I ot:iei v 11 be played off in t!ie i f ii-U "i.jien date" in the second i half. In order to ease the load a-i I much a.s possible on the Little Leasee pi'dicrs. who are houirl by stii-t regulations, the sche I-I uie 1vh hrpri re-arraii"ed to leave scheduled Senior Baseball League . say. 25c I inrisav hit into the second Suniluiili Beef Slew fixture at Roosevelt Park last night. This marks the second shut 55i twin kill by driving a ground ball to Sundberg w ho fired to Hill to catch Miner Simundson coming out of the season for Christen- Clam ( huwdrr LarRe bowl ... . 25 sen the third for leaeue-leariing into second. Hill's peg to Rcherk 1 O & A, and it moves the club at first nipped Lindsay by half a ; four and a half eames in front steD, G & A added two more runs in Louis' SnackBai Third Avmw W(si a Kin.smen-Nortli Stars rained eutirame to be played Thmsd iy, July 8. The revised schedule for next week followi: June Kinsmen vs Bia Klus; June 30 - Kinsmen vs of second spot Terrace. The loss drnns the hotelmen derper into the dungeon, six 1 their sixth when Petrow doubled, went on to third when Sundberg grounded out and came home. V a.m. tu R n m .1.,. Fri n,i ... .'..'": ""f North t'.'ur : July I ...Super Val'li Xi'"'.;; July 3 -Sen Kintl vs Kin.snien. games out of first olace. Gordon and Ande.r.son started H'f with n four-run lend in the bottom of the first as thev rrot to Commercial ri"ht-h n n d e r for three hits, while th" Tnti men aided the G & A cause with three .errors. Stnn Pet row lrrl off in Ihe fjoorin" column nfter hc ;ip'lcd went to second on nn ri-oi- tn first bnseman Gnrdic Cn"ron to third when Lind'T' hr.i-.hi--' Rill Sundberg's bunt long enough for the G & A shortston to get on. and came home wlirn Hon i when Hill's drive went through j Nickerson at third. Don Rcherk, ; who had walked and gone to third on the error, came in when I Midway fiii-'d a ball past Nickerson. Christensen pets the win after giving no five hits, walking two and striking out five and hitting one batter. Bruce Simundson, in the third. Lindsay gave up eight hits, walked two, struck out six and hit a batter. Bill Sundberg, trice. Commercials left, seven men stranded and G & A eight. ! T'nnvrcs were Doug Sankey : j in the ninth inning Tuesday I j night to win the optner of the three-game series at Yakima.: i Vancouver won Wednesday night. 6-0, behind five-hit pitch- , ing by Manager Bill Brenner and j took Thursday night's game by the same score with Bob Uob-; I erts twirling a six-hitter. j Edmonton handed Wenu tehee i , its sixth straight !ws 8-8: Til-Pity beat Salem 4-3 and Vic-1 toria posted the identical score I '. at Lewiston. . WenaUhc? outhit the Fskinns: 13-12 but fell short in the run, department. Th- Ch.cf.-i sco' ed ; i four time in the si-ventii inniiv, before Eumoiitcn luait.v-M'd to; i nd the rally. ! Bob Met! uire's tliird Uinlns j triple fcith two aboard gave Til- ! City its winning margin ut S i- ; leni. Tiuiiing b-i filtering tli ' , inning, the Braves picked up. a j : run when Lido Vanni .sin:;ii-d,j advanced on an error and came1 horn? on Bob Monlz' outfield fly. : Vietori'i's Nfil Sheridan carried , the big bat at Lewiston. He ' drove in runs in the first and I fifth innings that gave the Tyeis : the edge. TRUCK DRIVERS Plan now to enter the 1 st Annual TRUCK ROADEO Sponsored by the PRINCE GEORGE LIONS CLUB under the supervision of the Automotive Tranroort Association of B.C. MAKI.KNE STI'H'AItT of I'ont-hlll. (mt., play lnr: In an Invitation tournament ut the Hamilton Golf and Country Club, set a course record of t!S to break a 25-year mail; ol 74 Miss Stewart, B r i t i i: h A in a t e n i-Women's champion, is li .ivine. for England to defend her titlu. Scherk sacrificii'd l-RANK SMITH, 11, of North Tarryiown, N.Y., geis some expert batting instruction at Palisades Amusement Park In New Jersey from baseball's famed left-handed slugger, Johnny Mize. Mize gives free batting instructions as well as batting demonstrations every Friday night at the park. Sundberg came in as Dave 0?m"n '--""-I'jU's 'au at first and Steve Mintenko sort tap to the mound was misfired bv Lindsav to third. at 'hird. C""tre fielder Ralnh Endridge , score- I r i f doubled to bring in Hill wih the "'" An , H po Kinsmen Win Second in Row THURSDAY, JULY 1st OPTOMETRIST , Fied R Uowdle 303 Thlid Ava. W, P.one Green 960 To Move Into Runner-Up Tie mirn run. iwrrcii rouni n. Rimundsnn. 2b 2 0 0 Grounded out third to f ir'-t ad- Pnvlikis. if 3 0 1 vancine Kndridge. Svd Scherk m. simundson. cf . 1 o o singled brincinc in Endridge with Lindsay, p 3 0 1 ... ... - Ounn. rf 3 0 1 the fourth tally. , Mnr(.an- c 3 o In the second. Lindsay struck e.mfmni ih 3 0 0 no the first two men tWore Nirkerson, 3b 3 0 0 ViitHil" Snnriherpr nn tho hick Dalil. 3 0 2 By BOB MORRIS Fresh from their first win of the season Wednesday, Kinsmen 24 0 5 18 8 5 of th Little League showed their (.OIIIKIX Semi-Trailer Class Straight Truck Class - GRAND PRIZE - All expense paid (rip frum Prince George to VanciMY,r In innipcle in the l5t Automotive Tr:wi-purt Asvx-ia. tion I'ruvimial Finals. ENTRY FEE $10.00 In tries must be in Prince George by midnight, Juiu 8. Fill in the application for entry form bejow and mail to RAl.rH WILLIAMSON, ROADEO COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN, ill care of Hus Uepot, 1180 Fourth Ave 1'Rl NC.'F. GKORG K, B C. , Phone 75 Evenings 313-Y-2 "PROVE you ore a CHAMPION driver" SPRING-FILLED MATTRESSES AMICKSON AB Ft H PO A 4 2 2 0 0 f, worth again last night to send o the Lipsett Sea Kingi down to a o: 11-3 defeat at Aleoma Park. Prtrow. If RundberK. ss D Scherk. c Kill. 3D Kinsmen runs. Bruce Kerr who ' relieved In the fifth with two on and none away, allowed five hits rnd one walk, striking out two for one run. Armstrong, Kinsmen first sackpr. gave 'lis average a boose with three h;U for three official trips, but brought in only one run while team mates Olsen and Doug Turner, with three for four, each brought in two Kinsmen L'ilies. I Seymour, who replaced Dock- d i ne win moves me- service o clubbers Into a second place tie 0 with North Stars. 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 1 Buy top quality and years of sleeping comfort. Excellent workmen- Endridgp. cf 3 Younu. rf ... 4 S Scherk lb . . . . 3 Dunbar, 3b 3 Christens;-!, p . . 3 1 " ' ""i . .1 f. ;. 1 " ' i : ,' " " i," ( "if PS -'fr .if 'v.r'l . ' ' V r 'f S-' ' ' K if. jf f-.r y "r t . t V- I - r ' i ft,- . 1 V-itf. r."'t'.'.V , ie- .' ; .'fl ' - 'v'" ; t . V nvv:- ! V , U t, 1. ,' iff i 'i Jt xku v. ivt; - ' .. : ' i- 1 ' . A, its , V ! I 4' -A ft - -y-iV" .Sundberg stole second and enmei in vith run number five on Don Seherk's double. Coiniimrcinls threatened h.-'ef-iy to break into the scorin" co'- nmn in the third when r-liff nhl Mt a clean double to the centre field wall and was thrown out trying to make it into third. G & A nipped off a potential (h".it In th" fourth wih the first of their two double nlnvs of th pump. Miner Simundson wa":ed. went, to second on t ind-s-r's Mnele. hut was caught off th" sack when Bill Gunn hit a soft drive to Ian Dunbar at third. Ken Murray who pitched the Lrst four innings for the Kins- mi n. walked the ten batters, al ship. Long wearing martress 211 7 8 21 lowed only one hit and struck out seven for the only three Sea . c ndorf at second in tlr third in- APPLICATION FOR ENTRY in I he 1st annual Prince George Lions Club TRUCK ROADEO fatan(Uii:-s: O & A Terrace Esquires Commercials w o 5 4 9(K1 .4111 .384 .333 covering. From $33-50 up BOX SPRINGS From $39-50 FELT MATTRESSES From $j(.75 N.' iKing-: runs. Foster who r. lieved ; 'at the start of the fifth inning- 1 gave only one walk, allowed ; two hits and struck out foui i holding the Lipsett boys score-! less in the final two frames. i Bruce Robertson, who started ) on tlie mound for ths Sea Kings, was t ipped for seven hi'.s and i .;ave three walks, hit one batter ! and struck out for ten of the Thnmcnn Talflpmnp TrArlp EMPLOYER'S NAME ... EMPLOYER'S ADDRESS . 1 1 iiriieistonrt that 1 cannot enter Uie Vancouver trbb if I have had an accident during the past 12 month, h:vc wot lied for more thnn two employers I Backfires on Milwaukee n:ng. brought in two run.', with m i ) lit in two official t.j-ip-i while H; l''cr ' also accounted for two of the 11 runs, batting .333 for the game. Adams With one for four and Erickson with one fo: two each scored once. For Sea Kings, Chri.i Downing who came in at short in the fifth frame, hit safely in his only trip to the plate but he failed to score. Ogllvle was the only other hitter for Lipsett's, garnering two hits in three tries. He scored ore run. Other Sea King runs came from' Hunter with three walk3 and Johnson who wa.s given two free passes. Only extra base blows In the game were made by Kinsmen's backstop, Olsen, who hit one double, a circuit clout. Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 iSiened).. By BEN PlII.FGAli The "dream" deal of the winter is prnvirer nothine but a summer nightmare to the. Milwaukee Braves. Johnny Antonelli. Don Liddle. F.bba St. Claire, Billv Klaus and .300. For Milwaukee. Thomson has been out since he broke his ankle March 13. He will be out another month at least. Calderone lost the second-string catcher's job to rookie Charley White and h"- " ' 1 Big Series Faces Yanks Says Stengel cash were parcelled off to the,nlayed iust one full game and York Tints for Bobby parts of nine others. Thomson and Sam Calderone. ! The Braves have been helpless This W':-S runnosed to be thelln m-in.ti.-min nnrnwiill An. CLEVELAND Wi To Casey trade that could take the pen that big series in tonelli has beaten them three i Stengel it's GEGRGF. HAWKS AUCTIONEER Phcr.e Black 816 and Red 12 nant away from Brooklyn. It may succeed but for the Giants instead of Milwaukee. GOOD FOR GIANTS For the Giants Antonelli has won nine games, Liddle has won two. St. Claire is catching at times in three trie's. Liddle push- j cd them into fourth place Thurs- I day with a sparkling four-hit -2-1 victory. His masterful performance kept the Giants one game ahad of 'he Dodgers who beat Cincin- ! nati 9-6. St. Louis trimmed , NEW EASE Minneapolis where Klaus is play- -'I "r ! ' ; . ' ; ing second base and hitting over iPUsbursh 5-1 and Philadelphia -- - . .. .shaded Chicago 3-2 in ll inning:; NEW Cleveland." Al Lopez calls it "a crucial week-end, but certainly ut t one of those do-or-die times.'' No matter how they described it in separate Interviews, there was litUe doubt that man.'.;;ui3 Stengel of New York Yankee' and Lopez of the Indians view Witt) !i:.'Ci, ioe Uhlc-vime series their teams open here tonight. Sure the Indians are ton ill." conceded Stengel, whose mcr. hav a 4-4 record again it Cleveland tlr.s year. "Bui we're play ir" vp) en"u?li.'' ' ., , Stengel referred to New York's current won-iosl percentage o! ,t'(1. ii"ht now four ;ames behind Cleveland's .H92 but good cnou'-h t-i win the pcinant f-i. th !at five years. CONVENIENCE c Alouelles. Siqn U&Backlieider LEAD SHRINKS j Cleveland t:w its American 1 Leaenp lend shrink to two game-over the Chicago White Sox. The Indians lost to Philadelphia 5-1 yv 1 'XX. ifV '' .MONTREAL CP) Montreal Al- Chieewo .defeated Woshington ouettes-today announced siiin- 5-2: Third-place New York moving of 20-veir-old backfielder ed within four games of the Jimmv Joe Robinson, formerly of leaders with an 11-2 waltz at the University of Pittsburgh and Detroit. Boston and Baltimore the professional Cleveland weren't scheduled. 14 ELECTRIC STARTING j 'ff1! lil Sh' t mm. k. T-W V V.' C AS SIMPLE PHONE CALL Browns. Robinson, a five-foot-eleven, 187-pound Negro speedster, tried 'cut with the Montreal Bi Four team late last season after his discharge from the United Slates Army, but arrived at the Als' training camp too close to the Oct. 1 import cutdown deadline to be offered a contract. Phone gO Across the Town or (he Nation A f if f r- i & 1 V Lindsay's CARTAGE & STORAGE LTD. 4. '. ) Major Leugue Leaders By Thp A:sKorlalPd Prrs?i rfSJl FITTED FOR , REMOTE j Tyr CONTROL II MANUAL f START TOO f- n r 1 -.. w ; j- r SPECIALS AMERICAN K AH K H Avlla. Clrvrliiml . 199 4 74 Hasen. Ch-vi-lund . 1H2 :u :t Fox. Cliiciio 26!) 57 m Tutde, Detroit . 217 34 70 Busby. WnshlTiuton 268 3B 80 1 73 III if refill Pet. .372 .3411 Ml .323 .321 -M '-!At, Ml lj on Johnson SEA-HORSE IS H.P. OUTBOARD MOTOR Ruiik Fox, 67. Runs bntted In Minnso. Chicago, 63. Hits Fox. 89. 19 10. 10 8-J Doubles Vernan, Washington. Triples Runnels. Washington. Home runs Rosen, 14. Stolen buses Rivera. Chicago PitchingReynolds, New York 889. '"A . ,- 1 ;,,. V, ,". ' ',- ' , X ;'J, 44fe ,4. 1 ' , ' 1. - 1' fir. SUMMER SHOES Ladies Styles $.95 Men's Styles n I Strikeouts Ttirlev. Baltimore. NATIONAL l.KAIil I. AB R H Rllkler, BrfKiKlyn . 254 4J U5 Hamner. Phillies . 237 38 80 Mueller, New York 254 43 1)2 Jahlonskl. St. Louis 270 32 04 Bell. ClnrlnnaU 263 ftO 90 04. Pet .374 313 .3fi:i 34 .342 r j Joh MM NEWS $4-95 $95 1 Love Electric Runs Muslal, St. Louis. 6'J. Runs butted in Muslal, 71. Hits Snider, 95. Doubles Snider, 21. Triples Schoendlenst. St. Louis. 0. Hume runs Mus. New York, 2.1. Stolen buses Brulon. Milwaukee, 14 Pitching Antonelli, New York. 9-2 818 Ulnwouis IIddix, bl. Louis, 90. Charae It! j(5f Phone Limited ' Cow fiay, 1'rlnce Ituprrl 1 Phone IS Fashion Footwear m mm m -tm -mm m -