Prie" Rniwrt Daily Nei'S 3 Monday, May 17, 1954 - 1 1 " pij j t" - J : I ..'J t'H-L" ' Chapter To Aid King Ed School With Supplies Plans to assist the King Edward School with various supplies and equipment, highlighted this months meeting of the Euchess of Edinburgh Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire. The meeting was hrld at tho home of Mrs. Elsa Llndstrom with second vice-regent Mrs. II. McCormick presiding. I The meet ng also heard reports on the success of the Civic Centre potpourri craft .show, at which the IODE had been in chirpe of the tea room. At the close of the meeting, a presentation was made by "Mm. McCormick, on behalf of 1 lie members, to Mrs. Arthur Johnston who Is leaving the city to reside In the south. G. A. Josephs Dies Aged 47 ? i 1 An ij fit an 'f on i!, Mince Members of the Anglican Young People's Association of Seal Cove enjoyed a dance party Friday night. At their regular meeting earlier in the week, an all out drive for greeting card sales was planned. The group ' also planned a i baby-sitting service for the ! forthcoming production of Brig- adoon, and welcomed a new member, Jean Smurthwaite. WILD COUNTRY Between Tibet and Assam In j northeast India are large are is Fred E. Dowdie 303 Tliiid Ave. V. ?recB .6.0 A I " 71 Heating Must ' Be Planned Efficiently All rMtty planned lirat-ing system pays fur Itself in a few years through greater comfort that pro-. motes better health for the family. Phono 174 SMITH S ILKINS LIMITED 259 Third Ave. W. .-...i miih aimi AiioK Cauy Essendine iplaycu ,)y Ian Dobble) and two of his many female followers gloat over fan mail In one scene of Noel Coward's comedy, "Present Laughter," being staged tonight and Tuesday at the Civic Centre by the Prince Rupert Little Theatre. Shown with "Garry" are his Scandinavian spiritualist housekeeper, Miss Erikson, played by Shirley Haugan (standing i,. and Monica Reed, his secretary, played by Nina Youngman. Oriental Theme Featured At Royal Purple Tea, Sale POPILAK YOLXG NEWLY Wti)S are Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Giordano, shown here following their wedding at the Church of the Annunciation last Wednesday morning. The bride, Joyce Hilda, is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tattersall, 738 Taylor Street, and the groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Giordano of Prince Rupert, formerly of Kelowna. The young couple have taken up residence at 744-A Sixth Avenue West. Many Enjoy Smorgasbord Held by Sons of Norway .'if- I hu aitenjstineni n m! puHUttd or inpia)f;(i b the Liquor Control Mitard or by the Ciotrnmer. of Unmh (.olumhia 33975 Eosy Terms GORDON & ANDERSON Phone 46 iiml Resources. .. Pretty girls In e;;otlc Orient, il costume and Chinese lantern, fans and other articles set thr theme for the successful .spring lea and sale presented Saturday afternoon in the Klks' Home by inenibers of the Ladies of the j Royal Purple. Interesting Chinese figurines centred the small tea tables anu the serving booth was attractively decked with mock cherry blossoms, a pretty Chinese parasol, lanterns mm more figurines. Lanterns and fans were placed around the walls and in j enc coiner stood a beautilul ! Chinese brass dinner gong. j Receiving guests at the affair win Mrs. Viola Anderson, pu,u honored royal lady, while Mrs. ' Ole Slatta convened the tea. Serviteurs. clad in the lovnlv Chinese costumes, were Mrs. D m Wanamaker, Mrs. B. Watson f Geoffrey Arthur Josephs, 47, a longtime resident in northern 1 B.C.. died yesterday morning in Prince Rupert General Hospital after a month-long Illness. Born in South Africa, he came to northern British Columbia about 25 years ago. An electrician, he specialized In mining work and was employed at the old Premier Mine north ol Stewart for about 20 years. Later he worked at the Torbritt Mines and in Stewart, where he wns-particularly veil known. Mr. Josepns was a member of the Canadian Legion here, having served overseas with the First Division, First Canadian Army. A bachelor, ne is survived by his mother, who arrived here by plane today from her home in Victoria, and two sisters, one in South Africa and one in California. Funeral service will be held tomorrow at 2 p.m. from Gren- ville Court Chapel. , it Uf. .' i I 'til, klL jnm-mm himiu mnnj ACTRESS MAItY LOU Harrington, who has Just turned 2,1, measures her height against the bound scripts of NBC-Radio's "One Man's Family," which recently celebrated its 23rd birthday. Radio's oldest dramatic program, "One Man's Family" has been written and produced since 1932 by Carlton E. Morse i right I. Morse orig inally hired the pert actress as a child, some 15 years ago. This Week- The monthly meeting of the Navy League t Canada, Prince II u pert llranch, will be held in the wardroom, IIMCS Chatham, Wednesday, May 19, at 8:30 p.m. FHSST M VOt , Jacques Vierr wis elected th: first mayor of Montreal in 133J. Photo by Van taeer biuuiu. The committee in chirge of the affair included Miss KM :i Sorhes, Mr. and Mrs. G. Rclvi',', Mr. and Mrs. A. Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pedersen, J. Ritchie, G. Morgan, S. Strand, J. Slater and Mr. and Mrs. P. Peterson. Israelii ''' Bad V Canon Basil S. Prockter, rector of St. Andrew's Cathedral returned last night after a month's visit to the Prairies. He returned to his former parish in Apr 1 and took services in Macklin, Saskatchewan and Provost. Alta. On Sunday, May 2, as part of .h; re-union of graduates of Emannuel College at the University of Saskatchewan wluch was marking itsSLh anniversary at the time. Canon Prockter preached in St. James Church, Saskatoon. On May 9 he took part in services at Su. aar"s fifigii; f.n Church in Ite g na. Archdeacon Edw rd lu-fi- sen, took ovit services at Ihej cathedral here, during Canon Frockter's absence. KIDNEY ACIDS Rob your Rest.. Mmy pol never teem to get a food niihl's rel. Tbejr lurn and lou hUme il n 'nerret' when H may be their kidneys. Healthy kidney filter poiioni and eiceu acidi from the blood. If they fail and impuritiet itiy in the ayitem -duturhed rest often foliowi. If you don't rest well get and use Dodd't Kidney Pills. Dodd'a help the kidneys so that you can rest better and feel better. 1 36 Dodds Kidney Pills Of FOOD j COOKING kit ononis 200 .DAY SALE ;ESTONE iMPIONS .95 ,i Old Tirt- SERVICE fml ;iml 'Hit IJRA 1ECIAL !LL ON MPANY JNG NEW ENDINGS lore Cafe AND OUR Wkfr H WAGONS "wcimiisil car try V S nmipli lc " P'irr of only 'Wfs fmitn rub. "l'i UiliK(iTy, 'lubaml lii-atcr- X ''SERVICE ATOPICS SKKlNft ENJOYING "ThisSu timer Pitiful 'Sttnoy "cncc 8 days. ?T yhiu lKl AGENT Poulelte Madsen of Rupert Wed in Vancouver Ceremony SEALED HflClH? V CANS S Mrs. Eric Moore and Mrs. Pete Petersen. In the kitchen were Mrs. It Klliott, Mrs. H. Curric and Mrs. J. Platen. The event featured sales of home cooking, sewing, plants and a white elephant sale, phis a variety of prizes. ' Mrs. P. Deane and Mrs. T Mosley were in charge of home cooking, with Miss Margaret Mackney at the whita elephant stall and Mrs. J. Hyndman in charge of plants. Mrs. R. Boy- ! elvik. Mrs 01g Cl.ipp and Miss Mildred Furness Wfi ,i i.. the sewing booth . , .. .( , Mrs. R A. Hnli-.c.stnd was cashier and Mrs. George Oirard was in charge of prize s winne.s of which wee: Mrs. J. Cum ;, i (luilt; Mls N- Moorehouse. groc- ; ery hamper; Mrs. J. Flaten. idijilv; Mrs. T. BeatUe. tei do U : nnd Mrs. P De ine, coke. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tilor Thorsteinson of Vancouver. Rev. -A. II. Cummin'; conducted the service :'t S. Ph'ijii's Church, for whii h Hi" b' i'1", given In marrive by h-r sien-father, wore a charming en-Thorstrin Junii'S ThTst.'lM-on. Frmble of whif- nvl- n point d'esprit over faille taffeta. The groom's sisters. Van".hn and Sandra, were brldcsnnid and flower girl, rrsn-ctively. wearing fro' k;i of vol"! ai' ' ! mauve. Mr. Lav-rne Cl';"n w-i J hot man and u.hers were Mr. I Douglas Drummr.nd inu) Mr. Al Morgan. . .- 5 , K'nllowiU'r n rivei'lj' ;t . in I'e'j Lion's Gate ll-ill,, the rminle li-f j fur a h'UK ymennj rio bv c-"- I .San Fi'ancisco and elti-r (".'!i-fnrnia points, returniiv; to make their home in Vancouver. j New Gazeteer Now on Market VICTORIA (t An up-to-date nritlrh Columbia gazeteer now is available from the geographic; division oT the Department of j t.aii'.s and Forests. j Prepared bv the Canadian 1 , Toard of Geogruphieal names, i he 610 -pose, 27,000-name vol- nme contains the naiivi, of all -o iilaled places, coastal features, -'vers, lakes, mounl.aii' oi'.vr I mi; -.rapl.'-Al f at'., .s of the O' It re)laecs Hie fcl'i 'aleil ga::e-Itrr published n l!i:K). Price Is $1. The Legion auditorium was crowded Thursday night, for a gala Smorgasbord, concert and dance, an annual event staged by the Sons of Norway. A wide variety of exotic fds were enjoyed by Hie crowd, followed by a concert including songs, dances ana piano styl-ings. Featured were J.irkie Mirh-oluk, tap dance, Dennis Lips-combe. . sung selection, Nora Thompson (a winner in the music festival last week) p;.ano styltngs, a Gracey FieU's routine Vy Lucky Loucks, Mis. S b- istcn, voeal solo, and "Hippy ho Married" a short skit by Vickie and Dennis." rvinr; re-psht.ien. crrwned in th lr niti"n-.I cos1 o ne. weio Miss Aa;;ta Se'ijieim. M s Ki's'i Sassheim, Miis "Astrid Po-trivci end 'Mrs. C. G!sl:e. Members of th; R ns eiTKoiw.iy lso. stased folk dance. IODE Regent Returns Home ; Mrs. J. Ridsd"lc, regent of the Municipal Chapter, lOiV"., Irs returned from Ottawa where sh? Mi nt'cd n civil defence Inslrael-. f!'s' course In tnie-.g n; y feed- j ing. , I j C'u-fs, rVieiirlnns, and r-n and dvvorirn fvoni videos -y Irs of i life, representing every province ,;.t!enlod I he w ek-l n ri'iu:-'. j litj Of iU fvpe in C nan t. Th" j r"iu-. e is riccfoneH to -t in j ! "at en of food centres ml riue of emeigenc'rs su h i.s ; t'ci ;!s, fir. s or en. 'my all ark. , Th:50 people iti"n'!ng (hei comre " wi'l in turn, in struct; igi'iuns in th' ir own coumum- ities in the work. , I.Srs, Bi'U;'te experts tri in- : f' I let lor.rl workers ny.t f. 11. un-Icr l .ral civil d. fenci spon- sorshin. '47 CHEV. COUPE Mntiir ovci haiilrd; new.lire.s A Kuy Fur $750 '50 PLYMOUTH rood Condition throuuhoul. You Can't Oo Wrong For ' $1225 J m f CAVADA'S frlflllH? CARGESTSELLIKG ) U 1UU?1 EVAPORATED J Of interest In Prince Runevt was the recent wedding in Vin-'rouver at which Poulelte Roe Madsen. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Einar TelMcth of this city, became the bride of I2 i, . ; (til SJ, I vol t Us;l hi 'J Plans for Empire Day ae'iv-ities in local t.rhools hieh'i"Vi'- lest, week's meeting of the Municipal Chapter. ImiK ii .1 Older Daughters of the Empire. Meuenls, educiitimia seere-laries mid standard bearers "T each chapter will visit Conra'l mid King Edward schools in the morning of May 21, and Annunciation and Borden schools in the afternoon. At each seho"l. brief talks will be given students rn the meaning of Empire Day. Tlv loll',.; also is s iuiisnriu". a locel radio bro:idc:'sl. May '.' at 6:15 p.m., when VV. H. Hank-inson will speak on Clti.enshii. The treasurer reported on ths-! Civic. Centre potpourri craL I show at which the lOD.; chip t-rs had stared a susrii-sful tea. The monthly prize was won b Mrs Inez Griffith. iV'ar Ail hur Lnlng lie. t.ib-2nd. ral Leader, at a rally. June illTi backrJb) Imperial Oil Ktstanh OI-3 MY PAPPA TO ME HE LOOXS 50 WONDERFUL TO ME HE LOOKS SO GOOD Poppa is hep, he bought on A-l Used Car at F'arkcr's. Momma docsn'r look so bad citner, as she he'ped pa pick it out. Anyone would look 9ood in one of PARKER'S A l SPECIALS. These and many others to choose from. '51 FORD SEDAN 2 lone All accessories Keally a Ueauty $1650 FiEE SHOW Ask the tidier wjio install;, vour burner about an Incri;il ' .Oil 'nvcrgrecn (.oniratt" for guaranteed supply and reliable delivery. , t Y.sso Turnace Oil is backed by the reputation, the resource, and the research facilities of Imperial Oil Limited our 1km guarantee of complete satisfaction in home heating. BE SURE TQ ATTEND THE MUSIC AND DRAMA FESTIVAL MAY 11 TO 14 '51 PREFECT SEDAN Like new condition., A Bargain 'Special $675 write or phone. . . IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED SI K VOI R I IGUTJNC. NAVY IN AC TION A Colorful Trcvefogue cf ' Canada THE NAVY FLIES" Scenes from VK-il'VH S - P.F.K.VU DA - HAWAII ISI.K OF CAritl - 1T. CIVIC CENTRE-8 p m. MAY 20 (sso) PRODUCTS f JJ Moore ' Agencies St. B. YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER BOB PARKER LTD. "THE HOME OF FRIENDLY SERVICE" 4LWAYS IOOK TO I H l I II A I FOR I HI . 8 EST