r Prince Rupert 'Daily News Monday, May 17, 1854 TODAY AND TU ESDAY G& A Break Away in Seventh Frame To Take 6-5 Decision Off Hotelmen : Woiiocc', Dept. store Z ' England Beaten MAN IN THE ATTIC Esquires Split Double Header At Terrace BELGRADE The Yugosla - ' v . t . "' ' ! ' . ,V. t - ' " ; .''... ,". ' ' -A - J ; -Jt ' . Esquire Men's Wear split a -vl-AlNCE - CONSTANCE SMITH Also "MAN CRAZY NEVII.E BRAND - CHRISTINE WHITE Adult F-.tertainmnu via's national soccer team beat England 1-0, Sunday with a last-minute goal that sent a crowd of 60,000 Yugoslav fans wild. The English had fought off attack alter attack by the faster, more aggressive Yugoslav team to hold the score at 0-0 until two minutes before the end. Prince Rupert Senior Baseball League double-header yesterday with Terrace at the inland town, losing the opening nine-Inning affair 4-3, and taking the seven-inning fixture 6-5. Larry Mathews was the winning Terrace hurler In the open SHOW TIMES: IMan Crazy 7 - 9f1u son who threw to second to catch Enridge Off the sack. Christenson struck out 10, allowed ten free passes, two of them to Nick Pavlikis. who was hit twice by a pitched ball. Cameron struck out eight and allowed two walks. Dave Hill had a perfect afternoon with four hits In four appearances and teammate Syd Si'herk was runner-up with three for feur Um'jlrli.g rhitics ( re hnnd-b" "Fro"" f etnnrneau behind the plate, O. Carlson it first and Sti ve Mintenkn at tlvrd. TOTEM r In a seventh inning blast, Gordon and Anderson combined two hits, and three errors afield, to push four runs across the plate and take a 6-5 decision from' Commercial Hotel in a scheduled Prince Rupert Senior Baseball league fixture at Roosevelt Park yesteiday afternoon. Going into the seventh Commercial right-hander Gordie Cameron had allowed only two runs and six scattered hits. Those runs had been chalked up on five errors in the initial frame. Don Scherk, G & A backstop, crossed the plate- with the tieing Man In Attic 8:20 p.m. Scherk reached first on an error to Bruce Kimundson. Syd Si herk blasted a single which scored Hartwig and brot r Don. Dave Hill, who had singled ana stolen second, cime heme when catcher Herb Morgan muffed a throw. Commercials endt'd the rally when th-y caught K.aioh Emid';,' off second after Ian Dunbar had flied out to Miner Simunrison in centre. Commercials go their fie runs on a hit by Bruce Simiinnson and three errors in the second, and Bill Gunn's single and another three cm r. ' - the fil' h. Fo'h n'Tne-TM .ad Chikt'-n-son went the lull tilt, Cameron aikiwim; eight G & A hiM and Christenson hot'lirg Commercials to three. Each side racked i'o on" (limbic plav apiece. In V - - .Today to Wednesday 7 p.m. - 9 p NAVY .nnn 4 nniRMiv er and Dick Letourneau took the loss Bill Donaldson took the j mound in the eighth but the clothiers couldn't pull ahead. In the second game, Mathews was the sparkplug for Terrace, tieing the score 4-4 In the third with a four-master. Danny Bill. Esquire first sacker, put the game In the bag for the clothiers when he tripled in the sixth, scoring Bill Doukan-ulk who had reached first after being hit by- a pitched ball. Freshman backstop Rey Mc For MORE! j Fun In 1 I The Sun E H E 0 i rum m v Sundhpri?. 88 n ' ,rl-.'. 3b n Si'herk. c n Hill. 2b S Kehork. lb R Fnrlfitrc pf ! run, and Dave Hill, keystone j sacker, came over with what proved to be the clincher. I Fred Christenson started out ; the seventh by getting on of ihe ! two free passes Cameron allow-1 ed. Bill Sunberg flied out. Don AB 6 5 5 3 rrsvji'. the sixth, Gunn flied to Duve '"-"n't who caught Tom S Petrow. If I Dunbar, rf . ..-. 11 F Christenson, p Hartwig got on with an error to shortstop Tom Naka and Don N:ika off first. In the seventh, Dunbar flied to Miner Simund- 37 S 8 7 'ommi:h( i ai.s AB 1 ' 0 0 g "Play" Clothes do make a B difference. Wallace's are ! always on the alert to bring J you the latest. See Wallace's stock now and remember I there's more arriving every m day. Wallaces! idept.store: Kay of Esquires had a good afternoon, getting three hits for five trips to the plate. Jackie Sharpe went the route for Esquires and Jack Burton replaced starter Ross Millanders In the third Tor Terrace and Is charged with the loss. Next Prince Rupert Senior Ball loop fixture Is this Thursday at Roosevelt, Park when Gordon and Anderson play hast to Es- , quires. T Knkii. ss W ounn. rf J simundson. cl N Pavlikis. If .... : Inhl. 3b ... H Morgan, c . . . . I) KUlrl lb J, Lindsay, rf IBi B simundson, '2b . O Cameron, p 0 0 0 0 For New Construction and Repair Work SEE GREER & BRIDDEN LIMITED 1 I 0 0 28 A 3 9 This advertisement is not published or Jisplaycd by The Liquor Control lloard or by the Government of Hi iii iiish insh Columbia. Columbia. The first telephone connection between Canada and Europe was completed In 1929. j j rnonc ypy zi3 isr Ave. W. Ij Try a Dully N'jiv? i;ias.;ifitrf! What's news at nco? vvv C0U)wi mm w Motors Eleven Down Cafe 3-0 In Exhibition The General Motors soccer squad took a 3-0 decision from Cafe Gondola Saturday evening at Roosevelt Park in a scratch exhibition game which saw only nine men playing on each side. Rod Talt, centre forward for OM, scored once and ouUlde left E. Krijutsky also scored for the garagemen. The third GM goal came on a rebound off Gondola's right full bark. There is a likelihood of a third team being formed to make up a district league, Maurice Bishop. GM centre half said this morning. Several players on the GM rlevnn nre employed at Columbia CeluioKe. and there Is a possibility of a team being formed there, Mr. Bishop said. A third team would mean the formation or a district league, Mr. Bishop Btated. ..aiilliB CAPITOL Wrestling - Cartoon News A I-am i mii Phn ri llif-itlrt' : S50 w present i , - . f ;-. .. - " ' v''..' : .... 1 ' 'y -'. f ' ' ' I ' ':' '! ' ' -si V1': t"V 4 Q - -I 'rev ' r" vi. ,; : . W 'T .'' : ?W ft '.': yjri-:' ' ' , . . . ; ... ; '0:?$ . ',5 .' v ' !; , m ', ' i ,.j"-" ; ; 4'. . -, ; ;-, ? 1... . f& Wl' ! i. i -': "i-",t-'-'':' i '.' I 1 i . if. I r ., v ' Baseball Scores smiipiiiii Lfuetif 8t Loulne 7, Philadelphia 3. Philadelphia 6. 8t Louis 3 0i. Brooklyn 4. Clnrlnnnll 3 Cincinnati 7. Brooklyn 3 Milwaukee 3. New York 3 (101. New York 8. Milwaukee 2 ChioiRo 13. p!ttburnh 3, Pittsburgh 8. Chlcano I Ami-rh'Mti luiciir Detroit 7. Bonton 8 Detroit 0, Boh ton 8 (Ml Cleveland 13. Philadelphia 7. Cleveland 8. Philadelphia 0. Chicago 10. Washington 5. Washington 3. Chicago 1. New York a. Baltimore 0 Baltimore 6. New York 2. laughter' Monday and Tuesday Civic Centre STARRING IAN DOBBIE as presented by the Prince Rupert Utile Theatre Association Remember When Itv The Ciiiih'II'iii I'ii Earl Sande rode William Woodward's great three-year-old Gallant Fox to victory In the Kentucky Derby 24 years ago today. Oallant Fox went on to win the triple crown ' of the American turf the Kentucky Derby, Preakncss and Belmont stakes. Later triple crown winners were Omaha, War Admiral, Whirlaway, Count Fleet, Assault and Citation. TICKETS ON SALE AT Colussi's, McRae's, Van Meer Studio or at the Civic Cemtre out of the air Reserved $1.25 General $1.00 The Cunuda roosc is greyish-brown with a black head and neck, white throat and cheek patches. Advertising in Daily News Brings Rel Every two minutes in this modern plant, a blast like an elephant's snort tells of a modern miracle that is taking place. Under pressure at 280 below zero, air is being liquefied and the oxygen separated from nitrogen and other elements. The blast is caused by the expulsion of the nitrogen. The oxygen, thus obtained from the air, is conducted through a pipe-line, to the smelter where it is used in Inco's new oxygen process of flash smelting the copper concentrates. This 5 wfjW;?:;-- 5 yrCX' Today'$ Top Va,ue in VS it-'' 1 LIGHTWEIGHT Bikes fiSI-,S, V SEE THM AT YOUt C.C.M. OtAltR'S TOP' to ew" ' process eliminates the use of coal and makes possible the economical production of a valuable by-product sulphur dioxide which eventually is used in making paper. This oxygen plant, the first of its size ad kind in Canada, produces more than twice as much oxygen per year as all other plants in this country. It is one example of the way Inco introduces new economies and finds uses for by-products formerly without value. "The Rtmanct oj Sicktl", 72-pagt book, jiilly illustrated, will it tent Jree m request to anyone inturtstcd. W McRAE BROS. LIMITED .'nii:m l rVT' 'ISmiwh ''The Store that Service Built' THE HARDWAR ty. GORDON'S ATI 0 N A L ljlCKEL MPANY 311 Phone McBride Street t CANADA,, LIMITED . 25 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO r