. 'It 4 , Monday, May 17. 19; Today's Stocks '(fourteir g. o. Johnttoai tja. ;t-i 1 ,1 'r' BLACKWOOD on BRIDGE By EASLEY BLACKWOOD Bad Distribution Turns Pat . Hand Into Upset "I don't see why you dropped me, partner. "We have got a cold slam," said Mr. Muzzy after the dummy went clown in today's deal. . V DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS ' 10 11.. 1 ii' i . , , ., . i v .... :""e lemaie. i 39A SUITES OR RENT 1 SALL furnished apartment CFPR Classified Kates , Pm ,r P"10" ;7Tn P" word per ta-.Jtth Notice., runaral The opening lead was a small heart and Miss Brash won with the king. She returned the suit and Mr. Muzzy ruffed. He led a diamond to dummy's act to make sure there weren't five trumps in either opponent's hand. Then he spread his cards and claimed the rest. "I believe I am within my rights," said Mr. Champion nastily, "when I ask just how you propose to win the rest of the tricks?" "Why I just pull the trumps, then cash my clubs and the ace of spades," Mr. Muzzy replied. MUZZY FIGURES POINT Mr. Chamni nndiiprl tlinnnht.. fully, eyeing his five clubs to the ten snot -Thon i hpmViu e. rf?? private home In or near eitu 1 for two chronically 111 natives Please apply in writing, giving remuneration required to Indian Superintendent, P.O. Box 187 3 city- ( 115)' ELDERLY eoup! to take charge of small apartment in return free accommodation. Phone Red 984. (j 17) 20 HtXP WaNTI.II FEMALE STENOGRAPHER with short- hand experience required 1m- mediutely by Albert & McCaf- lery 1.1a. Phone lid for Interview. tH6) 25 Situation Wanted Eemalc WILL mind children days. Green 283. (116) BABY sitting. Phone Red 607. U8 26 Hi ll.'HNO MATERIALS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. I Phone 651 or 652 . 1 INQUIRE ubout our budget plan j lor your nome Improvement.! No down payment. $100 to $2000 June 1. Quiet adults onlv Also unfurnished 3-room apartment, i Phone Blue 292. (H6 , . - - t - ROOM apartment. Harbor view'. Phone Green 883. (118) 40 HOME rOR SALE WHY PAY RENT? $1000 down and move right in. Newly painted ten-year-old bungalow, fully furnished. Large living room, two eood bedrooms cabinet kitchen and bath. One block to shopping and the b Priced to sell $3200. 5 MINUTES TO TOWN Solid 5-room bungalow, close to schools and city centre. Large living room, family-sized dining room, two good bedrooms and bath. Basement with hot water heating. $2000 down, balance as rent. Only $4500. ' Armstrong Agencies Ltd. 342 Puoe T3nA ACQ ilTfli - ---1 - - WOULD.you like to make over lu" interest on your money Three-storey house. Revenue Siwo per month, plus large suite for owner. View. Will accept family dwelling or car as part payment. Terms. Phone Red 297 alter 6:00 p.m. (120) ! BUSINESS LOCATIONS quest that you proceed to ph-.y made by careful play." out the hand in the manner you! Mr- Champion was right as have outlined," he purred. j usual- The sa,e Play was to lead Mr. Muzzy did so and when.? cubJr TtTJl RADIO DIAL 1340 Kilocycles (Subject t Change) I MONDAT PM. coo Lux Radio Theutr 7:00 CBC News 7:18 CBC NtWH Jfoundlip 7:30 Summer Fallow 11:00 Presenting SIB CBC r:,mp:mny Orrh. goo Bob McMullan Show 9 SO The J:u:k Culli-n Show 1000 CBC News 10 15 Provlnclul AITnlrit 10 SO Music by Camiiratn 1:00 Wt-athor Report Musical Maslft-plulta Kisn-i.n rat;stAV AM. 7:00 n C. Pl! -hermenV. Urf.aa;-a:.t 7:1.1 Milliill liHk 7:30 cue News; Wea'ilier Mh-IihI ( look 1:1.1 MoriUiiK lievotlond B 1)0 CBO News: Wenthrr 8:10 llcn-'s Hill ClooU 8:1.1 Brpakfait Club 8 45 LfftOVRI'd 0:00 HIk; N)-ws and Cnnity. 11:15 Aunt I.ury 9:30 Laura Ltd. 9 45 Come What May B-.W T line. Signal 10 .00 Morning Visit III 15 Happy Onus! 10:45 Marl Ki-liney I I 00 Your iofxl WclMhnor 11:15 Klndt-larten il lUc Air ll:.H Me-uigc IVrlml 11 49 Carnailon Entertalnit I'M. IMlll Itorii Veiir Timi Sihhi U:Ift CBC New VI It CBC Showcase 12 SO h c. l-'ann BrimflcAHt II:. 1.1 Interlude I III) Ke-urd for Von I :t() lt-cord At hum a do B.C. Kchool llroadfimt UM '11-unri-CanaUa Maltnce J IS Brave Voyaie S-.HII MoeilHWll 1:45 Yesterday's Favorlws 4:15 Vocalise and Stock Quntntlnns 4:30 Alice In Orcue&tnilia 4:45 Sleepytlme Huiry Teller 5 00 Howdy Doody 5:15 At Home wnh the Lcnnl-k-s 5:40 International :omty. 6:45 CBC New. Weather S65 Daily News !iT ou" (10 Bi uu. tMirt refrinilblllty ."J Kli tiiw'"' Incoirectlf , irmi "' , ; T fANT AD REPLIES ( rtOICiiny refines t following News ;xes: 3,942, 9 4 3 , 9 4 8 Replies must be y f;r m person DEADLINES j 6 t oy a newspaper to Kiarruntr production ; irlually help you to the must for your ,:tbiiip dollar. ui that all Display . "tti-siiig roi'.y be in our oy 4 p m. two pub-;i days in advance day tin' ad Ik (o idline lor Classified H,i-irig will remain pm the previous pulj- ,a (lav. (It) ciuiim; i:knts -1; A'ion Home unci School '. ' the clubs did not break a.s he expected he found himself one j down i Now you know why Mrs. Keen j dropped' you as you call it." chided Mr. Champion. "She'd probably like to drop you from something like the seventeenth floor. You could have made five, you know." "Not with thai horrible distribution I cc.;k!n't," said Mr. Muzzy. "I put badly," .Mr. Cham- to 24 mos. to pay. 132) FOR RENT-Offiees In the Stone Building, modern, steam heat-1 centrally located. Apply Room No. 3 Stone Hldg , or phone Red . di8i VANCOUVER American Standard 15 Beaver Lodge Uranium .55 Bia:orne 3.30 Cariboo Gold Quartz 82 Cronln Babine 05 Doreen . 07 Estella ..ZZ .17 Giant Mascot , 45 Granduc ... 3.70 Indian Mines (aski 05'i Pioneer 1.75 Premier Border 04 ',i Privateer .03. Quatsino .15 Sheep Creek .72 Silbak Premier .10 Sil-Van .09 Silver Standard .75 Spud Valley .02 'j Vananda .01 Western Tungsten 50 Oil A. P, Consolidated .32 Mercury .09 'i Okalta 1.50 Pacific Pete 9 85 Royal Canadian 09 TORONTO lh,lr, . """a va 3 Aumaaue noi,' Consol. Discovery 1.83 ". Bcvcourt .U"4 Buffalo Canadian .17'b Coasol. Smellers ... 26.90 Con west 3.3') Donalda .46 Eldona .20 East Sullivan ..... ... 380 Giant Yellowknife 8 40 God's Lake .71 Harricana .25 Heva Gold .04 j, Duvex .1 (',' Jollet Quebec - .31 Little Long Lac 70 Vi Lynx .081', Marisen Red Lake 1.66 McKenzie Red Lake .. .38' MacLeod Cockshutt .... 1 30 Moneta 41 Negus '.12 Noranda 68.00 Louvicourt ia Pickle Crow 1.1 a .Petrol Oil & Gas .49 New Senator ,1L''i Sherrltt Gordon 3 85 Steep Rock 8.15 Silver Miller 1.17 Grea't Sweet Grass 1.19 Golden Manitou ..... 1.47 Can. Chem. & Cell. 7.40 Landover Oils .08 Nesbitt Labine 1.48 1 ' Boreal 2.00 j . knocking nV out "'. Vic Z Towell ofSonth i iT .1 "" . 1952. He defended the crown three times. U.S. Puck Team To Seek Title SPOKANE, Wash, t The United States will send an amateur hockey team to the world championships in Europe next winter if they are invited. The announcement was made by the American Hockey Association, which closed its two-day meeting here- Sunday. The AHA has appointed a committee to organize a team. Ted Williams Day's Wor k . "i A.JV...V. itfc-'- v-t-'..w?-i riehthander. snaoned n slx-eame New York Yankee winning streak with a three-hitter 6-2 in the second game after Allia Reynolds h"t ot Dave Koslo 2-0 on three hits. SPLIT DOt'RLEHEADERS All National League clubs split doubleheaders except the Phil- lies and St Louis Cards, whose Never-Say-Die Penticton Downs Sudbury to Win Cup WANTED TO KENT RELIABLE baby sitter. Avuiluble evenings. Phone Green 720. (115) Fl'KX 41 Try Clean, Hard. Hot BRIQUETTES In Your Fireplace, Cookstovn or Furnace ed, $24 40 Ton Delivered 1 I ALBERT & MiCAFFERY LTD., Your Agents for MeLcod River Hard Coal 1 2 ' FOR your fuel requirements: ing Oil "Shell" Stove and Furnace Coal Foothills and Bryan Mtn. Ons 'Pacific" Propane. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Phone 651 or 652 (132) FURNITURE FOR SALE 43 for sale Phone (116p) 3-PIECE chesterfield suite, com- jONE- or two-room apartment or PENTICTON, B.C. (CP) There ; flaying-coach Grant Warwick was dancing in the streets until once again was the sparkplug as dawn here Sunday, as the whole j he fired the winning goal in the city turned out to whoop it up ; second period. Jim Fairburn and over Penticton V's umazing Al-! Jack McDonald were tha other lan Cup victory. j Penticton marksmen, and de- The tome-li om-behind V's ; fenceman Yogi Kraiger snd Tat-1 took the measure of the dogged i ter McClellan scored for 8ud- Sudbury Wolves 3-2 Saturday ; bury. Bantamweight Champion Quits Lt!; Muy n-61,1 8l-.ruRNmmE 1 Blue 247. night in the seventh and dcekl- ins eame. to brine the Canidin senior amateur hockey cham - -Vinnshlp to British Columbln for in. ursi Dine since laaa. -1 nearly-new sale, May B..K- h. " - V 1 5 ""ft" ' : . . - -i : a " ' T . - Vi, '''v'"i '; i : i. I " . e 1, I mi.. - j i . - 4 V" ' J'V If1 ve ,.. . f ft '. -7 f 4 I binutlon radio, Just like new. nn iGnvacn mrr ...,. i.. ..uKnvuj luuni, nil wurK- girl, as soon as possible. Apply Box 956 Dally News. (117) 4-BEDROOM house, good district 2 year lease.- Contact Personnel Office. Mill Division, Columbia Cellulose. (120) LISTINGS WA.VIfcD KbLUNO YOUR HOUSE? I We have several buyers with cash for houses up to $15,000. ; You'll do better at' I II. U. Ha.'jrerson Ltd. Real Estate & Insurance 6th Street Phone 96 vl F. Wilson, rjjacK 197 Eves. (120) ..,,o..t... ...T7 "'""im iimiitiuiviiiKS BUSINESS FOR SALE I Going concern, only one In town. Has good possibilities and ! fi Epring Bazaar, , vacuum cleaner, new. Occasional GEORGE DAWES ' AUCTIONEER Phone Black 846 and Red 12. 1 BUSINESS Arid PROFESSIONAL NEW FUEL TANKS 550 Gal. Tank 110 0O 375 Gal. Tanlt BO 00 375 Gal. Tank 75 Of 12 Gauge Steel 3 Extra. INDUSTRIAL WELDING CO. Oreen 884 - 221 1st Ave. E. Mrs. Rowe DRESSMAKING 234 Third Avenue East, over Rupert Battery Shop. Phone Blue 126. OPTOMETRIST KEITH H. TUCKER- 210 Fourth Street Phone 212 CAPLING TRUCK LINE Leaves Pr. Rupert for Smithers Every Tuesday and Friday. For connections Phone 632. IF YOU WANT A CINDER DRIVEWAY ROCK OR CONCRETE WORK Rent of Truck and Equipment Ph. Blue 939. M. J. SAUNDERS scott McLaren - CHARTERER ACCOUNTANT James Block, 608 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 Tr advcrtisemtnt is not published i Of displayed by the Liquor Control . Send of by the Government ol British Columbia -' chop suey . . . . CHOW mein Open 6 p.m. - 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe For Outside Orders 1'hone l.'.T Popular Steamer , Prince Rupert ' 4 SAILS IFOR , f- VANCOUVER . and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN ) WEDNESDAY Midnight. Comfort and Service., For reservation write I call City or Depot Offlc. Prince Rupert. B.C. " t, lie'"1 J, T(liVcKcrtififit it not uUthi mt dufettyctl t th-4quof Central iowd m by iSw 0vniM4 cnuir small rugs. Miscellaneous 7 r., - Articles. Suite 3, 510 McBride It was a fitting climax to one ; Each team scored twice in the of the most, exciting Allan CupiS?Cond period. V's pet l oth their finais on record. 'goals in the first seven minutes n Missionary lea,, Apu. call evenings. tiouth dealer Both aides vulnerable Nnrtli (Mrs. Keen) S A J 8 0 3 H H 5 D A Q 3 C 5 South (Mr.. Mll) 83 H S D K 3 10 0 8 C A K O J 4 3 Weot (Mr. f'lianiptflii) (Ml llnedi) S K 9 7 S Q 10 5 4 H Q 9 7 4 H A KJ103 D S D 7 5 4 3 C 10 8 7 8 8 C None. The bidding: South West Nor'h Emt 1 D Pass 1 S 3 H 3 C 3 H 4 D 4 H D All Pass P'on sneered. "What I meant was that eleven tricks can De ,',f" ; co"r- ' I uce; hPyl'0 'the closed hand. Ihen you can; win nnv return. Dick un "he vs- i mng trurnps and -claim- the baUnee as the cluo sun i iw good. If Miss Ere.-.h should discard on the first lead of clubs, win with the ace and cash the king. No matter when Miss Brash ruffs in, you wili have time to ruff a low club with dummy's queen of trumps and still make five-odd. ' y's led 1-0 at the end of trrS iii-uf nsnnH n Tiirhnrn'i toii-j : at 15. 12. Grant Warwick and , ,earguard Kevin iCrusher) Con- eiraw du nic. i snd appeared well on the way to victory. A cross-checking-, penalty to Penticton's ' Doug Kilburn at 18:32 set the stage for Wolves comeback. The easterners ganged to the attack and Kraiger connected first at 17:01. McClellan's goal came just 20 seconds later. Great goal-tending by Ivan McLelland, who performed near miracles foe V all through the playoffs,, was the key to the scoreless, third period. iJ . 1.... l'J'.-f-M dividing with Cmcinntitr. on Hodges; homer with the bases loaded off Herm Wehmeier gave Preacher Roe his first victory 4-2 but Bud Podbielan beat Russ Meyer ror a 7-2 Cincinnati edge in the second. Johnny Antonelli faced his old Milwaukee mates for the first time since he was traded in the Bobby Thomson deal and whip ped the Braves 9-2 as New York Giants bounced back from an opening-game 3-2 defeat In 10 innings. 1fC3 Joe Garagiola led a 17-hu ! Chicago attack on Pittsburgh : with a perfect 5 for 5 in the first game 12-3 victory. Then Jake Thies clamped down on the Cubs with a four-hitter to earn a 5-1 decision. JCF ill Store your precious furs in our protected, controlled ' temperature vaults. Call 974. i Bill Scuby Furs (120p) 216 1 29A SEWING MACHINES 1 O T 17 O DnnnlM . DmI.1. CM uni,m-iiu, ""Wl,, Sewing Centre. n;one 884. t" j j 32 FOR SAM. MISC. ! RADIO - Phonograph combination, mahogany consol. One slumber king .spring-filled mattress. Apply 209 6th Ave. East after 6 p.m. (117) GENUINE Seafood dinner, pre Sudbury appeared to have the battered trophy In the bag after taking three of the first four gamtL, the fourth one by a convincing 8-2 margin. But th V's wue not to be stopped. In true storybook fashion, they roared back with thres straight wins, all of them thrillers. They rewrote the script slight ly Saturday, taking a 3-0 lead and then hanging on grimly as Sudbury stormed back. ; agencies. Good location, stock D knoexouts ana eigni Dy ae-Jind eauinment. Will consirin- cision. ... down payment, balance 12 to 18 months, plus interest. Good op- I Canada is geologically one of portunity for progressive person, t tne oldest countries in the world. Offers good till June only. Anolv more than half being pre-Cam-Box 943Daily News. (115) : brian rock. pared Cast Uiiiru ui by seasoned ocu.wucu chefs. tuna. it.M whatever you think it's worth it..i.1j i i. . iriisi uiuiru iiuii:ii iit-At rii- Hitting at .727 Clip SHARES In Silver Tip Gold mines. What offers? Box 955 Daily News. 1 115p) Against Rampaging Tigers 47 AUTOMOBILES 1949 STUDEBAKER Sedan with radio, top condition. New paint, new rubber $1100. Can be financed. Ray Green, New Floats. (120p) LEGAL NOTICE Hl.VII.KN ICI.I.ION gEALED tenders will be received at the olflre of the Chief Engineer. Winnipeg. Manitoba, until two 13) o'clock. Central standard Time, tn infh oi ?. . "y:, . -a' i.'., ,ir ' i' i" 1 " " -'-llM t n.i v in r-r MANTEL piece. Cream color. 343 7th Ave. West. U20pi (' - I ; I 4t'..H-;'. V,.! ! second eame was halted by Phil- : adelphia's Sunday curfew. Solly , j Hemus' pinch triple helped the j Cards beat reliefer Jim Konstan- ty in the opener 7-3. The Phils ! led 6-3 when the second was j suspended after six innings. It ' will be completed today. Brooklyn edged within six - joints of the leading Phillies by I 34WANTED MISCELLANEOUS fTTTT T flTT C fTTT7 A TD 17 i.pnrAnf ly wishes to borrow Tartan the Boston Red Sox slug-cniiimhu JOO-ton Ice House at Endako, rntish Ianky ger is hitting only .727 after one Plans, specifications, and form of full day's work. Wait 'til the contract mav be seen, and form of ; -., v.c gtrencth hnek mnn &tl "1S Strengm DaCK. .toiman tender obtained at the nfflc. of kilts, trousers, blouses and vests, for the stage production of Op-0 ere tin HilpiiHnnti Pleasp contact ( atn..734' or Black 2119. Great RVnNEY Australia iiAhr- tralia s Jimmy Carruthers, un-! defeated bantamweight champ-i ion of the world, announced his I retirement from boxing Sunday night. The 24-year-old, 118-pound titlist scored his 19th victory last May 2 when he outpointed Chamreon Songkitrat of Thai '"u ... 1 It titl. w. K,.f ... 1 !" " ;L ,? . ,-" 19a0' C"UT won 11 bouts Patched-Up I n First Full ' .1 sJ Asuiiciateu i'ie fciniru Writer - , . j A u,i.nmc Wlth . ?i i l h! LfVhntiiripr Z T !LeI! l fnLinl hi, wi i body every ti time h. he swings .u,r hard, I ve had better days," said Williams Sunday after smashing eight hits in nine times at bat In a doutueneaoer at, ueiroi performance .thaU may well be the big story of 1954. "It hurts like hell every time I swing." Although Williams got into a game at Baltimore Saturday as a pinch hitter and finished in left field, going hltless in tw trips, this was his first real test since he broke his collarbone. MADE 'EM WONDER Those who saw him hit two homers, a double and five singles and drive in seven runs at Detroit wondered how he did it. The Red Sox still lost both games 7-6 and 9-8 in 14 innings as the Boston pitchers gave up 27 hits. Cleveland seized the American Lcagua lead by 10 percentage points over Chicago by knocking off Philadelohio, twice, 12-7 and 6-0 with Mike Garcia allowing only one hit in the second game, a fourth-lnnina single by Joe Demastri. . , It was the third one-hit game in the majors within a week and the eighth of the season. Chicago slid out of the lead by dividing a pair with Washington. The WhiU Sos won th first 10-5 with Minnie Minose driving home six runs but bowed to Washington's capable Bob Porterfield in the 3-1 second game. .' . Don Larsen, young Baltimore ricare will be taken with costumes M. bazaar May 27. wrly-ncw Sale. May Me 'iea. May 29 '-Church W.A.'sprlntf June 3. Mils Bake Sale, June 5. flM Fall Bazaar, No- ftM It , .NOTICES JHS-in the citv. Sun vie int. . . 1 I vet. ' .0Vr!!yr 4i years. . 941 . 3rd , Ave- , mi be conducted at 'Court Chapel at 2 pm. ; May 18, with Rev. 5 Prockt fofollw.ta ' fmlmiiiltnrai' ) nf ' "nuiiemenis. ( It) ffflSONAL Alcoholics Anony-, Box 343. t 132 ) I "ESS i'KRSONAI.8 3Ff w. m,VI r.i . - Novelties, fcddle'g i (C) wAinAT p tfrcrwn .,i. iiji, " , " i'""".iiib, roc it kx,nd.s, patias and "w estimates. Red I126p) rjTJICIAN D. 'Ouvatt, ... ' "'ling nn,l elni.11 9111 Ave. West. Phone (114) ?, chesterfield J Odd jobs. Phone ,128, VavF "''l-EANERZ : T,X- Phone Blue Parts-sales Service. Furk, 8 Red ay3. (20m) "t it: ., " Matiuk, PulntlnH 101 days, (120) m fi. . ta. lrlca . Works. Mo. rewound (120) ""nit-Aii ;m n s- V!" ot saws. tw " uiing 215 1st (116) ES,ral Bfrtr" Works Uwi: "0I"" Sounders. - (114) '"arkeTTot course". (120) -r-"y ages DA, LOST I " t .It,. I !hl(;' Enp)"" winnipei!; District rngineer. Vancouver. Division Enein- V I "V,J1".ana n-'lmJ0Ps AvKisrnnt . , DivlKiitn Fnuinour Pritir-P r George. CN R, Airem. Burns Lake. and CN R, Aijent at Terrace. B.C. Tenders will not be considered un it ss made on form supplied by the Railway and accompanied by an accepted cheque drawn on a chartered Bank in Canada In favour of Cana dian National Railways, equal to five per cent of the total amount of the tender. No bid bonds will be accepted with tenders for this work. The lowest or any tender hot necessarily accepted. .? n. McMillan, Vice-President. Wlnnlei(, Manitoba, May 17th. 1HS4 (M-17, 18, 19 I.4MI lti:llsTIIY ACT e: Certificate (if Title Nil. al"-1 In I. nl Thirteen (1:1). Illia-k Kleveu (II), Village nf Hlewarl, Ma HIS. WIIKKEAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Ccrf'tcate ot Title Issued In the name of Minnie Hansen lias been filed in this office, notice is heretiy given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the first prtbllcatlol hereof, iwsne a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of snld lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be mndo to me in wrllln". iiA i tin at. the Land tteulslry Of fice, prince Rupert. B.C., tills 24tli day nf hVbiiiafy. 104. A II, ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. I'JOnc , Safety Measure LONDON (CP) Future London taxicabs will have doors hinged towards the front rather than the back of the cab. The change is a safety measure (119) ' CASH FOR Srfnp, copper, brass, btlterles radlutor. Phone 543 Call 630 6th Ave. West. (c) 35 BOATS ANI ENGINES NEW 14 ft. boat suitable for inboard or Outboard. Price $225. Apply 1119 6!h East. (115p) 16' RUrMBOUT boat with cabin. 5 h.p. Wisconsin air-cooled engine. Accommodates six. For inspection at Yacht Club see Caretaker or phone Black 837. ( 120p) 8FTnjNKER dingy. As new. Tony Crawley, Green 391. (117p 3ft ROOMS FOR RENT LARGE housekeeping room, suitable for working girl. Private entrance. Central. Red 879. 37 ROOM AND BOARD TWO gentlemen, sharing bed. Phone Red 718 after 5:30 p.m. or call 1005 James Apts. U1!J HOUSEKEEPING room, suitable for one or two men. Close In. Phone Oreen 448. 120p) 39A SUITES FOR RENT THREE -ROOM self-contained apartment. No drinkers. 533 ... , n. n, t 019 ota wesv. v... - --"lisp) TED WILLIAMS, star outfielder for the Boston Red Sox who hit safely eight times out of nine yesterday against Detroit Tigers 'in his first full day's work, is shown having the last three stitches removed from his shoulder by Red Sox trainer. Jack Fadden. Williams fractured his collar bone during . spiing practice and had a pin Insert to speed his recovery. "stOvM11 with'n vlcln-Uvt''look. Black 2138 1117)