As I See It a"rdeaux la, ' a to wh. , . T,, , shape, can arouse pride. For one thine, they have ample width j By way of contrast, take a stroll i In Juneau, capital city of the ; vast land of Alaska. i Canada's chief city, Montreal :a community of prestige and dignity, has of late been doing a bit of stepping; out a mi,... Prince Rupert Daily News ' '' Wednesday, May 7, 1952 An lnrti fwnrlpiit daily ncwspnpiT devoted to the uphiiilding'of Prince Rupert - - ' and Northern and Central Brlliiill Columbia, . Member of Canadian Press Audi! Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association. 4 Published By The Prince Kupirl Daily News Limited J P. -MACiOR, President H O. PERRY. Vice-President '' O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor ray . . . Reflects and Reminisces Arthritis Campaign TORONTO (CP) The Canadian Arthritis nnd Rheumatism Society plans to spend $130,000 this year on research into the diseases which have attacked 600.-U00 Canadians. What hid k MichKn haPfi their t. mist r,;: df'Pt. at Dlin' Hunt For Uranium OTTAWA (CP)-If y0l, can ,a. hands on a geiger counter una like outdoor life, you're ready to set up as a uranium prospector. , It helps if you can find vour way around in the bush, but it doesn't matter if you can't leli pitchblende from thueholite h PIJ. i strike was called in one of hvr i A new h,,.., PJ-,a leaning stores, which, still carry, ing on, slashed n i,.... Bt coming acquainted, In Prince Rupert, Is an easy enough pro- np fit ranirerr nntiea it firm. Subscription Kales: j ' t i carrier-Per week. 25o: per month 1 10: per year. 10.00 IiWi:iMte i mail Per mouth. T.Sc. prr year. 8 oo. '"-Soi-ss ' cAuiiiorured as .second class mail by the Post Office Department. Ottawa. Tllf,ool?r7 Wi" T pa f, th"i ing a friendship may take a little jthut'the crush of buyers almost I cleaned out the premises; At the isame time, the prisoners ia the $700,000 it holies to raise in a b repeated Jbl! r 1 lot Deml.btttnii Billion $ Question longer. Other things are noticed as well. The better a pal likes campaign which starts in most V Even More Houses AH these ideas of thl- ol Canadian cities on May 5 but ' ease you ,he more gure he wiu w ABOARD CPR EAST- pursuing radioactivp minornlj Ontario May 12, you the devil to eat every now THE Cha APPLICATIOkh mher of Commerce does SOme forward ! BOUND At Revelstoke arese'out bv the Mines Depart- The society serves patients in and then. ill an provinces out iNewiouiuuunu , looking; and realistic thinking when it urges that lour train stons and iust stepping ........ ... up .v Canada uwRifi, s known uimeu , will be received by the iindersi..nM bncrrtary ol Uk Pn, Rupert VcZ f P"SUi V there he no let-up in the campaign for more housing- 'opposite us is a westbound r7u7sVfini?K .jia .Prince Rupert even though 50 new rental units 'cattle train. I prospectors. ay .xpUid and ,,, ftau J, u(q";'!;,i:t"'s. apfner mid rM)erieoe. ki.u hen v.,ttw" rH" ,ltil DR. R O. LAHr.c . Chairman, Civic e'en,,. The white-faced prairie steers As tne "OOKIet sets out. ihc look as if they had not a care Sdger counter has become the in the world. Even the occa- Sreat leveller among atonii" sional "moo" seems more like a Prospectors.- The little machine passing of the time of dav than wnose diking betrays nearby a complaint or a call for food "adioactivity has put the novice or water and the velei''-n almost in tin ' may now have been started or are about to start .-here. u,;; If further rental projects are to be considered, .t mig-ht be well to think along- more modest lines titan the present 50 with lower rents. The $65 to v"'4'o rent figure was one of the causes of indiffer- and Prince Edward Island. THE ECONOMIC SIDE Of the Canadians affected by Observes the St. Thomas Times-the disease, 100.000 are totally , journal : "It has become increas-or partly disabled with 15.000 ingiv apparent in the past few confined to beds or wheel chairs, years that we in Canada have The money lor research will become aware of the potentiall-be allocated in the form of ties of the natural resources of giants and fellowships. ! the couutry that a gradual shift Leading the study of iht-uiu-!tn CanadUn nationalism fium atic diseases In children is Dr j the political sphere Into the John Keith of Toronto's Ho.s- j 'conumic has taken place. We pital for Sick Children who is ; re no longer so proud of Cana-conducting a five-year research' da political role in the concert tn his little patients. ot nations as we are of Canada's Once the leading cause of ' buried treasure in copper, oil, death among children of school j eoal and iron. It may be that we age, the diseases now are rated j have become accustomed to our in fourth place. ; political maturity but have not Worst of the rheumatic dis-I yet le1"-" to live with the fact eases are rheumatoid arthritis ; tnac our natural resources make same class. And now, far across the prai ries, we have stopped again at ; ?nc,e, if not opposition, to the project which is now tne eastern end of Saskatche under way although there isjio doubt that, once cattle lay chewing their cuds in Anyone, the book ways, win can turn a switch and ehanyc a battery can operate a counter. It does all the woik. "Perhaps the most important qualifications for a uranium prospector are: that he slumhi have one of these instrument i, should enjoy outdoor lite anil the soft sunshine. Yet the news papers carry screaming headlines about the billion dollar question mark: rvutp tvii. tic,., ntt,nb nr ... , , which affects three' times us u'' onc 01 lne Potentially richest nations in the world. We ean many women as men and ar- j they are built or even before they are, there will be ; VpJantv of competition to see who wil get them no matter what the rent. Possibly more important, however, than more rental housing; would be an arrangement whereby : houses could be made available for purchase either v)!80me P'kion i connection with the rental .iSPses i" a" amelioration of National Housing. tMA financing- in Prince Rupert1 at nresent offprs thritis of tlie spine which is 1 Iac8 lhe Political implications of basically a man's disease . 'lnt fl;iilinB rights. U.S. aid for ivrts u.t snouia nave some knowk'tiee ol hoof and mouth disease, far bush-craft," says the i south of the 'original Canadian. A case, mean that the scourge has c!udlng non-citizens, can e vt : "got away from them '? on hunt and hjs ' field to pick from. The 01,1 THE MOST disturbing feature prospects are in the pre-Cum- of the new outbreak, near brian rocks of the Canadian t3ut ; hc a'ay antl Anieri-a" troops the former is not just a f disease of old age. One of Dr I the, c,a'lacl'"i Aretic. with an Keith's patients is a two-year-' j fK'"!"1 f1"" old girl. Most victims of rheuma- !.L "mL0LAl5n e": Suedes, Bcndo' PlosMcs, Rcptiic ond Leothers-i yycjuuni, is initi nooouy Knows oiuuu, a nuge noi'seuioe . cu 'V- , 5t (, vn;1l inrlnemnort n,. r,,lnfiK. t tt, i: "ow ie jump, was maae mrougn sections at t-u l "r iuai ur on toid arthritis are between ,h c "n 1 Z i raises a tempest from Halifax to a;;cs in, s nf of 20 and 50 years. J the Yukon." FINAL TOUCH ! FINALLY f'lNISlIEO DEBDEN, Sask., (P-J'ire des- i a, inct (rfnii. ; ; vv,ul"- urrul tu uic uiuiimi). : Regina, or if it was made. . Northwest Territories, Saskaa:i- pefSOll without much ready capital who might, I Up till now there has been a ; eanv Manitoba, Ontario an I S nevertheless, ' be an " rALtut1 excellent buildine- ouiiuiiig risk iisk. 'pretty clear chain of circum- ! j Quebec radioactive There are. - too, some .stantial evidence, occurrences in Brit- r ' And. after I1 if a iici-snn can Kmr on ..i,tnmv i a rsormnn immiimiii eom- lsh Columbia and Novu .'aeoiu. venue Between ; Fashion Footwe Thl Third Streets Is troved 40 acres of swathed grainy tion on Third A valued at about $1,000 on the r second and u. ...... v.. vuji " v . ....... taui - ' v, ....ii uuii in J ifut Ull aUlUJliU' Ilg,uli, , r.L. .. . . , . . tn 1 Jf.ilc' -a u-ichinrr .. ctm.. from an affected farm in Ger-i n the geigcr machliu farm 'a,rn o Joseph J0epn Dumais. uumais. He lie had had nearing nearing the the fi fi.iished ilsh job. Further Z.r "ttwuu iiidi-iiiiit, m-iphln a Hme on a live 01 ten !m,n, been oecn forced orcea to to lenve leave it it in in ihoi theirenl .i . t, V ' many ana anlt wnt weni w - a form farm jn .n 'points. to w what may mav he pe a Kf,iir.. sun;,', - urytuKvmem acement pleuhpr eisewnere in in iv hb . . .. . . pel cent down , payment, why Cannot the Same be ; Saskatchewan which shortly j the government goes to work ;'''tlr wlnt" when bad v,va-'bune.r area would also be wel- ' (Nine with m hnmp? I thereafter was affected. Some , tor the prospector. He gets lie: . ,,,.mn (1 harvesting last ' comt. For Prince Rupert's eide- " ,lu,ut ,,ulumn' W- cattle from this farm went to assays on radioactive materials, ' walks, assuming they are In go-xi Living Index Up to Date call 644 for a packing plant which later was i aJlu "uaiiy uje results aie muil-affected. The subsequent out- ed out to him tho same day the break near Moose Jaw wa-i samples are received, traced directly to meat from j 11 "e's in a hurry, he can even the original contaminated ; fict the results telephoned, ilut sources. j there the official beneficence But up till now, no connection , e'iUS' lht uovci-ruiient re verse i is shown between the Kcgin i narges. , and Weyburn areas. 1 " " ' " " . '. ance against the government, in THE MOST ominous question lfavor of the opposition. which farmers hereabouts are '; Actually, tlie Liberal govern- 0 THE cost f living index, which has been slipping lately, .will soon be traded in on a new model. This summer Canadians will get a new official price .. barometer which will embody several new features including a new name Consumer- Price Index. The Old indev Via hpfn rWlininrr in roeont "' '-reivA -l 5W"S' " auioKing car cower- "'cm. .ict-iiis io me 10 oe respon- v .eilOntns. tu AS a 01 e April-, it StOOCl at irnr 188.7, down l .4 point satlons and otherwise is this. 1 sible for only one fault ami from the previous ri?onth. This marked the fourth i'Uid birds carry the Usease that onlv inaptly. The .avii RADIOS K I I I! 1( EUATORS WASIIIMi MAC HINES M.IX TKIC, lOASTI ItS VACl'l'M CLEANERS igjiio w iictuuui, ui ovi'ftiiw naiiuicu tins ft:i y yuu- now aid it get there?" . : ly The experts were slow- in 'Wfdine in the last five months. The present index is not being discarded be 1 .ic-.Wi T J5 4 t ' ft. s: ;1 Rupert Radio & Electric f Looking back over .the original i making the correct diagnosis, j debates in Parliament I see that i But once the outbreak was ; at least one speaker mentioned discovered the government has .the fact that deer were seen ! handled the disaster fast as t grazing oh the banks of the ! ficiently as was possible small river at Regina near the1 - affected packing plant. That j ;i cause of its recent record of performance. It has : , simply grown old and has become outmoded. Its V1' filiations ar? based on pre-war standards. As ; everyone knows, conditions have changed since 1939. Living standards are higher, as are n rices and J ; f I was away back at the time of f the original outbreak, before ' V A :n0 0T2 0 i the accurate diagnosis of thy ' Don't forget, folks! It's electrical housewares amiJy expenditures cover a wider range of goods disease. : - and services. The new index will take into account !lf SathT S i -these changes. . ; ' - , . I THERE is always the p rp, :n,i.v .; . , possibill'.y inenew index ; will be placed . on . a postwar foot- i that the .. , Saskatchewan out-! Inn- i-it. !-,. ! u..rtnu i week! A big week at your electric dealer's ... a week to see what's what in the newest electrical equipment. For yourself, for your home, for the gift you have in mind a line-up that gives you more value per dollar, more beauty, more convenience. Plan to see them some 5 v lining tne year is-w instead of 19:15-0 ua iho Wls ""porwa n-om Germany but from Mexico; baxe CM-epeilOd. Dfii-mrl Tlrjf ; uiiti -n 1 flat 1949 IS prices Will ecjual 100 points. !here it has been raging fori The new "basket" of goods will include some i People laughed about m,. -.) items considered to be normal necessities in the Gardiner's theory that birds erage home. The present index has 160 items. n ST VTe SE ! The average family now spends about the ' samp fovered ln the-u.s.A. But there percentaop " of it- k,,,w , . , ,7 7 , is some motor traffic between! ' 8 S bud8et f0d , (jn as it did before the Canada and Mexico. There isj war. Thus food costs are given a weiebt eia 01 nf 9 nor 01 course' a vast amount of hoof 1 cent cent in in the tho . Pei :and mouth disease even in Brit-j index new as against 31 per cent in the am. Denmark. Switzerland and! present one. Clothing purchases take 11 ner ePnt Cent .ther countrle with which we comnarerl with 19,,..'. ; , have considerable coming and; day this week . . . Mectricul Housewares first Choice for Every Occasion. Choose beautiful, durable B-H EGGSHELL i ivoo-m. ine average wng- . - : family 110U' snpnds: nnlir 1 4. .ff Semi-Gloss Finish Here's the easy way to bring new beauty to your home! Use B-H Eggshdl fin for interior walls, woodwork and j NOBODY has been thinking or ; rather talking as yet about the '.political affect of this disaster, ' i but it is bound to be consider- i (able. It is exactly the kind of1 ; thing which could tilt the bal- , 1 ' "wvv iu ptr' cia ui us income on rent instead of 19 per cent as before. On the other hand fuel, light, furnishings and services now absorb 17 per cent of the budget as compared with 15 per cent in the former base years. furniture'. B-H Eggshell Finish ' "'f Scripture Parage for DoJati "Mark ELECTRIC FOOD MIXER Mixes, beats, stirs and whipt. Hot 20 mixing speeds. Finished in ultaniinu while DuIuk, Something every home should have. ELECTRIC IRON You'll like the I:in(;er-tip Fahrir Dial that "tunes in" the ripht temperature Utr all your ironing. Txira hiK sole plate. Weighs onlv 5 lbs. is profitable to me for the ministry." St. Luke 24:35. fast-drying, completely washable. ! Available in a full range of attractive coto including soft neutral tones and mudf deeper shades. B-I I Paints, Varnishes and Enamels covcf more area . . . last longer . . s'n i is the Key Write forr booklet, "Color to Brighter Living." Address your rcq Gordon & Anderson For Mother's Day Presents ELECTRIC TOASTER Crisp, golden brown toast, piping hot. Made as you want it, when you want it. Does both sides at once. r i n i i ' i 1 (TiJ All Major Airlines will answer when you coll Black 637 for plane fares, tickets, schedules, air information. BOOKINGS ON SHORTEST NOTICE Enquire re new low air fares to World Points All expense air tours CRAWFORD MOORE Travel Agencies Prince Rupert, B.C. No. 1 Wallace Block Phone Black 637 Box M, Station E, Montreal. j wilt m0Vfwmw9 ' m.'m j p Lmami'i - mmmtmrn rjT "'r"'' "c A- ' A' I jrtTl... 1 'I ! Lamps it Hassocks it Small Tables lAr Bedroom Chairs ELECTRIC KETTLE The jaslest way to boil water. Can't overheat. No waste current. Turns itself off, if it should bail dry. Y0UII FIND HELPFUL SERVICE AT THIS SIGN- i f mm t h i i And many orhcrs at Gordon & Anderson Phone 46 Gordon's HarcM i iHinmiiiaiii mrmaa maiiianiy tjniii3-j McBride Sl-reel- L