Prince Rupert Dairy Mews Wednesday, Msy 7, 1952 readers Off For Five Months' Trip To Old Land Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacKenzie are leaving on tonight's train for Loca i i- f . If -i-- a n d -flOO CL, PERSONAL Valhalla muting May 8. (109c) Queen Mary Chapter I.O.D.E. Rummage Sale will be held Saturday beside Ruy:d Bank. (110c) All Trade Unionists are invited to hear provincial candidates at Trades and Labor Council meeting Carpenters' Hall, Thursday, May 8, 8 p.m. (108c) A. meeting -f the .International Hof Carriers" Huilding Mrs. A. J. Croxford and Mrs. M Viereck at the home cooking table. . Mrs. C. Rudolph at the plant stall and Mrs, E. Mulder looked after the candy booth. Mrs. Flewin and Mrs. R. S. Traguah, home sewing. Assisting Mrs-,A. Hamilton in '.."V i, a five months' trip to the Old Country. Mr. MacKenzie will visit his native home near Lochinver in Sutherlandshire, Scotland. Mrs. MacKenzie, whose first visit home it will be in 41 years, 'M; Mrs. Elizabeth Thomson and Mrs. R. B. Skinner were joint conveners at a successful yniim C. S. Forman, purchasing agnt for Columbia Cellulose, left by today's plane for' Vancouver on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Forward are leaving on tomorrow night's train for Nechako to attend the official opening of the Aican dam on Saturday. goes to her home near Cardiff !and Common Laborers' Union, Local 1427, will re held at the In Wales They sail from Quebec aboard I uarpencers Mau on rnaay- Ma William Cruickshank returned o.uu p.m. uuyci to thj city on -Monday from a i tne Franconia, landing in Liver trip to Ocean Falls. On the wayjPoo1- . ! Notice to all members of the back he was able to pay a brief i Returning in September, they 1 Canadian Legion B E.S L If visit to Kemano and Kitimat. i Wl11 sal' n the Samaria from you nave been a memoer for 25 I Southa"Pton 'n September. j .Tnh .i,k. lease send nam-e anfl r .J -v . ' .... rk v ' ' ..vrv.H . ... . Mrs. James M. Fields left on today's plane for a trip to Vancouver. ' Charles Lundstrom, after a week's visit In the city, left by plane today on his return to Stewart. Mayor and Mrs. Harold Whalen are leaving on tomorrow night's train for Nechako to attend the official opening of the Kenney dam. W. R. Clerihue, Vancouver chartered accountant, arrived in the city by plane today and will be hei for the coming week on professional business. Oswald Hoskins of Smithers, Masonic district deputy grandmaster, left on Monday night's 'rain for his home In the Interior after paying an official visit to the lodge at Ocean Falls. Dr. and Mrs. Hector Macdon-ald left on today's plane for a trip to Vancouver and Portland. Mrs. C. Boulter sailed Monday night on the Princess Norah for a visit in victoria. ""ibL1 " i tile aprdKCi j . I tomorrow at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club.' Hj will alk about precious stones. Da?.aar and tea held by the 1 me w'a rw,ra were Mrs- Junan-Ladies' Orange Benevolent Asso- j wn- Mrs- B J- Bacon and Mrs. elation Saturday afternoon at c- willsn. the Odd Fellow's Hall. 1 Helping Mrs. J. McRae in the The assisting committee con-: kitchen were Mrs. H. Paulson, sisted of Mrs: A. Hamilton in ; Mrs W. Fields, Mrs. B. Erikson charge of the tearoom and flee-1 and Mrs- F - orations; Mrs. H. E. Blackburn,' Mrs- E- H. Moorehouse acted looking after the sewing, and 8!i ca"'nipr- Mrs. J. McRae. assisted by Mrs. Mrs- E Thomson and Mrs. E. H. Paulson, taking care of re- j A Eva"s took ca"ie of the raffles, freshments. ; Winners were the following: A colorful and unique decor-' Miss Frances Babchuk won the ating theme depicted a beautiful ' luncl,Pon clotn wi,n number 165. Chinese scene. Polly Astoria, a chicken with The hall was decorated with number 253; W. D. Longwell won oiled paper Chinese lanterns, grocery hamper with number fans and butterflies. Receiving , 598- more than s little comment was ' Tne VaLSt Mistressss of the a very realistic cherry blossom i L0BA nad a booth of many tree. ! lovely article of rewin. etc., in The individual tea, tables were charRe of Mrs. C. M. Smith, as-centred with narcissi in small : isted by Mrs. B. Guyan. Chinese vases. j Thvy raffled a large leg of The pourers' lace covered table ipork' tne winning ticket being attracted a great deal of alien-jn'ld bV Mrs- Petpr Mention with a miniature Chinese! details to Secretary-Manager. Please advise other members of this advertisement. (114ci Classified Ads Pay Conrad School Teacher Resigns , Miss Claire Slrett has resigned from the staff of Conrad Street School and will leave for the south at the end of the term. Her's Is the first resignation to be received by the school board. Harold Guest, field secretary of the Canadian Institute for the Blind, who has been In the city for the past few days, leaves on tonight's train for Terrace and other interior points. Mr. Guest comes from Vancouver and makes periodical trips north. J SEND FLOWERS J BY WIRE : J MOTHER'S "N'G BF.AUTY Arlene Flint of Owen Sound, Ont., was one D!ft! fishermen to ro fly-castinR with the opening of waiii trout season May 1. Arlene didn't say whether she ,t anything as large as another Owen Sound angler, David rf.airt. wh'. landed a four-pound, 14-ounce brown trout the dav But a day in the sun, with a fly rod, attractive scenery, : -nu'vihir stream added up to a happy occasion. iCP PHOTOt ORDER YOUR MOTHER'S DAY CAKE EARLY! DAY Dr. J. B. Harrison, Vancouver radiologist, who has been paying his monthly visit to the Prince Rupert General Hospital, I. Act j4 rvtva fj Prince Rupert bridge as a table centre. Chinese teapots were used by the pourers, Mrs. Vic Morrison and Mrs. Fred Barber. The ladies in charge of the knnl Un .. 1 1 . , 5 '3 IClUIIIllIK fiUUUl UI1 LI1C XllUC T A TT ,,r si l J "me Talent Heard ojuiiis unu Moving iva maae a ! j) ciiurnuag picture in tneir lovely ' Tii c-i i..-. tr o xr, w.i e n,,iu I urim i i i i. X J Ml lHt Music Festival rnlnrful ontl . o. wuiju, . nuui- Mrs. William iruiCK-snailK ieit ionated n?e -Monday night's train for made ad w X by MrsTHll merfield. Vancouver; S. A. Orr. Winnipeg where she will attend Mlstre?s 'ntltton: J' Holcombe and he forthcoming wedding of her The Worthy Mrs J It ,J0evr Manton' Prinpe Gcor8e; son. Robert Cruickshank. Mr. Hill Hill gretted ed tht the guests P, at the j . Fin row, Seattle; W. S. Dale, Cruickshank will leave at the end HOOT. ... . . . I Mioo D tn.,-..ii !. t ,t. m Phone 696 f v t . & .c: Jicalor (lives Rich Praise and Iligh Marks iv. tan, ivii.Ns i. uuus, i. or tne weeK ior Winnipeg. Assisting the committer were: n. tsrue. t . Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swaffield, ! J. B. Mai-Kay, Di. and Mrs. M. K. I Weir; Mr. and Mrs. R. Dubeau who have been residing in the . 11 Rich and varied talent which drew warm praise riifrh marks from adjudicator Glenn J. Nelson tJ3rlila( f-rtir lo and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sikler. Ter 'UL lT" arU raw; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Burton night for Vancouver enroute to 'did an auspicious introduction for the Prince1 ! (''-'M'W't'i fifth nrmnnl mnsi anl Arami foctiJ r " e a Edmonton where they plan to make their future home. t?it made its official opening at the Civic Centre' A iuei of much in- ... jterest was held last Wednesday and daughter. Alice Arm; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mayes, Stewart; Leo D. Therien, North Vancouver; W. F. Hulls. Salem,' Oregon; ! F. E Arnold, Caldwell, Idaho; H. 1 V. Grainger. Namu; C. H. Klotz,. Haworth, New Jersey; H. Hag-man. Houston; Dr. J. B. Harrison, New Westminster: Mrs. D. Nor Gladden Mother's heart with delicious Roses-in-Snow Cake evening when Verna Stevens became the bride of Alfred Deane. The ceremony took place at ttvo home of. Lloyd Stevens, broHicr oi the bride, with Rev. Dr. E. A. 3esliyat WITH ton and Mrs. G. Lamb'.y, Ter- MUSTARD j i! m' to a full house, .!ti't:iiits. made up main-adult croups, proved that Rupert has an abundance-;to musical ability. This wivmringly established by .'C:,t n wli'i. grading 80-85 j s "above average," acor-j rntiv lower th in 82 the! Remember Mother with wiiBin, rnsu t rcsoyierian race; Mrs. C. L. Lewis and Mr. Church, officiating. : t and Mrs. M. G. Lee and son, The bride chose for her wed- Butedale-, Mrs. W. Campbell, ding a blue suit with white (ic- N' rtti Pacific; A. Elizabeth Eck- To Give Your ROASTS a "LIFT" WEDNESDAY MORNING CIVIC CENTRE FLOWERS or with a . POTTED PLANT. Your order via air mail or telegraph will roach her anywhere. , . Ccssories and a corsage of reel land, Burns La&e. i roses with ltly-ol-thf-valley, . - : - I . eift of flowers for Mother ,'a"nE ! Vocal solo. Accompanist ; and !i Mrs Dorothy L. Becker.; vocalist both under 12. .'nt of the executive Com-1 "Freckles." Doris" Fahey and officiating, the four-day Shlrra Halliday 83, Muriel and I was opi ned by Dr. R. ' Joanne Procktor 81 Audrey " C school board chair- Fahey and Shirra Halliday 80. sua pointed out that a' Vocal solo, girls under 11. "A Miss Vlcki Lewis. .WI19 attend- -. M:-Charlotte Chisholm arrived the bride, woiV.'a. grey suit ed In (ha 'city on Monday from wilh white accessories. James Vancouver to join the staff of Intermela was the groomsman. Booth Memorial High School A reception was held at the here in the hom-j economics de-home of Pat Deane, brother of partment. She succead? Mrs. Thrill mother on Mother's Day with a beautiful, delicious i is a most oeautuui way to Rub 1 teaspoooful of Colmm i Miimrd in powdered form into your roast before placing it in the oven . . . then tastt the difference! For free recipe booklet, write to Reckut & Col man (Canada) Ltd, Station T, Montreal. I J express your love and devotion. (of the organizers' sue- Funny Man." Patsy Whalen 84 ,1 .Te '1JO"K ' dy,w u,Jtu 1"", vu" Vnis"?im i tVi'jt that ImHu V. Rn on me uiiuiti a fciauudLc m uiiiveiauy oi i-.1 woric was the fact snienr Mi. and Mrs. Deane have left Teronto and took teachers' city to reside at Nechako ing at University of British Co-Dam. ' lumbia. CK5H heart-shaped R?ses-in-Snow cake. Shi'll love the tender, moi-t texture an- she'll know that the sentimental heart- shape expf esses your true feelings for her. Ordr Roses-in-Snow cake for YOUR mother today! It's oven-fresh just wait! lg for you! CO-OP BAKERY PHONE 606 '3 .. "n. V 1 4' 1 III, , 4. i i;, j entrants were taking; Vocal solo, girls 11-13. "Rose-!h thni-'ht the interest ofimary." Muriel Prockter 82. Iiuu ouuide the city waj vocal solo, girls 13-15. "Au-"'lt'lij:t' jtumn Sunset." Genevieve Pow- ;r,:-, nvlcomins remarks, !ers 83: Patsy McLachlan 82. 3L hfi : V Box 51 ij il S Whalen observed! Vocal solo, boys under 11 r f 300 3rd Ave. will prei prefer II. .:wowv..v.v.-v. ... "-pe'.ing in the festival Ci:'ni!vn a valuable chance iJiie poi;,e and confidence. tlut the inter-commu-po ci-wi:i created was an-Ime feature of the oc- 44 v l Mr. f,m P.F. ' f j' ;y ..Hair Cut." Tommy de Kergom meaux 85. Vocal duet, boys or girls under 16. Marilyn de Kergommeaux. Action song Grade 1. Congrad Street School 85, Borden Street School 82. . Grade 3 chorus "A Cookie." Borden Street School 84 85, Borden Street School 82 83, Congrad' Street School 83 81, King Edward School 83 81. , Orade 5 chorus' Raln irt. Summer." King Edward School 84 un-npener for the pro- v's the Prince Rupert band which scored 86 ' f:r its melodies 'from 'h'" ,,J in the highest the evening., T;he adj. ' ' 's particularly im 4 b-v lh' band's ability to k i jii' r if - :. 31 ILK AllKOWUOOT 84, Conrad Street School 82 83. .uy when tlie mood re-i 7 ' TUESDAY EVENING Choral Society. The Rotary Mixed Choir under Charles Balagno. Fine balanced rendering of "He Watching Over h; absence of the Ketchl-strumriual trio, delayed . . delicious, crisp, crunchy biscuits. Easy for jinlc hands to bold . , . nourishing for youn Jndold' MAOI ( PEEKFREAN'S MAKERS Of 1 rWjgticuilT single outside entry iJ'.tne r't' native choir from St. C1iureh at Aiyansh. con-i 'i by Reuben McMillan, I ;. auhou-h unable to re-! r tosether until just before J'Wning, (aVe a moving per. f'-'iire in their two religious if To compliment your good taste . . . a distinguished selection of fine Canadian Rye Whiskies and Sterling London Dry Gin. a slight edge and scored him one point higher. In another contested division which the audience enjoyed, the intermediate band from Mike 29 I OZ. PACKET APPROXIMATELY 40 BISCUITS -j-''' ENGLISH Hf; DUALITY The British Columbia Distillery Company Limited New Westminster, B. C. Coiussl's accordion school won against its junior and sub-junior schoolmates. The ladies' trio of Mrs. C. Roberts, Mrs. E. Lindseth and Mrs. R. Wicks was warmly complimented by the adjudicator, who also had encouraging words (Continued on pane 61 mm m mjilm fONTKST h awards in several of the I going by default, Spc-I '"wrest centered ' on the f "oral solo contest between l.1 Amadio and Rowland rs in two stirring Italian 4"" which brought re-IZ , a,l"ause, Miss Amadio lh( adjudicator she -tir.B0d V1Ce 0f great WM PPEfll - finest. m control "nanship, however, Mr. "'it that Mr. Miles had III LlMlTtn COMMODATION . EXPORT a kecia YJ1 gtaTlTTM CANADIAN WHISKY J iali.t,.,i1,.,?lt, f v' sfi!l available 0n HOME LINES luxurious "Ss ATLAIMTIC" ,,,, '".OOO tons aill,,S from Quebec from J trough November i,'.11' '"w summer fares ' lor June and July STARTS YOUR DAYRICHT! NABISCO SHREDDED WHEAT 100 growing demand for Its products both at hume and in world markets an expansion program that keep par with British Columbia growth and prosperity. The British Columbia Distillery Company Limited has graatly increased Its facilities over the past few years and has built up Its stocks to keep pace with the rapidly rrrm M nn d c WHOLE , m WHEAT t AGENCIES ";'lce Rupert, B.C. 1 limn rcnau This advertisement is not published or displayed by the liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia.