Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, May 7, 1952 Baseball Scores ! Beef Cake i DAILY NEWS - : 'j! . "'... 'i.Vi'r " .: -3 i - -. . . t - v .:, ' " k " - Football Starting In Movies It:cai(io Too Mu MnMl.ilii.iii Sees li l,lii'ines remarked. i Montalban will go in for beef-; cake male cheesecake. His first opportunity came in a prizefight picture. He strips to the waist while working in the fields for "Letter to the President." And he's currently training to appear as a trapeze artist in a future film. Montalban has been at M-G-M for seven' years and is now in his best position for screen vehicles. He said he hasn't been impatient about the slow buildup of his career. "At any other studio, I would have zoomed up long before now," he remarked. "But I also MUSIC TUITION RATE INCREASE Be ginning September 1, 1952, the music teachers of Prince Rupert are increasing their rates. The tuition for Junior pupils from Grades I to IX inclusive is $80 a year and for Senior pupils, Grades X and A.R.C.T. $100 a year. These rates entitle a pupil to two half-hour lessons a week. f Signed: Miss M Way Mrs. II. (). Jamioson Mrs. C Anderson Mrs. E. J Sinil h Mrs. 3 Bowman Sisters of St. Joseph - Mrs. C. Gilkef I ! Ill III ' r American St. Ixmis 5. Philadelphia 1 Di-troit 2. Washington 5 Cleveland 1. New York 0 Chiccgo 2. Boston 11 ;alion.'.. , Boston 0. Chicago 2 Philadelphia 6. Pittsburgh 0 Brooklyn 5, Cincinnati' 0 1 10 innings i New York 4. St, Louis 9 Pacific Coast I.o- Angeles 3. Oakland 2 Portland 8. Seattle 2 San Francisco 3. Hollywood 9 Sacramento 7. San Diego 2 Wesiern iiire, national . Salem G. Yakima 0 Spokane 2, Lewiston 1 Victoria 4, Vancouver 7 lii-City 5, Wenatchee 2 sKfcMiniH By i'.uB THOMAS HOU.YVo APi Kicardo Montalbt.n thinlts he, knows what's wrotK; wiih Hoi.ywoo'd's glamor and he's- altering his csrcer aiTorditipIy, ., ! 'T'lifre liuve been two ex-Irenie.s in niovi" pulil'-city," the wily Latin til; -. 'Oi. one siiip 'are the stars, wl'o.-e scan By JAY ESS ! j Tlic football sca.son opening has btpn set for this evening; w ith the Heavy Battery playm;; j the General Motors. t The General Motors team will j be picked from the following: j Tommy Boulter. Rod Robinson. ; Iilby 'captaini. John Wilson. Glen Olsen Ronnie Tait. Les i Matthews, Ai ne Lien. Pat Wil-1 son, A. Maron, P. Maron. Dave; : Murray, Jack White, Waily Price. Who's Best In Queen's Plale Reason ; Inniflhl have been on the way dals big headlines. On tiw" miglit ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS, other side are the homey star':, ; down.' i By JOHN PATERSON Canadian Press Stolf Wrlur ht at Koos.o- , first league , & tmni. in Die I who are built up to be 'just like the boy or -girl next door.' "I think both extremely nre bud for Hollywood. There is nothing exiitin:; about sin; it General M'l,1,lfi 111 .r trophy mm pet i- 1 have been ':'"'" I tilP Prince Rupert L;atiun is looking J, . very suWHlul TORONTO (f With the 93rd annual running of the rich and histoiic Queens Plate less than three weeks away trainers are asking their Canadla n-bred three-year-olds the $04 question w'th the $21,000 answer. Best reply to date was from tiro hammering hooves of Acadian and R"rt MnrtlU, two colt.s with lndifierer.t. records from the pretentious K. P. Taylor ."table of Toronto. This pair How long docs it take to mark 1 out a football g.oundv Well, last; evening. In view of the fact tlv.u' the Football Association hid: taken no steps to have the jo1, ' done, two General .viotors enthusiasts and' a reteree spent '-m' 1-s than three hour. in 0, nark ing out the pitch.- The three' were John Wilson, secretary oi the General Motors, Alex H.tig. manager of the Gtiu ral Motors, and Bill Baxter, who plans to ieierce thi. .--.iKcn. IJemember when? Durab!:; Tony C'an.oneri, who had twice been world lightweight champion, absorbed tlw worst, beating of his career at the hands of champion Lou Ambers H yonrs a;;o tonight. The veteran CanzoiHi'i stuck it for 15 rounds with his former sparring partner, but won only two rounds with one even. ii,.., w Mail cry urs C I).:' row ( .1 V, Ue is ugly and oUi-iisr.e to decent poop!?. Hut H i.i u',,o bad io ni ,ke - in ;.t a. .vein norm.. I. they iiiin't nir.p.-i; or el.:,: Hi-.v1 wouldn't be iit(vi: stars." TM li,.-.i Monl.ilba't (.ou --..ed had been pia--d ;.t tin- ' 'boy jse.:l door" category. ileamJ his family were ti. s objects of countless home layools in the eiovie nin'jazino. Fin, illy, his wire declared, "I'm g i(:ng tired of seeing my face." "'1 hat's when I decided to soft-pvdal the iu.nity angle," he l)V lu- i. m:uml) k C hu.suea uie tun i'8-miie race Ma 'V 1 r- - j i... ill" l fllli qra 1 tl 1 - Ml I f-n.-t- mn j than that taken by 11 winners In ; I -r v. ,,- in i.rc li.'l actual competition. Thvy did the ' "!.. ,1".: iiOq I.-. 1-41 QG ! PIONEER MISSION The first Protestant mission in the Peace River country was founded in 1877 by Alfred Gar rioeh, Winnipeg .clergyman. ' 1 ,.,,!, r, nH The plate record -1:52 was made by Last Mark of Jim Fair stable of Calnsville, Ont In 1948. The Plate is worth $21,000. plus I Senior, Junior Baseball Sees Early Start , schedule V NOW ON DISPLAY j.vv D Uieiy vs U.n- ft 50 guineas from the Queen. J Trainer Pete MeCnnn lias six In the Taylor stable among tlr.; ! 75 still eligblc. He says he thinks Acadian who lost his only two : f tarts last yearhas the best i YO vs Heavy u;u- A40 AUSTIN SOMERSET Co- l-avy Battery vs I.QSC j For thai New RANGE, REFRIGERATOR j; vs .umbia Cellulose "I'S. chance of bringing the stable it j ; third Plate victory. Epic In 191J j and Major Factor last year were '.lit previous Taylor wlnne.s. A Taylor castou'. Ep.gram from ' .,1 Motors v.s enci WASHER or SMALL APPLIANCE i ; Columbia Cel- PRICE HB95-GQ ih-.? Three Vs stable of Toronto,; ibiaCiHulos-v vs ha' the .second best time for a PLUS TAX - nine umoui, oo. epigram Battery vs Gen- was claimed lor $2.51)0 last year. , ,vy y 5 G. E. KE1 me Winnipeg - c w n e a con. "Baseball Hill" in Houses, .a Park echoed last night to the crack of ball ami bat and the slap of leather as all three senior ba eball clubs turned out lor practice before the fir-Vi game ' nest. Sunday. . Firs$ league game Is soiled used betweM ' Abel & Odowes and. flo don & Anderson. Meanwhile, on the far side of the "Hill." Little Leaguers turn-, ecf out for the fii;st tim-j for instruction in pitching: and catch-; ing. Tenght, ai Litt'e I players who want to try out for infield are asked to be at Gyro ball park at 7 p m, 'Trt.s pracn-v wil1 be for shortstops br-e men. Adult team managers are a -k-; ed to voiu itect. 'Mir. e are :; "rl- ed. With more than. 45 playrs ; aged 12 and under re.iKterod fo Little League baseball, a good season is expected. -SOneral Motors vs Lord btronie. woikio a nanay Vs Down Payment i mile In 1:43 2a. He finished two 4CY0 vs Heavy Bat- lengths ahead of Ills training j mates, Sleeping Giant and Alli a I NOW 14-0 m i Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. ;-.,vy Battery vs ose jr -lumbai t'i!uio.-,e v.s SERVICE AUTO UPERIOR fs- al Motor;- son Pass- from the Elmar stable of Toronto Lord Strome, ownd by the Whiltier Park Stock Farm oi James Spears will have Alber-ta-bor:i Johnny Longden In the saddle on Plate Day. May 24. Olliers in the big field have done the mile in 1 :44 or slower. Nrus of jockeys engaged lor ih- lace also Is circulating. Can LIMITED riifioe "if l'.lnck Phone Green 217 IlrMiei1 B.C. Third Avenue West Slewart, B.C. Prince Ruuert Pratt lina Ice ada s jockey? veteran Pat " i. iu.1 aid, will be aboa d Our Cina;, ovi. d ty A. G. iSoottyi of Winnipeg:. Rcinillard . II i v. ..n:-t-s 1; ft year and .-.c-rcd an epv Mate v n In If 13 '. "' .... -- a 1 I. Ik' l:t.i i c 117 Associate a p ' "'fl-.."J,-; ' "'- ' '-i'-: wA'v ... ' ' ' rf -ft ' . ...rW TWWHf ysgffy " " immm , . . tfi, -T '"s W Ira:, ' 1 r i-, t ' t i .J 1 1 I- . T I, ' tl ii .. ( ! It, r - r mm u i; f I I ' 1 . ... I J'-'. , ' I -ili I, if J " H 0-h v fl ., - t . "3 i f' -i..."-ih t " "1 -a m .4 , .1 ' 'If H 1 i, i ' " -.ft t. it . i . a V ' tn 4 - . ' ' ! h. ' I' , 1 - i- "V ' I r . , at i.. H N-, -'a- : . I u - .. I.. t-f V 1 1 1 1. ti tli I I tm V ' a I li 4 I OH. I I I - i ... -4 I ! '..-.- , i h ' ! I M " '. 'V f IV !' up nis i 01 - j f9p s tur a :ub lor the a ho; key caching opal'110- '4 of n!l wir.tiT," h-. to'd a Li-c. we . a; far , a pla yer-cr:a-(l, ll:r,r ; on' ." .1 wi n 'in- Tae-mia tire i'ac: tie Coast r,,e .settmit ,,i ' n ! p. .-i..p:iy track wi: u ' IV-'i'a. ,. , ... ; Ai. l'avlrgfon who rode 1 ' i ,t : wk.i.c. . Major Facto . ha' ; b'l en .:.!', ed to ride Wo.)! Chop- . p Toil" Li 'ata fo Bluj Wrack and Etui' Pxy for Sunnycrest. A iu t.iei' payment of .$1)0 to , p a lirvsc eiig.b'.e for ihe ; T a'." wj.s due Mh I ' but the , ,iii . J.ickev C ul). sponsor of, j; r:i!c. hasn't announced the' n n t. oi tho;, ; cmuiivrig. It i-s : r'.'P'ti'd about 15 'vill eo to Hie i pes'. A spokesman for I he tra'-k ' , wcver, ?a;d it exoected the , :i. fu:lons I' ate trial. May 17.' ly have to be lun In two divi-ion.s due to the laige numbjr j of entries. This is the only ran t l ite tr.t ies are permitted to ( r' in 13.V1 the iyPL w innipt 4' .e la-t rra-on. r I -Mayor- j recount.' Mr. Ma' Aching Was t tutioiial WinrOP'f. in :-i n i 1 1 i If pl perfiimi.mces Hit bv and cn- coiiten I .Steve Orcmc!: be m 1 ; wsw ;; I ' . . .ffi . .--Jr . j '. 'v .:(:. ...... f - rio'-u: Rr,i- (a ,-" $' . - . f ' --:-.:.:-. - ;:.';...;.-: y' ' ' " " i::d ih- P'.ii'- 'iiet i'i Major i mi ; ership St. Vir. tin I -5 jk' - ... . 1 migbt BrocK. citor f 3J d Mk, m M m m '" M. J - Ah. to buv HI' VV'iiin'P'l nipeg WITH THEM lo its Football Tonight HEAVY BATTERY GENERAL MOTORS It was i ,,. i:ike I t tnde on illof r : 4 T II- ;,- i;j..l, j';d place Indians ,;1' 'a t'uc Aii'cricnn ' I R-s'-i'lu uler O.-o- ! ?'-' an urlie-iil.led Jl'-ie Ini'ians' vaunted --engaged in a tight -i-i'-f lieynokls, lie "' Wti lo protect I its run scored on Dale Mil ehe' I, Kay X ni . Tebiiett s. Hey-fi hit;. Neither ;t extra base hit. I'::r:l a t'.vo-h tier as saapaed out. or a sl.eai; by duwn-I'L'te Pittslniffh f-': Sii3:ial League I m -oy .' ' U5 1 si have Junior Matriculation or the equivalent, Canada and NATO inj in I ltc'-' I W I mi A nt , . . need jour services . . . no1 You, too, can win your wins . Ily on jet power . . . join other keen young Canadians w ho ride the skies over Britain and Europe, in the maintenance of peace and freedom. If you are between 18 and 24 and A f V- ?:C0 p.m.' a The R.C.A.F. will give you a complete nd thorough training that, will equip you for . a progressive career in the field of aviation. 111 1 " t .;1 ... w... r.n go - -V e t I part v , U'ana'l .the ,,,51 SQW-;; mauae ' OTHER TQ and tue ' contribution to. - daily to iin 1 ...j Cumpc- A5 pan bascd .a in ,n t."b- fcns"" uadrnS United States CAF - , the Inv 1 I tbreii ?l.sita I real-1 two See fhe Career Counsellor at your nearest RCAf Recrufng Umf-OR MAIL TIMS COUPON i j iio air lorcei. tpeacc. I nn.vat Air f"-1 ' ,w air arm,"' .... , ,,.( are . nd tram J;...hmlt s' ,v to w , ,hcir Canaaic" ,-rcises and their . dron in thir1 ' .... rada . to lea 1 plant UuarUg Net I Ut.l ' A. . . a - nirnii'.u You can be a: PILOT RADIO OFFICER NAVIGATION OFFICER R.C.A.F. RECRUITING UNIT, Wallace Bldg., 9921 101A Avenue, . Edmomon, Alberta. Phone: 42658 rlense mail in me, uii'mtil .hitgatioH. jiiH li,irlitnhirs rrgarifing eiimlweut rftttiremtntsaitt ci'i.i uw ttt itittbU iu the R.C.A.V. NAME (1'Uiw Prim) ( brtstUit .Numiv) S'lRll'T AOOKIxs FLY FOR PEACE . . . with the CITY V. .PROVINCE EDI CATION (by grade and proincc) A(,E 00 M ,L ft i LrD"3 to '-V t..!-, .... -i - - ... 1 Boir7' is "", r displayed by the Liquor Control I "0 or by the Government oi British Columbia t:'' ... . f-