- THE LETTER BOX - Prince Rupert Daily News As I Sec It Saturday, May 2, 1953 PIPELINE COMPANY APPROVAL FOR SPUR ($ OTTAWA -9 Second phase of the WcstcoastT Company's $113,000,000 project to pipe natural by WHAT'S GOING ON? The Editor, The Dally News: The question heard most these days around Prince Rupert is: What is going on up in city hall? 4 Independent Sully newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Kupen ' tnd Nortliern and Central British Columbia. ! Member ot Canadian Hresa Audit Bureau ol Circulation i Canadian Dally Nnnptipt r Association, i Published bv ''"he Prince Rupert Dully News Limited I J. F. MAUOR, Prendent H. U. PERRY, Vice-President "' a, m ore Columbia to, unnroved bv the board of transnnM , J' TAXING rNFAIIt TAXPAYER COMMENTS I The Editor. , The Editor, The Daily News: The Daily News: I wonder it it is generally, The Daily News is often Prais-known that Forest Management ed; often Cussed; but read by Licenses are not assessed for! many. How true, school purposes? j The city council made the The minister of finance says headlines and that paper of that they are not. Privately-) ,.s was read over and over, owned forest lands do pay school j The rfmt doorg of houses were Tn "cned and th Graham Lsland huge areas! "fhbors cf' H dld you soe lne paper to" are covered with the Forest Man- agement Licenses and the em- i niiiht? i Subscription Rates: By carrier ween, 25c; per month 1 per year. 10.00 m mHll Pel .nojit.li. lac. uer vear. IUXO - v """"ussionera This second phase Is for construction of a spuria ' main Peace River-Vancouver arm to feed natural eastern Washington state and industrial " centre f nasK throuuh Princeton to hit tho n r k.j . And It's high time some questions were asked, when council-men take holidays and get paid $17.50 a day plus transportation while other members of the city staff have two or three city trucks hauling fill to their homes, and still others are seen out joy riding In city vehicles. Maybe I could have one to take a Sunday drive In eh? Now we read that the council is going to start saving by hav r MO,, Mr. Byrne's Good Plan JIM BYRNE is a hard- jtborizeri as !cund class r-.all bt the Post OISuK Department. Ottawa, A Man With Understanding IN expressing confidence that the next five years I ! will see greater development than ever before, K. T. Applewhaite struck a note after his renoinin-nvitiin-i :i I.iliiM-nl fluiice for the federal scit that pioyees of the logging oompan- One- alderman i George Casey ies do have and Should have ac-!n0 less) the man we made sure cess to our new modern schools ' back on lho'ctv council la..t but It Is only reasonable to ex- ", i. ni,,f ,i i lection made it come about. pcci mat tne licenses cuiurioute to the upkeep of the schools and1 George Cnscy is referred to as to the servicing of the school i a Lone Wolf at City Hall but bonds. I he is not alone, he has the back- Lsn't it time steps be taken to ing f ho voted for him s Hint those licensed areas rln and I am sure will try to keep ing a voluntary fire- crew i sounds fcood until you read the small print! if they can send someone on an international tour to see how they put out fiie.. in otlur tawna, I though? ell firemen knew that. headed hard rock miner I who rep resents East : Kootenay in our national parliament. 1 He is acutely aware of the prowine; depression in base met-i n Ik. He knows metal prices will ! likely decline further if there i." cease-fire in Korea. I So Mr. Bryne is alarmed hv the growing move in the U.S. Congress to crack extra tariffs i on imported Canadian metals. ! The idea is the U.S. tariff would i uo up one cent for every cent l the world price fell. Tallin nAnn otvilra n contribute to the upkeep of ouri'i'11' lm're indefinitely. The $17.50 a day plus trans schools? Saturday Sermon Thanks to George Casey the i alderman who Is Interested In j what happens to our tax money : we are starting to get some questions asked where they are ; lj nr..iiiw v.ii ini.i ur.uuur, uinini'li, Salvatiai fal There must be other interested districts and they should unite with the residents of Graham Island in eliminating this favor, itism. If land is tied up from settlement and some of these licenses a,. t!,,..i tl,nt tia li,itlr .i ..r... 1 . . kicking up a little dust. Let's hope we can see through it. ANOTHER TAXPAYER ar. wise, redeeming the time because the davs tit portation costs to send an alderman back east to pick up and drive u garbage vehicle is certainly a lot of money and as George Casey put it $10 seems to be more than enough. Is It not' up to the city mechanic to get the truck up here? The truck drivers are hired to drive why not one of them to do the job on wages and transportation? The burning question now evil. 1-4)11. a: id. Tln AiukIIh P'.ml firlmfiiiUhnc (hn Plwl.t;,,.. ... l. I WANT "l-Allt SHARK" I t il f. J,"" . t V, (lo undoubtedly include poten- ..... . - i...v viui-uiaii m X- piijr r.K........l Ir r. n,l ' Cn..,l., a.. . . sec mat not an tne people are wise, it appears that mar- I've never written to any newspapers or magazines before. But this talk of pie, however Indigestive it may be, and of super-privileged classes, would bring pate their lives In foolishness and riotuos living, wa.-,Ur.a? redeeming the time. To them certainly, "the days are and B.C. generallv. Mr. Byrno a"rlc,ul u'al tand" 11 fT d suggests that if the U.S. does ! not be excluded from contribut-that services of the lm-ly ! to social we should crack on frank- I portance of our schools and es-of retaliatory duties on exports niekle and asbestos which I pccially since the proximity of U.S. almost entirely lacks. Plain I schools as much as regular em-waniinn of such intention micht I ployment is a factor In securing .suoi' win u : i ui- orujiuirft iin.viiiy mese looilsh onns a j seems to be who is next to go many shal" consider some of these, that me might thereby be is While city officials are having ! "Emories, to joy rides over the country let's " oh.Um-r. I suppose the greatest fool of , Back in the days when the al' is revealed in Ps. 14.1 "The queer, narrow-minded look at home at the same time Nuiive trapper would bring In ! fool hath said tn his heart i tainly as fools-but l turn back the threat. ! steady and reliable men to work In the woods. PREMIER HOLLAND of New j W. N. GIEGERICH, Zealand is also out with a ; .Tlell, B. C. " blast at U.S. His complaint Is j pelts to sen, or trade, as the case ; THERE is no uuu. ii is sur- Christ's sake. 01 ew-s ttitxy uc. i up uujdi muiii inunr pil.Mll); 1117 iiiiniu ui Only sera IrOIQ It- I the fellow pile his catch to the who in thought, and many in ' point of view, and its sr. t When are city trucks on official use during working hours or at all times? There seems to be some comment on it. Why the complaints? Well our taxes went up and it seems if a iw things were straightened height the muzzle-loader practice, octually Ignore the stick has seldom i( ever I presence of God and His exls- ; standai-d of God's dimw Will find quick and stnmjr response. Probably more than any other Canadians we in: the northwest stand on what another province has claimed for itself as the "rim of adventure." The ' province shall go nameless as no invidious comparison is intended. Yet those who know its identity will assuredly agree that adventure there is a canoe trip down a river like the Assinihoine compared to what lies in wait for the better half of B.C. The trouble with adventure is that it is a spectator snort. For thti one or two who are in it, there are thousands looking on with no intention of taking oak. To apply the illustration to this territory, the I'h'allenge is here but not the population. As a consequence, we must do without the good roads, the airports, the dry rocks, the cabinet representation (Victoria'papers please copy), the shipbuilding, the railway construction and the other advantages which the less venturesome can, through force of numbers, obtain for themselves. ! But there is no call for bitterness. If we had all these things, the excitement of looking ahead would he diminished. At the same time we can be grateful that, though the population is less, the breed is better with the result that this district has had more than average good fortune in the quality of those who speak for it. An example is had in our present representa-, tion at Ottawa. We may be sure that this corner of the country looks even smaller from that city than it does from Victoria, which' has never been noted for its appreciation of cur proximity. The respect which Mr. Applewhaite' 'commands,. -however, has affected the federal government's measure of us to a most favorable degree. While it is true that more attention will be given to this region as the expected development takes THANK YOU The Editor, ' , The Daily News: And, what's more, as thu pelts were being piled on and ncaring the height of the rille, the buyer l'"Ilce- I Let us then, walk in r. Then there are mnurant fools . and richteousness a-ri cut. they could probably come would keep raising his toes. and ;-Tiie ,ear 0f the Lord Is the corruption and dr-eca'. On behalf of myself and theiiown again he had the butt ol the rule on beginning of knowledge but fools j us remember tint we an j the toe ol his shoe! Ana wnat j despise wisdom and instruction" law unto ourselves, but k exactly the same as Canada's that U.S. is contrary to solemn treaty unfairly excluding . New Zealand dried milk. - ' " As Uncle Sam owns 125 million pounds of surplus butter, some of which has already gone bad. we can see where the rub comes. EVEN BEFORE the collapse of the International Wheat Agreement Canada was threatened by the greatest glut of did the trapper get out of ltTjpr0V. i;7. In this class of niit to God's ordinary The rifle, when, even in the daya course, are those who have had i commandments. Onhn, Terrace Boxing Association, Ij As a numbie taxpayer, all I wish to thank all the people who run s;iy ri!;nt now is you wui were so nice to us whllo we were slill get my vot(. come election in Prince Ruiiert. time, George Casey. Keep up the AB HART Rood work. Sports Director I A TAXPAYER of the muzzle-loader he could ve ample opportunity to learn the wise, can we make ew- gotten tne ruie lor mucn less. truth, but have purposely shun- i count for God here, and i So, you see, there s no end to j n(cj it iay aside tenure in ! this, to which weve been sub-. Materialism can blind some , where neither moth no-1 jected to. -In those days, as to- 1 lnJft foni. .. in Luke 12:20. doth corrupt and when i All Aboard 5 W-'" day, there seemingly Ls this never i ris,...ihe death cominii to the ido not break throujrh. mi I unsold wheat in our history if you can call such abundance a ! "threat." The figures ' are not ! final yet. But according to- the Bureau of Statistic the crop lending scneming. ana aevising ri(.h man who Deleve(i In the j"niy as we live our wi - i of 'iome-nowft- ,cauli. w.dO! ,,1 ,i.,u;(.,.),i.-n t . drlrik GLORY OF GOD. en Thrill-seekers and tired mil The old-fashioned cowboy died mnthocU'' to ;btat, '"VjPe ad , -.!. ;ji ywft ,wrlh-'ttn 'tin, these, thcM. words- words-r-1 ' lives come oaex to us r- lionaires should be happy to pay y j e'(f"IKk'fW is when fences and automobiles ; $30.,ft , day (or tne priviipge of;;NaMive! T ,,.;, i iv,,. ,,ht thv ennf ! forever by the selt-der,-: year will end with a good average year's crop still stored un-. came to the range. But he grew , i wearing caulked boots. blistering ; a Mf ilr shakf and not a thake. JshaU hn required-of ttiee. then rlfice" for the benefit 41 nlH in Pnnnria .n.i r tnl er and more colorf ul in son their Dalmltoli: axes ana naviug i uohh. nre M""r" whose shall thOM' thmus i iramm 10. In addition we have' oer'29 and story than he had ever'beert Uhelf skulls' caved in iby falling: tq 'JvhaJWeS Sd ihas been ac- j wnlrh th0Q provldcd? So wise and not a fools, cofrpllshediro for. s h thin:1hvith un treasure furl ' - ' V. f T 1 i T -T-, VT - ... 1 .i.sf-' ' ' ' 1 himself antt.ja n' not. ' rlcn(,towarq " Port Essington ; God ;! DIRECTOR! irili'M in III ClmrrH II I a ml v:io p ro. Mu l l? W million pounds of surplus but-Jin life, i ; snags. 1 I ter, "76 million pounds of surplus clever businessmen embalmed.) . The .logging camp.. is almost j canned pork, at vast Istock of ( the cowboy, gave him a coat of the last North American strong-; dried milk all 'actually owned varnish and called him a dude ' hold of the square- meal. The I by the federal government, paid ' ranch. Thousands of city slick- ifood is- good, massive and simple, i for out of ta-xr money.-Yet mil-; ers were ready to trade ' good A. cook who tried to spice up j lions of our Awn people cant money for saddle sores and sun-.some leftover steak. Jwould be I buy enough such products. "burn. ; , - grilled on his own range. A cook j The figures- shown above" do j There are many Canadians rwho served lobster thermkfor or IMS rit a kiiliwi. AMU II AN ( UMMilU 4th . W. lit DUW'.JM Procrastination also bring . ,fuiv tjiiauy..,Thes are apod-$:fi'j.ioit-di people, , feut - Jl'tt j'.C ifrouiwl to,ftt)ig some-'thing about it.' The five fooli.-ih JJirpnSf'Wlio provided everything !. bui UiC- Ollfor the Brldftr.oomM coming, were left outside, the same as those who had no part Hn!? Communion fl " huihMt S-h"Ol ! pr place, it is imperative that . .whoever, represents us Near "SOX, Says' Premier Cuion RU.U S Proriwr U . .. , , - . v , -. j not llicuuie privately uwneu &ui- i neruiiii$ uuiuc luuny, uuv vnc any outii ,t.Wv.. v Hector (iw l ill pal Iiamenl ne not merely a collection agent tor pluses. The carry-over of unsold Ishooting, guitar-playing cow-run out of camp on a rail. his ronstituenrv In the lorrf? i'Bn Kiifh a memher i B.C. salmon for Instance is 400,-i hand, the symbol of the old West, Eating is serious business in a in.-, ln. uiueni , . ill LllL lHirt i,tin, frlicn d IIierilOLl . , ft K ,h b, d , Mnnr!s mnr. th Unitud r. fl nnnl ftlk- nil-T IIU'TM Slh Aw. K. t 1 x: MlnkU-r; B. Fml An ---- - - o ""'f. ' recently put through by our up- .states. - " i signs have been posted on cook- will collect very little, if anything." lOnr, I VICTORIA CP Premier IVn- in "" preparation and anticipa-nett said Thursday member.sW Opd's i word and entreaty is in B.C. Bdrmi Credit League H a,wJ h-term of "to-day. nrarina the S(l no rft;irk. and the I Then there . are those who nd-at-it Minister of Fisheries. other Canadian trades are well i hnuse walls in auite recent times. endowed with the raw stufl of ! such a sign in a dude logging 4th wni - the Hon. Jimmy Sinclair. MANY READERS have written in with sugestions how best to camp would stop customers trad- . ls DUnn'in t0 slep up its! have surrendered and lost their Innr lng stocks ttAclru nnH and hnnflft bonds Over over the the 1 3 . , , .. ... I 1.1..1... I., --l,..l,. Tl.n,i Ktia In (Or grass roots organizing cam- uieiiuiy m i m isv. imj mic m dinner table, and stave off Ulcers for a while. lfl Slh Ait p.,lKn i tne eyes oi uie worm, Become as He claimed Social Credit mem- j fools, but they alone have found bershlp Is greater than all other j the true sense of spiritual values, parties combined and then! They have come to realize that 11, f. L 0. Sliw After years of the hamuburger- romance. Farms, mines, nsner-ies and steel mills are all rich in story material, but no Billy the Kid or Lone Ranger will ride forth from them. We are unlikely to see a dude wheat farm, a dude oil well or a dude hydroelectric plant. The logging Industry shows the greatest promise for the making of a legend. It has conflict, dan Instead he must be aman;iylip also has an understanding of the country's 'national problems and a willingness to take part in their solution. Given these qualifications, he stands a fair chance of gaining prestige which will rebound to the benefit of his country and hence to that of his constituency as well. Such a man is Ted Applewhaite. As a result, not only is the constituency growing, but so is its-representation at Ottawa. and-aspirin routine, city stom Ml ITION Ww to keep, they must lose, and that ! reduce these surpluses, without demoralizing the farmers' steady ! market. Here are some: I l.Give every school child In : Canada half a pint of milk a day. (This fine suggestion originated with the new young B.C. Conservative leader.) 2. Cut prices, especially of i i i in. f n Br CaDt. Owrw " achs would quiver at the sight of a mountain of pancakes, a platter of roast turkey or an Inch-thick steak. which they save, shall be lost. They' are branded as peculiar, some. The premier Rave the membership figures on the eve of his month long election campaign tour which will begin at Summerland Monday. Several picturesque Scandinavians and a homely philosopher ger and the sad quality of things Pa.stor ; KM. - . ! 1 THINK my own plan, promoted fJllX of giant trees and giant men ls or two would have to be recruited for several years, is more prac .Bl Col near its close. Forests are turning into tree farms, managed with an eye to-the unborn who will inherit them. RitJ-'roaring good-time loggers are being re REFLECTS;! fH;J and REMINISCES ttcey to lend atmosphere. A constant feud would be kept brewing between the tough, nasty woods feoss and hia-yoimgr-elcan-llvrng rival for the hand of the owner's daughter. Every week-end the feud would explode into a fight, t. n Praia ' ' Bridesmaid Too VANCOUVER (CP) When Mr. artd Mrs. Sidney Hodge of West Vancouver celebrated their golden wedding day recently, guests included ,Mrs. George Payne of Vancouver She was the bridesmaid at th.1 .'eddli'g In England in 1903. tical than any of the above for foiving Canada's main problem. Actually, giving anything away is no long-range solution for people won't indefinitely pay heavy taxes to make ' gifts to other nations. Once in a while fine. The British market is still Canada's best bet for our lum n lv w nwi W,rhlD Sff" . placed by family men. Before the traditional logger is quite dead, let's preserve his likeness. Story-tellers have al ' ' ,1 H ' ' F i -'" y . y. - ' I j .' - ' " -IV I t : " ' , - , , iT, '' ,-J--'.J v. - M ni iik " ' njtrp First United Church Sixth Ave. W. and Musgravd, i,: , - - - i i. : n li ajr.MarnincWursbi" Guest Preacher: Dr. George Darby, F.R.A.I., of Bella Bella, BC. Children's Story: "The Church at Home." Anthem: "The Heavens Arc Telling." 7:30 p.m. livening Worship Sermon: "Ways of Life." SUNDAY SCHOOLS at First United: Beginners and Primary at 11 a.m.; Older pupils at 12:15: at Conrad United Hall, all at 11 a.m. Insufficient income is given asi'M made known this week the the cause of more friction than budget was being cut by more any other single phase of mar-, than eight billions. But Mr. Tru-ried life, reports a recent survey man couldn't feel more indif fer-That's just like some fojks whoient. intend to snarl about pour man-j agement. EYKRYTIIING LOVELY ready started the Job. Now that Hollywood and the Saturday the way it does In the Saturday Evening Post. . , A small logging operation would be carried on as a sideMne. But with all those novices stumbling over one another, there wouldn't bo much work done. Tlmber-r-r-r! First Prcsbytc"( Evening Post have discovered the ber, wheat, apples, salmon, metals. To get that market we have to meet world prices; and we lumberjack, we can be sure he hasn't long to live. We should It is said In Ottawa every-1 have to take the kind of money By thus time. Japan's smilinii, bodv thinks the Primp Minister I the British have to offer. open a dude logging camp be fore it is too late. and observant. Crown Prince Mr st Laurent ls woefully un-' ur cnoice is ('uite simple in away from home for the first! , . , . . ' J the long run if we want to sell time, says next time it won't take- 1 ' e UI'is anamore we have to buy more. And him near so long to pay a call. ! $1,000 tax free expense allow-; if we want to regain the British ance. Everybody considers the market, we nave to kiss gooa- What to do about punishment ! figure is not enough, with the that goes as far as the taking of fi r '"J;n. ii i"T7 a y sf ' 1 bye the vain hope of using our lavorable balances on trade with Britain to pay off our unfavorable balance with the U.S.A. The facts of life have changed. We have to buy more from Britain or else! exception of the premier. He says he thinks Canadians feel he is doing a good job and that's enough compensation. Mr. Prime Minister, you're a '.diplomat. a human life, in this dominion? Press comment Increases, ranging all the way from gas to electricity. Blunders have been declared not infrequent. Possibly so but never in France. Certainly never heard of. 1 toil j j r We extend ,C Kllors towornl? EVANGELICAL FREE Station "15" Building 11 a.m. Sunday School classes for all ages. -An adult Bible Class ls also held at this 7:30 p.m. A Evangelistic Service A Sons-Time A A message for these days of Insecurity. Everyone Welcome Pastor: Mr., Chas. W. Sinclair Minister: w. OrBani.stS.M.3nCllI nun , Turning over the files of twenty years ago in the London Spectator, the other day, the editor read: "Sir: Low, indeed, has the Spectator fallen." "All the poor thing had done," it was explained, "was to start crossword puzzles." fort garry Fire Season MAY 1st - SEPTEMBER 30th A special appeal is directed to smokers to be careful during this period. . THE FORESTS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA PROVIDE HEALTHY RECREATION FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE PROVINCE. IF THESE PLEASURES ARE. TO CONTINUE, THE FORESTS MUST BE PRESERVED. DO YOUR PART AND HELP PREVENT FOREST FIRES British Columbia Forest Service Department of Lands and Forests DR. C. D. ORCHARD, HON. R. E. SOMMERS, Deputy Minister of Forests. Minister. I c School '- , Featuring . i V coffee RED LABEL For a. limited time THIS BEAt'TIFl'L j MlnlslbJ ,.r,eniemiA' " 8oly. JnqtL l XcanabaJ President Eisenhower keeps his word. Before the election he promised Mr. Truman, there would be less public outlay if he had anything to do with it. It u 1V r"'" t.,iiit NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST r Scn'- John ' FORT lull 4th Ave. nasi Oddfellow! people "r Kll peakinB .. nn .a u..i..a !.- n I iprniiMi FINEST BRAND OF COFFEE YOU CAN BUY WASHER Regular $T79.50 now $13900 . Terms Available CARRY in A.M. Sunday !'" , ri,ir " serv. 11 A.M.-Wr8l.il n Builds Own Bulldozer FPIRITWOOD, Sask. (CP) Boris Sidoruk has built his own bulldozer, with lydraulic tachments. lie started on it on Jan. 15 and has produced the only hand-made bulldozer in northern Saskatchewan. W 7:30 p.m.-F.vening . Special Music kirP ... -n net-man si', Services oi of special special iiiiMii interest to an - HG0j&V RUPERT RADIO AND ELECTRIC "JEDERMANN HERZLICli 1 RED t ABEL I