NATIONAL VIEWS & NEWS Saturday, May 2, 19h3 Major League Clubs Warned By Frick Against Gambling til Good Shape WELLINGTON, N.Z. J Ne Zealand's Olympic gold medallist, Yvettc Williams, is keeping in practice for next year's Empire Games at Vancouver. On a visit to Fiji sh beat the local records In five events broad Jump, Jthot-pt, disuus throw,! 50- and 100-yard dashes. j t ; -r" SPORTS ROUND-UP f.JHhHlNti HO AT "Princess" I makes its way seaward from I the harbor at Senttle, Wash. Owner Olaf Westby has been I fishing for halibut ud black cod for 2o years, prefers his boats to be powered by Caterpillar Diesel Marine Engines. rw YORK (APi Baseball '-Resoonsibility for stamping Bv GAYLE TALBOT commissioner Ford Friek, taking; out this evil gambling rests official cognizance of clubhouse ; squarely on the shoulders of the gaanes for high stakes, has Is- manager and this office will ac-sued a .stern warning to all 16 cept no alibis in cases that are aine in major league clubs against brought to our attention. ... ; gambling and association with! Frick made it plain, however, tamblers. that he knew of no case where a Frick's warning was hailed by i player was found to be gambling, club official and managers who other than card playing. NEW YORK (AP) It is heartwarming to learn that Hour favorite baseball player, Clinton D. Courtney jof Coushatta, La., 'hasn't gone soft and begun treating the Yankees with a sort of reverent respect, as so many other players do after a season or two in ! i piomied that every possible step ,. "I mm it is rigin, aaiu man- 'sati d the Yankees' insides for1 : havinrr sold him down the river -when he was. after all. a better t catcher than Yosi Berra. he.t 'jam-' would be taken to comply with ager Marty Marlon or i. louia his edict. All insisted that no Browns. "Baseball players should oambling takes place on their stay away from gamblers. The -lutes. i game has never been touched by In a bulletin Frick ordered j gamblers." posted in all ' clubhouses, the i The Brownie pilot said there is commissioner called attention to no gambling by his players on the "evil of permitting card road trips. sanies among your players where; E: J. iBuzziei Bavasi, vice-pres- 9 '50 Monarch Convertible, completely automatic with every possible extra. ""hymn;, ,lu j Jr your m. Vi meant exactly what he said. He outhit Yogi by 13 points last yea r. Tilat the Yankees feel the A Must See the American League. A little over a year afro, when first heard the Brownies' rotkie-. catcher refer to the champions as "them rich blan!;-ety-blanks" and tell in glewini; terms what he intended to do to them at every opportunity, we put it down as a temporary peeve and inwardly doubted the feeling would last. It shows how-wrong a man can be when he tries. Clint plainly is a ball player of character. When he said he 51 Pontine Sedan, only o3. tne -stakes are high." He said he; identi of Brooklyn Dodgers, saia -V - ir. --... . Winnie rain. J ..line wav about ineir ionncr 21.000 miles, heater formation that some puiy-: tne ciuo naa muiu vuiu yi- rr.mmnte is obvious. The feud : l.ftVKI.Y KIIONUA 1'LK.MI.Sti merited I I l1 . ' 4 had in '50 Ford Sedan New 2-tone Milliard C. Ll. ti losing more money than ing for high stakes two years ago. etween the orneiv. bespectacled i her beauty with sand and clouds for a ft f JJ f " era were Extra good looking S1K50 Manaalnn r... tH afford. vice-president Charles Feeney lso charged that play-1 of New York Giants said man- fire))lui5 ant! the usually staid scene on movie location. I he namingr red-1 1 i hey can aioneylcounters of the Btnx , tJ",?1 totl ?fA A ' VHf. Frick a .,st,r TRICKS '51 Ford Pick-up Excep tlonal condition $1325 '52 Chevrolet Pick-up. Like s ers nave irequemiy dtoi jren n'jager Leo uurocner aireauy nuu v 1 1 gambling joints operating with-j cautioned the players about a-s- I in a stone's throw from the ociation with gamblers. i,park." and warned that players. Bost0n Red Sox manager Lou new. Heater equipped.... S17!5 -mi it was no accident wnen '.ti1 McD!U:.'a!d ploughed into the squat catcher at the plate .n St. Louis the other day. Neither was it by chance that f . 1 ti 1 If S Dodgers Win On Reese's L . vA'-C- f if" Bob Parker Ltd, "The Home of Friendly Service" 1 rimrti'.ey. in the next inning, or club employees wno are louno. , Bou(ircau 63id he knows the to be gambling will be declared bull(Un -isn't applicable to the ineligible immediately. , Red Slix- but -as a matter of rou- TAKE DRASTIC ACTION j tine." he called hi V'yt'f at- Ifs a damn sight better to'te'""-lon 10 ll-heart them off before something! "Aside from a few hearts Krljn ... 1 ! Jr of hemsl itching on V - -"yf . -id u iob g V?-lVl :..''!e Ph.! R:.vutb at second J ; f 1 1 Tt ' .; and s t off the first full- r , rVKllrO&C' ' V wnVe,,n f,htofthe season. . f happens," Frick said, "than ll is games lor cnnwu iu to take drastic action, such as might .say we don't have any expulsion, after It happens." card games,' said tsouurcau. r - that Clint h idn't iaid a word after McLongi'.ld busted him up ,aiid knocked the ball from his hand. Such silence in our man is ominous He misht not be as fast as Ty Cobb was, but he's as ; good a hater for our money. Some are under the impression thyt the belligerent back-; stop gained at least part of his will to win on any terms from Rogers i:-.:'!isby. for whom he ' played at Be.iumont in 1850 and III-: 1 .iV II taii;' rib?' 'SHOE MEN' CHALLENGE CCC FOR TRAP SHOOTING TROPHY The Fashion Footwear trap shooting team have challenged the Columbia Cellulose team for the Rupert Radio challenge cup and will meet at noon tomorrow at the range. , Here are the teams: Fashion Footwear Ray Montgomery, Hans Husvik, Tommy Boultei. Dorn Dominato and Hans Schmidt. IMfenders are Harold Schaeffer, Frank Allingham, Butch Currie, Sandy Hamilton and Victor Williams. SERVE BURTO "Si'KING TRAINING, huh," sayi this walrus at tne Bronx Zoo as he comes alert in the springtime sunshine. It has 1 whom lie still idolizes. No. our man didn't borrow his PD" . .T, ? ,k. th: , Homer in 8th Reese hammered a two-r-ui home run in the eighth innins to Rive Brooklyn Dodders an uphill 6-5 victory Friday nh'lit over the Chicago Cubs and "ut them Into first place in ths National League. Reese's blast, off 43-year-old Dutch Leonard, climaxed a four-run Brooklyn rally after Chicago had moved into a 5-2 lead in the top cf the eighth. Rube Walkor. pinch-hittim; for starter Russ Meyer singled home two runners and rode home on Reese's homer. Wll. Vancouver 4, Yakima 3. Ecjjnontonl, Lewiston 6. Weriatchee 1, Salem 0. Victoria 7, Tri-Clty 3. PCL Oakland 6, San Diego 10. Portland 3-0, Hollywood 4-9. Los Angelc-J l-". Sacramento 2-5.- Seattle 4, San Francisco 0. AMERICAN Philadelphia 3, Detroit 7. Boston 8. Cleveland 1. Washington 6, St. Louis 5. New York 5, Chicago 6. ' .Tmvil TYPE disposition from Hornsby or anybody else. He believes in himself and tells you so in a high, argumentative voice. He's determined to prove himself the best catcher in the game if he SPICY General Motors Eleven Blank Battery 4-0 on Windy Pitch t-'uZZl Mi-; Remember When chael O'Neill,- Roman Catholic j Lo Gehrig, after 2,130 con-archbishop of Regina, this year i secutive games for New York marked the Sl" ' annlvcr.ary , Yankees, was benched at his own 1 has to whip the Yankees One by one and don't think he I wouldn't undertake it. of his consecration to tr.e arch- request 14 years ago today. The bishopric and the 25th anniv- great first baseman shortly af- T 'BROWN A ersary of his ordination to the ierarus aimuumcu c.c The General Motors had too i Pavlikis defending stoutly .Oo-much class for the Heavy Battery ! mez threatened on the attack last evening and won by fourjbut tajled Just to get the gpals l?LlrZ 6ame of the -ers !and 1 ment from the game when doc- i J Kelly Wins Bing Trophy priesthood. Native af Ottawa, tnrs riinimnsed a muscular' Pavlikis was just too high with ; Langner qiu oesv im imuh, he was senior Catholic Chap-, stiffness as a form 0f paralysis. '; ' lain with Canadian forces over- The -ailment claimed Gehrig's seas In the'second world war. life on June 2, 1941: I fA, A wvr his shot. Tait opened the score Matt always a threat. TO ADD FURTHER JOY TO THE PlMln tJdVJIIU . II 1 1 W, lor the motor mi-n. Gomez cros- Motors were ' strengthened ri ' j sen a dangerous snot, oui nomn- .th -..,rr. n, Rnfi Rnhtr.xnn Sft Louis 3. New York 2. Milwaukee 5. Philadelphia Chicago 5, Brooklyn 6. Cincinnati 3. Pittsburgh 8 2 j MONTREAL (CP) For the sec- son cleared. Louis Matte turned j . , . . , 'ond'time -year?-; Red! Tait!and UtU ,lI,d the ,,rst apPear" three itt a smart cross just over. ! Kelly of Detroit Red Wings has sj,ot behind. Pavlikis hooked thejance of Furunes who really can' won the Lady Byng Memorial Dali wide of Boulter. Krause ! play good football. Boulter was LUS EST OF A&L TIES...THE TIE OFHOSTAKD GUEST... HAVE BURTON'S DEUCIOUS,T QUENCHING ATE ALWAYS ON ICE AND READY TO SERVE AT A MOMENTS NOT!; Phone 266 Office opposite Post Office t Trophy, the NationaJ Hockey saved well from Maron and Tait. i not tested much. Robinson and , Servis New Schedule . storting May 1 AIR CHOOSE AN ALE AS YOU WOULD FRIEND... FOR THE FINEST QUALITIES, sr. J-m-. t-r. ! "f -t I. 1 t t -, 1. VA - ,! Sti-', - r " Af-;' " - t . J- .1 (r J . . the last word in League announced: ' Boulter was very smart to pick Eby were very sound and fast.; .. Kelly, received 0 oi a possible. up anrj ciear. . ! Sunberg played a standout game 1 9Q points in the balloting by 18 Followinf a- sustained attack4 and was well supported by Mills, ; bickey writers and broadcasters by Motors the ball came back to Furunes and Lien. Forward Tait , hi the six NHL cities. ' : SuVidberg who drove in a second was a hard river and Pat Wilson i . The trophy Is awarded annu- g0ai.: -f J ."'V'-' .turned in one of his better' ally to "the player adjudged to , The wind died'down so the games. have exhibited the best type of Motors had not the . advantage I1 Hldber was good and Giske sportsmanship and gentlemanly ! that the Battery had had but combined wed lo build up a good conduct combined with a high j they still dominated the play. attack. Murray crossed the ball standard of playing ability dur-j Mills scored a third and then j 'e11 and Maron worked hard, ing the year." - ; after Murray had crossed'a fine 1 Teams: Runner-up was Wally Herge- centre, Wilson crossed the ball to Battery; Mazzonl, sheimer, sophomore right-winger Giske who headed a beautiful I Dunbar; Boulton, Darrow Goof New York Rangers, with 49 goal to end the scoring. ' mez. Gofras; Eddie Matte, Louis Leave Prince Rupert 12:00 Noon for LINES Electric Washers Superb in appearance and colour scheme . . . Maroon on White. Recessed Master Switch controlling both motor and agitator. i Can he fitted with strong plastic table top. nninK Kid Smith of Toronto: finme marlp a fine run and Matte, Pavlikis. Leo Matte KETCHIKAN WRANGEL - PETERSBURG - JUNEAU and other Alaskan centres with connections to WHITEHORSE SEATTLE ANCHORAGE Soe Your Lucftl Travel Agent Maple Leafs, winner last year, i centred for Langner to net the 654 fiff FOR FREE HOME DELIVERY jDfe i ball but the referee disallowed was third with eight points. r what appeared to be a good goal. Stansfield; Langner.. General Motors Boulter. Robinson, Eby;. Furunes, Sunberg. Lien; Pat Wilson, . Persarr.nio, Tait, Mills, Murray; Hidber, Giske, Maron. Carrie Makes It Three Straight WINNIPEG CP Barrie Flyers took a 3-0 lead in the Memorial Cup final Friday night, downing St. Boniface Canadicns 7-5 in a rough hockey game here. FOOTBALL FACTS . . . The. Battery had several new players, some of whom lacked experience, but' they all tried hard. Last year's players did well with Krause, Dunbar, Gofras, Darrow Gomez, Mazzcni and Britain's ... Ben WASHER WASHES CLEANER ... WRINGS DRIER HEW STOCK.,. LOW -LOW PRICES Equipped with FULLY AUTOMATIC PUMP , for emptying the tub MEN'S JACKETS, Popular styles, SI 1.50 from rm k f , s A I - UA ROYS' JACKETS, new designs, from $10.25 - See the Hoys' Health Jacket by Pap T H E SPORTS SHOP - s". ' - ' i i il9il HIS FIRST STEP TIRE SALES & SERVICE . . . That first step leads to many more . . . Assure your youngster the freedom from foot troubles that is brought about by proper care from ihe very First Step. The First Step is Scientific Fitting with proper shoes. See the Jumping Jacks and Health Shoes made for the First Step ot V 1 It ( 1 'II iff V) GENERAL TIRE DEALER VULCANIZING RECAPPING FLATS And SECTIONAL REPAIRS "TRUCK TIRES A SPECIALTY ' OCT OF TOWN ORHERS OIVEN IMMEDIATE ATTENTION ALL WORK GUARANTEED PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION Anyone interested in this machine, leave name and address at Box 6G5, Prince Rupert Daily News . . . Live wire dealer invited. Manufacturer's Agent will be in Prince Rupert, Tuesday, May 5. FASHION TVri rfr-frmll tIT m m - m mm mi wm am i iu' Phone Red 548 Fraser St. P.O. Box 761 Prince Rupert, B.C. rUUI WeAII f .. .L.i...,.ftrl ThU wiverUwment U not puhliM or Hipbycd iy i