NAVY NEWS bcout, Cub Leaders Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, May 2, 1953 rauudicu Mum uurse Eddie Dawes Leaves by Air to Join Canadian Navy's Coronation Contingent THE CORONATION DAY COMMITTEE PRESENTS nl '-fiht new scout and cub leaders gradu-a five-day course here last night to launch fciti'st advance in the scout movement in Leading Seaman Eddie Dawes left by air for Halifax enroute to the Coronation, HMCS Chat JiUipt'i't History oronalion cZJc I : ' Lx it I i i at i The Coronation contingent j will then disembark and proceed j to Purbright Camp near London. Training again will be carried out until June 1. ! Three or four davx hpfnr the L v leaders will bo j their preliminary ! , , riificate from Boy L.dnuart'-rs in Ottawa. I'i ...fore that will be put t thr training of Prince for the Home consisting ot approximately 20, have been sworn in and kitted up and arc now going through their paces in naval squad drill to marching. drill hall to power units. From the drill hall on Monday evenings these days come sounds of marching feet, clatter of rifle butts and power of command being exercised. The foreign naval vessels that will be visiting Prince Rupert for the Coronation parade on June 2 will be the U.S. naval vessels Rombac and PTC 1254 and the Coronation the marching contingent will proceed to Earl's Court and the street lining contingent to Kensington Gardens. NEW ARRIVAL A new arrival on the permanent RCN staff at Chatham is Petty Officer First Class Hodges, a gunner by trade. Since his arrival the smartness of the squad drill In the drill hall on Monday evenings is improving. Nearly all the new naval band, Under auspices of Canadian Legion at the LEGION AUDITORIUM, June 2, 1953; Tickets available at: Legion Office, "27" Club Desk; Legion Officers and Legion Executive. $2.50 PER PERSON REFRESHMENTS INFORMAL Gadget Tots U.S. Coastguard cutter Kimball and one Coastguard PBY ham's representative. The Canadian contingent consists of 130 officers and men of the Royal Canadian Navy and Royal Canadian Naval (Reserve!. The contingent represents 22,000 off leers and men of the RCN and RCN B. Every rank is Included. Commanding Officer of the Naval Coronation contingent Is Commander R. P. Welland, RCN, of Vancouver. The naval marching contingent consists of 84 officers and men who are required to march 13 miles In the Coronation parade and on the following day the whole RCN contingent will march to Buckingham Palace, nine miles, each to receive. the Coronation medal from Queen Elizabeth. LINE STREETS Street lining party of the RCN contingent will number 46 and will be under arms for 16 hours. All members of the contingent have been asked to get into top physical shape before sailing. All officers and men arrived In Stadacona last Monday. Training lasts until May 6. It Stove A MEMBER OF THE MALI-SEET TRIBE in New Brunswick has reverted In rank from sergeant to signalman In order to attend the Coronation. Signalman G. j. Dedham, from the Devon reservation nea Frederictbn, is a member of ' the tribe which took an oath of allegiance to George III during the American Revolution. He enlisted with the Reserve Signals Corps after two years of active service. 3 u pert boys. "This course is one of the nost encouraRing things which have taken place in the scout movemeht." said Commissioner F. E. Enfield. "We were getting to the point where we were very worried about a supply of leaders. Most roops were ton crowded and xme had to double up." REGl LAR SESSIONS Three of the five days of training were devoted to scouting; the balance to cub training, during the course, each group vent through regular scout and cub sessions. Average attendance of the classes, held in St. Andrews Cathedral hall was 30. Instructors were Rev. L. O. Siebcr, cub master; Canon B. S. Prockter, assistant; Jim Blain of Prince George, field commissioners; Archie Mitchell, assistant. Those graduating" are: Mrs. Chris Green, Dr. J. D. Galbralth, David Barclay. Dorothy Edgar, Granby Watmough, Dorothy Yamada, Los Reekie, Blanche Rimmer. A. C. (Bert) Cameron, Eve Pnffcnroth, Gertrude Mat- PRICE CORRECTIONS i Noiii-i i.i:sTi:it I,, , ;.l ryes in back of !,, let them know ,r is uj to every min-iav. CounUcss times ... day th"-' average a.-s li'T two-or three-,nii. some dangerous innn troublemaker Is t. Those interesting Cal Ribs. JUJ A STANDOUT FOR GOOD LOOKS Arrow Par 4.95 In Friday's paper we made a mistake ... The Moffat Gas Range prices for models as Illustrated should have been: 3or Wn. Barl : the .stove fascin i 3.' ? I -Jiffy QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY Funeral services for the latp mi ;,:;l'T r..!. :. to tiiko this at Mother's mind is a Catherine S. Barber, wife ot Art ' I) that prevents cnild- tern, ' Mrs. C. E. " Hitchcock. ""ncocK, Mrs. Mrs. ,, uimi.ih; on .ho the ranee range i F MumQ victor WeUs Moffat DeLuxe Gas Range $354.75 Moffat DeLuxe Cottage Gas Range $246.75 consists of arms drill, route marches, physical training, kit Inspection and other necessary activities. On May 7 the RCN Coronation marching contingent will embark on HMCS Quebec and the street lining contingent will embark on other ships of the fleet for passage to the United King Barber, manager of the Haida Hotels Ltd. Queen Charlotte City were held at the United Church here. Rev. Lliyd Hooper officiated. Mrs. Gordon H. Joliffe. soloist Roche, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis nre-ro.ii.stant Plaskon Harold Ketcheson, George Tus-Ws t'at!;:ot makes It i tin, M. C. Hubcl, Rusty Thaln, t turn on the gas or j Pat Forman, Dr, G. Fiddes, Gor-uutil the knob Is j don Poffonroth, Glenn Gordon, Add dash to your wardrobe with Arrow Par! Styled with the tmart soft spread collar best-dressed men favor. Like oil Arrow ' shirts. Par is expertly tapered to follow body lines. smooth end trim. "Sanforized" broadcloth. See Par ... the wide- ' spread star . . . HERE today. WATTS & NICKERS ON m.y I'iamcn to make Bob Morris. L. G Sicber and I rendered ef feciivelv "Christian i :iot' lies ill the outer Archie Mitchell. Qom. sh with those in an ! . ,r disc. After the StOVe GMITHHRS Rnvpntu-nlnn MEN'S WEAR I lit iTT-Ttr CTATJl? TTT ts orTHTrnn riTtTT mn . The Royal Canadian Navy fleet of ships for the Coronation sails from Halifax May 7 and arrives at Portsmouth on the 15th. i;urned on or off, the boys ranging in age from eight I i i f turns to its safety ; to 17 turned out to the re- I I! 1 rOl ARROW WHITI SHIRTS I Goodnight," ' The c.iurcrt was unable to accommodate the crowd which gathered from all parts of the Island to pay tribute to one who held the esteem and admiration of the many communities represented. Burial took place at Tlell. Queen Charlotte Islands. ; organization meeting or the Cub the newest model ! and Boy Scout movement, now equipped with : Seven cub sixes and six scout I M4NJFVMWiWi ' I I WSWOOO.. MV )tfo? Zj ( ciLONOlfc S GONE. I . I WE SHOUIDMT ) -N WIFE S NOT TfMVD l' i )CO TOO -WHAT CAN :i wliii Ii . uiso are avail- ; patrols were set up by Scout iii emeiit parts. A leaders Gordon Sharp and- Ray .an remove old type James, RCMP constables ; ii, Mall ttic new ones n Mnlll rsNVr?. rW i iH Mi'oves in a lew nun- ,11 . . . mat Ul-tNlNb r tA I URE l.i ; (ia "I." in some ,e i'j vr:-. fan, which ' ..... o.'.nuid nut, be . 'rod in homes where : hi'dvn. "no new fan, ! .' be u.ed as a floor . ir i!r;rit('c! in any win-. i.xhau..t fan. bas been ! PADDED GOODS Toldey Seat Pads ....... 75c, 95c, 1.25 .High Chair Pads , 1.89 2.25 Crib Bumper Pods ....,.,.,,. :. 3..?) Carriage' Pads .... ;::....r... ....1. ..., 1.95 THE STORK SHOPPE I ; j chic vou I : ytJM, 1 1 ; OUR WIVES i ir. : . i. ... l .-. OON'T GET PAMlCKy-I I FlC5T, WE LI- Pf?OMISE J ( NEXT WE'LL PPOMlSc I ; ' ii, ' ... MAve LEFT uS.' ) ,,- ii! .j; tfaK ,11 i ( KEtL WRtTE OUT A LIST THEM NEVER TO COME ) S NEVER TO STREW OuR I ,(..r OuRHAPPy fT3k .,, . OF PROMISES AnO . HOME LATE AGAIN--j-' SC. CLOTHES AROUND ' HOMES ARE J .... SENOlTTOrHFM EVER , , S THE HOUSE OR V j NO MORE K ' i'A7V WMERfvEi? 2 s ' s'- CTZZh, A WTOivaShES V,- itiQxS THEVAtfE I'M ON THE FLOOR 1 wfp hy brine en-live rinus 'with' fifie-(!'..: t and' bar. ' ,, ' Ed P-TA Phone Blue 810 tert him Library vara rarent-Tcacher Holiday in Ji ZJ lit 94 f I I WE'LL PROMISE TO 1v ' " AND WE'LL 1 I LETS PROMISE THEM " . Ii n I i'.. at a meeting in the 'iry. voted $200 to start I ip library, a record ' ; to pun.' a set of i I s fur the school, ei mtc made for plant- in the flower box at "oor ol t lie school, ''dial council report. AND TO KEEP THE y-S ,SV(C'3S J-i,THE DiShES I i V, THAT'LL CLINCH IT Av xVlaS Mm lawn mowed and wipe l . i K y.'S i s rmx-4t f A 1 .' .this this summer summer FT 15. CJ nT ssasT ' - ?2 DAY TOUR $58.20 ptus return oir fore $383.15 Prince Rupert to Honolulu Summer's de!tM to eniV oil the .-, loveliness of Howoii . . .where th )r year-round temperature Is about "I'd ssno had been the I'-TA groups in '"d I'-TA voted to Mini in two and d that they r to Hi financial need. viled to help the 75 deflrees . . . olwavs o gentle, V . r, I ....... k tinrUnntffi pt- - 1 -v- kv,. e i r cuv.n'y ui" L in onenina un a whole new world !,ir Coronation pro-!r tliiui putting In a of holiday pleasure ... truly fabulous demnre! !'l sponsored by the f was Riven by W. D. Flying Canadian Pocific you have a choice of several other Air Tours with all rrenjemenM , for a a the P-TA conven-iii.iuver during the Man. s mnni won the book 'n''ince prize. holiday as active or relaxing as you wish. Only IOV2 hours from Vancouver by giant SUPER DC-S's, pressurized, air-conditioned .. . air travel J "'its were served by "ti and her commit- I ( OO VOU REALIZE WE'VE ) ( 115 GOING TO BE ) I V?W 1 DIDN'T REALIZE ' 'r T OUR HUSBANDS 1 MADE OVER FIFTY y S- HORRIBLE. HERB. S i THAT SECOND -ti t j !ZVl V ARE GOING TO I PROMISES' LIFE J V. BUT WE'LL HAVE TO ) 3 FEATURE PICTURE J ' r1.' P BE FUKIOUS IS GOING TO BE p 1 DO IT F WE WANT S WOULOt'TBE m-fr " j V WHEN WE COME 1 TEPRiBLV GRIM rso. " ( OUR WIVES ) Vk OVEB UNTIL J o, fy-yr A IN AT THIS ' I m- V f wE BEG ) ( ThEV VE JU5T ) I I i THIS IS AN ) "7 ( (2$) ) ( VOU SHOULD BE ) ( WE'RE vEPv )y vouR 7 BEEN TO THE ) ( OUTRAGE. "S. s zk cAASHAMED:r SORRV-WE J FORGIVENESS) S MOVIES ScominG in AT ) X'Avls? '''r ' I ADMIT wE (V ,.rZ-y ) ' ThiS mOuR CS ffj ViO JfSl , S. whAT ,,. ' ' WERE WRONG I' 'klyfrv ( THESE ) " I IT'S A BIG 'SQSLC'?-, ( UP COATS ) ' 1 S'ot-t i& GCiMGTtS. (' wE CE LUCtf-r TO HAVE SUCH ) I LIST OF FAfT? ND hats ) 'ff? r 'O 6EA V-V? WONDERFUL HUSBANDS J ? promises T V Si"r - ' o I dream rW o-. WSdl vs ' vfr: l?VrtrrT vC O to get so panicky ) . A luxury you ve never dreamed possible. Hill " )'.( Rllllrnr'o f"'"-m!; Monday, M"s.l (104 ! i ':'.v Snerlala rtn '.' s. slacks and sweat- FASCINATING BROCHURE FREE Ask your Travel Agent or ony Canodion Pacific office- for our fascinating "Howoiion Tours" brochure, additional information, or for reservations. Camdimt (PocUic AIRLINES Howoii - Fiji.- New Zealand - Australia. Also the shortest, fastest service to Tokyo and Hong Kong. f Wyk'wear. (it) f' had (riv,, anturday. I T mple. Everyone !( :lur L-iinsr nt Liberal 103) i-'-uion Auditorium, I 'r-v,ie welcome. . I (103) rrin-e RU-I.ccal. U.F.A. r"Ji''iiy. May 3, Met-I,; "omer Stevens. I, , ' br Present: Busi- e-M.uaais mr sal-wrm.m.e; Ail mem. attend. iMi allr.kAr-r-,,..-, Vy" ' " " '' iifc"1'"-- &l Copr )- Kin Feature SynJiralt, Inf . Wurld iitlili rtscntJ Li-ut S-IO C?- v.- I I E. Dovdie The Compete Travel Service j