i New York Producer of Tobacco Road' screen Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, May 2, 1953 Today 7: - 9: p.m. "Bloodhoundslfli t "l"f " I HU MMK CLAUDETTE ,UNC 1UJT Mi,," riS-n MENS' SHOP Fined $100 For Staging ' Indecent Play' 1 cashes WALLACE'S run. is an indecent play. i Production of the same play brought court appearances and fines for a group of Vancouver actors earlier this year.) Gould appealed the sentence PROVIDENCE, R.I. (API Judge Lugi Depasquale Friday found Edward Gould of New York guilty of producing an indecent play and fined him $100 1 and costs. For a long tune, movies have been prioLCupicd with tropical stories yarns hot off the news griddle and .';ucii fine pictures as "Fugitive Horn a Cnam Gang," "Confessions of a Nazi Spy" and "The House on 92nd Street" have resulted. There are, oioauly speaking, two kinds of tropical films those based on huge headlines, lieve that the issues of freedom of speech of assembly, raised by the American Civilities Liberties Union in the case, are involved. He said that the Issue was whether the words in the play made it indecent and he decided they did. The play was produced after a controversy with the police censors Jan. 5. The police censor. Capt. George Cowan, had refused to issue a licence for the play. Uould then wont to superior court and obtained from Judge and those based on no headlines I Depasquale said that "Tobac- to superior court and bail of $30Q ! co Road." the Erskine Caldwell j was continued, play that had a long Broadway i The judge said he did not be- Japanese Crab Fishing Fleet Sighted off Coast of Alaska at all, but rather on a current and continuing crisis. "Outpost in Malaya," the new 2 For 1 SALE Men's Work Shoes - plus ; " MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR SPECIALS 2 Wallace's Dept. Store j Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results 0 iA X -, 4 United Artists release opening on Monday at the Totem Theatre Is an example of this second Thomas Roberis a restraining order on police. The judge in barring police from preventing category of tropical film, one ( based on an exciting struggle; the outcome of which Is of vital; I concern to people all over the! world. Filmed on location in Mai-1 (tA It AM the production said this did not keep them from prosecuting if the play were considered obscene. The play was produced one nielli only Oi" projected one-week run. The judge said: "At the start. I want to say that I do not believe in advance censorship. I also want to say that it would be possible to bring aya, Ceylon ana oilier troume I areas of the Far East, "Outpost i in Malaya" stars Claudette Col ANTHONY SIEEL , STARTS M0NDAI TOTE, RAM GOPAL Alaska crab fishermen In the big bay west of Alaska this season. The Wakefield fiuiiuUo is engaged in fishing for the giant king crabs, which have a leg span of several feet. He said the Japanese fishermen are not restricted in their catches while American fishermen can take onlyj male crabs of adult size. The fishing treaty to which Japan and the United States have agreed, forestalls the Japanese from fishing for the highly prized salmon of Bristol Bay, but there is no provision against their coming into the big offshoot of the Bering Sea after shellfish. COLD BAY, Alaska IAP An Alaska fishing operator has reported the arrival of a Japanese crab fishing fleet In the outer waters of Bristol Bay. J. H. Wakefield of Wakefield's Deep Sua Trawlers. Inc., said his ship had contacted the Japanese cannery ship Tokel Maru. He said it was anchored about 12 miles north of Amak Island, which lies about 20 miles north of the tip of the Alaska Peninsula. Wakefield said the Japanese fleet's net gear is out in a 10-mile square area around the mother ship. Wakefield predicted recently in Anchorage there would be "trouble" between Japanese and Evenincjs 7 : - 9: p.m. t'aimwH Pljvrrn Thn bert, Jack Hawkins and Anthony Steel, and feavures Ram Gopal, world-famous Indian classical dircer. k X''"' .r : V '..- 'T ' ;!' 4ku pi " V' x J . ... 3 :,A , i , - t - 1-1. . this case before 12 different d '- f 'Outpost in Maiaya" Is 4:35 7 9:C5 Today - p.m. - n-ltoi , cerned with a little-know " Come Back Little Sheba tiict court justices and get ,2 different opinions. "Since there is no law in Rhode Island as to what constitutes an obscene or indecent IIP Mimkf HsimI wiv Umi late ict llltfc I.VSlKIM't Tt'i'iwp!" Americans, at any rate source of international conflict, the : struggle of the rubber-planters of j Malaya against the huge groups! of organized bandits who terror-! ize the settlements and disrupt Sunday or Midnite Only play, it therefore is up to the ! court to decide. "And, in my opinion, it seems to me that the play is indecent." WIN A PRIZE Save the Cartoons No. 5 START NOW Call ot our office for earlier cartoons. Arrange the cartoons in order of merit and win a cash prize. 1st Prize $10.00 2nd Prize $5.00 5 Prizes $2.00 PEGGY CASTLE ; ROD CAMERON In "Wagons West" JOHN ARCHER MARGUERITE CHAPM In "Sea Tiger" But don't YOU be too late, nor too short on the amount of FIRE INSURANCE you have on Your Teepee. Our FREE Insurance Study will show your present Insurance needs, limit lie late! limit hesitate! f till us umi for an 1NM RAM K late! . the a 11 -import ant production oi rubber. It is tills subject with which "Outpost in Malaya" deals In terms of an actionful adventure romance. The time of the story, covering twenty-four hours, dur. ing which an embattled plantation owner beats off a full-scale attack of heavily armed bandits, and regains the love of his wife, U based, on actual, events in Malaya. , MONDAY to Wi:iNKSI.V Shims at 1 pm .l LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. . Established 1910 MOVING ... PACKING ... CRATING SHIPPING . .. . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE ' Experienced handling Local. Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. "MOVE WITH EASE . . . SHIP VIA LINDSAY'F Agents Allied Van Lines Ltd. Phone 60 ir 68 ' Cor. ?nd and Park Are. SEA-RAIDING, SKY-STREAKING THRILL EPIC I Citizens Warned Not to Borrow Too Much Money By FORBES Kill l)E TORONTO (P The Dominion Mortgage and Investments Association today advised individuals to be careful about the amount of debt tticy incur, and urged increased saving. At the same time it reported I A drama of I he heroism of the i United States navy airmen Is the ! next bi.; sc.ieen attraction to play 1 ut the Capitol Theatre opening I Monday, it was .announced today. It is the spectacular color special, "Flat Top,' starring Sterling tHayden and RiJhard. Carlson, produced by Walter MirLsch fqr I IT 1 S,1SIBII nailing ,cw STERUNG HAYDEN RICHARD CHRIS I 1 Mimwrsnt. Much of the picture that 1952 loans by member com- 1 panies were well above those, of 151, new housing loans taking i ! 64 per cent of all loans, us 1 against 60 per cent in 1051. . Commenting on the general burrowing and lending sileation, j n its report to the annual meet- I 1 was mined aboaru uic iwiy u craft carrier Princeton, enroute "AliDFI) KKATl KK Kirby Gront ' ; In ' ; -'it- between Sin D!ci?o naval air bu.se and Hawaii, from whence tile carrier proceeded to Korean i water. "YUKON GOLD" a r-.oi. mm ihata - : .. 1. "T . V- 1 I -St., - 1.' -I . ' ' :) .' t : r li.g of Its member companies, the a-ssociation said: DEBT CLIMBING , "Mortgage debt is climbing. Consumer debt paper and per- sonal loans have reached a very high level. Thus it is not amiss to express concern at the volume of debt and to suggest that the situation needs to be viewed with a cautious eye." Govern- PHONE Some of ti,r greatest action I shots ever brought to the screen are In the bis picture. Thc.sc are 1 of at rial dog fiyhU between super pLiiies, great enemy ships being tombed and sunk, other ships under .submarine attack, and ; thundering (ilane formations under actual battle conditions. 'ilk, J X-v 111 M ttl -.tr.SS - mi f - -s". s ax ments also were urged to recog- I I nlze "the old virtue of thrift." ' liT""'"1''"1 PROMPT SERVICE HEATED CAR Membership of the association consists of 48 companies, of which 25 are insurance companies, seven loan companies, and 16 trust companies, which represent about 90 r--r cent c' these institutions In Canada. STAND: HILGLRSON BLOCK, SIXTH STRUT omm OISPLAV OOKUTt m m irutnlal cun tell ytiu t-lorie aliotit life tn an olil-linic ltii;iiif; camp. Season after si'mhuii he used to Rotitl ill tli ikmmIs and each time in a different spot! Once the timber was tut they'd simply strike camp and move somewhere -1m'. Alxint the only time he t-jx'iil with his family wus when he was out of work! , '- -r'; ' ' '. ,v T The picture is leadilv being changed largely through the iiitriihielioii of hcientific ftirenl management. Planned ' etiuservatiou is eliminating wasteful destruction. I'ermunent etimmunilies are being established where the logger can be al home wilh his family . . . with good homes, schools, playgrounds, shopping and recreational facilities. Sound forest management- is creating the kind of modern commuiiily vhere you'd be glad to raise a famiU which is more llian you could say for grandad's logging camp! v COMPANY LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. A Subsidiary of Canmlian Chemical & Cvllulose Compuny Limited f ''Al CATALOG! Advertising in the Doily News Brings Resuihj Ottawa Keeps Ynn Fun Train m m mm mm m f I I For Big Pay m WHERE CRAFTSMANSUIP COUNTS . . . COUNT ON US! DIBB PRINTING COMPANY DBESEl hv-i Blair Fraser's Salary Secret OTTAWA if The government has delined to say how much money the CBC paid Blair Fraser, Ottawa editor of Mae-lean's Magazine, from 1950 to 1953. Paul Gagnon ilnd.-G'hieouU-ml) asked what was paid Mr. Fraser for news and comment broadcasts, reviews, the staging or arranging of press conferences or any other service. The answer was that "it has not been considered in the interests of the corporation CBC o'r in the public interest to make IS CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING INDUSTRY ALSO WELDING AND REFRIGERATION. ti i .;.' .fit i K TUKKS 1()K (I.I! Ilur ronsrrtiilion program krvps protects ll.C.'it friulest unset . . of future generations. Il.C. forests green . . . ensures the prosperity Enquire obout fores poid to our large prodw i iv-isa PRINCE rtUPERi DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS snops. viaii rnis coupwn --i t rm Ltd., Bo v.nicago rocanonai iroinma .r- of con d: d klwr Prince Rupert, B- ' V, I IlllbIS HWIVII -- '.Lnfl rvinoiy scno me avians ,,,w Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acetylene Wi'lding public amounts paid to individuals in business transactions since the corporation is In competitive positions in engaging services." NAME ADDRESS OCCUPATION SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY IT fk ii TO ADVERTISE s 7 ' , S 4 . . '- 1. i J : '.I is i Mil ML LmEK 1 - " - f A New STANQARO OF VALVt UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP W. TROJAHN HERE'S DRIVING AT ITS BEST ... 50 STL'DEBAKKR S til l.N Air conditioner, Spotlight. Radio, Sun Visor. A real nice 2-tone. At HODGE Fluid Drive, radio, heater, sun visor. A man's car. 50 PREFECTUS is. A means of good reliable transporta-, tlon. New Owner of WOOD-BILT PRODUCTS '52 International Tic-klip wilh heater and oil filter. $150 Off List Blue Red 723 Phone: Eves. Corner 1st Ave. ond McBride St. P.O. Box 1599 pie of wishes to announce that he is prepared to give the peP n - r ii.. . ,-u;ri crnndOiQ' in rnnce rUDerr new ana Dener craTtbmunsi up . Cabinet Making, Windows, Doors, Other Woodwork 49 Flyin" Standard Saloon . . . your SECOND car dependability. SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. 3rd Ave. at Park Ave. Phone Green 217 Mr. Trojahn has had many years experience In cabinet-making and other