Prince Rupert Doily hJew3 Saturday, May 2, iy.3 OEORGB DATO.3 AUCTIONEER Phone Black 46 and Bedl2f""I WAWT ADS TO: Buy-Sell -Rent Trade or Hire Large Crowd At Funeral For Miss Faure Ise fhe 1 " Phone Mii WANT AD 748. She will be glad to help you place your ad DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 P.M. DAY PREVIOUS BLACKWOOD on bv EASLZY BLACKWOOD BUSINESS PERSONALS FOll It." NT WILFORD Electrical Works. Mo- ! tors bought, sold, rewound and , repaired. (tf . Failure To Analyze Play Can Reat Sound Contract MAGAZINES, novelties. News Stand. liddie's (c A large gathering Of friends I attended last rites for Miss Jeanne Faure, 83-year-old artist, who died in hosDital last a "lne c.an9" Basil s; Prockter orated at the service, Organist Peter Lien played hymns. "Safe In the Arms Jesus," and "Jesus, Lover of Soul." Pallbearers were Pat Forman Yamada, T. Christie, A. Duf-fus, H. Scholten and J. McLean. wV.iers were now;cy Miles and Wilfred St. Clair. Hits Big Deer WUXLAND, Ollt. CP On! FLUMBING, automatic oil heating, slieist metal work. Phone 543. Call tUO 6th West. 1-tonrneau ci KEEP a rein on your government. Join Social Credit today. (108) I have suggested that the memorizing of a long list of safety plays applying, to many different combinations of cards is not the best way to become a "safety expert." That method is both tedious and PROVINCIAL Affairs are your affairs. Join Social Credit today. poa) LORRAINE Mellln, Dressmaking and Alterations. Suite No 4, 628 Taylor Street. (105p) UNWANTEDTuiriZinuInent-Iv eradicated with Saca-Pelo. The most remarkable discov- their first trip through Cana.1a ! alert to the possibility of such California couple met deerjpjays and to reason each one with costly results. Mr and Mrs . out as it comes up. Joseph Nicoletti estimated dam Mr. Abel failed to do the age to their motor-car at $200 necessary reasoning in today's after a bi? deer bolted through ideal and lost his contract. I the air and landed on the front, like his four heart bid on the the aulo. j. second round. It was unlikely " - - -nrm - ww i that Mr. Dale had a singleton -vi'l i i : ft;v: ' r.i iflt. 4.;. fj, '' ! l- (A - - . 1 1 f'--V;,?'. m: '- n I- ' ''-, .... V. '. , '.I , ' f s ' 4. 'i", 1: . guaranteed to kill the roots ery of the age. Saca-Pelo is drugs ilicmici,l.v I.orBeer Lab, 679 Cianville, Vancou ver, B.C. (H) of any hair ard contains no PHONE 18 you7Northland Dairy, for daily delivery except Sunday. By looking after your milk your milk will look nfter you. Keep it cool. All milk guaranteed, (tf) NATIONAL Machinery Cn. Limited, Distributors for: Mining, Sawmlii, Logging and Contractors Equipment. Inquiries invited. Granville Island, Vancouver 1. BO. itf) PLACE your rlaisifled ad In this paper at the economical- six time rate. 1" words for 8 consecutive days cost $1.35; 15 words for six consecutive days cost S1.P0. And ternembcr you ran phone vour ads just rail 748. Dally News tf-nc) NEARLY evrybodv uses 19. tr" AGENTS for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd.. for oxygen, acetylene and all welding supplies. Llndsav's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Phone 00. d MESSENGER Sorvlrp Light Delivery. Phone Blaclf 621-i Brr 'bottles picked up. j (lK'P1 WORLD'S FINEST CLEANER- SI ,ECTR.;.LUX.-1 Pncno ' Blue 070 for .'arts Sates Service. (CI CARD OB .THANKS VANCOCVEIt 7ia Waypuints , SUNDAY SS Camosun. 8 p.m." ' FRIDAY SS Chilcotin, 8 p.m. ALICE ARM and STEWART ' Friday, Camosun, Midnight FOR NORTH QUEEN CHAU.0TTE ISLANDS May 6 and 20 SS Chilcotin, Midnight FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS "' SS Chilcotin, Mianigni May 13 and 27 ( FRANK J. SKINNER ' Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue phont.55?4 BEST OF FOOD FINEST OF COOKING FOR TAKE OUT OP.DI.KS -r Phone 200 Broadway Cafe , Sfeomer Prmcc Rupert : SAILS FOR ' ' VANCOUVER ' nd Intermediate Ports Each Thursday ' ! 1,1 1 ' at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN .!' WEDNESDAY Midnight Comfort and Service 1 For reservations writ a call tily r r. ?iet, Oflivf. Pi .-.-.i Rupe't, ' b C., . .', ? pt ofesziona I JOHN I . . . ' . i m4 BULGER Jttlometriil mi Third Avenue John Bulger Ltd John f- L. Hughes, p,C CHIROPRACTOR firs. 10:30-12:30; 2:00-5:00 Eves.: by appointment Qnly..J 21 f 23 BesnerSioct v Phone B'.ue1 443 , ;: H. G. HELGERSON- LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 06, Evenings Black 899 SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 608 3rd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. . Phone 317 P.O. Box 374 tSuhieci to RAD TO EIAL i GFPR 1240 Ki'ocycle 8ATURDAT P M. 8:00 CtiC ii-w j :00 Wl!m Rrrundup 6:06 BaHirlnft AniitcoH .'iOSiilrfe A Quebec 00 Hit Parade 7:30 Bay Norris Qulnti-t 8:00 Whatcha Know Joe 8:30 Musical Pribram 0:00 The Homesteaders 9:30 Hill Billy Hit Iradi ! 10:00 !BC Mbwb : 10:10 BC News . 10:15 Jo Stafford I, U-:30 linnrr:irf Parly1 :00 Weather Report :03 Club -12W i :00- Second Portion Clnb "1210' I BUNDAY- i A M. 2:iKi Sin Off Aimct 8:30 .uiiday Morning Recital 9:00 BBC News and Commutary 9:15 The Question Box 8 X(J Hjrrmony liarbirr :59 Time Signal 10:00 B. C. Gardener 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 Wny of the Spirit 11:00 CBC News 11:03 IJapitol Report 11 :3 Relmlous Period, . 12:00 Salvation Army Show ' P.M. ' '- " . 1 :00 An Innicent Abroad L l ; S :00 Piddle J..'a Yariui 2:tH Juke' and the Km '' '' "' :00-CBC News , , , 8 O.1 Ajik the Weatherman U:12 Weather Forecast . j ' : 3 :30 The Tijone and the People , 8:15 ON On the Record :r!TL,Mf.: ! 30 Chamber Music B :0fl Winnipeg Sunday' Concert tt:uQ Starve 53 '.:; !! : .. 7:00 CBC News . , .. . . ,. : . 7.1U Hewkend Review , ; 7:20 Our Special Speaker ;.'! 7:30 Little' Symphony Orch. 8. oo Howard cable Concert Bnd 8 :30 prom the Opera 9:30 Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC New " ' ' 10:10 CBC News 10:15 The Theatre , ,. 10:30 "W jen Ou; la Done" 11:00 Weather Report and Sign t(( MONDAY A.M. 7:00 B C. Fishermen's Broadcsst 7 :1B Musical Clock 7:30 CBG News; Weather Rcpol- 7:35 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning bonrr 8:30 MorniUK Devutloil 8:45 Little Concert 9:0O BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Musical Varieties 9:59 Ttma Signal '10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Musical Prof rem 10:30 B.C. Liberal Talk , 10:35 Recorded Interlude 1 1 :00 Kindergarten ot the AU lt:lf. Roundup Time j 1 1 :30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:43 Scandinavian Mclodtei PM. 12:00 Mtd-Dav Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 13:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12 J1S Pec. Int. 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 2:00 B.d. School Broadcast 2.30 Tnrns-Oanada Matinee We wish to extend our sincere thanks and iMJpreckitlon to-.JDr. confusing. A better way is simply to be heart. Give him two hearts and there was a pretty fair chance ,hlt the heart losers could be limited to two. And there wipn t many losers in tne side suits. Too bad the play wasn't as good as the bidding. Mrs. Keen led- the jack of diamonds and Mr. Abel won with the king. He olajrial the 10 of hearts in an effort, as he said later, to "get a cover." When Mrs., Keen ulaved the lark, he went up with the kin" in dummy and aw it smothered with the ace. With the queen- eight over the nine-seven, Mrs. Keen now had two additional trump winner. 1 nnd thes3, with the ace of clubs, defeated the contract. Mr. Abel should have reason ed as follows: On' the bidding, it was clear that Mr. Champion had a strong hand. Therefore, the odds were overwhelming that he held the ace of hearts. Now, if he had all four outstanding hearts or if he had A Q J alone, the contract was hopeless and no play would make any dif fecence. If he, held the ace; and any one pther heart, again it would make no difference, . how,. Mr.'. Abel played. AU. even so far. . ; But what if he held the ace '! Bridqe Experts ' i MONTREAL CP) A pair new i to Competitive contract bridge, 1 Capt,. R. Cloutier and Capt. G, 'j Ouimet' Of the ' military college j at St: JrJhns won the trophy for Intermediate class players at the championships here. Queen Charlotte Airlines Kirimat and Kemano Schedule trips to: . Tuesdays and Fridays. Stewart and Alice Arm Mondays and Thursdays Charter Service i ; r V. , Vr; Contract Flying , Agents: CRAWFORD MOORE TRAVEL AGENCIES Phones 47i and 610 that new construction South dealer East-West vulnerable North (Mr. Dulr) 68 8 12 H K 2 D Q 6 4 C Q 9 8 3 Went i:awt (Mrs. Keen) (Mr. riiampinn) Ft 7 e 3 a K Q J 10 s H Q J 8 H A D J 10 9 8 D 7 6 a C J 7 2 C -A 10 6 5 Hnlllll ' (Mr. AlM'l) 8 A H 10 9 7 0 5 4 1 D A K 3 C K 4 The bidding: ' South Wottt North East 1 H Pass 1 NT Dbl. 4 H All pass alone? In that case it was vital i lor Mr. Abel to retain his king j in dummy. The best play, then, '. was to lead a low heart at trick j two and play the deuce from I the board. As you see, this I would have held the heart los-qrs to two and make the bid. P I 1 I II TH'I' ff DINING PLEASURE. in '.SPARKLING NEW; 'SURROUNDINGS Commodore Caie (J3ii5inelS ? DELUXE PRESS "Gestetner" Duplicoting Circular Letters - Montnly Bulletins any kind of Business forms. Direct mall advertising, etc. 30 - 40 lees than regular printing. - Phone 383 P.O. Box 99 733 2nd Av. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Uitn us your mailing list We do the rest. Train Schedule STANDARD TIME For the East , Pally except Sunday,..8 p.m., From 'tlx East ' ' Daily except Mcnday 9:50 pxa FOR YOUR ROCK AND CONCRETE WORK EVERY JOB GUARANTEED We Pour Cement For Less Phone Blue 939 CHOPSUEY... . ...CH0WMEIN Open 6 p.m. 3:30 a.m. Hollywood Cafe I For For Outside Outside Orders Orders Pliom Vhmtv 133 133 W. S. Kerein and the nursing 1 jssific d Rates i I, ,e 4; no p.m. day pre-J, publication. I 3 cents per word per ,; minimum charge 60 1 , .... '('S DU Cents, vniuo 'nits,' Death Notices. Not'irps, Marriage and i.OI.I' i I piny tlcublo price. So Je:unu not accept rcsponsi-l,is.,fii(l ads inserted or under wrong li r. unless noiuir.uuuii m is receivoo wiuiin i t first Irucrtion. ly.lJM'EMI'.NTS ,dc Association tea, rut School, May 2. k SALE lOLLARS WORTH WONDERFUL LRTAINMENT Ilyone DOLLAR Dunb ar u, scotch baritone IN NITED CHURCH ON AY, MAY 4TH at 8:30 sale at as, Watts & Nicker-iv Shoe Store and Hardware. (104c) LIBERAL '0MMITTEE J ' 1 : ROOMS ed in the new HONE BUILDING ,itt Daily News" be open from. ,-j i, n to 6 p.m. and , , , ;im'. to 9 p.m. ; .;. " encing May ' 4th - . , 1 108O Annual Music and rival May 5 ' 6 ' 7 and , . -. bazaar. May 8. . W.A. Halibut Fare-Lei;ion audiloriuni, Day lea, May 12. Auxiliary Tea and thnw, May 13. Star tea, May 14. Legion final card it; 13. cooking sale at Anderson's, May 16. (home of the Moose Spring iy i21, Moose Temple sals, May 20. milters Variety Show, iy 24, Capitol ThC- missionary tea, i R e sale, Anglican May 30. p Church tea May 30. fa. June 4 I Church W.A. Spring 1 1. Wonii-n' T. p n o 11 p tea, June 11, at the M. p. McCaffery, West. CASH CONTEST (tfi pI'USONAL i Prince Rupert group yohes Anonymous to-r'te P.O. Box 1511, lHP (103) N'-SS 1'EKSONALS ' 1S PAY SUNDAY, o-e Mother Dny yn aisninv ni tup (103) ICIAN D. Guyatt. vtoi ,r Ave- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY RESTAURANT For sale, or will rent. Blue 602. (104) FOR SALE Pool room and lunch counter. Profitable business. Reasonable price. Easy terms. Apply Box 39, Houston, B.C. ' U07p) ACCOUNTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Income Tax specialist. B. G. Furk. Btone Pui'.aiuK. tied 593. (20m) BATTER! bEKVICK RUPERT Battery Shop, 234 East aru .'.ve. f nolle, Ji.ue jZO. lle-pnirj, recharging an:' rsbuild-Inu. WniK BuarantdQ. irl BOA IS FOR SALE FOR SALE Halibut boat "Paulino V." 46' long, 11' 10" beam. Powered with 150 H P. Scripps. $12,000 cash. Phone Black 183 after 5 p.m. ( lO.lp) CARS FOR SALh DRIVE A BARGAIN '51 Plymouth Radio and heater.... $ 75Q '49 Chevrolet 4 Heater. A nice blue $ 4QQ '47 Pontiac Deep blue. Only 16 000 miles. One of best $ QQ '46 Dodge Radio and heater, Seat covers. Brand new rubber $750 '33 Dodge Good transportation $300 '49 Anglia Coach.... $600 HEPPNER MOTORS McBi ide at 4th. Phone Blk. 005 RE-CHROME- bumpers, grills, etc.,; with "Bumper Re-Nu"! Not a paint on polish I Juat like chrome!.. Lasts years! Send S2.9R or COD. Fernior, 772 King West, Hamilton, Ont. mentors W!ntPfl ) (1241 ,i,l; r. it t; ; 4 ci; . Didn't fldsii the-flHet Prince Ru pert showing or tne )uw wasn ?nmbler. Revolutionary in de-Slun artrl surprisingly low in price,,, iMr)nday,nd Tuesday pniv at the Hotel -Prince Runert. Salesman John P. DeLnlla, representinar Mc.Ieod Rae Motors Ltd.. 1239 Kings-way, Vancouver, B.C. (104) FOR LE FOR SALE One Ruston & Hornby diesel engine, 65 H.P. This engine Is in excellent condition and has not been much used. Can be bought verv client). Contact H. W. Libby, 1122 Redland Avenue, Moose Jaw, Sask. 1104) FOR SALE Chesterfield and chair, $35.00: fair condition. Apply 1412 6th East. (107p) FOR SALE Singer sewing ma-. chine, good condition, $40 00. . Blue, 403. (107) - FV)TH!Li,8 'fwrrtle-ssr" c 0a;L Phone 651. I'hilpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. (c) FOR SALE Boy's bicycle. Phono Blue 877 after 5 p.m. (103p) FOR SALE Complete house- hold furniture. Good quality. Quick sale. Box 666, Daily News. (108) FOR SALE Sunshine baby car riage and small crib. 1120 6ttt East. dtp) FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern heated flat, complete with refrigerator and electric stove. Quality furniture, including two chesterfields, bar, nursery suite, all fittings and drapes for sale at reasonable price. Suit young discerning couplo. Owner going to U.S. Box 6P3, Daily News. (104) SINGER SEWING CENTRE rent portable n.asbJnss. .Phone 864. C FOR RENT Two-room furnished house with shower. Apply 533 7th West. (103p) FOR RENT Two rooms with board for two men. Blue 626. (106p) FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment. 801 Borden St. (103) FOR RENT-J..tght housekeeping room for gentlemen to share. One sleeping room. Green 906. , (103) FOR RENT Room and board for working man in private home. Phone Red 140. (103) staff on:. Third' Floor' East i. tor their " wonderful kindness - and consideration during .the, Recent FOR RENT Lovely furnished apartment with harbor view. I installed refrigeration a n d j electric stove. May be pro- cured by quiet, suitable couple ! the as at June 1. Tennant wili of dispose of complete household My furnishings at reasonable cash ; price, thus assuring purchaser R. of attractive and considerable saving. Present occupant leav-' ing city. Apply Mr. Cook, Suite 103, Elizabeth Apts. (107p) FOR RENT Two-room apartment, private entrance. Men only. 743 9th Ave. West. (1071 FOR PENT Large, bright single a room, close in. Call Black 977 or 101 7th Ave. East. (103) FOR RENT Two-room apart-, ment, suitable for one or two men. Phone Red Ta. (104) of FOR RENT Corner store. Alder Block, Third Avenue owl Sixth Street: Oil-O-Mutic hot water heating: owner will decorate to suit tenant. Also two stores 0.1 Sixth Street, could be used as one large s t o re. See Prince Rupert Realty, 345 Third Ave. (ID FOR RENT 3-room suite, furnished. Phone Green 698. (105) 6 FOR RENT Sleeping room. fl Blue 602. (105' 7 WA.VTLU WANTED TO BUY High chnirs. Red 930. . (105p) WANTED CPApilorrequlres furnished house or suite for 2 or 3 weeks, about Mav 5. U Phone 795. (104p) 11 U WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrap iron steel, brass, copper, lead, etc Honest grading. Prompt payment made. Atlas Iron Metal Ltd.. 250 -Prior St.. Van covver, B.C. Thone PAciftc 6357. (H) CASH FOR Serap: eopner, brass, batteries, radiatori. Phone 543 Call 6?0 6th Ave. West ., . (c) WANTED TO BUY Kerosene fridge, Write or phone Les Powell, Skeena Crossing. (105pl KEAL FSTVTE FOR SALE Four-room house full - enmant .asenM,,! oii,r h..t, n K..cDmot x 1 aiifzc, in au 1 111 uuiy. iiiciiv 136 8th West Red 319,) (106p) FOR &LE Six-room hrpise (3 : bedrooms).' Centrallyi located. Basement with ' furnace. Glassed-in verandah. Double t nlumbine. 715 5th. Ave. West. Green 503. - l! ' (106) FOR SALE Five-room house In Immaculate condition throughout, on corner lots 50' x 100' In lawn. Centrally located, j Full price of $7350 includes modern electric range, oil-1 burning heater, floor coverings and drapes. Garage and workshop wired. For Inspection phone 57. G. P. Tinker tz Co. Ltd. (107) FOR SALE Wartime 4-room house. 1st Overlook. Phone I Blue 954 after 5 p.m. (108p) I TAXIS and TKANSHiRS f I CITY TRANSFER j Lonq Distance ' I j k: CR ATI Hh,n&J?ACiiWQ i j Furniture Movers ! FURNITURE STORAGE Household Effect Moved to or trom any point In P C. Phone 950 IHrst Ave. and McBrlde SPORTSMAN'S PIGEST STRIPPING IN COILS OF FLY LINE coils l i'l of LIN6 111 v I TP Use LEFT THE HAND TO Ul ui Z a AND 6RASF THE I.INE v JUST SHORT OP THE FIRST 6UIPB. PULL IT BACH TO HOOH IT UNDER ROD HAND'S MIDDLE FINGER. KEEP LEFT-HAND HOLD ON LINE ANDjWRAPPINfi OTHEB FINGERS AROUND IT, REACH TO GRASP MORE LINE NEAP THE GUIDE. RELEASE ROO-HAND'S LINE AS YOU PULL NEW LINE" 1 BACK TO HOOK UNDER FINGER AGAIN, ETC. CONTINUE MAKING COILS IN RETRIEVING TO 86 RELEASED AS NEEDED TO SHOOT OUT IN NEXT FORWARD CAST. illness ol the .late Miss. Jean) ie Faure. Also our sincere thanks to the tnanr people Who. .sMit cards or otherwise expressed -JJieitr symOiUiy.,- . .. ... GREER & BRIDDEN LTD. i-Ertc Faure' ana- isunuy. 1 it) CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank Dr. Wilson, Mr. Ferguson, the pall bearers snd friends for their very great kindness and expressions of sympathy for us during our recent bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Frost (It) III I P WANTED-MALIi WANTED Experienced finish lug carpenter for spare-time work. Phone 42. (103) WANTED One fireman, Call or applv in writing to E, W. fceckisr. Eire Uhl 03 1 HXP "wANTKU FEMALE STENOGRAPHER-CLERK Rate $212.00 per month increasing to $242.00. Five-day week. Must be single and able to tvpe 50 w.p.m. with shorthand speed of 120. Box 601, Daily News. (103) WANTED Part time stenographer. State experience, hours available, phone num-bur to Box 667 Daily News. (It) HELP WANTED, MALE FEMALE EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY . . . ADVANCE NORTHERN B C. VOTE . LIBERAL VOTE Bruce Brown (108c) LOST AND FOUND FOUND Diamond ring. Owner may claim by calling Green 878, identifying and paying for advertisement. (Up) FOUND Bunch of keys. Owner may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for ad. PRECISION SAW FILING All Types of Saws j; Sharpened n r i m ti' III.,..,. OAO I I " t 215 1st "ve- Ave. W. 1 """" ' 1 1 r ; - . See us to discuss BLONDIE (. WHAT SlLL By CHIC YOUNG I - , -Not the Athletic Type! : " , , ( . , , , ,,, , mi ii ij - LOOki,t s THATS A FACE THAT ONLY A MOTHEB COULD r LOVE -BET VCD WE I GLAD OU DtDNT MAPKY HIM r-' -n THAK Kll 1 r CAMERAS I LCOKWHATTi f INTELLIGENT . r - -V-- JT . WEP5 NO GOOD ) I 1 . FOUND IN THE ) f,S FACES CN ' AST .17 IN THOSE -rr li, I M ATTIC A I I BABOONb PICTURE OP I '." " , My fiust v' BwEETHAf?T MU mm, 4 tX n1' , - - 1 1 -i (108) Ha a t7 n tv7 :,:::,;. t Tflnese Ms ft w