Prince Rupert Daily News OTTAWA DiARY By Norman M. MacLeoo Tuesday, June 9, 1953 bout the parallel If anv As I See It i 6! f more WINNIPEG "me since the, goodbye 40 lit daughter, Mr,. living u, ottalV ' which exists between the Nova Scotia provincial campaign and An Independent dally newspaixr devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert mid Northern mid Central British Columbia. Member ol Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Dully Newspaper Association. Published by The Prince Rupert Dally News Limited. J. P. MACJOR, President H. O. PERRY. Vice-President Subscription Rates: By carrier Ht-r week. i5c; per month. 11 00; per year, $10 00. iv mall Per month. 7ic: per vear. 8U0. the forthcoming federal strug-vle. One obvious similarity is the (act that the chief slogan of the provincial Conservative op-Hsition was that it was "time for a change." The slogan falld by a narrow margin, and the Liberals here deduce ln consequence that it will be similarly Ineffective federally. But the OTTAWA. One of Parliament Hill's demon statisticians who has been working on the figures of the recent Nova Scotia provincial general election has come up with the disclosure that a switch of 3!)0 votes is all that would have been necessary to instal a Conservative administration ln power. Of course, the switch would have to take place ln certain strategic ridings In which th results were close. For example, there was a photo-finish In one constituency where the Liberal candidate only held his seat bv five votes. In that case a switch of Just three votes would have PCs emphasize how close u came to winning. They look upon the Nova Scotia results as a pledge of Its effectiveness against a federal government Ends on a Smile PENTlCTON: Here in the interior the B.C. election ended with smiles, chuckles and even a laugh here and there. Nobody knows how this election is coining out, and few ex lacking the popularity of "Angus L." Kglven the Conservatives another PY, A member. With the federal contest now just around the corner, this sort of political arithmetic ' is en do I ' v. "So " . i j perts in these parts would A tirely loo close for the cum foil have a 6000 RUM for yowr mony of Parliament Hill's prospective gladiators. It points up a little too vividly the possibility of jnything happening to anybody. There's a growing feeling that in the campaign now dawning KOREA THIS YEAR Is exhibiting at the Canadian International Trade Fair in Toronto for the first time. Among its products arc shoes of rubber and of hemp. Sung Wan Park, director of the Korean Artificial Handicraft Association, displays "them to Beverly Boon of Toronto. Act luday md yoa cm , your ni mn whrn he rwh 21. Ht'j $i,(KX) of life insurana y or tlif foundation lor a. )r he can have cash lot. m Q ft fjoensesorntartinbuji: The Great-West Lift Builder" which gives ill lection ii oflered to rU, oftTTERBOX much betting. But right now all over the Interior people are quietly chuckling at. the expense of Premier Bennett. For it seems that Mr. Bennett tripped himself up in a quite important matter by forgetting a lady, which is bad. afid a Doukhobor lady, which Is sometimes more serious. THE STORY goes back to Mr. Bennett's first campaign trip up into the Doukhobor country. The non-Doukhobors in those parts were pretty much wrought up Just then, for somebody had been burning and dynamiting in the Sons of Freedom areas. You can get yourself an argument as to who was doing the burning, for there are some there's no such thing as security for any contestant regardless of any past glories which he may have achieved. The classic example of this uncertainty Is the apprehension which Liberal circles are feeling over the return of Hon. birth to ate 11. It wm, w me insurance ilimnj i Authorized as second class mall by the Post Office Department. Ottawa A Challenge To Be Met IN POLLING BOOTHS throughout the province I today thousands of British Columbians are writing their future in numbers. When their ciphers are (sifted through the machinery of the alternative vote, a government will be elected to . assume direction of our affairs in a period which many anticipate will be a difficult one. . Although B.C. is prosperous and has been the fuibjeet of much enthusiastic outside comment, the task of the incoming government is not going to be an easy one. On the other side of the ledger are climbing costs, narrowing markets and reduced production. There is no better example of this than the case of the lumber and fishing industries. These are problems which, influenced by world conditions, are beyond the power of a provincial government to solve. Yet this same government must deal with the effect and somehow remove its sting. If it is unsuccessful, it will lose public support, no matter how blameless. Perhaps it would be politically wise, therefore, to let the other fellow' have control at this particular stage of the game. Yet the chances of success offer a challenge that cannot be turned aside. For a prolonged period now, B.C. has suffered from lack of political stability. From that point of view the next government has everything to gain. The public is so weary of uncertainty that it is unlikely any party will court another quick election. For this reason, whichever one is in power should feel some assurance that it can act decisively without constant concern for political niceties. Rut a more solid consideration is the fact that B.C. has too many things that the world needs to be deterred for any extended period of time. There nu automatically inornv II to I.VWKI mlkotl ai, ptmtum or Jurlkrt mMM Htm. . COSTS AS LITTLE AS month huve been for the Liberals only. You shouldn't have had to do that. The public memory isn't that short. The people remembr quite well what they're like. How can you tell what a cake tastes like until you have tried it? "Why not try CCF? If we don't "Bob" Winters, minister of reconstruction and supply. His constituency of Lunenburg is predominantly Liberal in its tendencies. But from 1928 to 1935 it returned a Conservative WEEK OK LES For i child anf 2, ikt MAKES PEOPLE THINK The Editor, The Daily News: Although I am still of Social Cretlit persuasion, it certainly pleased me to see your take a stand in your May 19 editorial, "Elect a Liber;. I Government." This Is a good healthy attitude to take and it has the effect of making a person start thinking and searching out the reasons mhu ho le nnn urov InllnMl r,r miumisrmlvHtiM and it Brw cha- GET ALL THE FACTsJ shrewd people hereabouts who in the person of the late Hon W. O. Ernst. There's a fear in Liberal circles that it may be on the point of wavering again. US T0DAI YOUR FUTURE IS tWDUM say that in this case the Sons of Freedom were not to blame-that some other groups were like them, we can throw them out like the Social Credit. This Is my opinion. I may be wrong, but who can tell? The CCF are well-liked In Saskatchewan so why not try them here? ALEX MORLEY. BUSINESS TODA JAMES S. BUN trying to pour oil on the always j ant,tner smouldering Doukhobor prob- j u is also one reason why I be-lrra in order to get rid of the jeve jle l p.p. should not be out- 724 Alfred St, Prince Rop-i fhone Green SK The grounds for the anxiety lie In the fact that ln the recent provincial election the Conservatives made a gain of three stats ln the area which com-orlses the federal constituency for which Hon. "B" Winters siU. It's a fishing area and the commercial fishermen aren't any nous. Great-West Thla ativrrtlM-mcnt U not pubUMitd or displayed by the I.lquor Control Board or by the Oovernmrnt f.l HrlUsh Columbia. ASSURANCE C0MM Nlft 4ttCt-ViiaiiHt lawed in Canada (barring treason proved i. It makes people think! I know in my short .sojourn into the LPP it started me into a study of the aims of said party. The outcome was that many of the Idealogles contain too happy economically these FLAGS HAVE MEANING The Editor, The Dally News: Criticism can be in two categoriesniggling and destructive or generous and constructive. Criticism in the latter sense is thp essence of democracy. I also witnessed the Corona days. Their discontent is a fac However that may be, it has no bearing on the main story. In any event an irate deputation of anti-Doukhobors finally caught up with the premier who had been dodging them (or maybe the Doukhobors) on that trip. When they finally cornered Mr. Bennett they "persuaded'' him to write his famous tele-pram to the national government at Ottawa demanding the ABOVE ALU tion parade, and my .reactions ed ln the Communist manifesto ' appealed to my nature. And It is this like appeal that has captured many Christians. It wasnt until later when I was converted to Christianity that In a like zealous study of the Christian faith I came to realize tor that's likely to carry through into the federal polling. The prevailing opinion is that If the minister of reconstruction and supply wins out ln the campaign ahead, it will be due to the personal popularity which he en-Joys amongst his own people. One of the chief federal arguments of the moment centres were exactly those of Mr Hurst's. imposition of the War Measures Aet. The American flag, leading the parade, struck me as strange until I paused to watch the It was made very clear in antics of the American sailors that communistic ideals mot dialectical materialism) have VOT Parliament that the War Meas when I paid attention to their I "drill"!?). I came to the con-1 elusion that the leading grouo I were just clowning, and that it: been in the main taken from Christian teachings. The real root reason so many people are led astray Into communism is because they have Bar Gas Pumps MONTREAL f A meeting of parishioners rejected an oil company's offer to purchase or lease part of the SL Mark's Anglican Church grounds to erect a service station. Members said such a i was a burlesque a pantomime act not really true of the U S A ither studied communism nor at al, and somf,(,np wlth RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC project would mar the beautlfal frontage of the site, more than a Christianity assiduously enough to discern that any truth the former may have has been usurped from Christianity. EDWARD GREEN.; century old. ures Act could only be applied in actual wartime, but nobody blamed Mr. Bennett too much for getting the War Measures Act mixed up with the Emergency Powers Act. Everybody in Parliament recognized that Mr. Bennett was on the hot spot when he wrote that telegram. But here is where the laugh comes in, and why the folks in the interior are chuckling. THE ANGRY CROWD was shouting at the Premier to demand that Ottawa Impose a curfew against all Doukhobors. - "No, no. that's going too far," the Premier protested. But the crowd shouted all the louder for a curfew against all Doukhobors in the Kootenay country. a sense of humor had arranged this to cause a laugh. When I accepted this outlook, I was able to accept the "Stars and Stripes," out of step sailors ubstnee of the White Ensign, Continued oil Page Ci IN TOWN V , - wimiw ,T-rri Minirr n r in will is nothing very sickly about a province which is spawning a town like Kitimat, or which has untapped land like the Peace River and Chilcotin country, or which is being explored for a site at which to locate a giant metallurgical development like that proposed by the Frobisher interests. ; It is true that a province is not made by the money it attracts. It gains its identity and strength from the nature of its people, just as Quebec has derived character from its habitants, Nova Scotia from its fishermen and the prairie provinces from their wheat farmers. But more than any other province, B.C. is in the process of growing and, in being so, is developing a breed of .settlers in remote places which will become as distinctive a tribe as any other. Money in large quantities to redistribute civilization is making their existence possible. The mercenary aspect, therefore, is not just a matter of making a fast buck. The making of a people, is involved.: and, though jthe .rnqnee today uses an expensive buifdozer5 instead of a haWma'de plough, the result is no less impressive. LIBERAL VOTES CCF The Editor. The Daily News: I am a' Liberal have been for over 40 years. But the way things are in this province today. I am going to vote CCF. The reason for this change is because the other governments have not been satisfactory. Your editorials for the past I If m m So the Social Credit premier pave way, and dictated the tele-ram as demanded by the shouting crowd. That is where Mr. Bennett LATEST REPORT Mk yoof InvattmMtt Dakr for Hta Lateit Report un4 Proapoctvt of forgot the lady and that is why the lauuh Is not on thejadx, . My; Moneys Gone!" ' This Is the warranty you get T T T on our used cars ensuring ONE of Mr. Bennett's own cabi FY'S net ministers, Hon. R. E. Som- I you of the fullest satisfaction I when you buy. mers of Rossland-Trail, is him- Tt's only llip wine traveller wlio ran REFLECTS and REMINISCES Kay 'take it with a ninile" vlien liis travel ftiiul 1953 Dodge 2-iloor, Special lilfil Kurd Custom Sedan, very good condition. 1950 Fordor Sedan, 2-tone. 1950 Meteor Sedan Z-tone. Of course, plenty of folks will eluding social security to 4137. self married to a very lovely, highly educated and universally respected Doukhobor lady. Hence, had Ottawa yielded to Mr. Bennett's ill advised and excited ultimatum as Mr. Bennett himself had yielded to the anti-Doukhobor crowd, the RCMP would have had to post r guard outside the door of the not be leaving home to see the I Tnat. ln days gone by was reck- oned a good wage in itself. How BOB PARKER LTD. CALVIN BULLOCK lid. about the cost of things today? Well, we'll call that another "The Home of Friendly Service" story. Social Credit minister's home to Coronation for another few weeks. It will be easier to find a room, and expenses will be less. As for the royal procession, that's old stuff. But London will continue to remind one strongly of a coronation. HAM ONLY liavc lieoit loht or Ktolen. Tire wiae traveller carries hin funds iu tlie form of travellers' cheques. No one lut lie can cash them, and, if they are lost or stolen, the Hank w ill return his cash. Next time you travel, carry your money the safe, convenient way. Get travellers' cheques at your nearest Hank of Nov Scotia Branch. They can he cashed anywhere! keep that same cabinet minister's wife from going out after An Indianapolis woman is re ported to have won a divorce Her husband persisted in bringing home ham, a dish she had always disliked. Things might have been different had he sometimes thought of bacon. . dark! Mr. Sommers would have had to lock up his wife at sundown! BEHIND the smiles, chuckles and laughs there Is a lot of head-shaking and serious thought. People are asking themselves and asking each other: "Is that the way we want our laws made in B.C.? Battling Nelson Isn't dead, but he might as well be. No one ever hears of him toriny. Once the world's almost ablest fighter, he is at 71 a shrunken, destitute little man. existing ln a shabby loom in Chicago. For that's the way it goes. llPpFASTER GLASS SERVICE! N Your order Is processed faster from Y4' NNSxJ our large warehouse In Vancouver. lyy NSSl Your order Is ready for shipment liS vl Hplnff received. ffl ,.y,. n i i nriQr Life Is not complex. We are complex. Life is simple and the simple thing' Is the right thing. Oscar Wilde. While you art mm this summer ; mverf vwir valuable! in a tajely iewsit box al the Hank of A'ow Scvtia During the last week of May It was mentioned in the British press that coronets for peers, wmcn are mane oi orass were available for 15 pounds. It Is understood this failed to inter est anyone in western Canada. ' " r '- ft mt ni Make every attempt to have a restful and pleasant atmosphere when eating, says a contributor to a nutrition column. It can be done, but elections and food costs do have a way of leading to arguments. Vour BNS Manager is a gooti man to know. In 't errace he is R. C. Sandover-Sly. jjZj nj wnnui it jiouis " o ii B'"51il5ya Bogardus-Wllson is first ln service f rtffitllPli first In stock. We have an exten- I ; yiPSi swe stck f windw giass and ii l figured glass . . . mirrors and metal I sfffifftj : Sf";! 'or store fronts.' I illrrrfiFmrJ a We maintain "ft large, varied jfi'Hjr I stock of cases of 18-ounce, If 24-ounce and heavy window If (LzJ)iJSII)iison.itdJ X" '"V I IOuOHOMK jmir, PHOK MAHlNf 4.f VANCOOVtR I C yyjrf y FOR TRANSPORTATION TO THE POLLS PHONE 524 - 586 LIBERAL COMMITTEE ROOMS n rrrrrr n ti UJMI niiir(ftiiiv(iirviiiiiiti:; Thirty years ago Henry Ford announced a minimum wage of $5 a day for his employees, and since then, the general advance, In Industry, has been tremendous. Today Ford's pension payment, to 135,000 employees by $12.50 brings the workers ln- (Iff' O '