Pr.nce Rnperr Daily ft.. IU33 SPORTS ROUND-UP . '".. ISy (IAYI.E TALHOT 9 NEW YORK (AD The job Ducky Ham is doing with the glued-toirether Washington Senator: WE PREFER 'WHITE HORSE ', -v I i iw I t. ! at the moment once again demonstrates what we, (have long contended: That the old "boy manager" I I- ! King Regains Lightweight Boxing Title TORONTO (f Arthur King of Toronto regained the Canadian lightweight boxing championship Monday night with a dull 12-round decision over defending champion Armand Savoie of Montreal at Maple Leaf Gardens. The Canadian Boxing Federation reversed its previous stand and sanctioned the fight. The bout was also for the Britii-h Kmpire lightweight title. Savoie will place his Canadian title or the line and King, who fights out of Philadelphia, will have hif, British Kmpire crown at stake. i r-. comes close to being the greatest handler of baseball ' players in the game today. He continues to do more' with less than any of them. ! The latest official averages. j you may or may not b surprise .1 1 hlirt Wavne Terwlllleer. waived I r ' ' " :' Such .4 f v 1 t'f Hjv'j .J. it t 5 - f 1-4 i Smooth with Marty . . . KHTADA! The beautiful name ''. one of Heaven's gifts to the xnglers of our town, yet so many ). them have never visited this J Duntif ul water. HOWARD 'ALKER. ERNIE LUGRIN and :HUCK ANDERSON spent the -icent long weekend most suo- jsstully there, and actually fish .?avy enough to break leader ; lots In four-pound nylon vhen lifted from the wateri ere allowed to go, to rid them-,i Ives of encumbering flies in itural course. Only eating fish that were . .?ep-hooked or unlikely to sur-ve were used in the frying-pan. it Howard could not resist vinping out a six-pound, ten- iinee rainlMiw to brag about. So kouldl. j The fly-rod flatfish was anions he fish-taking lures, and al- ' hough the lake water is high .nd full of feed, the anglers met I : difficulty in travel or angling; j i Suck is less likely in future to; : un around the creek in semi- j ;-. ide lest he sustain another! to learn, show- that weird assortment of Scotch Bucky's mlt of the National Leacue, is bargain nuyln a bang-up second-base. : ,i Mellow and Pir.l, -,ri f s basement athlet-s are leading. Ed Fitzgerald, who flunked fliTV ti'st. Willi Pit t himh 1 the American League in rliih r i m ; i fielding and double plays and : making at the i are second only to the champion 1 string catohin.; job under his 1 v l :t ; 'I'M 13 New York Yankees in colleetiv new manager. Clyde Vollnu-r. ; a ntithfr ex-N:itionul ! still batting. They climber! into the j first division the other clay ami (threaten to close in on ChicaiM Leaguer rerentlv cast off liv ; Gene I.atouniea:i of Queliec City. CBK national commisslon-ci, irvi'Mtv'y hnd refused to sanction the 12-rouiui iMiut for the Canadian title on the Boston Red Sox. has gained in cut fit-Id life for Harris. White Sox. Frank iSpic) Shea, upon whom the Yankees gave up ln-t OWNER E. P. TAYLOR deftt of Toronto receives the cup from Col J. R. Marshall, president of the Ontario Jockey Club, after Canadians breezed to an easy victory in the 94th running of the Queen's Plate Coronation day at Toronto's Woodbine Park. year, is pitching some of finest ball of his career for ris when his shoulder doesn't Or! Tikk-pv Amr.m u hii r,wlp Pnlifldinna i swnnrt fmm Ipft. Jivtrf-v sinful sunburn, believe it I. It's all mystifying. Scarcely a i (-round:; that King no longer Is player on the club cost any real; a Canadian citizen, money and its salary list must i Merv M Keuzie, Ontario ath-be iibout the lowest in either , let Ies commissioner. Informed league There Is no ben.-h ! the CBK that Kin Is still a strength whatever. One of its Canadian citizen, ai though a pitching mainstays is a 45-year-1 resident alien of the United old cigar smoking Cuban named ! States Conrado Marrero. The team pos- ! The bout was the second one .esses only one genuine Ion?, j btween King and Savoie. In ball hitter, Jackie Jensen. their encounter three years ago But it's up there in the race. King was awarded a unanimous and the answer must be Han K i decision. Jose Vina who rode Taylor's other horse Lively Action to third 1 ' KCItlGmbCr WflGfl place, is centre. Trainer Pete McCann is second from right. . Jim Jeffries knocked out Bob Really Great Whisky! n Don't Just Say Selected Football Team Downs Visiting U.K. Squad Fitzsimmons in the 11th round at Coney Island, N.Y., 54 years ago tonicht to win the worlds heavyweight boxing ' championship. Jelfries retired in 1905 after a six-year rule durlnt; I which he beat Fitzsimmons a j second time and twice defeated j former champion Jim Corbett. i scotch-Ask For... nice passing and interpassing j plays. The men from the Serigepool j rhowed they knew football but i they were always a little slower ' than the locals and could not j tot or hold possession of the i ball. j This is only to be expected as ; A selected city football team proved too good for a team f ror'i the visiting British grain boat j Pedgenool. now in port to load grain, and won easily. 6-0. , Nuyten opened the score for ; the locals and then Tambourini ' scored with a fine rro&s drive just inside the far upright. Mills was clean throueh and added SPORTSMAN'S DIGEST 'U RISKING ONE FISH. MAY CATCH TWO BAGS pppf they got no chance to practice a third and Rut ton with a fine on the ship, and their previous header put the locals four up at PL 1 his advertisement is not published or dispUitd bi ttu ll Control Board or by the Government of British CM not! A second party of Cellulose :op)e including GEORGE ROB- ' ; :sON also went in to Khtada. vieir report is similar to the fore-poing. but full details are not r vailable; this column belongs to i le outdoor fraternity and solicits reports and questions, such (material being valuable to other less well informed brethren. Pass the good word on brother! Add to the dollies at Port Ed- ard a big run of sea-trout; to i precise these excellent fight-c-.-s are sea-run cutthroats, they . - ill take on the easily recognized i arklngs after a snort stay in I'esh water, but while in their . enn colors are quite similar to jut darker thani steelheads. " our columnist had good sport cn two evenings last week with t vo-inch long crinkled nylon ; ies, which same have been s lentioned previously as beir.g trainable locally. There is a very definite dis-t nguishing mark by which ang-. rs may be certain whether or r jl a fish belongs to the salmon. ; -out or charr family. This is the ' ' jdipose" fin. a small fieshy pro-t iberance about a quarter-inch 1 Ifrh. semi-circular, and arounii t iree-quarters inch long in fish ip to say five pounds. this fin located atop the wrist-Ufce i ortion of the tail, and behind I le ordinary dorsal fin. There is I robably no other genus of fishes i l B C. west of the Rockies mn-l ss there are some catfish that I arty is unaware of i which carry t iir fiu. In addition Is the fact that f "out and salmon each have f juare tails, but dollies and lake t out show noticeable forked I ;ils; to define more clearly means going into teeth, etc.. except that the imported so-called F astern brook trout does have a r juaxe tail and is a true charr. When preparing freshly caueht f sh to bring some distance home, l.e sure to scrape away ALL the food, from along the backbone, ":ry often failure to do so means fame was around the New Year. They had nice touches rnd played hard to the end. One very notable feature was their good sportsmanship. They asked for no special consideration at any time. It would be hard to pick out t.ny star though their goalkeeper, somewhat lacking in height for that position, did very well. Their centre-half. Boags. was sound and resourceful. Tomorrow night CYO and th? General Motors eet together in regular North Star League fixture. In their las encounter General Motors handed the CYO their only defeat so far this season though neither team was at full strength. half time. , The visitors had more of the ; play in the second half but were i unable to beat Maron. Verhaar added a fifth for the ' locals with a hard drive ard , Hank Nuyten scored the sixth and last. Maron had more to do towards the end but kept the score fheet clean. The locals were lucky when with Maron out of coal, a shot was going in but Carolet causht the ball and cleared. From the resulting pen-l'.v kick Pounder placed the ball just outside the upright and missed a ereat chance. CHATTER The locals gave 1 nice display of football against a weaker team. They did some Perch, crappies, walleyes bass and other fls even trout, often school-up" in a favorite deep hole or a' POOL. WHEN BAlT-FiSMlNS AN EXTRA HOOK ON A DROPPER STRAND IT SOMETIMES PAYS TO LET A HOOKED FISH RETURN TO THE OTHERS WITHOUT PLAY-INS IT TO THE NET. FEED OUT SLACK LINE TO AVOiD EXCESS ALARM. AS THE RSH PULLS THE LINE AROUND WITH HIM ANOTHER FISH VAV TAKE THE SECOND BAITED HOOK. RISK IS GREAT IN SNAGGY WATERS.' ; I . Baseball Scores I The Piaeon river on the northwest side of Lake Superior was mentioned in 1722 as an entry t i the west . ' American Boston 3. Detroit 6. " National Milwaukee 12. New York 8: Chicago 3. Philadelphia 7; Cincinnati S, Brooklyn 5: St. Louis 5 Pittsburgh 3 1 12 inmngs). Pacific Coast San Francisco 0-6. Portland 3-3: San Diego 1. Sacramento 5. Western International Lewiston 4. Victoria 5: Van- LINDSAY'S CARTAGE AND STORAGE LTD. Established 1910 VAOVING . . . PACKING . . . CRATING SHII'PINfi . . . FORWARDING . . . STORAGE Fxerienced handling Local, Nation-wide and World-wide Shipments. MOVE WITH EASE . . . SIMP VIA LINDSAY'S" Agents Allied Van Lines Lid. IMione f.0 or 8 for. 2nd and Park Ave. s soiling the r nail trout. flavor of delicate couver 6. Spokane 3; Salem al Avoid using water Ca lea ry. postponed. vhen first cleaning fLsh: in the itchen. immediately before ticking, is the right time and 1 -WT!3V '.IS. ' n,.'v v; 15Hrs. 40Min. NfXT TIME YOU ENTERTAIN ... SERVE it '"VV V- t 7-v $203.50 s more to see at sea itu" " more to Ie.rn and know tlun ?-'tt 4 her J. , y v ? f S 1 lares mt)st men think. Z lace for this ablution. ! Another trip along Silver! reek, tfiis time bv DICK GIL- ' 5iER i.; Wm l&XtS. reports : t-jav;itie steelliead for this year rre 'fiBLshed. Dick got hold of' lA-o but failed to subdue either: j '.ney penetrated beyond the forks the falLs and will not work the ! v ater again before fall. i Further evidence from a re-1 able source anent the Kam-5 -ops-rainbow in Shawatlans clso JERRY WOODSIDE and! I arty brought out near limits; r! fish and claim them to show j J 3 sign whatever of red throat I arkings; LARRY STANWOOD j corroborates this on a trip made i trlier. Concerning Silver Creek, j t vee otter are reported working Ccuuidiait Pacific IMUKt5 Travel . . . adventure . . . romradesiiip. , . these can be hoi in ihf CANADIAN WHISKY a job unique , Nay.. PLUS n - ll (I A Cwiurit oHr Trit Agcnf r A Prrm innf nl.inni'J CUTCt'f . TEAM UP WITH THE NAVY I - .v?, genuine chance to advance ... A sound p scale ... A solid pension for long scrf You and your giirMt A enjoy the ditinr live, different flavour of Girdnatmn . .. a fine Canatiuir WliULy of k mellow fjuoothiicis! Tducation for advanceiiu-m THE LOG OF THE HMCS CRUSADER 64,000 MILES IN THE KOREAN WAR! Her Mojeity'i Canadian Ship CRUSADER wai commissioned in he Royal Canadian Navy on 15ih November, 1945. She is a 'modernized "Fleet V" class destroyer, well armed, having a top speed cf 33 knots, ond with a corn-plerjftit of 248 officers and men. DoJrj S 'ClcV fVsie bfft&e honour df conveying Her Majesty (then Princes Elizabeth) and the Dule of Edinburgh from Vancouver to Victoria and back during the Canadian Royal Tour. In May 1952, Crusader left Canada to fight under the U.N. flag in Korean Mvqters, From that dote to May, 1953, she iteamed 64,160 miles, and spent 247 days on duty for freedom at sea. Tfe TVainbusfer'j Cub draws ifs fionourobfe membership from ships of rhe United Noli ons fleet, ft fakes skill, nerve and teamwork to make the club. It means risking enemy ihofe-boreries, silent wailing in the dork, completely accurate gunnery. Tfte prize is o smashed frain with disrupted supply lines for the enemies, plus honour lor the ship. ,No privileges -only Ihe knowledge of o tough ;ob well donef i Crusader is a three-times member! medical and dental care iVltlXL S Check off the above. our O f ffiSJ J 1 Fighting Navy is .young K I iV;' Navy, and good men get promoted youog. W..' '.?f - . it .,t where i i lere: this is about the time ' hen kits are well along and 1 nding for themselves. Two more Salmon Derby weekends remaining, ample time to r ake a trip outside the harbor; ebout a month before the early hos show up, remember that tie Field k Stream contest p waits your entries, and the win-t ?rs could verv likelv h takn LiiKi't , o Alter cneckinj; on, r"" else these can be gained? LiL - - "1 7n i M 1 om local waters. j The Complrte Travel Service SORE MUSCLES ? aSSS j mm (OODERHAM t WORTS LTD. JyJ j EstikllthH 1132 J I ((iCK J- Ciaia't Oldest Dittilltiy UV' ,,, l I ' I v """"I UMWnVi&f 11 v - ,1 ! I L . A: Jtm i ip' II V- m ; l V r-' Ir -,: -vr v - ' THEN..' Get detailed facts from the Naval Recruiting Officer. See him at the on the coupon, or mail him the coupon today. To join the R.C.N, you must-Be between 1 7 ond 25 (29 in some specol- ized categories), be physically fit ond have Grade 8 Education or better. '60 FLAG" 1 go HAM VTintto lieve thera ICK?Cet quick -drvine Minard i Liniment a well. You'll get relief, and quick, too! She ond hei team of lop-fine sailor technicians are still on the job . .,. still defending freedom, gaining honour for the ship and for Canada. " ' , fiMrsTnuTiHM 1 1 Prince Hupert, B. '" regard,,,? enrolment requirement anJ I miailabi iu the K.CN. NAME (Please Print) " " I STREET ADDRESS ;'." crrv 7 w0ClZZ I rri irirmM Uv oraHe and provintf)- WW, I 3 i I CJk- i 1 Z' J V III ll. "KINO OF PAINM uluLINIMEfiT Royal Canadian Navy I 4- IwlVV- "V "J This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. A(.E I CM 1