Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, June 9, 1953 J, r tends J-lt on or spassing Coupfe le on Cathedral Auxiliary Awards Life Membership to Native Church history was made In! Mrs. F. E. Anfield, president of St. Andrew's Cathedral here the Women's Auxiliary of the The Petlteorilca river in New I The city of Lonr'.un, England Brunswick was a favorite Indian , was described by Tacitus, Ui. route between the Cumberland ' died in AD 120. as "a bmy em-region ad Quebec. jporium for trade." 25, Jli verSurt V Some 30 friends gathered at when the first life membership , Sandy tlic day when all ins ko to the polls to . man of their choice. ,luices here are Bruce Liberal: George H"ls ,'bfr lor Prince Rupert COMMITTEE ROOMS OPEN PHONE 230 Diocese of Caledonia. The short service of the Anglican Women's Auxil read by ; the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. ; J s I yL-J iary ever held by a nauve Indian was swarded to Mrs. Kate Mor-ven of Aiyansh. Canon Basil Prockter was also Grimolfson to honor Mr. and attended by members of the , , Pearson on tneir Women's Auxiliary of St. Peter's of Aiyansh. wedding anniversary. Mrs. Morven has worked un- ; Mr. and Mrs. Pearson were The award, symbolized by a badge and certificate, was pre and Legislature, sented to the aged recipient by Crediter Social Holiday Wear BLUE JEANS CORDS SPORTS SHIRTS Practically yours at THE SPORTS SHOP 23 WINNERS EACH WEEK! ray. more than half a century on the in the political conur married in Nanaimo, June 6, 1928, and have resided in Prince Rupert for the last two years in which time they have made a host of friends. The honored guests, seated with their four sons, were- presented with a set of silver plate on behalf of those present. J' iif ' Naas River. She was the active partner of the late Charlie Morven, lay preacher with the first missionary to the Nishga people, the late J. D. McCullough. Xtjton WJl DniltaleS i. ! k-jt $300 Netted In Tag Day, For Museum A tag day last Saturday which netted $300 In aid of the Prince rtupert museum will enable this tourist attraction to open and keep operating this summer, F. E. Anfield, museum board president said today. a tasty Dunet lunch was served, followed by dancing and ROBERT EDY, 34 - y e a r-old tenor from London, Ont chucked a promising executive career to go In for operatic singing. He was recently auditioned by Sir Thomas Beecham and the Glyndebourne Opera Company and was chosen as one of nine Canadians singing In the Westminster Abbey choir at the Queen's singing. embers ,Ler n ne exercised their . 5.595 persons In upert would cast a bal-a fitul of 8.303 voters .inplvtc the list for' the M. The figures com- g ,)88 in the city last ilD(i 9 .077 in the riding. '.xr rent of those ellg-d l:i.-.t years. ,ii;iin I'eter Montehal first man to cast a thf Civic Centre. He's . icad-off man at the r several years. Of :.PiP doesn't tell every-bc gets to work short-iM each morning and od day's work done rut people are even lew 1 1 ' " ITT 1 " . rv - fj.ii.'i TO Ketchikan Rven new members were initiated Into full membership of the Legion Women's Auxiliary at Mr. Anfield said that due to cCyVt diafiisli- Wed in So,,, Edyta Bialuski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Bialuski of Van Mrs. Henderson other planned events there were j the monthly meeting, not as many taggers available as They were Mrs. Mary Zogas, anticipated but the volunteers Mrs. Isabelle Butterick, Mrs. who took part worked with en- i Florence Nicholson, Mrs. Miriam thusiasm. Raaue, Mrs. Jessie Ipoung, Mrs. Wrongcll - Petersburg Juneau ' and other Alaska Points jkJ&u&LLfjL. Dies in South couver, and Gote Ragnvald Sah- I Funeral was held rccentlv In Leading taggers for the day ; Hazel Gamblin and Mrs. Lillian ! ien, son of Mr. and rm wm Mrs. V. Sweden, Williams. Vancouver for a former resident i were Patsy Wong, Frank Anfield ISahlen of Bonassund, SI! of Prince Rupert. Mrs. Helen and viloet Watson, who will re- At the recent convention at ' were married recently in Cali MANY WINNING BIG PRIZES IN $13,000 CONTEST Blue Bonnet's fabulous "Happy Holiday Contest" continues to pay out big cash prize.1 and valuable merchandise every week. Besides a $:00 cash first prize, and S200 in additional cash prizes, Blue Bonnet, Margarine i;ives away 10 pieces of Mi Urine's latest "Cornet" Aeropack bnKi!u(o nd 5 of the new Northern Kleetnc "t5xrfsman" portable ra-each week ... a total of 2.1 prices every week! The contest is easy to enter. Vou'U find simple ruhn and entry blanks at your grocer' and in paekages of lihie Bonnet. Margarine. Start gettitiR in vour entries swl Have a really hanov holiday this year I bb-s3 Henderson who died after a ceive Prlzes for their energetic Harrison Hot Springs, Mrs. Black ; fornia. in various parts of service. was re-elected 1st vice-president already have started i'"1 The Hendersons lived here fnr Thanks were also given to 1 and was heartily congratulated The Rev. Francis Shunk Downs officiated. " The wedding took place at St. Paul's United Presbyterian Church of Berkley, and a recep LIN several years during World WarPeter wmK of Broadway Cafe by the members. Mrs. Black gave II. She is survived by her hus-' for nls co-operation In donating a short report on the convention band Dave, two sons and two lunches for a" ta8Bers and to since the otneial delegate, Mrs tion was held at the home of the Harry Black who provided daughters. Phono 266 Office Opposite Post Office bride's sister, Mrs. L. W. Maeur vaMMMHUiWiimtcjiBaawnr in Albany. theatre passes. A campaign this coming winter for funds to construct a new museum is planned by the board, said Mr. Anfield. , jr own cooking, but ,m says he won't have ." too long. Mrs. Lyons to Vancouver to at-iiintien ceremonies at r College where son, Ir, has been attending put two vears. Inei-iMirr: Phil topped the T.atriiulution gradua- After a visit In Van-Mrs Lyons will spend vacation with Captain , Harry Ormislon in before returning to Mabel Skinner, has not yet returned. The card parties are to be discontinued for the summer months. The entertainment committee reported a very successful series for the past season. After the meeting, refreshments were served to the mem Baby Bonus Payments At New High All you need for a wonderful Cards Enjoyed At Moose Meet bers. VICTORIA Federal welfare payments In British Columbia in May reached an all-time hlyli of j $5,351,930. ! Cards were enjoyed at the monthly meetinR of the uublicitv ;;nii to Vancouver with in was Mary Brown, watch her daughter, wive her diploma. TuiKiiiie Is also bach- Of this amount, $3,242,150 committee of the Women of the went to Old Aec Security pen- j Moose, held at the home of Mrs. sioners and $2,109,780 to Family I m. Helse. Allowances ICCipieutS, W. ll. Mr S thnom Mil Inn hnn. Bone, regional director, said to- ors and Mrs. E. Cormier won i with a NEW ) I MUSTARD j f!V day. second prize. A delirious lunch was served by the hostess. Four mcmlicrs wwr absent. ai Knpert on another ;!in!ic visits Is Fred on. former well-known !1'T in Vancouver V.hrr was circulation fr the Vancouver for 35 years. Fred was - fur many years and :n 'iiv prominent B C. Parted life as a news- Old Age Security pensioners numbered tf.,515, while Family 1 Allowances were paid to 350,001 children In 174.748 families. During May, 112 Old Asc Sc. cuiity pensioners moved to British Columbia from other provinces while 101 left. 533 families receiving Family Allowances l"it BATHING SUITS Hove fun in the sun in a Jantzcn Bathing Suit. All colors and sizes. Priced from DRESSES For Day-Time For Date-Time For Any-Time - What a Selection! Criskays, Cottons, Linens, Nylons, Sheers, etc. Priced from British Columbia and 421 enter. ! -: V 1 1 COIE HAW DCESSING I f K. vk ON ELECTION DAY i I J 1 iT"'' Mu,,a'd yllW V? cup hot vmegar lUff ; V2 up whipped cram 1 " Ai YOU Like ! 1 N,li't ingredient, -ewept jCn 1 C the cream in the above v4 ! t order, tlook in double boiler; a y 'j. ' IH'T I strain and cool. Then fold in a J f Jk .. ; I whipped cream. 5 p f i 1 Vi $ sfPii S" ii For revised recipe book send 10e i fl i It t ! vv'-;; , h (( 11 ) n at Uordrn for Coronation cd this province. The bulk of the movement in both eases was to mil's was Ornrce land from Ihc prairie provinces. eave ;i well-thought- tea $8.95 up tn students on tjie nvillv tn the nation i agisted Wllf Graham' i':ne mementoes of the . in to the children. . . . S' n ws among the i the school. Hi" Sannria sailed for ! Wednesday, a Prime Runert ennnlc nd Mrs. Oscar Smith "'intt the passengers. Mired recently and an extended vacation $5.95- O W.A. U.F.A.W.U. regular mcetiriK, Wednesday, June 10, Metropole Hall, 8 p.m. (13 Football, Wednesday. 7 (in pm., General Motors vs. C.Y.O. Dibb Printing Co. rj"j ''Ju (2341 Thursday (135) : J k Klks meeting, night, June 11. ANNOUNCEMENT Resolution Islands in Hudson Strait was :;o named by Sir Thomas Button In 1312. COTTON T-SHIRTS In popular stripes, dolman, short-sleeved or sleevlcss in the oh so popular Jantzen or Helen Harper Priced from MIX MATCH SEPARATES CLUE, GOLD -COLOR, CHARCOAL and ROSE in the popular American Denim. Bros, Shorts, Skirts, Pedd Prshcrs and Jackets Pried from Queen Charlotte Air Lines ''V'J pip iff Fred t. Dcwdie RtKifti I ). Stone nuiin:i.B ' t-horu Blue 5S)'1 iff ivfli J 'HI ii i nr ewner of the Peter ;t Elvptv, Mm. II. F. is fxpeeted bark home '' been in the south "i the wedding of her ii'hter. Betty, to Ken-Hia m ll:il. only son of Mrs. H. W. Hall of Chil-Th wedding took place m last Saturday. ii" Inquisitive who 1 F.rnip Pulrtin" earrv-s ni't or the bank one ' week, he explained to 'hit the bags contaln- which he and Bill - Rank of Montreal ' at Terrace, were go-""f on a fishing trip, lander thought It W33 On the -g up $o Qr up is happy to announce the inauguration of ' TR1-WEEKLY AIR SERViCE ' PPJHCr. RUPERT - KETCHIKAN Effective June 9 which together with ELLIS AIR LINES' present srvice will prov.ds Prince Rupert wilh Daily Service to - Ketchikan (Except Sundays) Information, reservations and tickets mav be obtained from r r 9 f liria Cross winner In 4 war and a younter-'ion veteran of the 27t,h "i Infantry Brigade In "v Paid a short visit lllrini! the course of a fk recruiting tour. They v'"!til K. A. (Smoky) f New Westminster, the vc in It.alv ns a r nf th" Sea forth Hitth-Si and Lieutenant Crais 25-year-old post-war They were accomoun-Korea veterans of the FIRST QUALITY: 54 Gauge, 15 DENIER NYLONS Suuctb sltxkinqs, filmy and sheer in the style you love (or special occasions, at a special low price! You'll love the dork fine line s;cm: ond the slender heel panels in neutral taupe and beige shades. Full fashioned. Sizes 8' to 11. Ordinarily you'd pay .75 pet pair. Special, per pair Lifetime Foot Hecith Foot ailments and injuries j caused by misfitted shoes in early childhood can seldom be corrected in later years. Insure your child's future foot -health and comfort by using our X-Ray Fitting Service. This modern fitting aid permits you to See that your child'a shoes fit correctly . . . that pliant bones and tender muscles ar not crowded and distorted . . . that your child'$ shoe ELLIS AIR LINES or from our sales agents Crawford Moore Travel Agencies Pl-ncs'478 - KM) No 1 Wallace lo k v l it e t . w . l 3 pair $3.00 $1.07 promote normal. or h'';,n is a wondfefnl eniny vntirself. That's K hccih and Gertie said on their return ; fnur-day visit . . . ex-rlnht now one can't :r "stnurants because of ' dispute and "we nearly healthy development of the delicate foot structure. Bring the whole family in for an X-Ray Foot Examine-tion . '. without cost . . without obligation to buy. wm TjTl is?r s $ If AflANSELL S LADIES' WEAR vh-n we couldn't get a coffee." The two reached aska eltv v(t F1IU Air- 525 Third Avenue W (UlllB hnnlf uhnurri t.hp TOMORROW'S STYLES TODAY WE LEAD . . . CTI ICRS TCLLOW FASHION FOOTWEAR ' where thev were royal-tn coffee. While In Kan the visitors visited sPots. . . . They're Planning another trip. "THE COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE"