Prince Rupert Daily News Tuesday, June 9, Woi I: miiiiiiiiiiiiiii Wallace's l ?pt. Store LETTERBOX (Continued from Page 2' BLACKWOOD on Optometric Association Offers $1,000 Scholarship CAM 0i' CTO 4V k al CHILDREN'S HOSPITALS TOGn LARGE MOBILE AQUARIUM The Hospitals Aquarium Trust Fund in Vancouv eoulp the Children's Hospital and the Preventotum P'a"sl(l mobile aquariums which can be moved from ward i'th h In an effort to purchase the aquariums, ' an I u1'1' miwlo tnr ) or.4 K. .-. '"I'Pl'il k raw a The British Columbia JZgL -n I Optom-r J etric Association, in co-operation J5 "S-jr .VtC i with Pat'ific University College nCtff W XCs? of Optometry at Forest Grave, ii "'Ai -?'"- n.T . i v,t LU By EASLEY BLACKWOOD U j $1,000 scholarship is available to j4 . . .,.f ( Z a B.C. student at present erollcd Defence Needs Initiative, ,.iiv- uic luiuiiiHice in charge aim that any surplus monies on hand at the close nt"! Imagination And Cards The trouble with you, Muzzy," said Mr. lloinsite, "is that you just won't use any imagination on the appeal will be established Urr!t as a maintenance fund u , ! replacements. and r"r fist, defence." 7 From 2-ycor-o!d Through Tecn- TODAY 7 - 9:00 tn ilins of the Red Ensign, etc., etc. Hid I taken it seriously, I would have been in complete r.s.rerment with Mr. Hurst, as T thoutrht it was all a joke, I only felt it was slightly in bad taste to ridicule our American cousins. Kut I knew sonic places in th" world where people have been shot for less. Fiji's of all countries have menin'. tlvy stnnd for loyalties to thines common the world over courage. P-'n. victory, defeat, loyalty (o causes Kreater than country. To know the rienning of any flp.c, of unv ro"ntrv, is to treat it pt nil times wi'h the dignity it h.s earned It can be but irnorrnre of the history of tho fhir: which accounted for the cMpt'iv Mio fleironstr.ition. or tin; intention to be insulting. I !ikt to think it wis the former. Well clone. Mr. Hurst, perhaps row we sin 1 1 hive people read-alx.ut the . weaning and place of fl'ias in the universe in Mbsnlving study for the winter months. JEAN.AIRD. in the junior matriculation year. Full details of the scholarship have been mailed to all high school pricipals in B.C. The scholarship will take the form of credits towards tuition charges for the first four years of the student's attendance at Pacific University. Candidates will be selected by means of an essay of from 1.000 to 3,000 words on the topic ' What is Optometry?" To qualify, candidates must be able to meet scholastic requirements of entrance to Pacific University, have reached the age of 16 by July, be a British subject, (or of parents who have become naturalized British subjects) be in need of this assistance and be worthy of the opportunity. Candidates must submit their essay to the office of Dr. J. R. Thomas, Optometrist. Secretary B.C.O.A., 3907 Knight Road, Vancouver 12, B.C.. not later than July 1. 'Submissions must be typewritten. ktlvr I KA South dealer North-South vulnerable North (Mr. ) S 10 8 H Q 8 4 3 D A 10 7 8 6 'i , C 4 1 Ago (Mr. Mlif) A A 4 3 jj "Who asked you?" replied Mr. Muzzy simply. Mr. Helnsite barged right Bhcad. "Bidding and dummy play are routine, but you recognize a real player by the way he defends. You've got to have imagination and Initiative." "Please tell me more," said Mr. Muzzy. "Give us just one more hour of these fascinating remarks." Mr. shrugged resignedly and picked up his hand. He glowed Inwardly when he saw it contained no less than HIM (Mr. Ilulr) H- 0 7 8 6 H 10 8 8 7 5 DOS C 7 6 ATTENTION Province-wide ELECTION RESULTS via Canadian Press direct to the SOCIAL CREDIT Committee Rooms n r c- H 4 A k y J 3 a mm l!;:t!!i"S Trunks fmit li (Mr. Ili'lilxitr) i K Q J ' H A K J r--K q j C 10 U 8 8 Tlu hlikhnir: M a m a Shorts Shirts Rlazcrs C'a ps Jeuns I Sweaters Tec Shirts I'll nls Wiridhreakers 10 honor cards. He elected to South WeHt North 1 3 U Bu:it 1 8 Push Dbl. Pa.-a Puss Fat All puH open the bidding with one club. i c Mr. New responded with one , diamond. Hliill Here Mr. Muzzy asked for a i -- - : WALLACES : DEPT. STORE 1 i review of the bidding. Reassured I Prince Edward islands in the thiit Mr. Heinsite had Indeed Gulf of St. Lawrence has an area bid clubs, he went into a hud-' of 2.181 square miles. die. Finally, determined not to be kept out of the bidding, he j mmr-m came in with one spade. Today ond Wednesday Mr. Helnsite now unloosed EVENINGS 7:00-9:00 P.M. WW omorrow "Sr!? qr r Till; MONEY SYSTEM The Kditnr. The Dailv News: M :. Ponner and other candidates say they believe in the rJr'ories of Social Credit as expounded in the many thousands ;md varieties of booklets and pamphets distributed in this election, campaign. Do the citizens realize that, taking the Socreds at their word all prices for goods and services would be fixed by a "government appointed three-man coin-mission" which would be all powerful? This would mean that everything would be fixed even clown to the last kiliwatt or shoe-shine, including all wages. Such control would not rest In our Legislatures but with "The Monetary Commission." Socreds glibly quote "give me control of the credit of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." how true 'that would eventually be. It would simply mean complete regimentation and an army of bureaucrats . What I honestly believe is that our British Parliamentary system would be gradually elimin mm MART I j- SL , THEH 7 x I GEORGE I 1 I imrrf I .A w I rtis big guns. "Two no trump, he said loudly. Mr. New tried to scurry to cover with three diamonds, but his partner persisted In no trump. Mr. Muzzy was confused by these developments, but after some thought he said, "I think I'll double." Mr. Heinsitc's tone was mocking. "And I think I'll redouble," he said. The double in this situation trongly suggests that partner open the doubler's bid suit and vii . Dale dutifully led a spade. Mr. Muzzy won with the ace and PATRI(!I1 NFAI - FRrVIIINn RWFMN f IIIIIIIUIII IIUIL kVIIIVIIU UIIL.I111 Lrf! By paying all cjnarge accounts in full by the 1 Oth of each month you'll protect your credit. it "A GOOD CREDIT RECORD IS YOUR BEST REFERENCE" Credit Bureau cf Prince Rupert carefully and slowly rattled off! J. H. Spicer Transferred To Kamloops Three new appointments in the engineering department of the Canadian National Railways involve pos'ts at Vancouver, Kam- I loops and Prince Rupert. j Moving from Prince Rupert to Kamloops is J. H. Spicer, dl- ; vision engineer here since 1951. K'e will replace J. L. Cann as divisional engineer for the Kamloops division who has been appointed assistant district engin- 1 cer for the B.C. district with headquarters in Vancouver. , j Mr. Spicer served as engineer at Vancouver and Winnipeg and , as division engineer at Port Ar- j thur and Winnipeg before moving to Prince Rupert. Replacing Mr. Spicer here Is Swedish-born Ruben Staffans-son who begain railroading with a bridge and building gang in 1929. Strucural field engineer on construction of the CNR's Lynn Lake line in Manitoba, he served In a number of posts in the en-jgineering department Including assistant engineer at Winnipeg I and B and B master at Kam-' loops. Mr. Cann, who becomes the new district engineer, was born ' in Winnipeg and started with the railway as a chairman at jAtikokan, Ontario in 1939, while i attending the University of Man-i itoba. On graduation in 1943, he jieturncd to the engineering department as an instrument man at Montreal. He returned to Winnipeg in 1946 as assistant . engineer and later as division engineer before moving to Kamloops In 1950. ( artoon - Vi "Professor FBI." A FAMOUS " PLAYERS THEATRE Shows 7 - !: r six club tricks to put the contract down 1600 points. Mr. Dale congratulated Mr. Muzzy on his spade bid which ultimately guided him into the "ight opening lead. "If I can do this well on just one lecture. Heinsite," kidded Mr. Muzzy, "what could I do If I subscribed to your whole -ourse?" "Luck," snarled Mr. Heinsite! Pure luck." "Oh. no." Mr. Muzzy replied. It was Imagination and initiative, plus one thing you forgot to mention good cards." always insist on.. Be sure to hear If"' I " , (Ha v I. SNiowcia iKtmini v . - I ? (ft. . ' y 5 El OTPS The first classes at Queen's University in Kingston, Ont. were opened in 1842. foremost Infrozen foods ated in the event of Socred federal power. Social Credit is predicated as a single dictatorial control. ' My attendance at meetings ; Questions asked, and, my letters to the papers are prompted . solely In an endeavour to get the lack: to the people. FPWK H. PARTRIDGE. Victoria, B.C. NEVER LOSE PATIENCE : The F.ditor. ;The D iilv News: '. I would like through the medium of your -paper to express ; my gratitude to the staff of the i Oencral Hospital during my ! stay there, the longest I have ! Ind yet. matron, nurses, nurses' ! p.ides and maids couldn't hae j been ' more kind and patient. ! The more one sees of them the I more they are to be admired for their work, tired often and j understaffed they never lose ' patience, not only from duty but from real kindness. GRATEFUL PATIENT. si,1-. l ' -. :: . -v ... ' . -f ... vm-i . lvW-J Speaking on the coming TOTEAA . FAMOCS PLAYERS TIIEATKfc Federal Election Issues Advertising in the Daily News Brings Results "r j CFPR TOMIGHT 8:00 P- m. France Still out "THE NATION'S BUSINESS" Government PARIS iff The National As ttJi'HH!lVt1jilJJ-f.M-UtiW-J!.r.HJlIIJHJ4lflU'rt ' r f PHIlilPIillll! m ilill Hi III Ill' j 1 1 1 p2 1 lip 1 1 Celebration Planner KKUINA -fP'-Mrs. Florence James, known for outstanding (immunity theatre work in Seattle and at the Banff School o! fine Arts, has been retained by the Saskatchewan arts board 1s help communities organize f lays and pageants for Saskatchewan's gulden jubilee in 1954. sembly has refused to invest Pierre Mendes France as Premier, leaving the country still without a government as the imoorlant Bir Three Bermuda talks draw near. Mendes-France almost made it. The official count Thursday night showed he received 307 votes just seven short of the renuired 314 iTraiority. Mendes-France was the fourth man to try to end the latest cabinet crisis, which has left the country 12 days without a r i t4 Olfical laguage of the Channel Iil-iftris is French, but English is commonly u.:ed. EvtM nif itiwmjn ho toppled armor-plated kmghtsal Agincourt would have been impres-.ed by the range of a modern aluminum bow used at a recent British archery championship. It shot the winning arrow a distance of 353 yards. Made of a special alloy, the bow had a tensile strength of thirty-two tons! While sturdy aluminum is playing an esential pan in Canadian defence production for the free world, we're afraid the new aluminum bow is t little late for defence use in our atomic age. Aluminum Company of Canada, Lid. (Alcan). i ill JliSi iii ii 1 ,, 1 I tjvrx Id 1901, the Htm Westmlmtef locrdM. tcom lortr ll tamws "Solmoiibcllws" kocoim th Hnt tco fo i tin Com"" Lacrottt Ctiampionship. lu liriil m hin mm r mWM2's Mot vm On June 9 VOTE As You Like In 1001, William liraid founded B.CVs first distillery, and established the standard of quality that distinguishes B.C. Double DistillcJ Rye - Discover for yourself why B.C. Double Distilled is preferred by British Columbians for its superb flavour ... its light body and mellow smoothness. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA DISTILLERY CO. LTD. w 7 CM. i I SHAKE PAIHT the liiitmn nay Stiiing is lltv mirrst path to pvrnuiiul opportunity Modern titnd demands new colari and a completely new type of piinl especially for extsiior shakes, shales, rough sawn lumber and fences. Good coverage and hiding quality with ont coat over previously painted surfaces. Nine wondeiful, new, non-gltrc shades, for brush or spisy. $ B-H Shalt Paint at your B-H Dealt UKAIIIMI WHISS1T NEW WESTMINSTER, . C. S 1 1 1 I f I I JUfc,t OPEN A J SAVINGS T ACCOUNT AT VOTE Available at: !'!.J'" !";"... 11111 "" I The Distingimhed Products of British Columbia's First Distill B-C DOUBLC DISTILLED . I C. EXPORT . a C SERVE . R C. SPECIAL i C. STERLING LONDON iwr:iiniimiiiB:ii.'ra' i SUPERIOR AUTO SERVICE LTD. TjpEaaEESSSSrr MiBride St. Phone 311 KLX This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board s or by the Government of British LolumPia. v